207 research outputs found

    Megathrust Stress Drop as Trigger of Aftershock Seismicity: Insights From the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, Japan

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    Numerous normal-faulting aftershocks in subduction forearcs commonly follow large megathrust earthquakes. Postseismic normal faulting has been explained by stress changes induced by the stress drop along the megathrust. However, details of forearc stress changes and aftershock triggering mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here, we use numerical force-balance models combined with Coulomb failure analysis to show that the megathrust stress drop supports normal faulting, but that forearc-wide aftershock triggering is feasible within a narrow range of megathrust stress drop values and preseismic stress states only. We determine this range for the 2011 Tohoku earthquake (Japan) and show that the associated stress changes explain the aftershock seismicity in unprecedented detail and are consistent with the stress released by forearc seismicity before and after the earthquake

    Dissolved noble gases and stable isotopes as tracers of preferential fluid flow along faults in the Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany

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    Groundwater in shallow unconsolidated sedimentary aquifers close to the Bornheim fault in the Lower Rhine Embayment (LRE), Germany, has relatively low δ2H and δ18O values in comparison to regional modern groundwater recharge, and 4He concentrations up to 1.7 × 10−4 cm3 (STP) g–1 ± 2.2 % which is approximately four orders of magnitude higher than expected due to solubility equilibrium with the atmosphere. Groundwater age dating based on estimated in situ production and terrigenic flux of helium provides a groundwater residence time of ∼107 years. Although fluid exchange between the deep basal aquifer system and the upper aquifer layers is generally impeded by confining clay layers and lignite, this study’s geochemical data suggest, for the first time, that deep circulating fluids penetrate shallow aquifers in the locality of fault zones, implying  that sub-vertical fluid flow occurs along faults in the LRE. However, large hydraulic-head gradients observed across many faults suggest that they act as barriers to lateral groundwater flow. Therefore, the geochemical data reported here also substantiate a conduit-barrier model of fault-zone hydrogeology in unconsolidated sedimentary deposits, as well as corroborating the concept that faults in unconsolidated aquifer systems can act as loci for hydraulic connectivity between deep and shallow aquifers. The implications of fluid flow along faults in sedimentary basins worldwide are far reaching and of particular concern for carbon capture and storage (CCS) programmes, impacts of deep shale gas recovery for shallow groundwater aquifers, and nuclear waste storage sites where fault zones could act as potential leakage pathways for hazardous fluids

    Groundwater resources assessment using integrated geophysical techniques in the southwestern region of Peninsular Malaysia.

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    Combined geophysical techniques such as multi-electrode resistivity, induced polarization, and borehole geophysical techniques were carried out on volcano-sedimentary rocks in the north of Gemas as part of the groundwater resource’s investigations. The result identifies four resistivity units: the tuffaceous mudstone, tuffaceous sandstone, the tuff bed, and the shale layer. Two types of aquifer systems in terms of storage were identified within the area: one within a fracture system (tuff), which is the leaky area through which vertical flow of groundwater occurs, and an intergranular property of the sandy material of the aquifer which includes sandstone and tuffaceous sandstone. The result also reveals that the aquifer occupies a surface area of about 3,250,555 m2 with a mean depth of 43.71 m and a net volume of 9.798 × 107 m3. From the approximate volume of the porous zone (28 %) and the total aquifer volume, a usable capacity of (274.339 ± 30.177) × 107 m3 of water in the study area can be deduced. This study provides useful information that can be used to develop a much broader understanding of the nature of groundwater potential in the area and their relationship with the local geology

    suPAR as a prognostic biomarker in sepsis

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    Sepsis is the clinical syndrome derived from the host response to an infection and severe sepsis is the leading cause of death in critically ill patients. Several biomarkers have been tested for use in diagnosis and prognostication in patients with sepsis. Soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) levels are increased in various infectious diseases, in the blood and also in other tissues. However, the diagnostic value of suPAR in sepsis has not been well defined, especially compared to other more established biomarkers, such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin (PCT). On the other hand, suPAR levels have been shown to predict outcome in various kinds of bacteremia and recent data suggest they may have predictive value, similar to that of severity scores, in critically ill patients. This narrative review provides a descriptive overview of the clinical value of this biomarker in the diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic guidance of sepsis

    IFNγ binding to extracellular matrix prevents fatal systemic toxicity

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    Interferon-γ (IFNγ) is an important mediator of cellular immune responses, but high systemic levels of this cytokine are associated with immunopathology. IFNγ binds to its receptor (IFNγR) and to extracellular matrix (ECM) via four positively charged C-terminal amino acids (KRKR), the ECM-binding domain (EBD). Across evolution, IFNγ is not well conserved, but the EBD is highly conserved, suggesting a critical function. Here, we show that IFNγ lacking the EBD (IFNγ(ΔKRKR)) does not bind to ECM but still binds to the IFNγR and retains bioactivity. Overexpression of IFNγ(ΔKRKR) in tumors reduced local ECM binding, increased systemic levels and induced sickness behavior, weight loss and toxicity. To analyze the function of the EBD during infection, we generated IFNγ(ΔKRKR) mice lacking the EBD by using CRISPR–Cas9. Infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus resulted in higher systemic IFNγ(ΔKRKR) levels, enhanced sickness behavior, weight loss and fatal toxicity. We conclude that local retention of IFNγ is a pivotal mechanism to protect the organism from systemic toxicity during prolonged immune stimulation

    Hepcidin Expression in Iron Overload Diseases Is Variably Modulated by Circulating Factors

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    Hepcidin is a regulatory hormone that plays a major role in controlling body iron homeostasis. Circulating factors (holotransferrin, cytokines, erythroid regulators) might variably contribute to hepcidin modulation in different pathological conditions. There are few studies analysing the relationship between hepcidin transcript and related protein expression profiles in humans. Our aims were: a. to measure hepcidin expression at either hepatic, serum and urinary level in three paradigmatic iron overload conditions (hemochromatosis, thalassemia and dysmetabolic iron overload syndrome) and in controls; b. to measure mRNA hepcidin expression in two different hepatic cell lines (HepG2 and Huh-7) exposed to patients and controls sera to assess whether circulating factors could influence hepcidin transcription in different pathological conditions. Our findings suggest that hepcidin assays reflect hepatic hepcidin production, but also indicate that correlation is not ideal, likely due to methodological limits and to several post-trascriptional events. In vitro study showed that THAL sera down-regulated, HFE-HH and C-NAFLD sera up-regulated hepcidin synthesis. HAMP mRNA expression in Huh-7 cells exposed to sera form C-Donors, HFE-HH and THAL reproduced, at lower level, the results observed in HepG2, suggesting the important but not critical role of HFE in hepcidin regulation