32 research outputs found

    Predictors of treatment dropout in self-guided web-based interventions for depression: an ‘individual patient data’ meta-analysis

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    Background. It is well known that web-based interventions can be effective treatments for depression. However, dropout rates in web-based interventions are typically high, especially in self-guided web-based interventions. Rigorous empirical evidence regarding factors influencing dropout in self-guided web-based interventions is lacking due to small study sample sizes. In this paper we examined predictors of dropout in an individual patient data meta-analysis to gain a better understanding of who may benefit from these interventions. Method. A comprehensive literature search for all randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of psychotherapy for adults with depression from 2006 to January 2013 was conducted. Next, we approached authors to collect the primary data of the selected studies. Predictors of dropout, such as socio-demographic, clinical, and intervention characteristics were examined. Results. Data from 2705 participants across ten RCTs of self-guided web-based interventions for depression were analysed. The multivariate analysis indicated that male gender [relative risk (RR) 1.08], lower educational level (primary education, RR 1.26) and co-morbid anxiety symptoms (RR 1.18) significantly increased the risk of dropping out, while for every additional 4 years of age, the risk of dropping out significantly decreased (RR 0.94). Conclusions. Dropout can be predicted by several variables and is not randomly distributed. This knowledge may inform tailoring of online self-help interventions to prevent dropout in identified groups at ris

    The working alliance in a randomized controlled trial comparing online with face-to-face cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression

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    Background: Although numerous efficacy studies in recent years have found internet-based interventions for depression to be effective, there has been scant consideration of therapeutic process factors in the online setting. In face-to face therapy, the quality of the working alliance explains variance in treatment outcome. However, little is yet known about the impact of the working alliance in internet-based interventions, particularly as compared with face-to-face therapy. Methods: This study explored the working alliance between client and therapist in the middle and at the end of a cognitive-behavioral intervention for depression. The participants were randomized to an internet-based treatment group (n = 25) or face-to-face group (n = 28). Both groups received the same cognitive behavioral therapy over an 8-week timeframe. Participants completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) post-treatment and the Working Alliance Inventory at mid- and post- treatment. Therapists completed the therapist version of the Working Alliance Inventory at post-treatment. Results: With the exception of therapists' ratings of the tasks subscale, which were significantly higher in the online group, the two groups' ratings of the working alliance did not differ significantly. Further, significant correlations were found between clients' ratings of the working alliance and therapy outcome at post-treatment in the online group and at both mid- and post-treatment in the face-to-face group. Correlation analysis revealed that the working alliance ratings did not significantly predict the BDI residual gain score in either group. Conclusions: Contrary to what might have been expected, the working alliance in the online group was comparable to that in the face-to-face group. However, the results showed no significant relations between the BDI residual gain score and the working alliance ratings in either group

    Tailored vs. Standardized Internet-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression and Comorbid Symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background and Aims:Major depression can be treated by means of cognitive behavior therapy, delivered via the Internet as guided self-help. Individually tailored guided self-help treatments have shown promising results in the treatment of anxiety disorders. This randomized controlled trial tested the efficacy of an Internet-based individually tailored guided selfhelp treatment which specifically targeted depression with comorbid symptoms. The treatment was compared both to standardized (non-tailored) Internet-based treatment and to an active control group in the form of a monitored online discussion group. Both guided self-help treatments were based on cognitive behavior therapy and lasted for 10 weeks. The discussion group consisted of weekly discussion themes related to depression and the treatment of depression. Methods:A total of 121 participants with diagnosed major depressive disorder and with a range of comorbid symptoms were randomized to three groups. The tailored treatment consisted of a prescribed set of modules targeting depression as well as comorbid problems. The standardized treatment was a previously tested guided self-help program for depression. Results:From pre-treatment to post-treatment, both treatment groups improved on measures of depression, anxiety and quality of life. The results were maintained at a 6-month follow-up. Subgroup analyses showed that the tailored treatment was more effective than the standardized treatment among participants with higher levels of depression at baseline and more comorbidity, both in terms of reduction of depressive symptoms and on recovery rates. In the subgroup with lower baseline scores of depression, few differences were seen between treatments and the discussion group. Conclusions:This study shows that tailored Internet-based treatment for depression is effective and that addressing comorbidity by tailoring may be one way of making guided self-help treatments more effective than standardized approaches in the treatment of more severe depression

    Guided and unguided CBT for social anxiety disorder and/or panic disorder via the Internet and a smartphone application

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    Background: As Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) becomes a part of the clinical practice, the interest for alternative ways of providing it continue to grow. Internet-based CBT, both guided and unguided, has proved to be effective for the treatment of a wide range of psychiatric disorders, including anxiety disorders. Moreover, the tremendous accessibility of smartphones makes them a potentially powerful instrument for providing psychological treatment. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of an Internet-based ACT-program for social anxiety disorder and panic disorder using both computers and smartphones, and with and without therapist support. Method: The participants were recruited from the general public by filling out an online screening form, which consisted of LSAS, PDSS-SR, GAD-7, PHQ-9, QOLI (the scales later served as outcome measures) and demographic questions. The individuals who met the inclusion criteria were contacted for a diagnostic telephone interview. The 152 people chosen for participation were then randomized into two treatment groups (guided and unguided) and a waiting list control group. The participants in the treatment groups were given access to an Internet-provided ACT-based treatment program consisting of 8 modules, as well as a smartphone application with content that corresponded to the Internet treatment program. Additionally, the participants in the guided group received minimum therapist support (15 min/week) through the smartphone application from psychology students undergoing their clinical training. The participants worked with the program for 10 weeks. They were evaluated twice during treatment, once after completing treatment, and once again 12-months later as a follow-up measure. A mixed effect model was used to analyze the data. Results: Regardless of diagnosis, as a whole the treated groups showed significant decreases in anxiety, with a moderate within-group effect size. This improvement appeared to be maintained when the groups were evaluated again during the follow-up. The participants suffering primarily from social anxiety disorder showed significant improvements, with moderate within-group effect sizes in both the guided (Cohen's d = 0.79) and unguided group (Cohen's d = 0.71). This improvement also appeared to be maintained when these participants were evaluated during the follow-up. No significant changes were observed in the symptoms of the participants suffering primarily from panic disorder. Discussion: Internet-delivered ACT-based treatment provided via both computer and smartphone can be effective for reducing general anxiety symptoms, as well as social anxiety symptoms. The guided treatment was not clearly superior to the unguided treatment. Some of the study’s uncertainties are likely due to the presence of a large number of different components, which made it difficult to isolate the effects of each individual component

    Therapeutic alliance in guided internet-delivered cognitive behavioural treatment of depression, generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder

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    Guided internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy (ICBT) has been found to be effective in several controlled trials, but the mechanisms of change are largely unknown. Therapeutic alliance is a factor that has been studied in many psychotherapy trials, but the role of therapeutic alliance in ICBT is less well known. The present study investigated early alliance ratings in three separate samples. Participants from one sample of depressed individuals (N = 49), one sample of individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (N = 35), and one sample with social anxiety disorder (N = 90) completed the Working Alliance Inventory (WAI) modified for ICBT early in the treatment (weeks 3-4) when they took part in guided ICBT for their conditions. Results showed that alliance ratings were high in all three samples and that the WAI including the subscales of Task, Goal and Bond had high internal consistencies. Overall, correlations between the WAI and residualized change scores on the primary outcome measures were small and not statistically significant. We conclude that even if alliance ratings are in line with face-to-face studies, therapeutic alliance as measured by the WAI is probably less important in ICBT than in regular face-to-face psychotherapy. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd

    Predictors of treatment dropout in self-guided web-based interventions for depression: an ‘individual patient data' meta-analysis

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    Background It is well known that web-based interventions can be effective treatments for depression. However, dropout rates in web-based interventions are typically high, especially in self-guided web-based interventions. Rigorous empirical evidence regarding factors influencing dropout in self-guided web-based interventions is lacking due to small study sample sizes. In this paper we examined predictors of dropout in an individual patient data meta-analysis to gain a better understanding of who may benefit from these interventions. Method A comprehensive literature search for all randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of psychotherapy for adults with depression from 2006 to January 2013 was conducted. Next, we approached authors to collect the primary data of the selected studies. Predictors of dropout, such as socio-demographic, clinical, and intervention characteristics were examined. Results Data from 2705 participants across ten RCTs of self-guided web-based interventions for depression were analysed. The multivariate analysis indicated that male gender [relative risk (RR) 1.08], lower educational level (primary education, RR 1.26) and co-morbid anxiety symptoms (RR 1.18) significantly increased the risk of dropping out, while for every additional 4 years of age, the risk of dropping out significantly decreased (RR 0.94). Conclusions Dropout can be predicted by several variables and is not randomly distributed. This knowledge may inform tailoring of online self-help interventions to prevent dropout in identified groups at ris