1,823 research outputs found

    Boundary One-Point Functions, Scattering Theory and Vacuum Solutions in Integrable Systems

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    Integrable boundary Toda theories are considered. We use boundary one-point functions and boundary scattering theory to construct the explicit solutions corresponding to classical vacuum configurations. The boundary ground state energies are conjectured.Comment: 25 pages, Latex (axodraw,epsfig), Report-no: LPM/02-07, UPRF-2002-0

    Thermodynamics of Fateev's models in the Presence of External Fields

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    We study the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz equations for a one-parameter quantum field theory recently introduced by V.A.Fateev. The presence of chemical potentials produces a kink condensate that modifies the excitation spectrum. For some combinations of the chemical potentials an additional gapless mode appears. Various energy scales emerge in the problem. An effective field theory, describing the low energy excitations, is also introduced.Comment: To appear in Nucl.Phys.

    Parafermionic polynomials, Selberg integrals and three-point correlation function in parafermionic Liouville field theory

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    In this paper we consider parafermionic Liouville field theory. We study integral representations of three-point correlation functions and develop a method allowing us to compute them exactly. In particular, we evaluate the generalization of Selberg integral obtained by insertion of parafermionic polynomial. Our result is justified by different approach based on dual representation of parafermionic Liouville field theory described by three-exponential model

    Parafermionic theory with the symmetry Z_5

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    A parafermionic conformal theory with the symmetry Z_5 is constructed, based on the second solution of Fateev-Zamolodchikov for the corresponding parafermionic chiral algebra. The primary operators of the theory, which are the singlet, doublet 1, doublet 2, and disorder operators, are found to be accommodated by the weight lattice of the classical Lie algebra B_2. The finite Kac tables for unitary theories are defined and the formula for the conformal dimensions of primary operators is given.Comment: 98 pages, 21 eps figure

    The third parafermionic chiral algebra with the symmetry Z_{3}

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    We have constructed the parafermionic chiral algebra with the principal parafermionic fields \Psi,\Psi^{+} having the conformal dimension \Delta_{\Psi}=8/3 and realizing the symmetry Z_{3}.Comment: 6 pages, no figur

    Conformal field theories with Z_N and Lie algebra symmetries

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    We construct two-dimensional conformal field theories with a Z_N symmetry, based on the second solution of Fateev-Zamolodchikov for the parafermionic chiral algebra. Primary operators are classified according to their transformation properties under the dihedral group (Z_N x Z_2, where Z_2 stands for the Z_N charge conjugation), as singlets, [(N-1)/2] different doublets, and a disorder operator. In an assumed Coulomb gas scenario, the corresponding vertex operators are accommodated by the Kac table based on the weight lattice of the Lie algebra B_{(N-1)/2} when N is odd, and D_{N/2} when N is even. The unitary theories are representations of the coset SO_n(N) x SO_2(N) / SO_{n+2}(N), with n=1,2,.... We suggest that physically they realize the series of multicritical points in statistical systems having a Z_N symmetry.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Parafermionic theory with the symmetry Z_N, for N odd

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    We construct a parafermionic conformal theory with the symmetry Z_N, for N odd, based on the second solution of Fateev-Zamolodchikov for the corresponding parafermionic chiral algebra. Primary operators are classified according to their transformation properties under the dihedral group D_N, as singlet, doublet 1,2,...,(N-1)/2, and disorder operators. In an assumed Coulomb gas scenario, the corresponding vertex operators are accommodated by the weight lattice of the Lie algebra B_(N-1)/2. The unitary theories are representations of the coset SO_n(N) x SO_2(N) / SO_{n+2}(N), with n=1,2,... . Physically, they realise the series of multicritical points in statistical theories having a D_N symmetry.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figure. v2: note added in proo

    Classical and quantum integrable sigma models. Ricci flow, "nice duality" and perturbed rational conformal field theories

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    We consider classical and quantum integrable sigma models and their relations with the solutions of renormalization group equations. We say that an integrable sigma model possesses the "nice" duality property if the dual quantum field theory has the weak coupling region. As an example, we consider the deformed CP(n1)CP(n-1) sigma model with additional quantum degrees of freedom. We formulate the dual integrable field theory and use perturbed conformal field theory, perturbation theory, SS-matrix, Bethe Ansatz and renormalization group methods to show that this field theory has the "nice" duality property. We consider also an alternative approach to the analysis of sigma models on the deformed symmetric spaces, based on the perturbed rational conformal field theories.Comment: 37 page

    Correlation functions in conformal Toda field theory I

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    Two-dimensional sl(n) quantum Toda field theory on a sphere is considered. This theory provides an important example of conformal field theory with higher spin symmetry. We derive the three-point correlation functions of the exponential fields if one of the three fields has a special form. In this case it is possible to write down and solve explicitly the differential equation for the four-point correlation function if the fourth field is completely degenerate. We give also expressions for the three-point correlation functions in the cases, when they can be expressed in terms of known functions. The semiclassical and minisuperspace approaches in the conformal Toda field theory are studied and the results coming from these approaches are compared with the proposed analytical expression for the three-point correlation function. We show, that in the framework of semiclassical and minisuperspace approaches general three-point correlation function can be reduced to the finite-dimensional integral.Comment: 54 pages, JHEP styl

    Reflection Amplitudes of ADE Toda Theories and Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz

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    We study the ultraviolet asymptotics in affine Toda theories. These models are considered as perturbed non-affine Toda theories. We calculate the reflection amplitudes, which relate different exponential fields with the same quantum numbers. Using these amplitudes we derive the quantization condition for the vacuum wave function, describing zero-mode dynamics, and calculate the UV asymptotics of the effective central charge. These asymptotics are in a good agreement with thermodynamic Bethe ansatz results.Comment: 20 pages, 2 ps figures, LaTeX 2e. We added the last section, "Concluding Remarks", in which the new result for the one point function < \exp a\cdot\phi > in ADE affine Toda theories is given explicitly. Version to appear in Nucl. Phys.