160 research outputs found

    Should a fistula first policy be revisited in elderly haemodialysis patients?

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    Life-sustaining haemodialysis requires a durable vascular access (VA) to the circulatory system. The ideal permanent VA must provide longevity for use with minimal complication rate and supply sufficient blood flow to deliver the prescribed dialysis dosage. Arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) have been endorsed by many professional societies as the VA of choice. However, the high prevalence of comorbidities, particularly diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease and arterial hypertension in elderly people, usually make VA creation more difficult in the elderly. Many of these patients may have an insufficient vasculature for AVF maturation. Furthermore, many AVFs created prior to the initiation of haemodialysis may never be used due to the competing risk of death before dialysis is required. As such, an arteriovenous graft and, in some cases, a central venous catheter, become a valid alternative form of VA. Consequently, there are multiple decision points that require careful reflection before an AVF is placed in the elderly. The traditional metrics of access patency, failure and infection are now being seen in a broader context that includes procedure burden, quality of life, patient preferences, morbidity, mortality and cost. This article of the European Dialysis (EUDIAL) Working Group of ERA-EDTA critically reviews the current evidence on VA in elderly haemodialysis patients and concludes that a pragmatic patient-centred approach is mandatory, thus considering the possibility that the AVF first approach should not be an absolute

    Genetic heterogeneity in Italian families with IgA nephropathy: suggestive linkage for two novel IgA nephropathy loci.

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    IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common glomerulonephritis worldwide, but its etiologic mechanisms are still poorly understood. Different prevalences among ethnic groups and familial aggregation, together with an increased familial risk, suggest important genetic influences on its pathogenesis. A locus for familial IgAN, called "IGAN1," on chromosome 6q22-23 has been described, without the identification of any responsible gene. The partners of the European IgAN Consortium organized a second genomewide scan in 22 new informative Italian multiplex families. A total of 186 subjects (59 affected and 127 unaffected) were genotyped and were included in a two-stage genomewide linkage analysis. The regions 4q26-31 and 17q12-22 exhibited the strongest evidence of linkage by nonparametric analysis (best P=.0025 and .0045, respectively). These localizations were also supported by multipoint parametric analysis, in which peak LOD scores of 1.83 ( alpha =0.50) and 2.56 ( alpha =0.65) were obtained using the affected-only dominant model, and by allowance for the presence of genetic heterogeneity. Our results provide further evidence for genetic heterogeneity among families with IgAN. Evidence of linkage to multiple chromosomal regions is consistent with both an oligo/polygenic and a multiple-susceptibility-gene model for familial IgAN, with small or moderate effects in determining the pathological phenotype. Although we identified new candidate regions, replication studies are required to confirm the genetic contribution to familial IgA

    Site-specific chromatin immunoprecipitation: a selective method to individually analyze neighboring transcription factor binding sites in vivo

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Transcription factors (TFs) and their binding sites (TFBSs) play a central role in the regulation of gene expression. It is therefore vital to know how the allocation pattern of TFBSs affects the functioning of any particular gene in vivo. A widely used method to analyze TFBSs in vivo is the chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP). However, this method in its present state does not enable the individual investigation of densely arranged TFBSs due to the underlying unspecific DNA fragmentation technique. This study describes a site-specific ChIP which aggregates the benefits of both EMSA and in vivo footprinting in only one assay, thereby allowing the individual detection and analysis of single binding motifs.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>The standard ChIP protocol was modified by replacing the conventional DNA fragmentation, i. e. via sonication or undirected enzymatic digestion (by MNase), through a sequence specific enzymatic digestion step. This alteration enables the specific immunoprecipitation and individual examination of occupied sites, even in a complex system of adjacent binding motifs in vivo. Immunoprecipitated chromatin was analyzed by PCR using two primer sets - one for the specific detection of precipitated TFBSs and one for the validation of completeness of the enzyme digestion step. The method was established exemplary for Sp1 TFBSs within the <it>egfr </it>promoter region. Using this site-specific ChIP, we were able to confirm four previously described Sp1 binding sites within <it>egfr </it>promoter region to be occupied by Sp1 in vivo. Despite the dense arrangement of the Sp1 TFBSs the improved ChIP method was able to individually examine the allocation of all adjacent Sp1 TFBS at once. The broad applicability of this site-specific ChIP could be demonstrated by analyzing these SP1 motifs in both osteosarcoma cells and kidney carcinoma tissue.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The ChIP technology is a powerful tool for investigating transcription factors in vivo, especially in cancer biology. The established site-specific enzyme digestion enables a reliable and individual detection option for densely arranged binding motifs in vivo not provided by e.g. EMSA or in vivo footprinting. Given the important function of transcription factors in neoplastic mechanism, our method enables a broad diversity of application options for clinical studies.</p

    Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) Restricts Hematopoietic Stem Cell Activity

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    Polycomb group proteins are transcriptional repressors that play a central role in the establishment and maintenance of gene expression patterns during development. Using mice with an N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-induced mutation in Suppressor of Zeste 12 (Suz12), a core component of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2), we show here that loss of Suz12 function enhances hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) activity. In addition to these effects on a wild-type genetic background, mutations in Suz12 are sufficient to ameliorate the stem cell defect and thrombocytopenia present in mice that lack the thrombopoietin receptor (c-Mpl). To investigate the molecular targets of the PRC2 complex in the HSC compartment, we examined changes in global patterns of gene expression in cells deficient in Suz12. We identified a distinct set of genes that are regulated by Suz12 in hematopoietic cells, including eight genes that appear to be highly responsive to PRC2 function within this compartment. These data suggest that PRC2 is required to maintain a specific gene expression pattern in hematopoiesis that is indispensable to normal stem cell function

    Polycomb-Like 3 Promotes Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 Binding to CpG Islands and Embryonic Stem Cell Self-Renewal

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    Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) trimethylates lysine 27 of histone H3 (H3K27me3) to regulate gene expression during diverse biological transitions in development, embryonic stem cell (ESC) differentiation, and cancer. Here, we show that Polycomb-like 3 (Pcl3) is a component of PRC2 that promotes ESC self-renewal. Using mass spectrometry, we identified Pcl3 as a Suz12 binding partner and confirmed Pcl3 interactions with core PRC2 components by co-immunoprecipitation. Knockdown of Pcl3 in ESCs increases spontaneous differentiation, yet does not affect early differentiation decisions as assessed in teratomas and embryoid bodies, indicating that Pcl3 has a specific role in regulating ESC self-renewal. Consistent with Pcl3 promoting PRC2 function, decreasing Pcl3 levels reduces H3K27me3 levels while overexpressing Pcl3 increases H3K27me3 levels. Furthermore, chromatin immunoprecipitation and sequencing (ChIP-seq) reveal that Pcl3 co-localizes with PRC2 core component, Suz12, and depletion of Pcl3 decreases Suz12 binding at over 60% of PRC2 targets. Mutation of conserved residues within the Pcl3 Tudor domain, a domain implicated in recognizing methylated histones, compromises H3K27me3 formation, suggesting that the Tudor domain of Pcl3 is essential for function. We also show that Pcl3 and its paralog, Pcl2, exist in different PRC2 complexes but bind many of the same PRC2 targets, particularly CpG islands regulated by Pcl3. Thus, Pcl3 is a component of PRC2 critical for ESC self-renewal, histone methylation, and recruitment of PRC2 to a subset of its genomic sites

    A Primer on Regression Methods for Decoding cis-Regulatory Logic

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    The rapidly emerging field of systems biology is helping us to understand the molecular determinants of phenotype on a genomic scale [1]. Cis-regulatory elements are major sequence-based determinants of biological processes in cells and tissues [2]. For instance, during transcriptional regulation, transcription factors (TFs) bind to very specific regions on the promoter DNA [2,3] and recruit the basal transcriptional machinery, which ultimately initiates mRNA transcription (Figure 1A). Learning cis-Regulatory Elements from Omics Data A vast amount of work over the past decade has shown that omics data can be used to learn cis-regulatory logic on a genome-wide scale [4-6]--in particular, by integrating sequence data with mRNA expression profiles. The most popular approach has been to identify over-represented motifs in promoters of genes that are coexpressed [4,7,8]. Though widely used, such an approach can be limiting for a variety of reasons. First, the combinatorial nature of gene regulation is difficult to explicitly model in this framework. Moreover, in many applications of this approach, expression data from multiple conditions are necessary to obtain reliable predictions. This can potentially limit the use of this method to only large data sets [9]. Although these methods can be adapted to analyze mRNA expression data from a pair of biological conditions, such comparisons are often confounded by the fact that primary and secondary response genes are clustered together--whereas only the primary response genes are expected to contain the functional motifs [10]. A set of approaches based on regression has been developed to overcome the above limitations [11-32]. These approaches have their foundations in certain biophysical aspects of gene regulation [26,33-35]. That is, the models are motivated by the expected transcriptional response of genes due to the binding of TFs to their promoters. While such methods have gathered popularity in the computational domain, they remain largely obscure to the broader biology community. The purpose of this tutorial is to bridge this gap. We will focus on transcriptional regulation to introduce the concepts. However, these techniques may be applied to other regulatory processes. We will consider only eukaryotes in this tutorial

    The IgA nephropathy Biobank. An important starting point for the genetic dissection of a complex trait

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    BACKGROUND: IgA nephropathy (IgAN) or Berger's disease, is the most common glomerulonephritis in the world diagnosed in renal biopsied patients. The involvement of genetic factors in the pathogenesis of the IgAN is evidenced by ethnic and geographic variations in prevalence, familial clustering in isolated populations, familial aggregation and by the identification of a genetic linkage to locus IGAN1 mapped on 6q22–23. This study seems to imply a single major locus, but the hypothesis of multiple interacting loci or genetic heterogeneity cannot be ruled out. The organization of a multi-centre Biobank for the collection of biological samples and clinical data from IgAN patients and relatives is an important starting point for the identification of the disease susceptibility genes. DESCRIPTION: The IgAN Consortium organized a Biobank, recruiting IgAN patients and relatives following a common protocol. A website was constructed to allow scientific information to be shared between partners and to divulge obtained data (URL: ). The electronic database, the core of the website includes data concerning the subjects enrolled. A search page gives open access to the database and allows groups of patients to be selected according to their clinical characteristics. DNA samples of IgAN patients and relatives belonging to 72 multiplex extended pedigrees were collected. Moreover, 159 trios (sons/daughters affected and healthy parents), 1068 patients with biopsy-proven IgAN and 1040 healthy subjects were included in the IgAN Consortium Biobank. Some valuable and statistically productive genetic studies have been launched within the 5(th )Framework Programme 1998–2002 of the European project No. QLG1-2000-00464 and preliminary data have been published in "Technology Marketplace" website: . CONCLUSION: The first world IgAN Biobank with a readily accessible database has been constituted. The knowledge gained from the study of Mendelian diseases has shown that the genetic dissection of a complex trait is more powerful when combined linkage-based, association-based, and sequence-based approaches are performed. This Biobank continuously expanded contains a sample size of adequately matched IgAN patients and healthy subjects, extended multiplex pedigrees, parent-child trios, thus permitting the combined genetic approaches with collaborative studies

    The Synovial Sarcoma-Associated SYT-SSX2 Oncogene Antagonizes the Polycomb Complex Protein Bmi1

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    This study demonstrates deregulation of polycomb activity by the synovial sarcoma-associated SYT-SSX2 oncogene, also known as SS18-SSX2. Synovial sarcoma is a soft tissue cancer associated with a recurrent t(X:18) translocation event that generates one of two fusion proteins, SYT-SSX1 or SYT-SSX2. The role of the translocation products in this disease is poorly understood. We present evidence that the SYT-SSX2 fusion protein interacts with the polycomb repressive complex and modulates its gene silencing activity. SYT-SSX2 causes destabilization of the polycomb subunit Bmi1, resulting in impairment of polycomb-associated histone H2A ubiquitination and reactivation of polycomb target genes. Silencing by polycomb complexes plays a vital role in numerous physiological processes. In recent years, numerous reports have implicated gain of polycomb silencing function in several cancers. This study provides evidence that, in the appropriate context, expression of the SYT-SSX2 oncogene leads to loss of polycomb function. It challenges the notion that cancer is solely associated with an increase in polycomb function and suggests that any imbalance in polycomb activity could drive the cell toward oncogenesis. These findings provide a mechanism by which the SYT-SSX2 chimera may contribute to synovial sarcoma pathogenesis

    Substitutions in the Amino-Terminal Tail of Neurospora Histone H3 Have Varied Effects on DNA Methylation

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    Eukaryotic genomes are partitioned into active and inactive domains called euchromatin and heterochromatin, respectively. In Neurospora crassa, heterochromatin formation requires methylation of histone H3 at lysine 9 (H3K9) by the SET domain protein DIM-5. Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) reads this mark and directly recruits the DNA methyltransferase, DIM-2. An ectopic H3 gene carrying a substitution at K9 (hH3K9L or hH3K9R) causes global loss of DNA methylation in the presence of wild-type hH3 (hH3WT). We investigated whether other residues in the N-terminal tail of H3 are important for methylation of DNA and of H3K9. Mutations in the N-terminal tail of H3 were generated and tested for effects in vitro and in vivo, in the presence or absence of the wild-type allele. Substitutions at K4, K9, T11, G12, G13, K14, K27, S28, and K36 were lethal in the absence of a wild-type allele. In contrast, mutants bearing substitutions of R2, A7, R8, S10, A15, P16, R17, K18, and K23 were viable. The effect of substitutions on DNA methylation were variable; some were recessive and others caused a semi-dominant loss of DNA methylation. Substitutions of R2, A7, R8, S10, T11, G12, G13, K14, and P16 caused partial or complete loss of DNA methylation in vivo. Only residues R8-G12 were required for DIM-5 activity in vitro. DIM-5 activity was inhibited by dimethylation of H3K4 and by phosphorylation of H3S10, but not by acetylation of H3K14. We conclude that the H3 tail acts as an integrating platform for signals that influence DNA methylation, in part through methylation of H3K9

    H3K27me3 Profiling of the Endosperm Implies Exclusion of Polycomb Group Protein Targeting by DNA Methylation

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    Polycomb group (PcG) proteins act as evolutionary conserved epigenetic mediators of cell identity because they repress transcriptional programs that are not required at particular developmental stages. Each tissue is likely to have a specific epigenetic profile, which acts as a blueprint for its developmental fate. A hallmark for Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) activity is trimethylated lysine 27 on histone H3 (H3K27me3). In plants, there are distinct PRC2 complexes for vegetative and reproductive development, and it was unknown so far whether these complexes have target gene specificity. The FERTILIZATION INDEPENDENT SEED (FIS) PRC2 complex is specifically expressed in the endosperm and is required for its development; loss of FIS function causes endosperm hyperproliferation and seed abortion. The endosperm nourishes the embryo, similar to the physiological function of the placenta in mammals. We established the endosperm H3K27me3 profile and identified specific target genes of the FIS complex with functional roles in endosperm cellularization and chromatin architecture, implicating that distinct PRC2 complexes have a subset of specific target genes. Importantly, our study revealed that selected transposable elements and protein coding genes are specifically targeted by the FIS PcG complex in the endosperm, whereas these elements and genes are densely marked by DNA methylation in vegetative tissues, suggesting that DNA methylation prevents targeting by PcG proteins in vegetative tissues
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