143 research outputs found

    On some manifestations of Markov properties in long-term dynamics of thermal regime anomalies in Kazan

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    Long-term (1900-2004) dynamics of anomalies of annual mean air temperature, documented at the Meteorological Observatory of Kazan University, is considered as the behavior of a system passing through its certain states. By using the basic statements of random function theory, some features of the system behavior are studied from scientific and applied points of view. © Allerton Press, Inc. 2008

    Die Beeinflussung des Thetarhythmus im Kaninchenhippocampus durch elektrische Reizung von Septum und Formatio reticularis

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    Langsame rhythmische elektrische Reizungen der medianen Septumregion und der Formatio reticularis des Mittelhirns lösen im Hippocampus des Kaninchens evoked potentials aus, die in ihrer Konfiguration ähnlich sind und sich vornehmlich durch ihre Latenz unterscheiden. Die vergleichbare Form, die Latenzunterschiede und der Umstand, daß sie durch mediane Septumläsion in ihrer Amplitude weitgehend vermindert werden, lassen den Schluß zu, daß auch die von retikulär ausgelösten, im Hippocampus registrierten evoked potentials über das Septum geleitet werden.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47438/1/424_2004_Article_BF00363584.pd

    A Whole-Chromosome Analysis of Meiotic Recombination in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Although traditional genetic assays have characterized the pattern of crossing over across the genome in Drosophila melanogaster, these assays could not precisely define the location of crossovers. Even less is known about the frequency and distribution of noncrossover gene conversion events. To assess the specific number and positions of both meiotic gene conversion and crossover events, we sequenced the genomes of male progeny from females heterozygous for 93,538 X chromosomal single-nucleotide and InDel polymorphisms. From the analysis of the 30 F1 hemizygous X chromosomes, we detected 15 crossover and 5 noncrossover gene conversion events. Taking into account the nonuniform distribution of polymorphism along the chromosome arm, we estimate that most oocytes experience 1 crossover event and 1.6 gene conversion events per X chromosome pair per meiosis. An extrapolation to the entire genome would predict approximately 5 crossover events and 8.6 conversion events per meiosis. Mean gene conversion tract lengths were estimated to be 476 base pairs, yielding a per nucleotide conversion rate of 0.86 × 10−5 per meiosis. Both of these values are consistent with estimates of conversion frequency and tract length obtained from studies of rosy, the only gene for which gene conversion has been studied extensively in Drosophila. Motif-enrichment analysis revealed a GTGGAAA motif that was enriched near crossovers but not near gene conversions. The low-complexity and frequent occurrence of this motif may in part explain why, in contrast to mammalian systems, no meiotic crossover hotspots have been found in Drosophila

    RfaH Suppresses Small RNA MicA Inhibition of fimB Expression in Escherichia coli K-12

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    The phase variation (reversible on-off switching) of the type 1 fimbrial adhesin of Escherichia coli involves a DNA inversion catalyzed by FimB (switching in either direction) or FimE (on-to-off switching). Here, we demonstrate that RfaH activates expression of a FimB-LacZ protein fusion while having a modest inhibitory effect on a comparable fimB-lacZ operon construct and on a FimE-LacZ protein fusion, indicating that RfaH selectively controls fimB expression at the posttranscriptional level. Further work demonstrates that loss of RfaH enables small RNA (sRNA) MicA inhibition of fimB expression even in the absence of exogenous inducing stress. This effect is explained by induction of σE , and hence MicA, in the absence of RfaH. Additional work con- firms that the procaine-dependent induction of micA requires OmpR, as reported previously (A. Coornaert et al., Mol. Microbiol. 76:467–479, 2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2958.2010.07115.x), but also demonstrates that RfaH inhibition of fimB transcription is enhanced by procaine independently of OmpR. While the effect of procaine on fimB transcription is shown to be independent of RcsB, it was found to require SlyA, another known regulator of fimB transcription. These results demonstrate a complex role for RfaH as a regulator of fimB expression

    Photo-affinity labelling and biochemical analyses identify the target of trypanocidal simplified natural product analogues

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    This work was supported by the Leverhulme Trust (Grant number RL2012-025). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Current drugs to treat African sleeping sickness are inadequate and new therapies are urgently required. As part of a medicinal chemistry programme based upon the simplification of acetogenin-type ether scaffolds, we previously reported the promising trypanocidal activity of compound 1 , a bis-tetrahydropyran 1,4-triazole (B-THP-T) inhibitor. This study aims to identify the protein target(s) of this class of compound in Trypanosoma brucei to understand its mode of action and aid further structural optimisation. We used compound 3 , a diazirine- and alkyne-containing bi-functional photo-affinity probe analogue of our lead B-THP-T, compound 1 , to identify potential targets of our lead compound in the procyclic form T. brucei. Bi-functional compound 3 was UV cross-linked to its target(s) in vivo and biotin affinity or Cy5.5 reporter tags were subsequently appended by Cu(II)-catalysed azide-alkyne cycloaddition. The biotinylated protein adducts were isolated with streptavidin affinity beads and subsequent LC-MSMS identified the FoF1-ATP synthase (mitochondrial complex V) as a potential target. This target identification was confirmed using various different approaches. We show that (i) compound 1 decreases cellular ATP levels (ii) by inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation (iii) at the FoF1-ATP synthase. Furthermore, the use of GFP-PTP-tagged subunits of the FoF1-ATP synthase, shows that our compounds bind specifically to both the α- and β-subunits of the ATP synthase. The FoF1-ATP synthase is a target of our simplified acetogenin-type analogues. This mitochondrial complex is essential in both procyclic and bloodstream forms of T. brucei and its identification as our target will enable further inhibitor optimisation towards future drug discovery. Furthermore, the photo-affinity labeling technique described here can be readily applied to other drugs of unknown targets to identify their modes of action and facilitate more broadly therapeutic drug design in any pathogen or disease model.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Governing Ecological Connectivity in Cross-Scale Dependent Systems.

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    Ecosystem management and governance of cross-scale dependent systems require integrating knowledge about ecological connectivity in its multiple forms and scales. Although scientists, managers, and policymakers are increasingly recognizing the importance of connectivity, governmental organizations may not be currently equipped to manage ecosystems with strong cross-boundary dependencies. Managing the different aspects of connectivity requires building social connectivity to increase the flow of information, as well as the capacity to coordinate planning, funding, and actions among both formal and informal governance bodies. We use estuaries in particular the San Francisco Estuary, in California, in the United States, as examples of cross-scale dependent systems affected by many intertwined aspects of connectivity. We describe the different types of estuarine connectivity observed in both natural and human-affected states and discuss the human dimensions of restoring beneficial physical and ecological processes. Finally, we provide recommendations for policy, practice, and research on how to restore functional connectivity to estuaries

    The sociology of disability and the struggle for inclusive education

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    This article charts the emergence of the sociology of disability and examines the areas of contestation. These have involved a series of erasures – of the body from debates on the social model of disability, of the Other from educational policies and practices, and of academics from political discourses and action. The paper considers the contribution of the sociology of disability to inclusive education and examines some of the objections currently being voiced. It ends with some reflections on the possibilities for academics within the sociology of disability to pursue alternative forms of engagement and outlines a series of duties that they might undertake

    Integration Preferences of Wildtype AAV-2 for Consensus Rep-Binding Sites at Numerous Loci in the Human Genome

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    Adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) is known to establish latency by preferential integration in human chromosome 19q13.42. The AAV non-structural protein Rep appears to target a site called AAVS1 by simultaneously binding to Rep-binding sites (RBS) present on the AAV genome and within AAVS1. In the absence of Rep, as is the case with AAV vectors, chromosomal integration is rare and random. For a genome-wide survey of wildtype AAV integration a linker-selection-mediated (LSM)-PCR strategy was designed to retrieve AAV-chromosomal junctions. DNA sequence determination revealed wildtype AAV integration sites scattered over the entire human genome. The bioinformatic analysis of these integration sites compared to those of rep-deficient AAV vectors revealed a highly significant overrepresentation of integration events near to consensus RBS. Integration hotspots included AAVS1 with 10% of total events. Novel hotspots near consensus RBS were identified on chromosome 5p13.3 denoted AAVS2 and on chromsome 3p24.3 denoted AAVS3. AAVS2 displayed seven independent junctions clustered within only 14 bp of a consensus RBS which proved to bind Rep in vitro similar to the RBS in AAVS3. Expression of Rep in the presence of rep-deficient AAV vectors shifted targeting preferences from random integration back to the neighbourhood of consensus RBS at hotspots and numerous additional sites in the human genome. In summary, targeted AAV integration is not as specific for AAVS1 as previously assumed. Rather, Rep targets AAV to integrate into open chromatin regions in the reach of various, consensus RBS homologues in the human genome

    The impact of transposable element activity on therapeutically relevant human stem cells

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    Human stem cells harbor significant potential for basic and clinical translational research as well as regenerative medicine. Currently ~ 3000 adult and ~ 30 pluripotent stem cell-based, interventional clinical trials are ongoing worldwide, and numbers are increasing continuously. Although stem cells are promising cell sources to treat a wide range of human diseases, there are also concerns regarding potential risks associated with their clinical use, including genomic instability and tumorigenesis concerns. Thus, a deeper understanding of the factors and molecular mechanisms contributing to stem cell genome stability are a prerequisite to harnessing their therapeutic potential for degenerative diseases. Chemical and physical factors are known to influence the stability of stem cell genomes, together with random mutations and Copy Number Variants (CNVs) that accumulated in cultured human stem cells. Here we review the activity of endogenous transposable elements (TEs) in human multipotent and pluripotent stem cells, and the consequences of their mobility for genomic integrity and host gene expression. We describe transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms antagonizing the spread of TEs in the human genome, and highlight those that are more prevalent in multipotent and pluripotent stem cells. Notably, TEs do not only represent a source of mutations/CNVs in genomes, but are also often harnessed as tools to engineer the stem cell genome; thus, we also describe and discuss the most widely applied transposon-based tools and highlight the most relevant areas of their biomedical applications in stem cells. Taken together, this review will contribute to the assessment of the risk that endogenous TE activity and the application of genetically engineered TEs constitute for the biosafety of stem cells to be used for substitutive and regenerative cell therapiesS.R.H. and P.T.R. are funded by the Government of Spain (MINECO, RYC-2016- 21395 and SAF2015–71589-P [S.R.H.]; PEJ-2014-A-31985 and SAF2015–71589- P [P.T.R.]). GGS is supported by a grant from the Ministry of Health of the Federal Republic of Germany (FKZ2518FSB403)