23 research outputs found

    Perception on the Risk of the Sonora River Pollution

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    This study applies the “psychometric paradigm” of risk perception to the heavy mineral spill in the Sonora River (Mexico). A total of 241 inhabitants of the polluted area with a mean age of 46.3 years participated in the study, completing an interview questionnaire at the onset of the disaster. The results allow us to establish a profile of the 18 characteristics comprising the model and a multiple regression analysis shows that some characteristics of the dimensions of dread risk and unknown risk explain a percentage of the magnitude of the perceived risk. In addition, the behaviors recommended by the authorities were classified by the participants according to their estimated usefulness. Significant differences were observed. Avoiding contact with the water was considered the most effective, followed by recommendations on the use of the water, with actions related to the environment and how to avoid pollution being considered the least effective. In sum, the strategy deployed allows us to observe how the victims perceive the disaster and organize the behaviors proposed by the authorities

    Novel non-resorbable polymeric-nanostructured scaffolds for guided bone regeneration

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    Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the bone-regeneration efficiency of novel polymeric nanostructured membranes and the effect of zinc, calcium, titanium and bone morpho-protein loading on membranes, through an in vivo rabbit model. Material and Methods Nanostructured membranes of methylmethacrylate were loaded with zinc, calcium, TiO2 nanoparticles and bone-morphogenetic protein (BMP). These membranes covered the bone defects prepared on the skulls of six rabbits. Animals were sacrificed six weeks after surgery. Micro computed tomography was used to evaluate bone architecture through BoneJ pluging and ImageJ script. Three histological processing of samples, including von Kossa silver nitrate, toluidine blue and fluorescence by the deposition of calcein were utilized. Results Zn-Membranes (Zn-Ms) promoted the highest amount of new bone and higher bone perimeter than both unloaded and Ti-Membranes (Ti-Ms). Ca-Membranes (Ca-Ms) attained higher osteoid perimeter and bone perimeter than Zn-Ms. The skeleton analysis showed that Zn-Ms produced more branches and junctions at the trabecular bone than BMP-loaded membranes (BMP-Ms). Samples treated with Ti-Ms showed less bone formation and bony bridging processes. Both Zn-Ms and Ca-Ms achieved higher number of osteoblasts than the control group. BMP-Ms and Ca-Ms originated higher number of blood vessels than Ti-Ms and control group. Conclusions Zn incorporation in novel nanostructured membranes provided the highest regenerative efficiency for bone healing at the rabbit calvarial defects. Clinical relevance Zn-Ms promoted osteogenesis and enhanced biological activity, as mineralized and osteoid new bone with multiple interconnected ossified trabeculae appeared in close contact with the membrane.Project MAT2017-85999-P MINECO/AEI/FEDER/UE supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and European Regional Development Fund

    Characterizing the Invasive Tumor Front of Aggressive Uterine Adenocarcinoma and Leiomyosarcoma

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    The invasive tumor front (the tumor-host interface) is vitally important in malignant cell progression and metastasis. Tumor cell interactions with resident and infiltrating host cells and with the surrounding extracellular matrix and secreted factors ultimately determine the fate of the tumor. Herein we focus on the invasive tumor front, making an in-depth characterization of reticular fiber scaffolding, infiltrating immune cells, gene expression, and epigenetic profiles of classified aggressive primary uterine adenocarcinomas (24 patients) and leiomyosarcomas (11 patients). Sections of formalin-fixed samples before and after microdissection were scanned and studied. Reticular fiber architecture and immune cell infiltration were analyzed by automatized algorithms in colocalized regions of interest. Despite morphometric resemblance between reticular fibers and high presence of macrophages, we found some variance in other immune cell populations and distinctive gene expression and cell adhesion-related methylation signatures. Although no evident overall differences in immune response were detected at the gene expression and methylation level, impaired antimicrobial humoral response might be involved in uterine leiomyosarcoma spread. Similarities found at the invasive tumor front of uterine adenocarcinomas and leiomyosarcomas could facilitate the use of common biomarkers and therapies. Furthermore, molecular and architectural characterization of the invasive front of uterine malignancies may provide additional prognostic information beyond established prognostic factors

    Peripheral organ equivalent dose estimation procedure in proton therapy

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    The aim of this work is to present a reproducible methodology for the evaluation of total equivalent doses in organs during proton therapy facilities. The methodology is based on measuring the dose equivalent in representative locations inside an anthropomorphic phantom where photon and neutron dosimeters were inserted. The Monte Carlo simulation was needed for obtaining neutron energy distribution inside the phantom. The methodology was implemented for a head irradiation case in the passive proton beam of iThemba Labs (South Africa). Thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD)-600 and TLD-700 pairs were used as dosimeters inside the phantom and GEANT code for simulations. In addition, Bonner sphere spectrometry was performed inside the treatment room to obtain the neutron spectra, some relevant neutron dosimetric quantities per treatment Gy, and a percentual distribution of neutron fluence and ambient dose equivalent in four energy groups, at two locations. The neutron spectrum at one of those locations was also simulated so that a reasonable agreement between simulation and measurement allowed a validation of the simulation. Results showed that the total out-of-field dose equivalent inside the phantom ranged from 1.4 to 0.28 mSv/Gy, mainly due to the neutron contribution and with a small contribution from photons, 10% on average. The order of magnitude of the equivalent dose in organs was similar, displaying a slow reduction in values as the organ is farther from the target volume. These values were in agreement with those found by other authors in other passive beam facilities under similar irradiation and measurement conditions

    DNA methylation map in circulating leukocytes mirrors subcutaneous adipose tissue methylation pattern: a genome-wide analysis from non-obese and obese patients

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    The characterization of the epigenetic changes within the obesity-related adipose tissue will provide new insights to understand this metabolic disorder, but adipose tissue is not easy to sample in population-based studies. We aimed to evaluate the capacity of circulating leukocytes to reflect the adipose tissue-specific DNA methylation status of obesity susceptibility. DNA samples isolated from subcutaneous adipose tissue and circulating leukocytes were hybridized in the Infinium HumanMethylation 450 BeadChip. Data were compared between samples from obese (n = 45) and non-obese (n = 8-10) patients by Wilcoxon-rank test, unadjusted for cell type distributions. A global hypomethylation of the differentially methylated CpG sites (DMCpGs) was observed in the obese subcutaneous adipose tissue and leukocytes. The overlap analysis yielded a number of genes mapped by the common DMCpGs that were identified to reflect the obesity state in the leukocytes. Specifically, the methylation levels of FGFRL1, NCAPH2, PNKD and SMAD3 exhibited excellent and statistically significant efficiencies in the discrimination of obesity from non-obesity status (AUC > 0.80; p < 0.05) and a great correlation between both tissues. Therefore, the current study provided new and valuable DNA methylation biomarkers of obesity-related adipose tissue pathogenesis through peripheral blood analysis, an easily accessible and minimally invasive biological material instead of adipose tissue

    Characterizing the invasive tumor front of aggressive uterine adenocarcinoma and leiomyosarcoma

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    The invasive tumor front (the tumor-host interface) is vitally important in malignant cell progression and metastasis. Tumor cell interactions with resident and infiltrating host cells and with the surrounding extracellular matrix and secreted factors ultimately determine the fate of the tumor. Herein we focus on the invasive tumor front, making an in-depth characterization of reticular fiber scaffolding, infiltrating immune cells, gene expression, and epigenetic profiles of classified aggressive primary uterine adenocarcinomas (24 patients) and leiomyosarcomas (11 patients). Sections of formalin-fixed samples before and after microdissection were scanned and studied. Reticular fiber architecture and immune cell infiltration were analyzed by automatized algorithms in colocalized regions of interest. Despite morphometric resemblance between reticular fibers and high presence of macrophages, we found some variance in other immune cell populations and distinctive gene expression and cell adhesion-related methylation signatures. Although no evident overall differences in immune response were detected at the gene expression and methylation level, impaired antimicrobial humoral response might be involved in uterine leiomyosarcoma spread. Similarities found at the invasive tumor front of uterine adenocarcinomas and leiomyosarcomas could facilitate the use of common biomarkers and therapies. Furthermore, molecular and architectural characterization of the invasive front of uterine malignancies may provide additional prognostic information beyond established prognostic factors

    Estimation of neutron-equivalent dose in organs of patients undergoing radiotherapy by the use of a novel online digital detector.

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    Neutron peripheral contamination in patients undergoing high-energy photon radiotherapy is considered as a risk factor for secondary cancer induction. Organ-specific neutron-equivalent dose estimation is therefore essential for a reasonable assessment of these associated risks. This work aimed to develop a method to estimate neutron-equivalent doses in multiple organs of radiotherapy patients. The method involved the convolution, at 16 reference points in an anthropomorphic phantom, of the normalized Monte Carlo neutron fluence energy spectra with the kerma and energy-dependent radiation weighting factor. This was then scaled with the total neutron fluence measured with passive detectors, at the same reference points, in order to obtain the equivalent doses in organs. The latter were correlated with the readings of a neutron digital detector located inside the treatment room during phantom irradiation. This digital detector, designed and developed by our group, integrates the thermal neutron fluence. The correlation model, applied to the digital detector readings during patient irradiation, enables the online estimation of neutron-equivalent doses in organs. The model takes into account the specific irradiation site, the field parameters (energy, field size, angle incidence, etc) and the installation (linac and bunker geometry). This method, which is suitable for routine clinical use, will help to systematically generate the dosimetric data essential for the improvement of current risk-estimation models

    Categorización de los objetos que forman parte del Extended Self, y sus discursos asociados

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    Personalization of space is constructed through the cues that the owner leaves in the space. These cues, mostly objects, are also a basic part of the extended self. To check if there is a differentiate discourse consistent with the categories in which the objects belong, three studies are carried out. After obtaining a list of the most representative, in the subsequent study the participants short these objects using their own criteria. A Cluster analysis showed two categories, Functional and Symbolic. Finally, a content analysis about the reasons of participants to choose each object showed differentiated discourses for each category. These results confirm the objects are organized into Functional and Symbolic, producing differentiated discourses. depending on the category they belong.La personalización del espacio se construye con las claves que el propietario distribuye en el espacio. Estas claves, mayoritariamente objetos, forman parte del Extended Self. Para comprobar si existe un discurso diferenciado según la categoría a la que pertenecen los objetos de los dormitorios, se realizaron tres estudios. Tras obtener una lista de los objetos más representativos, en el siguiente estudio los participantes clasificaron bajo su criterio estos objetos. Un análisis de cluster mostró dos categorías: funcional y simbólico. Finalmente, un análisis de contenido de las razones de selección de los objetos mostró discursos diferenciados para cada categoría. Los resultados confirman que los objetos se organizan en funcional y simbólico, en donde se obtienen discursos diferenciados según la categoría a la que pertenecen

    Categorización de los objetos que forman parte del Extended Self, y sus discursos asociados

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    Personalization of space is constructed through the cues that the owner leaves in the space. These cues, mostly objects, are also a basic part of the extended self. To check if there is a differentiate discourse consistent with the categories in which the objects belong, three studies are carried out. After obtaining a list of the most representative, in the subsequent study the participants short these objects using their own criteria. A Cluster analysis showed two categories, Functional and Symbolic. Finally, a content analysis about the reasons of participants to choose each object showed differentiated discourses for each category. These results confirm the objects are organized into Functional and Symbolic, producing differentiated discourses. depending on the category they belong.La personalización del espacio se construye con las claves que el propietario distribuye en el espacio. Estas claves, mayoritariamente objetos, forman parte del Extended Self. Para comprobar si existe un discurso diferenciado según la categoría a la que pertenecen los objetos de los dormitorios, se realizaron tres estudios. Tras obtener una lista de los objetos más representativos, en el siguiente estudio los participantes clasificaron bajo su criterio estos objetos. Un análisis de cluster mostró dos categorías: funcional y simbólico. Finalmente, un análisis de contenido de las razones de selección de los objetos mostró discursos diferenciados para cada categoría. Los resultados confirman que los objetos se organizan en funcional y simbólico, en donde se obtienen discursos diferenciados según la categoría a la que pertenecen

    Dimensions that explain attachment to the home/Dimensiones que explican el apego a la vivienda

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    La vivienda es el lugar central en la vida de las personas, sobre la que se desarrollan fuertes vínculos de apego, siendo su salón el lugar de carácter público y representativo de la misma. En esta investigación se trata de comprobar en qué medida el apego a la vivienda se relaciona con el control y la identidad del lugar. Además, se estudia en qué medida el grado de representación del salón es explicado por las dimensiones descriptivas y connotativas que el residente hace sobre aquél. Para conseguir estos objetivos 50 participantes, que vivían solos, cumplimentaron un cuestionario autoadministrado en su propia residencia. Los análisis factorial y de regresión múltiple muestran que tanto el control como la identidad explican el apego a la vivienda, a la vez relacionado con la satisfacción residencial. Por otro lado, se observa que las personas que se sienten más representadas por su salón encuentran éste como más agradable y con mayor grado de apego.Depto. de Psicología Social, del Trabajo y DiferencialFac. de PsicologíaTRUEpu