93 research outputs found

    Can we always sweep the details of RNA-processing under the carpet?

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    RNA molecules follow a succession of enzyme-mediated processing steps from transcription until maturation. The participating enzymes, for example the spliceosome for mRNAs and Drosha and Dicer for microRNAs, are also produced in the cell and their copy-numbers fluctuate over time. Enzyme copy-number changes affect the processing rate of the substrate molecules; high enzyme numbers increase the processing probability, low enzyme numbers decrease it. We study different RNA processing cascades where enzyme copy-numbers are either fixed or fluctuate. We find that for fixed enzyme-copy numbers the substrates at steady-state are Poisson-distributed, and the whole RNA cascade dynamics can be understood as a single birth-death process of the mature RNA product. In this case, solely fluctuations in the timing of RNA processing lead to variation in the number of RNA molecules. However, we show analytically and numerically that when enzyme copy-numbers fluctuate, the strength of RNA fluctuations increases linearly with the RNA transcription rate. This linear effect becomes stronger as the speed of enzyme dynamics decreases relative to the speed of RNA dynamics. Interestingly, we find that under certain conditions, the RNA cascade can reduce the strength of fluctuations in the expression level of the mature RNA product. Finally, by investigating the effects of processing polymorphisms we show that it is possible for the effects of transcriptional polymorphisms to be enhanced, reduced, or even reversed. Our results provide a framework to understand the dynamics of RNA processing

    Influence of mutation rate on estimators of genetic differentiation - lessons from Arabidopsis thaliana

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    It has been brought to our attention that our paper (Kronholm et al. BMC Genetics 2010, 11: 33) may have caused some confusion for readers interested in the correct quantification of population differentiation. We feel that this issue is of some importance and wish to clarify any confusion that might have resulted

    Co-expression of neighbouring genes in Arabidopsis: separating chromatin effects from direct interactions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In all eukaryotic species examined, genes that are chromosomal neighbours are more similar in their expression than random gene pairs. Currently, it is still unclear how much of this local co-expression is caused by direct transcriptional interactions, and how much is due to shared chromatin environments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analysed neighbouring genes in <it>Arabidopsis thaliana</it>. At large intergenic distances (>400 bp), divergently and convergently transcribed gene pairs show very similar levels of co-expression, mediated most likely by shared chromatin environments. At gene distances below 400 bp, co-expression is strongly enhanced only for divergently transcribed gene pairs, indicating bi-directional transcription from a single promoter. Conversely, co-expression is suppressed for short convergently or uni-directionally transcribed pairs. This suppression points to transcriptional interference concentrated at the 3' end, e.g., in the context of transcription termination.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Classifying linked gene pairs by their orientation, we are able to partially tease apart the different levels of regional expression modulation. (i) Regional chromatin characteristics modulate the accessibility for regulation and transcription, regardless of gene orientation; the strength of this chromatin effect can be assessed from divergently or convergently transcribed distant neighbours. (ii) Shared promoter regions up to 400 bp in length enhance the co-expression of close bi-directional neighbours. (iii) Transcriptional interference of close neighbours is concentrated at the 3' ends of genes, and reduces co-expression on average by 40%.</p


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    Polygenic adaptation of rosette growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaThe rate at which plants grow is a major functional trait in plant ecology. However, little is known about its evolution in natural populations. Here, we investigate evolutionary and environmental factors shaping variation in the growth rate of Arabidopsis thaliana. We used plant diameter as a proxy to monitor plant growth over time in environments that mimicked latitudinal differences in the intensity of natural light radiation, across a set of 278 genotypes sampled within four broad regions, including an outgroup set of genotypes from China. A field experiment conducted under natural conditions confirmed the ecological relevance of the observed variation. All genotypes markedly expanded their rosette diameter when the light supply was decreased, demonstrating that environmental plasticity is a predominant source of variation to adapt plant size to prevailing light conditions. Yet, we detected significant levels of genetic variation both in growth rate and growth plasticity. Genome-wide association studies revealed that only 2 single nucleotide polymorphisms associate with genetic variation for growth above Bonferroni confidence levels. However, marginally associated variants were significantly enriched among genes with an annotated role in growth and stress reactions. Polygenic scores computed from marginally associated variants confirmed the polygenic basis of growth variation. For both light regimes, phenotypic divergence between the most distantly related population (China) and the various regions in Europe is smaller than the variation observed within Europe, indicating that the evolution of growth rate is likely to be constrained by stabilizing selection. We observed that Spanish genotypes, however, reach a significantly larger size than Northern European genotypes. Tests of adaptive divergence and analysis of the individual burden of deleterious mutations reveal that adaptive processes have played a more important role in shaping regional differences in rosette growth than maladaptive evolution. The rate at which plants grow is a major functional trait in plant ecology. However, little is known about its genetic variation in natural populations. Here, we investigate genetic and environmental factors shaping variation in the growth rate of Arabidopsis thaliana and ask whether genetic variation in plant growth contributes to adaptation to local environmental conditions. We grew plants under two light regimes that mimic latitudinal differences in the intensity of natural light radiation, and measured plant diameter as it grew over time. When the light supply was decreased, plant diameter grew more slowly but reached a markedly larger final size, confirming that plants can adjust their growth to prevailing light conditions. Yet, we also detected significant levels of genetic variation both in growth rate and in how the growth dynamics is adjusted to the light conditions. We show that this variation is encoded by many loci of small effect that are hard to locate in the genome but overall significantly enriched among genes associated with growth and stress reactions. We further observe that Spanish genotypes tended to reach, on average, a significantly larger rosette size than Northern European genotypes. Tests of adaptive divergence indicate that these differences may reflect adaptation to local environmental conditions

    Co-Variation between Seed Dormancy, Growth Rate and Flowering Time Changes with Latitude in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Life-history traits controlling the duration and timing of developmental phases in the life cycle jointly determine fitness. Therefore, life-history traits studied in isolation provide an incomplete view on the relevance of life-cycle variation for adaptation. In this study, we examine genetic variation in traits covering the major life history events of the annual species Arabidopsis thaliana: seed dormancy, vegetative growth rate and flowering time. In a sample of 112 genotypes collected throughout the European range of the species, both seed dormancy and flowering time follow a latitudinal gradient independent of the major population structure gradient. This finding confirms previous studies reporting the adaptive evolution of these two traits. Here, however, we further analyze patterns of co-variation among traits. We observe that co-variation between primary dormancy, vegetative growth rate and flowering time also follows a latitudinal cline. At higher latitudes, vegetative growth rate is positively correlated with primary dormancy and negatively with flowering time. In the South, this trend disappears. Patterns of trait co-variation change, presumably because major environmental gradients shift with latitude. This pattern appears unrelated to population structure, suggesting that changes in the coordinated evolution of major life history traits is adaptive. Our data suggest that A. thaliana provides a good model for the evolution of trade-offs and their genetic basis.<br

    Lateral gene transfer acts as an evolutionary shortcut to efficient C4 biochemistry

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    The adaptation of proteins for novel functions often requires changes in their kinetics via amino acid replacement. This process can require multiple mutations, and therefore extended periods of selection. The transfer of genes among distinct species might speed up the process, by providing proteins already adapted for the novel function. However, this hypothesis remains untested in multicellular eukaryotes. The grass Alloteropsis is an ideal system to test this hypothesis due to its diversity of genes encoding phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), an enzyme that catalyses one of the key reactions in the C4 pathway. Different accessions of Alloteropsis either use native isoforms relatively recently co-opted from other functions or isoforms that were laterally acquired from distantly related species that evolved the C4 trait much earlier. By comparing the enzyme kinetics we show that native isoforms with few amino acid replacements have substrate KM values similar to the non-C4 ancestral form, but exhibit marked increases in catalytic efficiency. The co-option of native isoforms was therefore followed by rapid catalytic improvements, which appear to rely on standing genetic variation observed within one species. Native C4 isoforms with more amino acid replacements exhibit additional changes in affinities, suggesting that the initial catalytic improvements are followed by gradual modifications. Finally, laterally acquired genes show both strong increases in catalytic efficiency and important changes in substrate handling. We conclude that the transfer of genes among distant species sharing the same physiological novelty creates an evolutionary shortcut toward more efficient enzymes, effectively accelerating evolution

    Adaptive Walks Toward a Moving Optimum

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    We investigate how the dynamics and outcomes of adaptation by natural selection are affected by environmental stability by simulating adaptive walks in response to an environmental change of fixed magnitude but variable speed. Here we consider monomorphic lineages that adapt by the sequential fixation of beneficial mutations. This is modeled by selecting short RNA sequences for folding stability and secondary structure conservation at increasing temperatures. Using short RNA sequences allows us to describe adaptive outcomes in terms of genotype (sequence) and phenotype (secondary structure) and to follow the dynamics of fitness increase. We find that slower rates of environmental change affect the dynamics of adaptive walks by reducing the fitness effect of fixed beneficial mutations, as well as by increasing the range of time in which the substitutions of largest effect are likely to occur. In addition, adaptation to slower rates of environmental change results in fitter endpoints with fewer possible end phenotypes relative to lineages that adapt to a sudden change. This suggests that care should be taken when experiments using sudden environmental changes are used to make predictions about adaptive responses to gradual change

    Approximate Bayesian Computation Untangles Signatures of Contemporary and Historical Hybridization between Two Endangered Species

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    Contemporary gene flow, when resumed after a period of isolation, can have crucial consequences for endangered species, as it can both increase the supply of adaptive alleles and erode local adaptation. Determining the history of gene flow and thus the importance of contemporary hybridization, however, is notoriously difficult. Here, we focus on two endangered plant species, Arabis nemorensis and A. sagittata, which hybridize naturally in a sympatric population located on the banks of the Rhine. Using reduced genome sequencing, we determined the phylogeography of the two taxa but report only a unique sympatric population. Molecular variation in chloroplast DNA indicated that A. sagittata is the principal receiver of gene flow. Applying classical D-statistics and its derivatives to whole-genome data of 35 accessions, we detect gene flow not only in the sympatric population but also among allopatric populations. Using an Approximate Bayesian computation approach, we identify the model that best describes the history of gene flow between these taxa. This model shows that low levels of gene flow have persisted long after speciation. Around 10 000 years ago, gene flow stopped and a period of complete isolation began. Eventually, a hotspot of contemporary hybridization was formed in the unique sympatric population. Occasional sympatry may have helped protect these lineages from extinction in spite of their extremely low diversity