42 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is generally expected among population above 60 years of age and rarely occurs in younger age groups. Its occurrence in young individuals is sporadic and has poor prognosis.Presentation of the case: A 24-year old woman, previously healthy, delivered her first child and subsequently developed pelvic problems. Despite multiple surgeries and diagnostic work-up, which included cross-sectional imaging, the patient’s diagnosis remained unknown. At the time of diagnosis with a colonoscopic evaluation, the patient was in the late stage of disease and died few months later.Conclusion: CRC should be in the differentials list in all patient cases, when suggestive symptoms present, regardless of age and other factors. Its association with pregnancy may obscure symptoms and delay the diagnosis

    Company’s financial state forecasting: methods and approaches

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    Planning company’s activity is a complex process, in which foresight is of great importance. The paper presents a method to predict financial state of a company using available financial data. For the prediction of quantitative indicators of the company currently there are different ways to build predictive models, such as simple and multiple regressions, autoregressive model and others. In this paper, to predict financial indicators of the company we use econometric modeling techniques. Tools to check the time series for the seasonality and stationarity are used in constructing the models. To check the reliability of the analysis techniques applied backtesting. To apply the developed method we used the values of financial indicators of the Kazakh national oil producing company. However, the method can be used for any company despite its size, industry, and so on. Albeit the method proposed is universal one and enables to predict financial state at any company, it has certain shortcomings and should be used along with fun¬damental analysis tools. The method proposed in the paper illustrated adequate results with sufficient accuracy according to the backtesting results. Therefore, based on the results of forecasting the financial state indicators, one can conduct a financial analysis of the expected state in upcoming period and use the derived values for future planning

    Stimulation of pedagogical workers of preschool educational institution

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    Статья посвящена проблеме стимулирования труда педагогических работников в сфере дошкольного образования. Проанализированы особенности труда данной категории работников. В рамках конкретного учреждения дошкольного образования рассмотрены алгоритм стимулирования труда, его показатели и индикаторы, доминирующие виды стимулирования. Показано, что совершенствование системы стимулирования труда педагогических работников в детском саду возможно лишь в ракурсе корректировки показателей и индикаторов стимулирования. Изучены потребности и удовлетворенность педагогических работников детского сада существующей системой стимулирования труда. Обозначены направления совершенствования системы стимулирования труда педагогических работников детского сада.The article is devoted to the problem of stimulation of work of pedagogical workers in the sphere of preschool education. We have analyzed the characteristics of this category of workers. In particular the establishment of preschool education is examined the algorithm is stimulation, its criterions and indicators, mainstream methods of stimulation in kindergarten. It is shown that the improvement of the system of stimulation of work of pedagogical workers is possible only in angle adjustment and indicators of stimulation. Examine the requirements and satisfaction of pedagogical staff of kindergarten with the current system of incentives. The indicated directions of improvement of system of stimulation of work of pedagogical workers of the kindergarten

    Late Diagnosis of Post-partum Colorectal Cancer in a Young Kazakh Woman

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    http://www.ivyunion.org/index.php/ajccr/article/view/1343Introduction: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is generally expected among population above 60 years of age and rarely occurs in younger age groups. Its occurrence in young individuals is sporadic and has poor prognosis. Presentation of the case: A 24-year old woman, previously healthy, delivered her first child and subsequently developed pelvic problems. Despite multiple surgeries and diagnostic work-up, which included cross-sectional imaging, the patient’s diagnosis remained unknown. At the time of diagnosis with a colonoscopic evaluation, the patient was in the late stage of disease and died few months later. Conclusion: CRC should be in the differentials list in all patient cases, when suggestive symptoms present, regardless of age and other factors. Its association with pregnancy may obscure symptoms and delay the diagnosis