582 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Stress and Coping in Table Tennis

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    The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between cognitive competitive anxiety intensity and coping strategies in table tennis players. One hundred and two (102) US competitive table tennis players of age range from 10 to 60 filled out a Revised Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2R, Cox et al., 2003) at least 30 minutes before the start of their tournament match and a Modified Cope questionnaire (MCOPE; Crocker and Graham,1995) 15 minutes after they finished their match. Our study found significant differences between low and high cognitive competitive anxiety groups with regard to the use of coping strategies. The high cognitive competitive anxiety intensity group used significantly more behavioral disengagement (avoidance coping, p ≤ 0.05), denial coping strategies(emotion focused coping, p ≤ 0.01) compared to the low cognitive anxiety intensity group. Our results suggest that there is some connection between anxiety intensity and coping strategies. If the cognitive anxiety intensity (for example, intensity from worrying) is very high, an athlete might be more likely to use avoidance coping (such as behavioral disengagement) and emotion-focused coping (such as denial and venting of emotions) compared to athletes who have low cognitive competitive anxiety. Furthermore, gender differences in cognitive anxiety and direction were found. Confidence management techniques such as positive self-talk, breathing techniques and visualization should be taught to athletes to assist them in coping with their competitive anxiety better and to enhance their performance

    A Novel Approach to Investigating Basketball Expert\u27s Perceptions of the Hot Hand

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    The hot hand and psychological momentum (PM) are two closely related concepts that propose that previous success increases the chances of future success (Jackson & Mosurski, 1997). Statistical evidence for the existence of the hot hand or PM is mixed (Bar-Eli, Avugos, & Raab, 2006; Bocskocsky, Ezekowitz, & Stein, 2014; Sun, 2004). However players’, coaches ’, and fans ’perspectives show that PM or the hot hand is believed to be an extremely important aspect within sport (Gilovich, Tversky, & Vallone, 1985; Jones & Harwood, 2008). A key component of this phenomenon is the ability to predict future performance based on the appearance of momentum and this ability relies on human decision-making. The current study examined how the hot hand impacts human decision making by having collegiate level basketball players (N = 18) and coaches (N = 5) predict shot outcome while watching a taped college game. While the players and coaches were no more accurate than a random model at predicting shot outcome, they did outperform the random model when predicting shots taken by a hot shooter. The implications of basketball player and coaches relying on the hot hand when making decisions are discussed. Additionally, a positive correlation was seen between basketball expertise (number of years as player/coach) and prediction accuracy. This result and implications for future research to better understand how the hot hand is used to make decisions are discussed

    Regulation of plasmid-encoded isoprene metabolism in Rhodococcus, a representative of an important link in the global isoprene cycle

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    Emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) form an important part of the global carbon cycle, comprising a significant proportion of net ecosystem productivity. They impact atmospheric chemistry and contribute directly and indirectly to greenhouse gases. Isoprene, emitted largely from plants, comprises one third of total VOCs, yet in contrast to methane, which is released in similar quantities, we know little of its biodegradation. Here, we report the genome of an isoprene degrading isolate, Rhodococcus sp. AD45, and, using mutagenesis shows that a plasmid-encoded soluble di-iron centre isoprene monooxygenase (IsoMO) is essential for isoprene metabolism. Using RNA sequencing (RNAseq) to analyse cells exposed to isoprene or epoxyisoprene in a substrate-switch time-course experiment, we show that transcripts from 22 contiguous genes, including those encoding IsoMO, were highly upregulated, becoming among the most abundant in the cell and comprising over 25% of the entire transcriptome. Analysis of gene transcription in the wild type and an IsoMO-disrupted mutant strain showed that epoxyisoprene, or a subsequent product of isoprene metabolism, rather than isoprene itself, was the inducing molecule. We provide a foundation of molecular data for future research on the environmental biological consumption of this important, climate-active compound

    Conserved and Variable Functions of the σ(E) Stress Response in Related Genomes

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    Bacteria often cope with environmental stress by inducing alternative sigma (σ) factors, which direct RNA polymerase to specific promoters, thereby inducing a set of genes called a regulon to combat the stress. To understand the conserved and organism-specific functions of each σ, it is necessary to be able to predict their promoters, so that their regulons can be followed across species. However, the variability of promoter sequences and motif spacing makes their prediction difficult. We developed and validated an accurate promoter prediction model for Escherichia coli σ(E), which enabled us to predict a total of 89 unique σ(E)-controlled transcription units in E. coli K-12 and eight related genomes. σ(E) controls the envelope stress response in E. coli K-12. The portion of the regulon conserved across genomes is functionally coherent, ensuring the synthesis, assembly, and homeostasis of lipopolysaccharide and outer membrane porins, the key constituents of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. The larger variable portion is predicted to perform pathogenesis-associated functions, suggesting that σ(E) provides organism-specific functions necessary for optimal host interaction. The success of our promoter prediction model for σ(E) suggests that it will be applicable for the prediction of promoter elements for many alternative σ factors

    Herausforderungen transdisziplinären Arbeitens im Reallabor „Wissensdialog Nordschwarzwald“

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    Das Reallabor „Wissensdialog Nordschwarzwald“ ist eng an den Nationalpark Schwarzwald gekoppelt: Wie lassen sich Chancen nutzen, die der Nationalpark für die nachhaltige Entwicklung der Region bietet? Was lässt sich aus den im Nationalparkgebiet stattfindenden ökologischen Prozessen lernen? Dies sind die zentralen Forschungsfragen des Projekts. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die Herausforderungen des spezifischen transdisziplinären Designs des Reallabors in den Vordergrund. Basierend auf Interviews mit Projektbeteiligten, dem Austausch in Projektgremien und eigenen Beobachtungen reflektieren die AutorInnen zentrale Designelemente sowie Kontextbedingungen des Projektes. Angesichts der besonderen Gegebenheiten des ländlichen Raumes postulieren sie den Bedarf, eine stärker an diesen angepasste Reallaborforschung zu entwickeln.The Real-world Laboratory “Knowledge Dialogue Northern Black Forest” is closely linked to the Black Forest National Park in Baden-Württemberg, Germany: How can one actually take advantage of the opportunities a national park offers for regional transformation towards sustainability, and what can be learnt from ecological processes in the park area? These are the project’s core questions. The following article focuses on the transdisciplinary project design and its challenges. Based on interviews with project members, discussions within project committees and own observations, the authors reflect on essential design elements and context conditions of the project. On this basis, they postulate a need for better adapting the real-world laboratory research to the specific conditions of rural areas

    Exploring the role of the sport psychologist : athletes' and practitioners' reflections on applied experiences and competencies.

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    The role of the sport psychologist is multifaceted. One element of this role is in using relating skills. This aspect has received little detailed attention in the sport psychology literature. In study I of the thesis, the roles of researcher and consultant were combined in an applied project with junior dlite archers. Findings from study I included using both task and ego-oriented (Duda, 1996) forms of elicitation in baseline assessment, adapting a performance profile (Butler, 1989) to be archery-specific and emphasising transfer of skills to help in other life domains. Reflections of the consultant's role included questioning the training involved in the relating skills of applied sport psychologists in the UK. A key consideration was dealing with 'issues not directly related to sport/performance' that were raised in consultations. The perceived prevalence and impact of these issues were examined further in study 2 by assessing the perceptions of athletes and other practitioners. The findings confirmed that these issues are raised in consultations and have a perceived impact on athletes' training and competition performances. Various relating skills (including counselling skills) were highlighted as important to the role of the sport psychologist. The terminology used by respondents required clarification on practitioners' understanding of these terms in order to address further the role of relating skills for sport psychologists. Study 3 explored practitioners' use of relating skills, their understanding of various relating terms, perceptions of the importance of counselling skills and implications for the training of sport psychologists via focus group methodology. A definition of 'interaction' was developed to complement the unique qualitative analysis of data from the focus groups. Many themes emerged which included the importance of listening and interpersonal skills to the role of applied sport psychologists. Perceptions of different types of counselling existed and most of the practitioners possessed relating skills based on their ‘craft' knowledge (McFee, 1993), this was contrasted with a notion of sport psychologists being 'formal' helpers (Egan, 1998) with 'professional' knowledge (Sch6n, 1983). There was a lack of clarity and diverging perceptions from the groups on various aspects of relating skills that sometimes caused underlying tensions to emerge. In conclusion, an integrated model of 'helping' for applied sport psychologists was presented which included the notion of adapting approaches and giving 'appropriate responses' based on a foundation of core relating skills developed from professional and craft knowledge. At the end of this thesis the researcher reflects on her conceptual and methodological journey, a route that encompassed different writing styles and legitimisation criteria. This journey includes a notion of development both as a researcher and consultant and in using different methodological and philosophical perspectives that were appropriate to the research questions

    Meeting report: "Nachhaltig Wirken - Reallabore in der Transformation"; Conference, 2022, Karlsruhe

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    Der Reallaboransatz hat seit seinem Aufkommen 2012 einen richtiggehenden Boom erfahren. Reallabore sind in ihrem originären Ansatz als Experimentierräume, Forschungsmodus und methodologisches Werkzeug konzipiert, um zu nachhaltiger Entwicklung und gesellschaftlicher Transformation beizutragen und diese zu beschleunigen. Wesentlicher Ansatzpunkt ist dabei, Wissenschaft und Praxis in transdisziplinären Settings und transformativen Prozessen eng miteinander zu verknüpfen. Die Wissenschaft bzw. die Forschenden, begeben sich dabei selbst in Wandlungsprozesse: Sie initiieren, experimentieren und beforschen zugleich. Praxisakteure setzen dabei Themen und forschen aktiv mit, so dass im Idealfall sowohl wissenschaftliche Theorie als auch gesellschaftliche Praxis von den Ergebnissen profitieren. Die Ausgestaltung von Reallaborprojekten hat in den letzten zehn Jahren eine Vielzahl von Differenzierungen in Inhalten, Settings, Methodik und Ausrichtung erfahren. Die Konferenz "Nachhaltig wirken: Reallabore in der Transformation", die am 2. und 3. Juni 2022 in Karlsruhe stattfand, griff diese Entwicklungen auf, um gemeinsam mit der wachsenden Reallabor-Community den aktuellen Entwicklungsstand des Reallaboransatzes abzubilden. Organisiert vom Karlsruher Transformationszentrum für Nachhaltigkeit und Kulturwandel (KAT) in Zusammenarbeit mit den Gründungsinstitutionen des Netzwerkes Reallabore der Nachhaltigkeit, wurden auf der Tagung aktuelle methodische, konzeptionelle, praktische wie auch strategische Fragen aufgeworfen und diskutiert. Mit über 300 Teilnehmenden und 115 Beiträgen stellt sie die bislang größte und umfassendste Veranstaltung im Bereich der deutschsprachigen Reallaborforschung dar