37 research outputs found

    Modelo de representación geométrica de la brecha de aprendizaje entre los estudiantes de educación primaria del CONAFE y la SEP en Michoacán, México

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    El presente modelo tiene como objetivo generar una propuesta posible de replicar para la estructuración de variables de la brecha de aprendizaje entre los alumnos de dos organismos públicos que imparten educación primaria básica en México: el CONAFE y la SEP regular general. El análisis está centrado en la construcción de 3 variables explicativas: La política pública educativa, el perfil socioeconómico y el potencial escolar. El resultado establece los cambios cuantitativos de los indicadores más relevantes en base a una encuesta estructurada aplicada en 2017, que de manera ponderada genera los componentes geométricos de la propuesta

    Salud y calidad de vida en espacios urbanos Estudio Longitudinal comunitario en el Distrito Federal

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    Los espacios construidos influyen sobre aspectos desalud-enfermedad, a través de la somatización de losestímulos externos que no llegan a ser controladospor los seres humanos. El objetivo de la presente investigaciónes el análisis de la percepción de los individuosque participaron en el diseño de sus espaciospúblicos en relación a la salud en una primera fasede investigación, en contraste con aquellos que nointervinieron. La recolección de datos fue a través deun cuestionario aplicado a 226 individuos mayoresde 18 años en la colonia Ampliación Miguel Hidalgo,del Distrito Federal, quienes diseñaron su entorno enuna primera fase de intervención (1998 a 2002), evaluandosu percepción un año después (2003) sobre suentorno social y construido. Los resultados obtenidosen una segunda etapa de evaluación (2010) por mediodel análisis cuantitativo utilizando la prueba t yalfa de Cronbach arrojaron diferencias significativasrespecto a su salud entre aquellos que se integraronen el proceso de diseño participativo de su entornoinmediato, con los que no lo hicieron. Los sujetos quediseñaron presentan síntomas gastrointestinales ydiabetes, y perciben mejor satisfacción de vida y relacionessociales y ambientales en comparación con losque no diseñaron

    Functional changes in the cortical semantic network in amnestic mild cognitive impairment

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    Semantic memory impairment has been documented in older individuals with amnestic Mild cognitive impairment (aMCI), who are at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD), yet little is known about the neural basis of this breakdown. The main objective of this study was to investigate the brain mechanisms associated with semantic performance in patients with aMCI. Method: A group of aMCI patients and a group of healthy older controls carried out a semantic categorization task while their brain activity was recorded using magnetoencephalography (MEG). During the task, participants were shown famous faces and had to determine whether each famous person matched a given occupation. The main hypotheses were that: (i) semantic processing should be compromised for aMCI patients, and (ii) these deficits should be associated with cortical dysfunctions within specific areas of the semantic network. Results: Behavioural results showed that aMCI participants were significantly slower and less accurate than control participants at the semantic task, corroborating previous reports. Additionally, relative to controls, a significant pattern of hyperactivation was found in the aMCI group within specific regions of the semantic network, including the right anterior temporal lobe and inferior prefrontal cortex. Conclusions: Abnormal functional activation within key areas of the semantic network suggests that it is compromised early in the disease process. Moreover, this pattern of increased activation in aMCI was positively associated with grey matter integrity in specific areas, but was not associated with any specific pattern of atrophy, suggesting that functional hyperactivation may precede atrophy of the semantic network in aMCI

    Using shell tools for productive activities in tribal communal societies from southern iberia. The example of campo de hockey (San Fernando, Cádiz) and SET Parralejos (Vejer de la Frontera, Cádiz)

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    RESUMEN: La metodología de análisis funcional ha sido aplicada principalmente para el estudio de instrumentos líticos, mientras que su utilización ha sido muy marginal para el estudio de los instrumentos de trabajo constituidos con materia de origen animal. Sin embargo, a través de la aplicación de esta metodología ha sido posible documentar diez instrumentos de concha en los yacimientos de Campo de Hockey y SET Parralejos, ocupaciones del IV-V milenio a. C. situadas en la banda atlántica de Cádiz. La interpretación de las huellas de uso desarrolladas en las superficies de estas conchas ha permitido establecer algunas hipótesis acerca de su participación activa en diferentes procesos productivos relacionados con el procesado de materias de origen animal y vegetal. Estos resultados han posibilitado establecer una relación entre el uso de estos instrumentos de concha y la eficacia de otros instrumentos empleados en las estrategias de subsistencia, contribuyendo a ampliar el conocimiento acerca de los medios de trabajo de estas sociedades tribales comunitarias.ABSTRACT: Functional analysis has focused mainly on the study of lithic instruments and to a lesser extent instruments made on animal materials. Using functional analysis we identified ten shell tools from the archaeological sites of Campo de Hockey and SET Parralejos, located in the Atlantic coast of Cádiz (southern Spain). Both sites date to the IV-V millennium BC. The interpretation of use wear present on the surface of the shells has enabled us to establish hypotheses about their use in different productive activities related to processing animal and vegetable materials. The results of this research will help establish a relationship between shell instrument use and a more efficient use of tools in subsistence strategies, as well as increase our knowledge about the mains of production of these tribal communal societies

    Effects of Dance/Movement Training vs. Aerobic Exercise Training on cognition, physical fitness and quality of life in older adults: A randomized controlled trial

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    It is generally accepted that physical activity promotes healthy aging. Recent studies suggest dance could also benefit cognition and physical health in seniors, but many styles and approaches of dance exist and rigorous designs for intervention studies are still scarce. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of Dance/Movement Training (DMT) to Aerobic Exercise Training (AET) on cognition, physical fitness and health-related quality of life in healthy inactive elderly. Results suggest that DMT may have a positive impact on cognition and physical functioning in older adults however further research is needed. This study could serve as a model for designing future RCTs with dance-related interventions

    Skipper-CCD Sensors for the Oscura Experiment: Requirements and Preliminary Tests

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    Oscura is a proposed multi-kg skipper-CCD experiment designed for a dark matter (DM) direct detection search that will reach unprecedented sensitivity to sub-GeV DM-electron interactions with its 10 kg detector array. Oscura is planning to operate at SNOLAB with 2070 m overburden, and aims to reach a background goal of less than one event in each electron bin in the 2-10 electron ionization-signal region for the full 30 kg-year exposure, with a radiation background rate of 0.01 dru. In order to achieve this goal, Oscura must address each potential source of background events, including instrumental backgrounds. In this work, we discuss the main instrumental background sources and the strategy to control them, establishing a set of constraints on the sensors' performance parameters. We present results from the tests of the first fabricated Oscura prototype sensors, evaluate their performance in the context of the established constraints and estimate the Oscura instrumental background based on these results

    Early Science with the Oscura Integration Test

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    Oscura is a planned light-dark matter search experiment using Skipper-CCDs with a total active mass of 10 kg. As part of the detector development, the collaboration plans to build the Oscura Integration Test (OIT), an engineering test experiment with 10% of the Oscura's total mass. Here we discuss the early science opportunities with the OIT to search for millicharged particles (mCPs) using the NuMI beam at Fermilab. mCPs would be produced at low energies through photon-mediated processes from decays of scalar, pseudoscalar, and vector mesons, or direct Drell-Yan productions. Estimates show that the OIT would be a world-leading probe for low-mass mCPs.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    Determinants of penetrance and variable expressivity in monogenic metabolic conditions across 77,184 exomes

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    Penetrance of variants in monogenic disease and clinical utility of common polygenic variation has not been well explored on a large-scale. Here, the authors use exome sequencing data from 77,184 individuals to generate penetrance estimates and assess the utility of polygenic variation in risk prediction of monogenic variants

    Cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes mortality burden of cardiometabolic risk factors from 1980 to 2010: A comparative risk assessment

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    Background: High blood pressure, blood glucose, serum cholesterol, and BMI are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and some of these factors also increase the risk of chronic kidney disease and diabetes. We estimated mortality from cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes that was attributable to these four cardiometabolic risk factors for all countries and regions from 1980 to 2010. Methods: We used data for exposure to risk factors by country, age group, and sex from pooled analyses of population-based health surveys. We obtained relative risks for the effects of risk factors on cause-specific mortality from meta-analyses of large prospective studies. We calculated the population attributable fractions for each risk factor alone, and for the combination of all risk factors, accounting for multicausality and for mediation of the effects of BMI by the other three risks. We calculated attributable deaths by multiplying the cause-specific population attributable fractions by the number of disease-specific deaths. We obtained cause-specific mortality from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors 2010 Study. We propagated the uncertainties of all the inputs to the final estimates. Findings: In 2010, high blood pressure was the leading risk factor for deaths due to cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes in every region, causing more than 40% of worldwide deaths from these diseases; high BMI and glucose were each responsible for about 15% of deaths, and high cholesterol for more than 10%. After accounting for multicausality, 63% (10·8 million deaths, 95% CI 10·1-11·5) of deaths from these diseases in 2010 were attributable to the combined effect of these four metabolic risk factors, compared with 67% (7·1 million deaths, 6·6-7·6) in 1980. The mortality burden of high BMI and glucose nearly doubled from 1980 to 2010. At the country level, age-standardised death rates from these diseases attributable to the combined effects of these four risk factors surpassed 925 deaths per 100 000 for men in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia, but were less than 130 deaths per 100 000 for women and less than 200 for men in some high-income countries including Australia, Canada, France, Japan, the Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, and Spain. Interpretation: The salient features of the cardiometabolic disease and risk factor epidemic at the beginning of the 21st century are high blood pressure and an increasing effect of obesity and diabetes. The mortality burden of cardiometabolic risk factors has shifted from high-income to low-income and middle-income countries. Lowering cardiometabolic risks through dietary, behavioural, and pharmacological interventions should be a part of the global response to non-communicable diseases. Funding: UK Medical Research Council, US National Institutes of Health. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd

    Global variation in diabetes diagnosis and prevalence based on fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1c

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    Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) are both used to diagnose diabetes, but these measurements can identify different people as having diabetes. We used data from 117 population-based studies and quantified, in different world regions, the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes, and whether those who were previously undiagnosed and detected as having diabetes in survey screening, had elevated FPG, HbA1c or both. We developed prediction equations for estimating the probability that a person without previously diagnosed diabetes, and at a specific level of FPG, had elevated HbA1c, and vice versa. The age-standardized proportion of diabetes that was previously undiagnosed and detected in survey screening ranged from 30% in the high-income western region to 66% in south Asia. Among those with screen-detected diabetes with either test, the age-standardized proportion who had elevated levels of both FPG and HbA1c was 29-39% across regions; the remainder had discordant elevation of FPG or HbA1c. In most low- and middle-income regions, isolated elevated HbA1c was more common than isolated elevated FPG. In these regions, the use of FPG alone may delay diabetes diagnosis and underestimate diabetes prevalence. Our prediction equations help allocate finite resources for measuring HbA1c to reduce the global shortfall in diabetes diagnosis and surveillance