24 research outputs found

    CTCF :regulator of erythroid transcription factors and its alterations in leukemia

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    Máster en Biología Molecular y Biomedicin

    Diseño de una guía de técnicas instrumentos de evaluación

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    PDFEl objetivo de este trabajo es valorar el uso adecuado que los docentes están dando a los instrumentos de evaluación formativa como: lista de cotejo registro, rubricas, que faciliten la labor del docente. La investigación ayudará a los docentes a encontrar un instrumento que se apegue a la realidad de las instituciones educativas de Educación Superior, también se realiza la investigación para motivar el uso de la funcionabilidad y eficacia que se le dan a dichos instrumentos de evaluación formativa y que este proceso es un criterio indispensable para determinar las fortalezas y debilidades de los educandos en el estudio. Para realizar este estudio se seleccionaron docentes y estudiantes de la carrera de Comercio y Administración de la Facultad de Filosofía, a quienes se encuesta para ayudar a encontrar el instrumento necesario para la evaluación. Es importante mencionar que dicho instrumento se ven influenciados por nuestra realidad y no podemos dejar de usarlos durante el proceso de evaluación formativa debido a la responsabilidad social que tenemos en la formación de las futuras generacionesThe aim of this study is to assess the proper use that teachers are making formative assessment instruments such as registration checklist, rubrics, to facilitate the work of teachers. The research will help teachers to find an instrument that conforms to the reality of educational institutions of higher education, research is also carried out to encourage the use of the functionality and efficiency that are given to these instruments and formative assessment This process is essential to determine the strengths and weaknesses of students in the study criteria. For this study teachers and students of the career of Business and Management, Faculty of Philosophy, who are surveyed to help find the necessary tool for evaluation they were selected. It is noteworthy that this instrument are influenced by our reality and we can not stop using them during formative assessment because of the social responsibility we have in the education of future generation

    drawing parallels to the infection in human medicine

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This research received no external fundingOsteomyelitis is a challenging infectious disease affecting humans and animals. It is difficult to diagnose because, in many cases, symptoms are non-specific and, for example in implant-related cases, can appear long time after surgery. In addition to this, it is also difficult to treat due to the need to find the appropriate antibiotic regime and delivery system to reach the site of infection and to avoid development of bacterial resistance. The central purpose of this review is to compare the microbiological aspects of osteomyelitis in human and veterinary medicine, with the aim of improving the microbiological diagnosis and treatment of this infection in animals. Furthermore, the study of osteomyelitis in animals may help to improve the development of animal models for testing new treatments in humans. Host factors and underlying conditions have been studied mainly in humans, although aspects as immunodeficiency have been described in some veterinary cases. Even when Staphylococcus aureus is still considered the most prevalent causing microorganism, this prevalence should be reviewed using molecular diagnostic techniques, and this could affect treatment options. New approaches to treatment include local delivery of antibiotics using different biomaterials, antimicrobial photodynamic therapy, and new antimicrobial compounds. We would like to remark the need of large, high-quality clinical trials and of the development of guides for the diagnosis and treatment of osteomyelitis in different animal species.publishersversionpublishe

    A one health approach

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    This work was funded by the R&D Project CAREBIO2 - Comparative assessment of antimicrobial resistance in environmental biofilms through proteomics - towards innovative theranostic biomarkers, with reference NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-030101 and PTDC/SAU-INF/30101/2017, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Northern Regional Operational Program (NORTE 2020) and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). This work was supported by the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry - LAQV which is financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UID/QUI/50006/2019). Vanessa Silva is supported by national funds through FCT/MCTES and by the European Social Fund through POCH/FSE under the PhD grant SFRH/BD/137947/2018.publishersversionpublishe

    Technological applications in motion analysis: Diagnosis and monitoring for physiotherapeutic processes

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    El presente trabajo muestra las perspectivas de aplicación y uso de la tecnología de análisis de movimiento para el diagnóstico y seguimiento en procesos terapéuticos, mediante el análisis de parámetros de movimiento, apoyado en la tecnología de BTS SMART-E. Esta tecnología permite el análisis de la cinemática de los movimientos corporales y registra datos e imágenes en tres dimensiones (3D), para permitir en análisis y la valoración del movimiento en los planos frontal, sagital y trasversal. El objetivo de este estudio es mostrar las posibles aplicaciones y el uso de esta tecnología. Se presentan los modelos para tres estudios de aplicación realizados: balance corporal, comportamiento de mano luego de una enfermedad cerebro vascular (ECV) y análisis de inestabilidad en columna lumbar. Estos modelos muestran la posibilidad de medir el com-portamiento de uno o varios ángulos, en cuanto al desplazamiento, la velocidad y la aceleración. Este tipo de tecnología permite objetivar la evaluación y garantiza la reproducción de las pruebas en diferentes escenarios.This work shows the perspectives for application and use of motion analysis technology in diag-nosis and monitoring therapeutic process, through the analysis of motion parameters, supported by technology BTS SMART-E. This technology allows the analysis of the kinematics of body movement and capture data and images in three dimensions (3D). The aim is to enable analysis and assessment of movement in the frontal, sagittal and transversal plane. The interest of this study is to show the possible applications and the use of this technology. For three studies, the models are presented: body balance, hand behavior after stroke and analysis of lumbar spine instability. These models show the possibility of measuring the behavior of one or more angles, in terms of displacement, velocity and acceleration. This technology allows objectifying the eva-luation and ensuring the reproduction of the tests in different scenarios

    MYC directly transactivates CR2/CD21, the receptor of the Epstein-Barr virus, enhancing the viral infection of Burkitt lymphoma cells.

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    MYC is an oncogenic transcription factor dysregulated in about half of total human tumors. While transcriptomic studies reveal more than 1000 genes regulated by MYC, a much smaller fraction of genes is directly transactivated by MYC. Virtually all Burkitt lymphoma (BL) carry chromosomal translocations involving MYC oncogene. Most endemic BL and a fraction of sporadic BL are associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. The currently accepted mechanism is that EBV is the BL-causing agent inducing MYC translocation. Herein we show that the EBV receptor, CR2 (also called CD21), is a direct MYC target gene. This is based on several pieces of evidence: MYC induces CR2 expression in both proliferating and arrested cells and in the absence of protein synthesis, binds the CR2 promoter and transactivates CR2 in an E-box-dependent manner. Moreover, using mice with conditional MYC ablation we show that MYC induces CR2 in primary B cells. Importantly, modulation of MYC levels directly correlates with EBV's ability of infection in BL cells. Altogether, in contrast to the widely accepted hypothesis for the correlation between EBV and BL, we propose an alternative hypothesis in which MYC dysregulation could be the first event leading to the subsequent EBV infection.S

    JKST6, a novel multikinase modulator of the BCR-ABL1/STAT5 signaling pathway that potentiates direct BCR-ABL1 inhibition and overcomes imatinib resistance in chronic myelogenous leukemia

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    Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is a hematological malignancy that highly depends on the BCR-ABL1/STAT5 signaling pathway for cell survival. First-line treatments for CML consist of tyrosine kinase inhibitors that efficiently target BCR-ABL1 activity. However, drug resistance and intolerance are still therapeutic limitations in Ph+ cells. Therefore, the development of new anti-CML drugs that exhibit alternative mechanisms to overcome these limitations is a desirable goal. In this work, the antitumoral activity of JKST6, a naphthoquinone-pyrone hybrid, was assessed in imatinib-sensitive and imatinib-resistant human CML cells. Live-cell imaging analysis revealed JKST6 potent antiproliferative activity in 2D and 3D CML cultures. JKST6 provoked cell increase in the subG1 phase along with a reduction in the G0/G1 phase and altered the expression of key proteins involved in the control of mitosis and DNA damage. Rapid increases in Annexin V staining and activation/cleavage of caspases 8, 9 and 3 were observed after JKST6 treatment in CML cells. Of interest, JKST6 inhibited BCR-ABL1/STAT5 signaling through oncokinase downregulation that was preceded by rapid polyubiquitination. In addition, JKST6 caused a transient increase in JNK and AKT phosphorylation, whereas the phosphorylation of P38-MAPK and Src was reduced. Combinatory treatment unveiled synergistic effects between imatinib and JKST6. Notably, JKST6 maintained its antitumor efficacy in BCR-ABL1-T315I-positive cells and CML cells that overexpress BCR-ABL and even restored imatinib efficacy after a short exposure time. These findings, together with the observed low toxicity of JKST6, reveal a novel multikinase modulator that might overcome the limitations of BCR-ABL1 inhibitors in CML therapy.This research has been funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness - MINECO - (SAF 2015–65113-C2–1-R and RTI2018–094356-B-C21 to AEB, SAF2015–65113-C2–2 to LFP, SAF2017–88026-R to JL) with the co-funding of European Regional Development Fund (EU-ERDF), Canary Islands Government (CEI2018–23/ACIISI to BG, CEI2019–08/ACIISI to BG and LFP, ProID2021010037 to AEB, LFP and BG) and "Juan de la Cierva Incorporacion" Grant Program from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (IJC2018-035193-I to CR). This project has been also supported by Alfredo Martin-Reyes Foundation (Arehucas)-Canary Islands Foundation for Cancer Research (FICIC). HAT is recipient of a predoctoral program grant from ULPGC (2016). JCM was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III through a Miguel Servet program (CPII17/ 00015)

    Informe de autoevaluación de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes)

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    Tiene como objetivo evaluar, desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes, el funcionamiento de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), específicamente en lo que concierne a la carrera de psicología, teniendo como referencia los criterios planteados por el Sistema Nacional de Evaluación, Acreditación y Certificación de la Calidad Educativa (SINEACE). Para lograr dicho objetivo se realizó un estudio empírico–descriptivo, por medio de un cuestionario ad hoc basado en los criterios propuestos por el SINEACE, el cual se aplicó a 296 estudiantes de la Escuela Profesional de Psicología General de la Facultad de Psicología de la UNMSM, que equivalen al 45% de la población total. Los resultados mostraron que un número elevado de estudiantes no contaron con información suficiente y manejaron información errónea acerca del actual funcionamiento de la facultad de psicología. A través del proceso de verificación de fuentes de información se concluyó que la carrera cumple con 3 de 7 estándares propuestos en la dimensión “Gestión estratégica”, 11 de 18 en la dimensión “Formación Integral”, ninguno de 6 estándares en la dimensión “Soporte Institucional” y ninguno de los 2 en la dimensión “Resultados”. Además, los estudiantes presentaron porcentajes muy elevados de respuestas incompatibles con las fuentes de verificación. En síntesis, se concluye que los estudiantes, probablemente por los elevados porcentajes de desinformación o manejo de información errada, consideran que la carrera de Psicología presenta un funcionamiento parcialmente apropiado con respecto a los requisitos establecidos por el SINEACE

    Comparison of dental caries risk using two assessment tools in children aged 7 to 11

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    Objetivo: Comparar el riesgo de caries dental utilizando dos herramientas de evaluación en niños de 7 a 11 años que asisten a la Institución Educativa Policía Nacional del Perú Juan Ingunza Valdivia en el año 2019 en el distrito del Callao-Perú. Materiales y Métodos: El grupo de estudio estuvo conformado por 265 niños entre 7 a 11 años de edad, las herramientas utilizadas para comparar el riesgo de caries dental fueron: Cariograma Reducido el cual evalúo experiencia de caries, consumo y frecuencia de la dieta, flúor, presencia de enfermedad, higiene oral y dictamen clínico. Por otro lado, la herramienta Riesgo Biológico de Caries evaluó la experiencia de caries, higiene oral y diario dietético. El exámen clínico se realizó en un solo tiempo para ambas herramientas, evaluando la higiene oral según Greene y Vermillion y la experiencia de caries con el índice CPOD y ceod. Resultados: Se determinaron los datos sociodemográficos, identificándose mayor población en el género femenino con 58.11%, la edad de 9 años predominó con 33.96% y en cuanto al nivel socioeconómico la clase D predominó con 67.55%. Por otro lado, cuando se determinó el riesgo de caries dental utilizando la herramienta Cariograma Reducido según los datos sociodemográficos, se identificó que existen diferencias significativas entre la edad y nivel socioeconómico, mientras que no existe diferencia en relación al género. (p= 0.372). Al determinar el riesgo de caries con la herramienta Riesgo Biológico de Caries con los datos sociodemográficos, se encontró que existen diferencias significativas entre la edad y nivel socioeconómico con el uso de esta herramienta, pero no existe diferencia en relación al género. (p= 0.777). El análisis estadístico univariado se realizó mediante la estadística descriptiva (frecuencia relativa y absoluta) y el análisis bivariado mediante la prueba Chi- cuadrado de Pearson para comparar el riesgo de caries con ambas herramientas. Conclusión: Existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las herramientas Cariograma Reducido y Riesgo Biológico de Caries en los diagnósticos de riesgo de caries en sus niveles moderado y alto. (p < 0.001).Objective: Compare the risk of dental caries using two assessment tools in children from 7 to 11 years old who attend the Juan Ingunza Valdivia National Police Educational Institution in 2019 in the Callao district -Perú. Materials and Methods: The study group consisted of 265 children between 7 to 11 years of age, the tools used to compare the risk of dental caries were: Reduced Cariogram which evaluated the experience of caries, consumption and frequency of diet, fluoride, presence of disease, oral hygiene and clinical opinion. On the other hand, the Biological Caries Risk tool evaluated the experience of caries, oral hygiene and dietary diary. The clinical examination was performed in a single time for both tools, evaluating oral hygiene according to Greene and Vermillion and the experience of caries with the CPOD and ceod index. Results: Sociodemographic data were determined, identifying a greater female population with 58.11%, the age of 9 years prevailed with 33.96% and as for the socioeconomic level, class D predominated with 67.55%. On the other hand, when the risk of dental caries was determined using the Reduced Cariogram tool based on sociodemographic data, it was identified that there are significant differences between age and socioeconomic level, while there is no difference in relation to gender. (p = 0.372). When determining the risk of caries with the Biological Caries Risk tool with sociodemographic data, it was found that there are significant differences between age and socioeconomic level with the use of this tool, but there is no difference in relation to gender. (p = 0.777). The univariate statistical analysis was made using descriptive statistics (relative and absolute frequency) and bivariate analysis using Pearson's Chi-square test to compare caries risk with both tools. Conclusion: There are statistically significant differences between the Reduced Cariogram and Caries Biological Risk tools in caries risk diagnoses at their moderate and high levels. (p <0.001).Tesi

    Perception of the service quality on domestic flights in users aged 18 years and over who reside in Metropolitan Lima

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    La disminución de la lealtad de los clientes y el aumento de sus expectativas han retado a las empresas a encontrar métodos únicos para mejorar su calidad de servicio. Esto ha ocurrido en todas las industrias, inclusive para las aerolíneas. Con el ingreso de las aerolíneas de bajo costo o “low cost” el mercado aeronáutico se dinamizó y, como resultado, muchas aerolíneas han transformado sus estrategias de comercialización, especialmente con respecto a sus precios, a los servicios básicos asociados a éste y a la calidad del mismo. En la presente investigación buscamos identificar y analizar los factores determinantes de la calidad de servicio que influyen en la satisfacción de los pasajeros de vuelos nacionales que residen en Lima Metropolitana. Para tal fin, se empleó el modelo AIRQUAL, desarrollado específicamente para aerolíneas y la evaluación de satisfacción de los pasajeros. El modelo consta de 5 dimensiones dividadas en 33 ítems graduadas con escalas de Likert (1 al 5). Algunos preguntas del modelo se adaptaron para que tengan relevancia frente al usuario limeño. Se realizaron 400 encuestas de manera online, de las cuales 353 resultaron válidas y fueron empleadas para el estudio en cuestión. Se encontró que la imagen de la aerolínea así como la empatía mostrada por la misma, juegan in rol importante en la satisfacción percibida por los usuarios. Asimismo, se encontró que los tangibles encontrados en el aeropuerto fue la dimensión con menor relevancia.Decreasing customer loyalty and rising expectations have challenged companies to find unique methods to improve their quality of service. This has happened in all industries, including for airlines. With the entry of low-cost or “low cost” airlines, the aeronautical market became more dynamic and, as a result, many airlines have transformed their marketing strategies, especially with regard to their prices, the basic services associated with it and quality. of the same. In the present investigation, we seek to identify and analyze the determining factors of the quality of service that influence the satisfaction of passengers on domestic flights residing in Metropolitan Lima. For this purpose, the AIRQUAL model, developed specifically for airlines, and the passenger satisfaction assessment were used. The model consists of 5 dimensions divided into 33 items graded with Likert scales (1 to 5). Some questions in the model were adapted so that they are relevant to the Lima user. 400 surveys were conducted online, of which 353 were valid and were used for the study in question. It was found that the image of the airline, as well as the empathy shown by it, play an important role in the satisfaction perceived by users. Likewise, it was found that the tangibles found at the airport were the dimension with the least relevance.Tesi