213 research outputs found

    Yhdyskuntajätteen koostumustiedon laadun parantaminen

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    Yhdyskuntajätteen koostumus tunnetaan vain osittain. Eri alkulähteillä syntyneiden sekalaisten jätteiden, kuten seka- ja energiajätteiden, koostumus vaihtelee. Kotitalousjätteiden sekajätekoostumusta on selvitetty eri alueilla, mutta hallinto-, palvelu- ja elinkeinotoiminnan sekalaisten jätevirtojen koostumuksesta ei ole julkaistua tietoa. Yhdyskuntajätteen koostumustietoja tarvitaan uudistuneen jätedirektiivin edellyttämässä raportoinnissa sekä jätehuollon suunnittelun ja ohjauskeinojen tukena. Tässä raportissa on tarkasteltu erilaisia tapoja muodostaa yhdyskuntajätteen koostumus. Tehdyn selvityksen keskiössä ovat erityisesti hallinto-, palvelu- ja elinkeinotoiminnan jätteet sekä seka-, energia- ja biojätteiden koostumus. Lisäksi selvitettiin Ruotsin ja Irlannin käyttämiä tiedonkeruumenetelmiä ja kokemuksia kotitalouksien sekajätetutkimuksissa käytetystä ohjeistuksesta sekä laajan toimijahaastattelun pohjalta muodostettiin vaihtoehtoiset tavat muodostaa vankempi tietopohja yhdyskuntajätekoostumuksesta. Lopuksi tarkasteltiin mahdollisia ohjauskeinoja tiedonkeruun vahvistamiseksi. Selvityksessä päädyttiin suosittelemaan alakohtaisia koostumusselvityksiä yhdistettynä alakohtaisiin ominaisjätemäärätietoihin kokonaiskuvan muodostamisessa. Menetelmän käyttöönoton vahvistamiseksi ehdotettiin vapaaehtoista sopimista. Koostumustiedolle tarvitaan myös oma tietojärjestelmä

    Genome-wide association study of polymorphisms predisposing to bronchiolitis

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    Bronchiolitis is a major cause of hospitalization among infants. Severe bronchiolitis is associated withlater asthma, suggesting a common genetic predisposition. Genetic background of bronchiolitis is notwell characterized. To identify polymorphisms associated with bronchiolitis, we conducted a genomewideassociation study (GWAS) in which 5,300,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were testedfor association in a Finnish–Swedish population of 217 children hospitalized for bronchiolitis and 778controls. The most promising SNPs (n = 77) were genotyped in a Dutch replication population of 416cases and 432 controls. Finally, we used a set of 202 Finnish bronchiolitis cases to further investigatecandidate SNPs. We did not detect genome-wide significant associations, but several suggestiveassociation signals (p were nominally associated (p (eQTL) for KCND3, previously shown to be associated with occupational asthma. In the additionalset of Finnish cases, the association for another SNP (rs9591920) within a noncoding RNA locus wasfurther strengthened. Our results provide a first genome-wide examination of the genetics underlyingbronchiolitis. These preliminary findings require further validation in a larger sample size.</p

    Univariate comparison of performance of different cerebrovascular reactivity indices for outcome association in adult TBI: a CENTER-TBI study

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    Background: Monitoring cerebrovascular reactivity in adult traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been linked to global patient outcome. Three intra-cranial pressure (ICP)-derived indices have been described. It is unknown which index is superior for outcome association in TBI outside previous single-center evaluations. The goal of this study is to evaluate indices for 6- to 12-month outcome association using uniform data harvested in multiple centers. Methods: Using the prospectively collected data from the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in TBI (CENTER-TBI) study, the following indices of cerebrovascular reactivity were derived: PRx (correlation between ICP and mean arterial pressure (MAP)), PAx (correlation between pulse amplitude of ICP (AMP) and MAP), and RAC (correlation between AMP and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP)). Univariate logistic regression models were created to assess the association between vascular reactivity indices with global dichotomized outcome at 6 to 12&nbsp;months, as assessed by Glasgow Outcome Score\u2013Extended (GOSE). Models were compared via area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) and Delong\u2019s test. Results: Two separate patient groups from this cohort were assessed: the total population with available data (n = 204) and only those without decompressive craniectomy (n = 159), with identical results. PRx, PAx, and RAC perform similar in outcome association for both dichotomized outcomes, alive/dead and favorable/unfavorable, with RAC trending towards higher AUC values. There were statistically higher mean values for the index, % time above threshold, and hourly dose above threshold for each of PRx, PAx, and RAC in those patients with poor outcomes. Conclusions: PRx, PAx, and RAC appear similar in their associations with 6- to 12-month outcome in moderate/severe adult TBI, with RAC showing tendency to achieve stronger associations. Further work is required to determine the role for each of these cerebrovascular indices in monitoring of TBI patients

    Compensatory-reserve-weighted intracranial pressure versus intracranial pressure for outcome association in adult traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI validation study

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    Background: Compensatory-reserve-weighted intracranial pressure (wICP) has recently been suggested as a supplementary measure of intracranial pressure (ICP) in adult traumatic brain injury (TBI), with a single-center study suggesting an association with mortality at 6 months. No multi-center studies exist to validate this relationship. The goal was to compare wICP to ICP for association with outcome in a multi-center TBI cohort. Methods: Using the Collaborative European Neuro Trauma Effectiveness Research in TBI (CENTER-TBI) high-resolution intensive care unit (ICU) cohort, we derived ICP and wICP (calculated as wICP = (1 12 RAP) 7 ICP; where RAP is the compensatory reserve index derived from the moving correlation between pulse amplitude of ICP and ICP). Various univariate logistic regression models were created comparing ICP and wICP to dichotomized outcome at 6 to 12 months, based on Glasgow Outcome Score\u2014Extended (GOSE) (alive/dead\u2014GOSE 65 2/GOSE = 1; favorable/unfavorable\u2014GOSE 5 to 8/GOSE 1 to 4, respectively). Models were compared using area under the receiver operating curves (AUC) and p values. Results: wICP displayed higher AUC compared to ICP on univariate regression for alive/dead outcome compared to mean ICP (AUC 0.712, 95% CI 0.615\u20130.810, p = 0.0002, and AUC 0.642, 95% CI 0.538\u2013746, p &lt; 0.0001, respectively; no significant difference on Delong\u2019s test), and for favorable/unfavorable outcome (AUC 0.627, 95% CI 0.548\u20130.705, p = 0.015, and AUC 0.495, 95% CI 0.413\u20130.577, p = 0.059; significantly different using Delong\u2019s test p = 0.002), with lower wICP values associated with improved outcomes (p &lt; 0.05 for both). These relationships on univariate analysis held true even when comparing the wICP models with those containing both ICP and RAP integrated area under the curve over time (p &lt; 0.05 for all via Delong\u2019s test). Conclusions: Compensatory-reserve-weighted ICP displays superior outcome association for both alive/dead and favorable/unfavorable dichotomized outcomes in adult TBI, through univariate analysis. Lower wICP is associated with better global outcomes. The results of this study provide multi-center validation of those seen in a previous single-center study

    Multiple strategies to prevent oxidative stress in Arabidopsis plants lacking the malate valve enzyme NADP-malate dehydrogenase

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    The nuclear-encoded chloroplast NADP-dependent malate dehydrogenase (NADP-MDH) is a key enzyme controlling the malate valve, to allow the indirect export of reducing equivalents. Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. T-DNA insertion mutants of NADP-MDH were used to assess the role of the light-activated NADP-MDH in a typical C3 plant. Surprisingly, even when exposed to high-light conditions in short days, nadp-mdh knockout mutants were phenotypically indistinguishable from the wild type. The photosynthetic performance and typical antioxidative systems, such as the Beck–Halliwell–Asada pathway, were barely affected in the mutants in response to high-light treatment. The reactive oxygen species levels remained low, indicating the apparent absence of oxidative stress, in the mutants. Further analysis revealed a novel combination of compensatory mechanisms in order to maintain redox homeostasis in the nadp-mdh plants under high-light conditions, particularly an increase in the NTRC/2-Cys peroxiredoxin (Prx) system in chloroplasts. There were indications of adjustments in extra-chloroplastic components of photorespiration and proline levels, which all could dissipate excess reducing equivalents, sustain photosynthesis, and prevent photoinhibition in nadp-mdh knockout plants. Such metabolic flexibility suggests that the malate valve acts in concert with other NADPH-consuming reactions to maintain a balanced redox state during photosynthesis under high-light stress in wild-type plants

    Berry Flesh and Skin Ripening Features in Vitis vinifera as Assessed by Transcriptional Profiling

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    Background Ripening of fleshy fruit is a complex developmental process involving the differentiation of tissues with separate functions. During grapevine berry ripening important processes contributing to table and wine grape quality take place, some of them flesh- or skin-specific. In this study, transcriptional profiles throughout flesh and skin ripening were followed during two different seasons in a table grape cultivar ‘Muscat Hamburg’ to determine tissue-specific as well as common developmental programs. Methodology/Principal Findings Using an updated GrapeGen Affymetrix GeneChip® annotation based on grapevine 12×v1 gene predictions, 2188 differentially accumulated transcripts between flesh and skin and 2839 transcripts differentially accumulated throughout ripening in the same manner in both tissues were identified. Transcriptional profiles were dominated by changes at the beginning of veraison which affect both pericarp tissues, although frequently delayed or with lower intensity in the skin than in the flesh. Functional enrichment analysis identified the decay on biosynthetic processes, photosynthesis and transport as a major part of the program delayed in the skin. In addition, a higher number of functional categories, including several related to macromolecule transport and phenylpropanoid and lipid biosynthesis, were over-represented in transcripts accumulated to higher levels in the skin. Functional enrichment also indicated auxin, gibberellins and bHLH transcription factors to take part in the regulation of pre-veraison processes in the pericarp, whereas WRKY and C2H2 family transcription factors seems to more specifically participate in the regulation of skin and flesh ripening, respectively. Conclusions/Significance A transcriptomic analysis indicates that a large part of the ripening program is shared by both pericarp tissues despite some components are delayed in the skin. In addition, important tissue differences are present from early stages prior to the ripening onset including tissue-specific regulators. Altogether, these findings provide key elements to understand berry ripening and its differential regulation in flesh and skin.This study was financially supported by GrapeGen Project funded by Genoma España within a collaborative agreement with Genome Canada. The authors also thank The Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion for project BIO2008-03892 and a bilateral collaborative grant with Argentina (AR2009-0021). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewe

    Brain death and postmortem organ donation: Report of a questionnaire from the CENTER-TBI study

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    Background: We aimed to investigate the extent of the agreement on practices around brain death and postmortem organ donation. Methods: Investigators from 67 Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study centers completed several questionnaires (response rate: 99%). Results: Regarding practices around brain death, we found agreement on the clinical evaluation (prerequisites and neurological assessment) for brain death determination (BDD) in 100% of the centers. However, ancillary tests were required for BDD in 64% of the centers. BDD for nondonor patients was deemed mandatory in 18% of the centers before withdrawing life-sustaining measures (LSM). Also, practices around postmortem organ donation varied. Organ donation after circulatory arrest was forbidden in 45% of the centers. When withdrawal of LSM was contemplated, in 67% of centers the patients with a ventricular drain in situ had this removed, either sometimes or all of the time. Conclusions: This study showed both agreement and some regional differences regarding practices around brain death and postmortem organ donation. We hope our results help quantify and understand potential differences, and provide impetus for current dialogs toward further harmonization of practices around brain death and postmortem organ donation

    Liraglutide, a once-daily human GLP-1 analogue, added to a sulphonylurea over 26 weeks produces greater improvements in glycaemic and weight control compared with adding rosiglitazone or placebo in subjects with Type 2 diabetes (LEAD-1 SU)

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