169 research outputs found

    Programa sobre aprendizaje basado en problemas para fortalecer el desempeño académico en estudiantes de un instituto superior- Abancay, 2022

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo general demostrar la eficacia del programa ABP en la mejora del desempeño académico de los estudiantes de un Instituto Superior de Abancay-2022. Así mismo, metodológicamente la investigación fue de tipo aplicada y el diseño fue cuasi experimental. La población estuvo conformada por 90 estudiantes de un instituto Superior de Abancay y la muestra fue censal de 24 estudiantes, distribuidos en dos grupos, grupo experimental (12 estudiantes) y grupo control (12 estudiantes). La técnica que se empleó para la recolección de datos fue la encuesta y el instrumento fue el cuestionario. Los resultados mostraron que en el pre-test y el post-test el grupo de control tuvo resultados similares, donde presentó el 91.7% de nivel eficiente y el 8.3% de nivel muy eficiente; mientras tanto en el grupo experimental los estudiantes presentaron en el pre-test nivel eficiente al 100% y en el post test nivel eficiente al 8.3% y nivel muy eficiente 91.7% en el desempeño académico. Así mismo, se concluye que el programa Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas influye significativamente en la mejora del desempeño académico de los estudiantes (U Mann-Whitney, ρ = .000 y ρ < 0.05)

    SinEx DB: a database for single exon coding sequences in mammalian genomes

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    Indexación: Web of Science.Eukaryotic genes are typically interrupted by intragenic, noncoding sequences termed introns. However, some genes lack introns in their coding sequence (CDS) and are generally known as 'single exon genes' (SEGs). In this work, a SEG is defined as a nuclear, protein-coding gene that lacks introns in its CDS. Whereas, many public databases of Eukaryotic multi-exon genes are available, there are only two specialized databases for SEGs. The present work addresses the need for a more extensive and diverse database by creating SinEx DB, a publicly available, searchable database of predicted SEGs from 10 completely sequenced mammalian genomes including human. SinEx DB houses the DNA and protein sequence information of these SEGs and includes their functional predictions (KOG) and the relative distribution of these functions within species. The information is stored in a relational database built with My SQL Server 5.1.33 and the complete dataset of SEG sequences and their functional predictions are available for downloading. SinEx DB can be interrogated by: (i) a browsable phylogenetic schema, (ii) carrying out BLAST searches to the in-house SinEx DB of SEGs and (iii) via an advanced search mode in which the database can be searched by key words and any combination of searches by species and predicted functions. SinEx DB provides a rich source of information for advancing our understanding of the evolution and function of SEGs.https://academic.oup.com/database/article-lookup/doi/10.1093/database/baw09

    Community Structure in Soil Porous System

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    Diffusion controls the gaseous transport process in soils when advective transport is almost null. Knowledge of the soil structure and pore connectivity are critical issues to understand and modelling soil aeration, sequestration or emission of greenhouse gasses, volatilization of volatile organic chemicals among other phenomena. In the last decades these issues increased our attention as scientist have realize that soil is one of the most complex materials on the earth, within which many biological, physical and chemical processes that support life and affect climate change take place. A quantitative and explicit characterization of soil structure is difficult because of the complexity of the pore space. This is the main reason why most theoretical approaches to soil porosity are idealizations to simplify this system. In this work, we proposed a more realistic attempt to capture the complexity of the system developing a model that considers the size and location of pores in order to relate them into a network. In the model we interpret porous soils as heterogeneous networks where pores are represented by nodes, characterized by their size and spatial location, and the links representing flows between them. In this work we perform an analysis of the community structure of porous media of soils represented as networks. For different real soils samples, modelled as heterogeneous complex networks, spatial communities of pores have been detected depending on the values of the parameters of the porous soil model used. These types of models are named as Heterogeneous Preferential Attachment (HPA). Developing an exhaustive analysis of the model, analytical solutions are obtained for the degree densities and degree distribution of the pore networks generated by the model in the thermodynamic limit and shown that the networks exhibit similar properties to those observed in other complex networks. With the aim to study in more detail topological properties of these networks, the presence of soil pore community structures is studied. The detection of communities of pores, as groups densely connected with only sparser connections between groups, could contribute to understand the mechanisms of the diffusion phenomena in soils

    Multiscaling of soils as heterogeneous complex networks

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    In this paper we present a complex network model based on a heterogeneous preferential attachment scheme to quantify the structure of porous soils. Under this perspective pores are represented by nodes and the space for the flow of fluids between them is represented by links. Pore properties such as position and size are described by fixed states in a metric space, while an affinity function is introduced to bias the attachment probabilities of links according to these properties. We perform an analytical study of the degree distributions in the soil model and show that under reasonable conditions all the model variants yield a multiscaling behavior in the connectivity degrees, leaving a empirically testable signature of heterogeneity in the topology of pore networks. We also show that the power-law scaling in the degree distribution is a robust trait of the soil model and analyze the influence of the parameters on the scaling exponents. We perform a numerical analysis of the soil model for a combination of parameters corresponding to empirical samples with different properties, and show that the simulation results exhibit a good agreement with the analytical predictions

    Network models of soil porous structure

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    Soils sustain life on Earth. In times of increasing anthropogenic demands on soils [1] there is growing need to seek for novel approaches to understand the relationships between the soil porous structure and specific soil functions. Recently [2-4], soil pore structure was described as a complex network of pores using spatially embedded varying fitness network model [2] or heterogeneous preferential attachment scheme [3-4], both approaches revealing the apparent scale-free topology of soils. Here, we show, using a large set of soil images of structures obtained by X-ray computed tomography that both methods predict topological similar networks of soil pore structures. Furthermore, by analyzing the node-node link correlation properties of the obtained networks we suggest an approach to quantify the complexity of soil pore structur

    Evaluacion de cinco cultivares de tomate ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) en invernadero manejados en un sistema organico en transicion

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    Resumen (Spanish, English)58 p.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar cultivares de tomate en invernadero manejados en un sistema orgánico en transición en el verano 1997-1998. El ensayo se ubicó en la Estación Experimental de Panguilemo, Universidad de Talca, Talca. Los tratamientos (cultivares) fueron Presto, Mazarrón, FA-144, Líder y Galileo. Para las mediciones se utilizó el diseño estadístico de bloques completamente al azar con 4 repeticiones. Se apreciaron diferencias entre los cultivares en estudio, en lo referido a productividad y calidad frutal. La principal diferencia fue la obtenida en términos de productividad, entre los grupos de cultivares, los cultivares larga vida (FA-144, Líder y Galileo) y los cultivares tradicionales (Presto y Mazarrón). Los rendimientos comerciales de los cultivares tradicionales, fueron de 100,3 ton/ha para Mazarrón y 107,1 ton/ha para Presto, el mejor rendimiento comercial de los cultivares larga vida fue el del cultivar FA-144 con 63,1 ton/ha, los otros dos cultivares obtuvieron resultados aproximados a las 53 ton/ha. Respecto a la calidad frutal, los cultivares tuvieron un comportamiento muy similar respecto a las mediciones de materia seca, sólidos solubles y presión siendo ligeramente superiores los cultivares larga vida; las mediciones de azucares reductoras (glucosa, fructosa y sacarosa) y ácidos orgánicos (cítrico y málico) mostraron contenidos similares entre los cultivares

    Draft genome sequence of the type strain of the sulfur-oxidizing acidophile, Acidithiobacillus albertensis (DSM 14366)

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    Abstract Acidithiobacillus albertensis is an extremely acidophilic, mesophilic, obligatory autotrophic sulfur-oxidizer, with potential importance in the bioleaching of sulfidic metal ores, first described in the 1980s. Here we present the draft genome sequence of Acidithiobacillus albertensis DSM 14366T, thereby both filling a long-standing gap in the genomics of the acidithiobacilli, and providing further insight into the understanding of the biology of the non iron-oxidizing members of the Acidithiobacillus genus. The assembled genome is 3,1 Mb, and contains 47 tRNAs, tmRNA gene and 2 rRNA operons, along with 3149 protein-coding predicted genes. The Whole Genome Shotgun project was deposited in DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank under the accession MOAD00000000

    Context-dependent cheating: experimental evidence from 16 countries

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    Policy makers use several international indices that characterize countries according to the quality of their institutions. However, no effort has been made to study how the honesty of citizens varies across countries. This paper explores the honesty among citizens across sixteen countries with 1440 participants. We employ a very simple task where participants face a trade-off between the joy of eating a fine chocolate and the disutility of having a threatened self-concept because of lying. Despite the incentives to cheat, we find that individuals are mostly honest. Further, international indices that are indicative of institutional honesty are completely uncorrelated with citizens' honesty for our sample countries