1,284 research outputs found

    Statistical trends in culture methods of endolithic bacteria extracted from Quartz, K-Feldspar (Jurassic) and Calcite (Quaternary) in semi-arid areas in Colombia

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    Microbial endolithic communities are ubiquitous in many deserts around the globe. They have been found in many different lithologies, including quartz, plagioclase and calcite. The use of culture methods in geomicrobiology is important because most bacteria are non-cultivable, which makes it very difficult to characterize and describe them. In this study, endolithic bacteria and yeast were cultured in three rock-forming minerals (quartz, K-feldspar and calcite) with standard culture methodologies. It was demonstrated that these endolithic microorganisms could grow in noble agar enriched with a mineral different from the one they were extracted. Microbes were also cultured in a nutritive broth under some physicochemical factors (sugar, salt, pH and temperature) to study their possible tolerance to different ecological conditions. These results were combined with Multiple Factorial Analysis to identify statistical trends between their morphologies (pigment, size and Gram stain), chemical elements and their tolerance to physicochemical factors. Our results show that it might exist a relationship between pigments in microbial colonies,their tolerance to pH9, salinity and temperature conditions; and that Gram-negative bacillus might have a high adaptive ability to different enriched minimum media. Characterizing microbial communities associated with lithic substrates in the laboratory could be helpful for future planning in the search for life on Mars

    Propuesta de reportes de gestión para la dirección de crédito masivo

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    El trabajo que a continuación se presentara nace por el inexistente control de la gestión y la necesidad de conocer el comportamiento de la misma. No existía realmente un reporte claro, completo, estandarizado y que sea comunicado a todos los interesados para la verificación de la producción de toda la planta. Es en este momento que se detecta una falla en cuanto al control de la producción y también en reportar esta valiosa información a los distintos estamentos, formulando la pregunta: ¿Los reportes de información de gestión de la DCM, suministran información completa y pertinente para la Directora, Gerentes, Jefes y Coordinadores? Para dar solución al problema planteado se buscó revisar los reportes de la gestión de la planta que habían en ese momento y confrontar con los usuarios del mismo, preguntando a través de encuestas, sobre qué información les gustaría fuera plasmada en los reportes, con qué periodicidad, etc., para de esta manera, aplicar las distintas inquietudes. Posteriormente, se hace la presentación del reporte a los encuestados para validar y de nuevo recibir una última retroalimentación sobre lo presentado. Transversalmente se analizó cuál debería ser el flujo de la información, para que todos en la dirección se den por enterados de la gestión. Una vez validado el reporte, se ajustaron los últimos detalles para realizar la propuesta final y definitiva. Actualmente se utiliza este reporte para informar la productividad de toda la planta, gracias al coaching que se realiza es enfocado y las acciones correctivas son inmediatas.The work presented below was created by the non-existent management control and the need to know the behavior of the same. There was indeed a clear, comprehensive, standardized reporting and to be shared with all stakeholders to verify the production of the entire plant. It is at this time that a fault is detected in the control of production and also to report this valuable information to the various levels, asking the question: Reports information management DCM, provide complete and relevant information for the Director, Managers and Coordinators?. To give solution to the problem is sought to review the reports of the management of the plant that had at that time and confront the same users, through surveys asking, what information they would like to be reflected in the reports, how often , etc., to thereby apply the different concerns. Subsequently, the presentation of the report to the respondents is again to validate and receive feedback on what was presented last. Transversely it analyzed what should the flow of information to everyone in the address are given a blind management. Once validated the report, the final details were adjusted to make the final and definitive proposal. This report is currently being used to inform the productivity of the whole plant, thanks to coaching that is focused and takes corrective actions are immediate.Administrador (a) de EmpresasPregrad

    Time-series representation framework based on multi-instance similarity measures

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    Time series analysis plays an essential role in today’s society due to the ease of access to information. This analysis is present in the majority of applications that involve sensors, but in recent years thanks to technological advancement, this approach has been directed towards the treatment of complex signals that lack periodicity and even that present non-stationary dynamics such as signals of brain activity or magnetic and satellite resonance images. The main challenges at the time of time series analysis are focused on the representation of the same, for which methodologies based on similarity measures have been proposed. However, these approaches are oriented to the measurement of local patterns point-to-point in the signals using metrics based on the form. Besides, the selection of relevant information from the representations is of high importance, in order to eliminate noise and train classifiers with discriminant information for the analysis tasks, however, this selection is usually made at the level of characteristics, leaving aside the Global signal information. In the same way, lately, there have been applications in which it is necessary to analyze time series from different sources of information or multimodal, for which there are methods that generate acceptable performance but lack interpretability. In this regard, we propose a framework based on representations of similarity and multiple-instance learning that allows selecting relevant information for classification tasks in order to improve the performance and interpretability of the modelsResumen: El análisis de series de tiempo juega un papel importante en la sociedad actual debido a la facilidad de acceso a la información. Este análisis está presente en la mayoría de aplicaciones que involucran sensores, pero en los ´últimos años gracias al avance tecnológico, este enfoque se ha encaminado hacia el tratamiento de señales complejas que carecen de periodicidad e incluso que presentan dinámicas no estacionarias como lo son las señales de actividad cerebral o las imágenes de resonancias magnéticas y satelitales. Los principales retos a la hora de realizar en análisis de series de tiempo se centran en la representación de las mismas, para lo cual se han propuesto metodologías basadas en medidas de similitud, sin embargo, estos enfoques están orientados a la medición de patrones locales punto a punto en las señales utilizando métricas basadas en la forma. Además, es de alta importancia la selección de información relevante de las representaciones, con el fin de eliminar el ruido y entrenar clasificadores con información discriminante para las tareas de análisis, sin embargo, esta selección se suele hacer a nivel de características, dejando de lado la información de global de la señal. De la misma manera, ´últimamente han surgido aplicaciones en las cuales es necesario el análisis de series de tiempo provenientes de diferentes fuentes de información o multimodales, para lo cual existen métodos que generan un rendimiento aceptable, pero carecen de interpretabilidad. En este sentido, en nosotros proponemos un marco de trabajo basado en representaciones de similitud y aprendizaje de múltiples instancias que permita seleccionar información relevante para tareas de clasificación con el fin de mejorar el rendimiento y la interpretabilidad de los modelosMaestrí

    Efecto de abonos orgánicos a partir de subproductos del fique en la producción de maíz

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    Se evaluaron seis tratamientos de abonos orgánicos elaborados a partir de subproductos del procesamiento de fique (Furcraea gigantea Vent.) como alternativa para suplir los requerimientos nutricionales del cultivo de maíz (Zea mays L.) en el Municipio de Guaitarilla (Nariño, Colombia). Para la elaboración de los abonos se empleó la técnica Bocashi modificada, evaluando tres relaciones carbono:nitrógeno (10:1, 20:1 y 30:1) y dos fuentes de microorganismos descomponedores (microrganismos efectivos (EM) y levadura comercial). Cada tratamiento fue evaluado en campo utilizando un diseño de bloques completos al azar con arreglo factorial donde el factor A correspondió a los diferentes abonos orgánicos (Ta-Tf) y el factor B a las dosis de fertilización: 3, 6 y 9 t/ha, adicionalmente se valoró un testigo con fertilización química (Tq) y un testigo sin fertilización (To). Como variables de respuesta se estudiaron la altura de la planta (AP), rendimiento (RTO), número de granos por mazorca (GM) y peso de cien granos (PC). El mejor tratamiento fue Tb (20:1+EM), el cual superó de forma significativa (P<0,05) al testigo con fertilización química en las variables: AP, RTO y PC; se concluyó que es posible utilizar el abono orgánico de fique como alternativa de fertilización en la producción de maíz

    Measurement of the EBL through a combined likelihood analysis of gamma-ray observations of blazars with the MAGIC telescopes

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    The extragalactic background light (EBL) is the radiation accumulated through the history of the Universe in the wavelength range from the ultraviolet to the far infrared. Local foregrounds make the direct measurement of the diffuse EBL notoriously difficult, while robust lower limits have been obtained by adding up the contributions of all the discrete sources resolved in deep infrared and optical galaxy observations. Gamma-ray astronomy has emerged in the past few years as a powerful tool for the study of the EBL: very-high-energy (VHE) photons traversing cosmological distances can interact with EBL photons to produce e+^+e^- pairs, resulting in an energy-dependent depletion of the gamma-ray flux of distant sources that can be used to set constraints on the EBL density. The study of the EBL is one of the key scientific programs currently carried out by the MAGIC collaboration. We present here the results of the analysis of 32 VHE spectra of 12 blazars in the redshift range 0.03 - 0.94, obtained with over 300 hours of observations with the MAGIC telescopes between 2010 and 2016. A combined likelihood maximization approach is used to evaluate the density and spectrum of the EBL most consistent with the MAGIC observations. The results are compatible with state-of-the-art EBL models, and constrain the EBL density to be roughly within 20%\simeq 20\% of the nominal value in such models. The study reveals no anomalies in gamma-ray propagation in the large optical depth regime - contrary to some claims based on meta-analyses of published VHE spectra.Comment: Proceedings of the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2017), Bexco, Busan, Korea (arXiv:1708.05153

    Software educativo de cuadernia y hot potatoes para mejorar la habilidad comunicativa en estudiantes de grado quinto de club de leones en Granada Meta

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    Ilustración 7 Estudiante de grado quinto de la sede Club de Leones de la IE Camilo Torres de Granada-Meta realizando un ejercicio diseñado en cuadernia. Fuente: Archivo fotográfico de Acosta y Cerquera, 2018Este documento presenta los resultados del trabajo de grado realizado en la modalidad de Proyecto aplicado, bajo la asesoría del doctor Julián Eliecer Rojas Portela, inscrito en la línea de investigación Línea Pedagogía, didáctica y currículo de la ECEDU, y que se basó en la metodología mixta, se realizó con estudiantes de grado 5 de la sede Club de Leones de la IE Camilo Torres en Granada-MetaThis document presents the results of the degree work carried out in the modality of the Project applied, under the advice of Dr. Julián Eliecer Rojas Portela, enrolled in the line of research Line Pedagogy, didactics and curriculum of the ECEDU, and which was based on the methodology mixed, it was carried out with students of grade 5 of the Club de Leones headquarters of the IE Camilo Torres in Granada-Met

    Statistical trends in culture methods of endolithic bacteria extracted from Quartz, K-Feldspar (Jurassic) and Calcite (Quaternary) in semi-arid areas in Colombia

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    Microbial endolithic communities are ubiquitous in many deserts around the globe. They have been found in many different lithologies, including quartz, plagioclase and calcite. The use of culture methods in geomicrobiology is important because most bacteria are non-cultivable, which makes it very difficult to characterize and describe them. In this study, endolithic bacteria and yeast were cultured in three rock-forming minerals (quartz, K-feldspar and calcite) with standard culture methodologies. It was demonstrated that these endolithic microorganisms could grow in noble agar enriched with a mineral different from the one they were extracted. Microbes were also cultured in a nutritive broth under some physicochemical factors (sugar, salt, pH and temperature) to study their possible tolerance to different ecological conditions. These results were combined with Multiple Factorial Analysis to identify statistical trends between their morphologies (pigment, size and Gram stain), chemical elements and their tolerance to physicochemical factors. Our results show that it might exist a relationship between pigments in microbial colonies,their tolerance to pH9, salinity and temperature conditions; and that Gram-negative bacillus might have a high adaptive ability to different enriched minimum media. Characterizing microbial communities associated with lithic substrates in the laboratory could be helpful for future planning in the search for life on Mars