12 research outputs found

    Inventory Management System (IMS) For Small Business Enterprise

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    The purpose of this project is to generate a Web-based database system model for small business enterprise to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization's functions. Prototype systems named Inventory Management System (IMS) develop as one of the system solution on managing organization's inventory. The MySQL Database, PHP Server-Side scripting language and Apache Web Server are used to develop the system. It was free web development software, which licenses under General Public License (GPL). The system model is defined to acts as a reference model of the organization's inventory management. The system was developed and run successfully. A supplementary function and mode were added to strengthen the system powered with fast SQL data transaction. There are some problems and limitations that were discovered during the development of project that will be discuses later. Finally, the system hopefully brings a very good advantage for the organization to reinforce their inventory management system

    Evaluación en el marco de las competencias una mirada desde los docentes del COBACH 145

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    Considerando que el currículo mexicano en sus diferentes niveles educativos ha sido atravesado por distintas reformas, es necesario centrar la atención en los procesos que viven los actores de los mismos, por ello en nuestra propuesta nos interesa mostrar la mirada de los profesores quienes intervienen en el proceso de evaluación de las competencias matemáticas de sus estudiantes. En esta ponencia se muestra un avance la investigación titulada “Evaluación en el marco de las competencias: el caso los profesores de matemáticas del COBACH 145”. De manera general se presenta la revisión sobre la Reforma Integral para la Educación Media Superior y de forma particular cómo el Colegio de Bachilleres de Chiapas atiende las demandas que implican la puesta en marcha de la misma, establecemos la postura teórica epistemológica, así como el método y herramientas desde la cual estamos llevando a cabo la investigación

    Grey Wolf Optimizer for the Nurse Rostering Problem

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    This paper proposes a novel discrete version of Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) in addressing selected Second International Nurse Rostering Competition (INRC-II) problem instances. The position-updating mechanism in the original GWO is replaced with mutation and crossover operators. Experiments are carried out to set parameter values for the algorithm to run optimally. The population size of 10 is the most effective for the proposed GWO. The combination of swap and change as mutation operators allows the GWO to perform at its best. In addition, the performance of the proposed GWO is compared with that of a Hill Climbing (HC) algorithm. The computational results show that the proposed GWO outperformed the HC for all the selected instances. Experimental results are discussed

    Chapter 19 Noise pollution and its impact on human health and the environment

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    This chapter deals with (1) the basic theory of sound propagation; (2) an overview of noise pollution problem in view of policy and standards by the World Health Organization, the United States, and the European Union; (3) noise exposure sources from aircraft, road traffic and railways, in-vehicle, work, and construction sites, and occupations, and households; (4) the noise pollution impact on human health and the biological environment; (5) modeling of regional noise-affected habitats in protected and unprotected land areas and the marine environment; (6) noise control measures and sustainability in view of sustainable building design, noise mapping, and control measures such as barriers and berms along roadsides, acoustic building materials, roadway vehicle noise source control, road surface, and pavement materials; and (7) environmental noise pollution management measures and their impact on human health


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    Belakangan ini, selain sebagai alat transportasi, sepeda motor juga digunakan untuk kepentingan kompetisi performance. Metode pemapasan cylinder head menjadi hal yang sederhana untuk merubah volume ruang bakar dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan perbandingan rasio kompresi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen yang dilakukan di laboratorium. Dimana menggunakan sepeda motor Honda Beat 110cc dan bahan bakar premium dan pertalite, serta menggunakan cylinder head standar dan modifikasi untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap unjuk kerjanya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan dynamometer (dynotest) untuk mengetahui daya maksimum dan torsi maksimum pada sepeda motor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengujian menggunakan cylinder head standar dengan bahan bakar premium menghasilkan daya maksimum sebesar 4,67 HP pada putaran 6500 rpm dan torsi maksimum 4,70 ft.lbs pada putaran 4500 rpm, sedangkan pada pertalite diperoleh daya 5,24 HP pada putaran 6750 rpm dan torsi 5,19 ft.lbs pada putaran 4700 rpm. Dan pengujian menggunakan cylinder head modifikasi dengan bahan bakar premium daya maksimum diperoleh sebesar 5,32 HP dan torsi maksimum 4,40 ft.lbs, sedangkan pada pertalite diperoleh daya 6,34 HP dan torsi 5,17 ft.lbs


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    This research entitles “THE SUBJECTIVE PORTRAYAL OF PUBLIC FIGURES: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF OBAMA AND MCCAIN’S ELECTION IN A NEWSPAPER COLUMN”. The aims of the study are to discover the ideologies beneath the US presidential election in a news website by analyzing critically Scoblete’s political texts, which were taken from www.realclearpolitics.com, and to reveal any hidden meanings or the representation of certain ideology presented linguistically in the news websites concerning the political issues. This paper analysis employs a qualitative method. Critical discourse analysis (CDA) was used to analyze the texts by focusing on the linguistic analysis by Fairclough, the analysis processes of CDA by Halliday (transitivity), and the use of agenda-setting theory related to the study by McComb. The study shows that transitivity and agenda-setting theory can be elaborated and used as a basis for examining the position of Scoblete’s articles on the political issues in the US election through the portrayal of the opponent of John McCain in more negative ways. It was proved by 14 sentences which seemed to take sides with this Republican’s candidate, while there were only two sentences taking sides to his opponent. It reveals that the author attempted to influence and convince the public that McCain has better and more sensible ideas than his opponent, Barack Obama. This negative portrayal by the author, however, did not seem to work well since Obama was finally elected as the president of U

    Relaciones culturales luso-españolas : el Instituto de Estudios Portugueses y el lectorado portugués de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

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    Es separata de: "La Noche, n. 10701"É separata de: La Noche, n. 1070


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    Research on the effect of giving tofu liquid waste fertilizer on the growth and yield of soybean (Glycine max L. Merril), has been carried out in Koto Panjang Ikur Koto Village, Koto Tengah District, Padang City. Starting from April to July 2019. The study aims to get the best concentration of tofu liquid waste fertilizer for the growth and yield of soybean (Glycine max L. Merril) The experiment used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 5 and 5 groups of treatment, so there were 25 experimental units. The treatments given in the experiment were various concentrations of tofu liquid waste fertilizer as follows: A: 0 ml/liter water/plot, B: 30 ml/liter water/plot, C: 60 ml/liter water/plot, D: 90 ml/liter water/plot, E : 120 ml/liter water/plot. The results showed no effect significantly different on the number of primary branches, flowering age, harvest age, weight of 100 seeds, but significantly different on plant height, percentage of pithy pods per plant, dry seed weight per plant and dry seed weight per plot, but the yield was still below description. From the results of this study, it is recommended to increase the concentration of tofu liquid waste fertilizer by more than 120 ml/liter of water/plot against the observation parameters to get results that match the description

    A Genetic Algorithm for the Real-world University Course Timetabling Problem

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    In this work, we propose a Genetic Algorithm (GA) in addressing a post enrolment course timetabling (PECTT) problem for University Malaysia Sabah-Labuan International Campus (UMS-LIC). Tabu Search with Sampling and Perturbation (TSSP) is used to initiate a pool of feasible solutions in the GA. Experiments are conducted to set the best parameter values for the algorithm to operate optimally under a computation time limit. The proposed methodology is tested on a dataset based on semester 1, session 2018/2019 student registration. The automated timetables are compared with the one generated manually by the administrative staff of UMS-LIC. The former outperformed the latter in terms of hard and soft constraint violations (approximately 54% improvement). Experimental results are discussed