1,152 research outputs found

    N=2 Superstrings with (1,2m) Spacetime Signature

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    We show that the N=2N=2 superstring in d=2D≄6d=2D\ge6 real dimensions, with criticality achieved by including background charges in the two real time directions, exhibits a ``coordinate-freezing'' phenomenon, whereby the momentum in one of the two time directions is constrained to take a specific value for each physical state. This effectively removes this time direction as a physical coordinate, leaving the theory with (1,d−2)(1,d-2) real spacetime signature. Norm calculations for low-lying physical states suggest that the theory is ghost free.Comment: 8 page

    The Impacts of Information Privacy, Monetary Reward, and Buyers’ Protection Excess on Consumers’ Utility Using E-payment Gateways: A Conjoint Analysis

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    This paper reports our findings on the impacts of information privacy, financial reward, and buyers’ protection excess on consumers’ utility using E-payment Gateways. We invited users of the G2C E-government Portal of Hong Kong to participate in an online experiment and collected data from 1,795 subjects. From our conjoint analysis, we find that monetary reward has the most significant impact on consumers’ utility among the six design attributes of E-payment Gateways investigated in this study, i.e. monetary reward, online transfer of information, acceptability, buyers’ protection excess, anonymity, and physical control. We also observe that there is a gender impact on the relative importance of these attributes

    Anomaly Freedom and Realisations for Super-W3W_3 Strings

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    We construct new multi-field realisations of the N=2N=2 super-W3W_3 algebra, which are important for building super-W3W_3 string theories. We derive the structure of the ghost vacuum for such theories, and use the result to calculate the intercepts. These results determine the conditions for physical states in the super-W3W_3 string theory.Comment: 22 page

    The Complete Spectrum of the WNW_N String

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    We obtain the complete physical spectrum of the WNW_N string, for arbitrary NN. The WNW_N constraints freeze N−2N-2 coordinates, while the remaining coordinates appear in the currents only {\it via} their energy-momentum tensor. The spectrum is then effectively described by a set of ordinary Virasoro-like string theories, but with a non-critical value for the central charge and a discrete set of non-standard values for the spin-2 intercepts. In particular, the physical spectrum of the WNW_N string includes the usual massless states of the Virasoro string. By looking at the norms of low-lying states, we find strong indications that all the WNW_N strings are unitary.Comment: 28 page

    Embedding of the Bosonic String into the W3W_3 String

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    We investigate new realisations of the W3W_3 algebra with arbitrary central charge, making use of the fact that this algebra can be linearised by the inclusion of a spin-1 current. We use the new realisations with c=102c=102 and c=100c=100 to build non-critical and critical W3W_3 BRST operators. Both of these can be converted by local canonical transformations into a BRST operator for the Virasoro string with c=28−2c=28-2, together with a Kugo-Ojima topological term. Consequently, these new realisations provide embeddings of the Virasoro string into non-critical and critical W3W_3 strings.Comment: 11 pages. (Some referencing changes

    Analytic doubly periodic wave patterns for the integrable discrete nonlinear Schroedinger (Ablowitz-Ladik) model

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    We derive two new solutions in terms of elliptic functions, one for the dark and one for the bright soliton regime, for the semi-discrete cubic nonlinear Schroedinger equation of Ablowitz and Ladik. When considered in the complex plane, these two solutions are identical. In the continuum limit, they reduce to known elliptic function solutions. In the long wave limit, the dark one reduces to the collision of two discrete dark solitons, and the bright one to a discrete breather.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. To appear, Physics Letters

    Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of steam exploded duckweed: Improvement of the ethanol yield by increasing yeast titre

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    This study investigated the conversion of Lemna minor biomass to bioethanol. The biomass was pre-treated by steam explosion (SE, 210 °C, 10 min) and then subjected to simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) using CellicÒ CTec 2 (20 U or 0.87 FPU gﰂ1 substrate) cellulase plus b-glucosidase (2 U gﰂ1 substrate) and a yeast inoculum of 10% (v/v or 8.0 ﰀ 107 cells mLﰂ1). At a substrate concentration of 1% (w/v) an ethanol yield of 80% (w/w, theoretical) was achieved. However at a substrate concentration of 20% (w/v), the ethanol yield was lowered to 18.8% (w/w, theoretical). Yields were considerably improved by increasing the yeast titre in the inoculum or preconditioning the yeast on steam exploded liquor. These approaches enhanced the ethanol yield up to 70% (w/w, theoretical) at a substrate concen- tration of 20% (w/v) by metabolising fermentation inhibitors

    Non-Markovian dynamics for an open two-level system without rotating wave approximation: Indivisibility versus backflow of information

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    By use of the two measures presented recently, the indivisibility and the backflow of information, we study the non-Markovianity of the dynamics for a two-level system interacting with a zero-temperature structured environment without using rotating wave approximation (RWA). In the limit of weak coupling between the system and the reservoir, and by expanding the time-convolutionless (TCL) generator to the forth order with respect to the coupling strength, the time-local non-Markovian master equation for the reduced state of the system is derived. Under the secular approximation, the exact analytic solution is obtained and the sufficient and necessary conditions for the indivisibility and the backflow of information for the system dynamics are presented. In the more general case, we investigate numerically the properties of the two measures for the case of Lorentzian reservoir. Our results show the importance of the counter-rotating terms to the short-time-scale non-Markovian behavior of the system dynamics, further expose the relations between the two measures and their rationality as non-Markovian measures. Finally, the complete positivity of the dynamics of the considered system is discussed

    Stabilization and pumping of giant vortices in dilute Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Recently, it was shown that giant vortices with arbitrarily large quantum numbers can possibly be created in dilute Bose-Einstein condensates by cyclically pumping vorticity into the condensate. However, multiply quantized vortices are typically dynamically unstable in harmonically trapped nonrotated condensates, which poses a serious challenge to the vortex pump procedure. In this theoretical study, we investigate how the giant vortices can be stabilized by the application of a Gaussian potential peak along the vortex core. We find that achieving dynamical stability is feasible up to high quantum numbers. To demonstrate the efficiency of the stabilization method, we simulate the adiabatic creation of an unsplit 20-quantum vortex with the vortex pump.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures; to be published in J. Low Temp. Phys., online publication available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10909-010-0216-
