6,284 research outputs found

    Fitness acuático: una alternativa a las gimnasias de mantenimiento

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    En nuestros días, la creciente demanda social ha obligado a las instituciones, públicas y privadas, a incrementar la oferta de actividades físicas en general y por tanto, de las actividades acuáticas relacionadas con la condición física, en particular. La justificación de esta aparición de programas relacionados con la condición física son, por un lado, el continuo aumento de la utilización del tiempo libre en el entorno familiar orientado a la práctica de la actividad física grupal diversa y, por otro lado, los cambios que se observan en la concepción de la actividad física de la población. Estas afirmaciones han posibilitado el surgimiento de las actividades acuáticas relacionadas con la condición física, entendidas en este artículo bajo el concepto de "fitness acuático", las cuales tienen un carácter creativo, de diversión, de distracción y de variada forma de participación. El fitness acuático se encuentra en boga en nuestra sociedad; pero para que este sea tratado ampliamente, es preciso analizarlo desde el punto de vista de la intervención de los técnicos acuáticos, de los medios a utilizar y de los equipamientos necesarios para su realización

    Music and Municipal Power in Jerez de la Frontera. 16th-17th Centuries.

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    Se analiza los usos de la música por parte del cabildo municipal de Jerez de la Frontera durante la Edad Moderna, así como la gestión de estos servicios musicales. Se exponen los distintos tipos de profesionales e intérpretes relacionados con lo sonoro que se vinculan laboralmente con el poder civil de esta ciudad. Finalmente, se hace un breve estudio sociológico sobre estos músicos.This study analyzes the uses of music by the municipality of Jerez de la Frontera during the Modern Age. The different types of professionals and interpreters related to the music that work for this city are studied. Finally, a brief sociological study about these musicians is made

    Propuesta de un modelo comprensivo del aprendizaje de las actividades acuáticas a través del juego

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    El presente trabajo trata de establecer un marco genérico de actuación en las actividades acuáticas. Considerando el término natación como insuficiente para captar toda la diversidad de actividades existentes en el medio acuático, se propone una clasificación múltiple de organización en las actividades acuáticas deportivas y de las actividades acuáticas en general: mantenimiento-entrenamiento, salud, terapia y recreación. Pero, anteriormente al desarrollo de estos ámbitos de actuación, apostamos por un conocimiento básico del medio acuático por parte del niño a través de los programas de actividades acuáticas educativas. Esta propuesta se apoya en la utilización del juego y tiene su base de enseñanza en un modelo compresivo que utiliza el juego deportivo modificado para conseguir sus objetivo


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    This paper provides a new characterization of the Talmud rule by means of a new property, called securement. This property says that any agent holding a feasible claim will get at least one nht of her claim, where n is the number of agents involved. We show that securement together with a weak version of path independence and the standard properties of self-duality and consistency characterize the Talmud rule.bankruptcy problems, Talmud rule, characterization results

    Entender a San Agustín desde la filosofía poliana

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    Este trabajo confronta algunos logros de la filosofía agustiniana con aportaciones de Leonardo Polo. Se centra en la gnoseología, el método y la antropología de ambos filósofos. Compara el trascendimiento agustiniano con el abandono del límite mental, la intimidad agustiniana con los radicales humanos y las tríadas agustinianas con las dualidades humanas

    Proposta d'un model comprensiu de l'aprenentatge de les activitats aquàtiques a través del joc

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    Aquest treball tracta d'establir un marc genèric d'actuació en les activitats aquàtiques. Considerant el terme natació com a insuficient per captar tota la diversitat d'activitats existents en el medi aquàtic, es proposa una classificació múltiple d'organització en les activitats aquàtiques esportives i de les activitats aquàtiques en general: manteniment entrenament, salut, teràpia i recreació. Però, anteriorment al desenvolupament d'aquests àmbits d'actuació, apostem per un coneixement bàsic del medi aquàtic per part del nens a través dels programes d'activitats aquàtiques educatives. Aquesta proposta té el seu suport en la utilització del joc i té la seva base d'ensenyament en un model comprensiu que utilitza el joc esportiu modificat per aconseguir els seus objectius

    Síntesis de los "aphyllophorales" s.l. lignícolas "basidiomycota, macrofungi" presentes en las comunidades vegetales de Andalucía

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    Síntesis de los Aphyllophorales s.l. lignícolas (Basidio¡nycota, Macrofungi) presentes en las comunidades vegetales de Andalucía. Se analiza el comportamiento ecológico (sustrato) del componente micológico (Aphyllophorales lignícolas) que fructifica en las comunidades vegetales naturales de Andalucía. Se analiza la distribución cuantitativa por termotipos, ombrotipos, sustratos y formaciones vegetales. Se establece el grado de afinidad por el sustrato de las especies y géneros mejor representados

    Resistance to SDHI fungicides in Botrytis cinerea from strawberry fields in Spain

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    Gray mold, caused by Botrytis cinerea Pers., is one of the most economically important diseases of strawberries and its control involves the application of fungicides throughout the strawberry growing season. Succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors (SDHIs) constitute a novel class of fungicides representing new alternatives for strawberry growers. In the present study, B. cinerea isolates were used to determine the effective concentration that reduces mycelial growth by 50% (EC50) and to obtain discriminatory doses to monitor SDHI fungicides over the course of three-year monitoring period. The overall frequencies of resistance to the SDHI fungicides boscalid, fluopyram, fluxapyroxad and penthiopyrad were 56.9, 6.9, 12.9, and 24.6%, respectively. Four SDHI resistance patterns were observed in our population. Patterns I (resistance to boscalid) and II (resistance to boscalid and penthiopyrad) were associated with the amino acid substitutions H272R/Y; pattern III (resistance to boscalid, fluxapyroxad, and penthiopyrad) was associated only with the H272Y mutation; and finally, pattern IV (resistance to boscalid, fluopyram, fluxapyroxad and penthiopyrad) was associated with the N230I allele in the SdhB subunit. For gray mold management, it is suggested that the simultaneous use of boscalid and penthiopyrad should be limited to one application per season. The use of fluxapyroxad and fluopyram could be used as valid SDHI alternatives for our strawberry growers, but they should be applied with caution.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    User involvement in the implementation of clinical guidelines for common mental health disorders: a review and compilation of strategies and resources

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    BACKGROUND: There is now broad consensus regarding the importance of involving users in the process of implementing guidelines. Few studies, however, have addressed this issue, let alone the implementation of guidelines for common mental health disorders. The aim of this study is to compile and describe implementation strategies and resources related to common clinical mental health disorders targeted at service users. METHODS: The literature was reviewed and resources for the implementation of clinical guidelines were compiled using the PRISMA model. A mixed qualitative and quantitative analysis was performed based on a series of categories developed ad hoc. RESULTS: A total of 263 items were included in the preliminary analysis and 64 implementation resources aimed at users were analysed in depth. A wide variety of types, sources and formats were identified, including guides (40%), websites (29%), videos and leaflets, as well as instruments for the implementation of strategies regarding information and education (64%), self-care, or users’ assessment of service quality. CONCLUSIONS: The results reveal the need to establish clear criteria for assessing the quality of implementation materials in general and standardising systems to classify user-targeted strategies. The compilation and description of key elements of strategies and resources for users can be of interest in designing materials and specific actions for this target audience, as well as improving the implementation of clinical guidelines

    Didactic strategies for comprehension and learning of structural concepts

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    p. 926-937In previous papers we have established the convenience of formulating educational strategies at the university level for both disciplines: Civil Engineering and Architecture, which involves academic topics of mutual interest by means of shared practices. As a particular matter of this approach, the application of physical experimental models is considered of special usefulness, in order to understand in better ways the performance of materials and structural systems. Several strategies of selection and development of such physical models will be discussed in this work, considering as a first step, the establishment of its correspondence with the different levels of structural complexity studied in curriculum plan: statics, strength of materials and structural design, among others. This task constitutes a part of the work program of the Laboratory of Structural Models, which is an academic project that develops and applies different didactic prototypes to structure courses in the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, campus Azcapotzalco, in Mexico City, project we have already presented in recent forums. Two different modes of application are implemented in classroom sessions and in structures workshop: the devices for functional demonstration of typical cases of structural work as well as the experimentation with student's own designs of destructible models where certain typologies are tested up to its failure limit. The first one allows teachers to explain adequately the theoretical principles and formulas (that usually are expressed on the blackboard) by means of didactic models identified in accordance to specific cases of the curriculum on variable level of complexity. This kind of practice allows the students of architecture and civil engineering to realize in better ways the possibilities of use and application of the different structural typologies. Such experimental models are part of more than fifty devices of the Laboratory's catalog. In the same sense, the possibility of observation of structural work of their own architectural designs, allows future professionals to achieve a better conception of the structural solutions that affect positively their designs. Based on specific predefined guides, the students develop their own architectural-structural projects and subject them to diverse loads, observing their behavior under the influence of variable stresses leading up the experiment to its last resistance. From both experiences a significant learning is obtained for the student's formation and training, who will be capable in his future professional work to use better tools of comprehension of the structural concepts applied to architecture as well as of increasing his conscience of the benefits and convenience of multidisciplinary work.Moreno, C.; Abad, A.; Gerdingh, JG.; Garcia M., C.; Gonzalez C., O. (2010). Didactic strategies for comprehension and learning of structural concepts. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/695