1,232 research outputs found

    Spectral fingerprinting for specific algal groups on sediments in situ: a new sensor

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    Currently it is still extremely difficult to adequately sample populations of microalgae on sediments for large-scale biomass determination. We have now devised a prototype of a new benthic sensor (BenthoFluor) for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of microphytobenthos populations in situ. This sensor enables a high spatial and temporal resolution and a rapid evaluation of the community structure and distribution. These determinations are based on the concept that five spectral excitation ranges can be used to differentiate groups of microalgae, in situ, within a few seconds. In addition, because sediments contain a lot of yellow substances, which can affect the fluorescence and optical differentiation of the algae, the device was equipped with a UV-LED for yellow substances correction. The device was calibrated against HPLC with cultures and tested in the field. Our real-time approach can be used to monitor algal assemblage composition on sediments and is an ideal tool for investigations on the large-scale spatial and temporal variation of algal populations in sediments. Apart from the differentiation of algal populations, the BenthoFluor allows instantaneous monitoring of the chlorophyll concentrations and determination of which algae are responsible for this on the uppermost surface of sediments in the field and in experimental set-ups

    Minority carrier lifetime in silicon photovoltaics : the effect of oxygen precipitation

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    Single-crystal Czochralski silicon used for photovoltaics is typically supersaturated with interstitial oxygen at temperatures just below the melting point. Oxide precipitates therefore can form during ingot cooling and cell processing, and nucleation sites are typically vacancy-rich regions. Oxygen precipitation gives rise to recombination centres, which can reduce cell efficiencies by as much as 4% (absolute). We have studied the recombination behaviour in p-type and n-type monocrystalline silicon with a range of doping levels intentionally processed to contain oxide precipitates with a range of densities, sizes and morphologies. We analyse injection-dependent minority carrier lifetime measurements to give a full parameterisation of the recombination activity in terms of Shockley–Read–Hall statistics. We intentionally contaminate specimens with iron, and show recombination activity arises from iron segregated to oxide precipitates and surrounding defects. We find that phosphorus diffusion gettering reduces the recombination activity of the precipitates to some extent. We also find that bulk iron is preferentially gettered to the phosphorus diffused layer rather than to oxide precipitates

    Oyster Reef Surfaces in the Central Wadden Sea: Intra-Reef Classification and Comprehensive Statistical Description

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    The Pacific oyster (Magallana gigas) is an invasive species in the Wadden Sea transforming parts of it permanently. M. gigas, as an ecosystem engineer, builds reef structures that are characterized by highly complex and variable surfaces consisting of densely packed, sharp-edged individuals connected with cement-like bonds. To investigate the interactions between reef structure, shape and formation and wave as well as tidal currents, an understanding of the surface roughness is essential. This work reports on observations of oyster reefs for which seven new structural classes (Central Reef, Transitional Zone, Cluster I, Cluster II, Patch I, Patch II, and Garland) are proposed. For each class, high resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) have been elaborated based on Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry and analyzed using spatial statistics. By determining probability density functions (PDFs), vertical porosity distributions, abundances, orientations and second-order structure functions (SSFs), topographical parameters that influence the hydraulic bed roughness have been determined. The results suggest, that by applying the structural classification and their distinct topographical roughness parameters, the oyster reef surfaces can be described appropriately accounting for their complexity. The roughness accounts to a total roughness height kt = 103 ± 15 mm and root-mean-square roughness height krms = 23 ± 5 mm. These values were found similar across all structural classes, yet the shape of the PDFs reveal differences. With decreasing abundance, the distributions become more positively skewed and are characterized by more extreme outliers. This is reflected in the higher statistical moments, as the skewness ranges between Sk = 0.4–2.1 and the kurtosis between Ku = 2.2–11.5. The analysis of the orientations and the SSFs confirms anisotropic behavior across all structural classes. Further, the SSFs reveal the oyster shells as significant roughness elements with exception of Cluster I and II, where the clusters are identified as significant roughness elements. The provided set of topographical roughness parameters enhances the knowledge of oyster reef surfaces and gives insights into the interactions between biogenic structure and surrounding hydrodynamics. The new intra-reef classification allows for more accurate determination of the overall roughness as well as the population dynamics of the habitat forming oyster. Combined with hydraulic measurements, the results can be used to estimate the hydraulic bed roughness induced by the oyster reef surfaces. Copyright © 2022 Hitzegrad, Brohmann, Pfennings, Hoffmann, Eilrich, Paul, Welzel, Schlurmann, Aberle, Wehrmann and Goseberg

    Degradation of the cancer genomic DNA deaminase APOBEC3B by SIV Vif

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    APOBEC3B is a newly identified source of mutation in many cancers, including breast, head/neck, lung, bladder, cervical, and ovarian. APOBEC3B is a member of the APOBEC3 family of enzymes that deaminate DNA cytosine to produce the promutagenic lesion, uracil. Several APOBEC3 family members function to restrict virus replication. For instance, APOBEC3D, APOBEC3F, APOBEC3G, and APOBEC3H combine to restrict HIV-1 in human lymphocytes. HIV-1 counteracts these APOBEC3s with the viral protein Vif, which targets the relevant APOBEC3s for proteasomal degradation. While APOBEC3B does not restrict HIV-1 and is not targeted by HIV-1 Vif in CD4-positive T cells, we asked whether related lentiviral Vif proteins could degrade APOBEC3B. Interestingly, several SIV Vif proteins are capable of promoting APOBEC3B degradation, with SIVmac239 Vif proving the most potent. This likely occurs through the canonical polyubiquitination mechanism as APOBEC3B protein levels are restored by MG132 treatment and by altering a conserved E3 ligase-binding motif. We further show that SIVmac239 Vif can prevent APOBEC3B mediated geno/cytotoxicity and degrade endogenous APOBEC3B in several cancer cell lines. Our data indicate that the APOBEC3B degradation potential of SIV Vif is an effective tool for neutralizing the cancer genomic DNA deaminase APOBEC3B. Further optimization of this natural APOBEC3 antagonist may benefit cancer therapy

    Oyster Reef Surfaces in the Central Wadden Sea: Intra-Reef Classification and Comprehensive Statistical Description

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    The Pacific oyster (Magallana gigas) is an invasive species in the Wadden Sea transforming parts of it permanently. M. gigas, as an ecosystem engineer, builds reef structures that are characterized by highly complex and variable surfaces consisting of densely packed, sharp-edged individuals connected with cement-like bonds. To investigate the interactions between reef structure, shape and formation and wave as well as tidal currents, an understanding of the surface roughness is essential. This work reports on observations of oyster reefs for which seven new structural classes (Central Reef, Transitional Zone, Cluster I, Cluster II, Patch I, Patch II, and Garland) are proposed. For each class, high resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) have been elaborated based on Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry and analyzed using spatial statistics. By determining probability density functions (PDFs), vertical porosity distributions, abundances, orientations and second-order structure functions (SSFs), topographical parameters that influence the hydraulic bed roughness have been determined. The results suggest, that by applying the structural classification and their distinct topographical roughness parameters, the oyster reef surfaces can be described appropriately accounting for their complexity. The roughness accounts to a total roughness height kt = 103 ± 15 mm and root-mean-square roughness height krms = 23 ± 5 mm. These values were found similar across all structural classes, yet the shape of the PDFs reveal differences. With decreasing abundance, the distributions become more positively skewed and are characterized by more extreme outliers. This is reflected in the higher statistical moments, as the skewness ranges between Sk = 0.4–2.1 and the kurtosis between Ku = 2.2–11.5. The analysis of the orientations and the SSFs confirms anisotropic behavior across all structural classes. Further, the SSFs reveal the oyster shells as significant roughness elements with exception of Cluster I and II, where the clusters are identified as significant roughness elements. The provided set of topographical roughness parameters enhances the knowledge of oyster reef surfaces and gives insights into the interactions between biogenic structure and surrounding hydrodynamics. The new intra-reef classification allows for more accurate determination of the overall roughness as well as the population dynamics of the habitat forming oyster. Combined with hydraulic measurements, the results can be used to estimate the hydraulic bed roughness induced by the oyster reef surfaces. Copyright © 2022 Hitzegrad, Brohmann, Pfennings, Hoffmann, Eilrich, Paul, Welzel, Schlurmann, Aberle, Wehrmann and Goseberg

    Impacts of management practices on bioenergy feedstock yield and economic feasibility on Conservation Reserve Program grasslands

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    Citation: Anderson, E. K., Aberle, E., Chen, C., Egenolf, J., Harmoney, K., Kakani, V. G., . . . Lee, D. (2016). Impacts of management practices on bioenergy feedstock yield and economic feasibility on Conservation Reserve Program grasslands. GCB Bioenergy. doi:10.1111/gcbb.12328Perennial grass mixtures planted on Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) land are a potential source of dedicated bioenergy feedstock. Long-term nitrogen (N) and harvest management are critical factors for maximizing biomass yield while maintaining the longevity of grass stands. A six-year farm-scale study was conducted to understand the impact of weather variability on biomass yield, determine optimal N fertilization and harvest timing management practices for sustainable biomass production, and estimate economic viability at six CRP sites in the United States. Precipitation during the growing season was a critical factor for annual biomass production across all regions, and annual biomass production was severely reduced when growing season precipitation was below 50% of average. The N rate of 112 kg ha-1 produced the highest biomass yield at each location. Harvest timing resulting in the highest biomass yield was site-specific and was a factor of predominant grass type, seasonal precipitation, and the number of harvests taken per year. The use of N fertilizer for yield enhancement unambiguously increased the cost of biomass regardless of the harvest timing for all six sites. The breakeven price of biomass at the farmgate ranged from 37to37 to 311 Mg-1 depending on the rate of N application, timing of harvesting, and location when foregone opportunity costs were not considered. Breakeven prices ranged from 69to69 to 526 Mg-1 when the loss of CRP land rental payments was included as an opportunity cost. Annual cost of the CRP to the federal government could be reduced by over 8% in the states included in this study; however, this would require the biomass price to be much higher than in the case where the landowner receives the CRP land rent. This field research demonstrated the importance of long-term, farm-scale research for accurate estimation of biomass feedstock production and economic viability from perennial grasslands. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Transcriptional impairment of β-catenin/E-cadherin complex is not associated with β-catenin mutations in colorectal carcinomas

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    We report the absence of β-catenin mutations in 63 sporadic colorectal carcinomas (SCRCs) with demonstrated decreased β-catenin and E-cadherin mRNA expression and E-cadherin protein expression in a subset of carcinomas examined, suggesting that β-catenin mutations are an extremely rare phenomenon in SCRCs and are not responsible for the transcriptional impairment of the β-catenin/E-cadherin adhesion complex observed in these tumours

    Determination of charge-carrier mobility in disordered thin-film solar cells as a function of current density

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    Charge-carrier mobility is a fundamental material parameter, which plays an important role in determining solar-cell efficiency. The higher the mobility, the less time a charge carrier will spend in a device and the less likely it is that it will be lost to recombination. Despite the importance of this physical property, it is notoriously difficult to measure accurately in disordered thin-film solar cells under operating conditions. We, therefore, investigate a method previously proposed in the literature for the determination of mobility as a function of current density. The method is based on a simple analytical model that relates the mobility to carrier density and transport resistance. By revising the theoretical background of the method, we clearly demonstrate what type of mobility can be extracted (constant mobility or effective mobility of electrons and holes). We generalize the method to any combination of measurements that is able to determine the mean electron and hole carrier density, and the transport resistance at a given current density. We explore the robustness of the method by simulating typical organic solar-cell structures with a variety of physical properties, including unbalanced mobilities, unbalanced carrier densities, and for high or low carrier trapping rates. The simulations reveal that near VOC and JSC, the method fails due to the limitation of determining the transport resistance. However, away from these regions (and, importantly, around the maximum power point), the method can accurately determine charge-carrier mobility. In the presence of strong carrier trapping, the method overestimates the effective mobility due to an underestimation of the carrier density