112 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de una metodología y de un dispositivo para la determinación de la conductividad hidráulica saturada de un medio poroso usando el calor como un trazador natural

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    A proper understanding of the infiltration process through a porous medium is a challenge for science, different theories have been developed about this hydrodynamic phenomenon using certain soil moisture indicators; traditionally, infiltration tests are performed using manual devices such as double ring infiltrometer, which records the infiltration as a function of time; however, this method involves a lot of work and time, as well as uncertainties in their measurements. This work describes the development of a methodology and a device for the determination of the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of a homogeneous porous medium in the laboratory, under controlled conditions that use heat as a natural tracer. The saturated hydraulic conductivity is key parameter to understand the movement of water through a porous medium. The fundamental theories of the use of heat as a natural tracer, its state of the art, as well as the processes of design, calibration and testing of a new device called Automated Laboratory Infiltrometer (ALI) are also described. The ALI combines the advantages of three different approaches: measures vertical infiltration rates in a soil column, measures the actual volumes of vertically drained water through the soil column, and finally, uses heat as a natural tracer to determinate water flux rates through the porous medium; all those parameters are used to determinate the saturated hydraulic conductivity. The ALI was developed using the popular Arduino microcontroller board and commercially available sensors that give the whole system a low cost. Data from the ALI are recorded in a microSD memory so they can be easily read from any spreadsheet software helping to reduce time consuming and avoiding reading errors. The performance of the developed device was evaluated by comparing the water flow rates determined by the three approaches for which is designed; an excellent correlation among them was observed (worst correlation: R2 = 0.9826 and NRMSD = 0.94%). The saturated hydraulic conductivity determined for the three methods falls inside the ranges established by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for the analyzed soil, which proved its efficiency.Entender con claridad el fenómeno de la infiltración a través de un medio poroso es un reto para la ciencia, diferentes teorías han abordado este tema de carácter hidrodinámico utilizando ciertos indicadores del comportamiento de la humedad en el suelo; tradicionalmente, las pruebas de infiltración se realizan utilizando dispositivos manuales tales como infiltrométros de doble anillo, los cuales registran la infiltración en función del tiempo; sin embargo, este método involucra mucho trabajo y tiempo, así como ciertas incertidumbres en sus mediciones. En este trabajo se describe el desarrollo de una metodología y de un dispositivo para la determinación de la conductividad hidráulica saturada (Ks) de un medio poroso homogéneo en laboratorio, bajo condiciones controladas usando el calor como un trazador natural. Dicho parámetro (Ks), es clave para entender el movimiento del agua a través de un medio poroso. Se presentan los fundamentos teóricos que respaldan el uso del calor, el estado del arte de las investigaciones en el tema, así como los procesos de diseño, calibración y prueba de un nuevo dispositivo denominado Infiltrómetro Automatizado de Laboratorio (ALI), acrónimo de Automated Laboratory Infiltrometer, por sus siglas en inglés. El ALI combina la ventaja de tres diferentes métodos: mide la infiltración vertical en una columna de prueba, mide los volúmenes reales de agua verticalmente drenados y finalmente usa el calor como un trazador natural para determinar las tasas de infiltración a través del medio poroso; todos estos parámetros son usados para determinar la conductividad hidráulica saturada. El ALI ha sido desarrollado usando la muy popular tarjeta Arduino así como sensores disponibles en el mercado lo cual le da un bajo costo a todo el sistema. Los datos generados por el ALI son registrados en una memoria microSD y pueden ser leídos fácilmente por cualquier hoja de cálculo, lo cual permite reducir tiempo y errores en el proceso de toma de datos. El desempeño del ALI ha sido evaluado y una excelente correlación entre los tres métodos utilizados ha sido encontrada (peor correlación: R2 = 0.9826 and NRMSD = 0.94%). La eficacia del dispositivo se demostró toda vez que la conductividad hidráulica saturada para el suelo analizado determinada para los tres métodos se encuentra dentro de los rangos establecidos por el Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA, por sus siglas en inglés)

    Comparação da saúde subjetiva entre protótipos de personalidade em população geral do México

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue obtener prototipos de personalidad en población general de México y comparar la salud subjetiva entre ellos. En total, participaron 994 individuos de 14 a 63 años de edad. Se evaluaron cinco rasgos de personalidad (Neuroticismo, Extraversión, Apertura, Responsabilidad y Amabilidad) con el NEO-FFI, y la salud subjetiva con el GHQ-12 y una pregunta sobre el estado de salud. Para corroborar la consistencia de los prototipos se dividió la muestra en dos grupos de edad: joven (de 14 a 25 años) y maduro (de 26 a 63 años). Y como resultado se recuperaron tres prototipos en ambos grupos: las personas Resilientes -bajo neuroticismo y alto en el resto de los rasgos-, quienes tuvieron la mejor salud subjetiva; las No-Resilientes -alto neuroticismo y bajo en el resto de los rasgos-, que presentaron la peor salud subjetiva; y las personas Disciplinadas -alto en responsabilidad y promedio en los otros rasgos-, que presentaron una salud subjetiva intermedia en comparación con los otros prototipos. Finalmente, la autodisciplina y la resiliencia fueron los rasgos que discriminaron mejor la buena salud. Los hallazgos se discuten en términos de la generalización de prototipos a través de culturas.The objective of this study was to extract personality prototypes from general population of Mexico and to compare subjective health indicators between these prototypes. Participants were 994 individuals (aged 14 to 63 years). Five personality traits (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Conscientiousness, and Agreeableness) were assessed with the NEO-FFI. Subjective indicators of health (self-rated health and psychological distress) were assessed with a question regarding health status and the GHQ-12. To verify the consistency of the prototypes, the sample was divided into two age groups, young (14 to 25 years) and mature (26 to 63 years.). Three stable prototypes were recovered from both groups. Resilient individuals (low neuroticism and high in other traits) had the best subjective health; the Non-Resilient individuals (high neuroticism and low in other traits) had the worst subjective health; and Self-Disciplined individuals (high conscientiousness and medium scores in other traits) were in the middle of these extremes in subjective health. Self-discipline and resilience were most discriminative in terms of subjective health. Findings are discussed in terms of the generalization of prototypes across cultures.O objetivo deste estudo foi obter protótipos da personalidade em população geral do México e comparar a saúde subjetiva entre eles. No total, participaram 994 indivíduos de 14 a 63 anos. Avaliaram-se cinco traços de personalidade (extroversão, neuroticismo, abertura à experiência, conscienciosidade e amabilidade) com o NEO-FFI, e a saúde subjetiva com o GHQ-12, e uma pergunta sobre o estado de saúde. Para corroborar a consistência dos protótipos, dividiu-se a amostra em dois grupos de idade: jovem (de 14 a 25 anos) e adulto (de 26 a 63 anos). Como resultado, obtiveram-se três protótipos em ambos os grupos: as pessoas resilientes -baixo neuroticismo e alto nos demais traços-, os que tiveram a melhor saúde subjetiva; as não resilientes -alto neuroticismo e baixo no restante dos traços-, que apresentaram a pior saúde subjetiva, e as pessoas disciplinadas -alto em conscienciosidade e média nos outros traços-, que apresentaram uma saúde subjetiva intermediária em comparação com os outros protótipos. Finalmente, a autodisciplina e a resiliência foram os traços que melhor discriminaram a boa saúde. Os achados são discutidos em termos da generalização de protótipos através de culturas

    Multiparametric Highly Sensitive Chemiluminescence Immunoassayfor Quantification of b-Lactam-Specific Immunoglobulin E

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Analytical Chemistry, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.0c03020[EN] beta-lactams (BLCs) are the most widely used antibiotics and consequently the most common cause of drug allergy in the world. The diagnosis of drug allergy is complex and represents a serious challenge that includes a wide variety of methods. In vitro tests are based on the immunological determination of allergen-specific IgE, but the tests in the market lack the required sensitivity and specificity. In addition, the large sample volume, long incubation times, and single-plex configuration have brought their use into question to complement the clinical information. Here, we report a chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) for multiparametric quantification of specific IgE to penicillin G, penicillin V, amoxicillin, and piperacillin, using histone H1 as a carrier. The developed CLIA allowed the determination of BLC-specific IgE below 0.1 IU/mL, thus allowing identification of allergic patients with better sensitivity, using only 25 mu L of a sample (serum). The immunoassay was successfully applied in a cohort of 140 human serum samples, showing good sensitivity (64.6%) as well as specificity (100%), which significantly improve the predictive character of existing BLC-allergy in vitro tests.P.Q.C. acknowledges financial support from Generalitat Valenciana through the research staff-training program (GVA ACIF/2018/173). This research has been funded by the H2020 Program (project COBIOPHAD, grant agreement No. 688448), which is an initiative of the Photonics PPP (www.photonics21.org).Quintero-Campos, P.; Juárez-Rodríguez, MJ.; Morais, S.; Maquieira Catala, Á. (2020). Multiparametric Highly Sensitive Chemiluminescence Immunoassayfor Quantification of b-Lactam-Specific Immunoglobulin E. Analytical Chemistry. 92(21):14608-14615. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.0c03020S14608146159221World Health Organization. WHO Report on Surveillance of Antibiotic Consumption; 2018, 27–28.Doña, I., Torres, M. J., Montañez, M. I., & Fernández, T. D. (2017). In Vitro Diagnostic Testing for Antibiotic Allergy. Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research, 9(4), 288. doi:10.4168/aair.2017.9.4.288Ariza, A., Garzon, D., Abánades, D. R., de los Ríos, V., Vistoli, G., Torres, M. J., … Pérez-Sala, D. (2012). Protein haptenation by amoxicillin: High resolution mass spectrometry analysis and identification of target proteins in serum. Journal of Proteomics, 77, 504-520. doi:10.1016/j.jprot.2012.09.030Romano, A., & Warrington, R. (2014). Antibiotic Allergy. Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America, 34(3), 489-506. doi:10.1016/j.iac.2014.03.003Ansotegui, I. J., Melioli, G., Canonica, G. W., Caraballo, L., Villa, E., Ebisawa, M., … Zuberbier, T. (2020). IgE allergy diagnostics and other relevant tests in allergy, a World Allergy Organization position paper. World Allergy Organization Journal, 13(2), 100080. doi:10.1016/j.waojou.2019.100080Han, M., Shin, S., Park, H., Park, K. U., Park, M. H., & Song, E. Y. (2013). Comparison of Three Multiple Allergen Simultaneous Tests: RIDA Allergy Screen, MAST Optigen, and Polycheck Allergy. BioMed Research International, 2013, 1-6. doi:10.1155/2013/340513Park, D. J., Lee, J., Kim, S.-Y., Kwon, H. J., Lee, H. K., & Kim, Y. (2019). Evaluation of AdvanSure AlloScreen Max Panel With 92 Different Allergens for Detecting Allergen-Specific IgE. American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 151(6), 628-637. doi:10.1093/ajcp/aqz023Bojcukova, J., Vlas, T., Forstenlechner, P., & Panzner, P. (2019). Comparison of two multiplex arrays in the diagnostics of allergy. Clinical and Translational Allergy, 9(1). doi:10.1186/s13601-019-0270-yWurpts, G., Aberer, W., Dickel, H., Brehler, R., Jakob, T., Kreft, B., … Brockow, K. (2020). Guideline on diagnostic procedures for suspected hypersensitivity to beta-lactam antibiotics. Allergologie select, 4(01), 11-43. doi:10.5414/alx02104eHan, X., Cao, M., Wu, M., Wang, Y.-J., Yu, C., Zhang, C., … Huang, W. (2019). A paper-based chemiluminescence immunoassay device for rapid and high-throughput detection of allergen-specific IgE. The Analyst, 144(8), 2584-2593. doi:10.1039/c8an02020ePark, K. H., Lee, J., Sim, D. W., & Lee, S. C. (2018). Comparison of Singleplex Specific IgE Detection Immunoassays: ImmunoCAP Phadia 250 and Immulite 2000 3gAllergy. Annals of Laboratory Medicine, 38(1), 23-31. doi:10.3343/alm.2018.38.1.23Kosnik, M., Silar, M., Zidarn, M., & Korosec, P. (2017). Comparison of the diagnostic value of two assays for specific immunoglobulin E in suspected beta lactam allergy. Medicinski pregled, 70(7-8), 209-215. doi:10.2298/mpns1708209kBlumenthal, K. G., Peter, J. G., Trubiano, J. A., & Phillips, E. J. (2019). Antibiotic allergy. The Lancet, 393(10167), 183-198. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(18)32218-9Wong, T., Atkinson, A., t’ Jong, G., Rieder, M. J., Chan, E. S., & Abrams, E. M. (2020). Beta-lactam allergy in the paediatric population. Paediatrics & Child Health, 25(1), 62-62. doi:10.1093/pch/pxz179Stone, C. A., Trubiano, J., Coleman, D. T., Rukasin, C. R. F., & Phillips, E. J. (2019). The challenge of de‐labeling penicillin allergy. Allergy, 75(2), 273-288. doi:10.1111/all.13848Zhang, S., Zhang, Z., Shi, W., Eremin, S. A., & Shen, J. (2006). Development of a Chemiluminescent ELISA for Determining Chloramphenicol in Chicken Muscle. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54(16), 5718-5722. doi:10.1021/jf060275jLiu, Y.-C., Jiang, W., Chen, Y.-J., Xiao, Y., Shi, J.-L., Qiao, Y.-B., … Wang, Q. (2013). A novel chemiluminescent ELISA for detecting furaltadone metabolite, 3-amino-5-morpholinomethyl-2-oxazolidone (AMOZ) in fish, egg, honey and shrimp samples. Journal of Immunological Methods, 395(1-2), 29-36. doi:10.1016/j.jim.2013.06.006Zhao, Z., Batley, M., D’Ambrosio, C., & Baldo, B. A. (2000). In vitro reactivity of penicilloyl and penicillanyl albumin and polylysine conjugates with IgE-antibody. Journal of Immunological Methods, 242(1-2), 43-51. doi:10.1016/s0022-1759(00)00213-1Medical, S.; Diagnostics, S. IMMULITE 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Kit. 2015, 1–35.Phadiatop, I. ImmunoCAP Determining the Presence of IgE Anti- Bodies with ImmunoCAP Phadiatop in Appropriate Evaluation of Atopic Patients. 2013, 1–2.Garvey, L. H., Ebo, D. G., Mertes, P., Dewachter, P., Garcez, T., Kopac, P., … Scherer, K. (2019). An EAACI position paper on the investigation of perioperative immediate hypersensitivity reactions. Allergy, 74(10), 1872-1884. doi:10.1111/all.1382

    Influencia de la percepción del comportamiento ético de los directivos de ventas en las actuaciones de los vendedores

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    En el presente trabajo se analiza la importancia de las percepciones que los vendedores tienen sobre el comportamiento de sus superiores y hasta qué punto esto influencia en su forma de actuación. Para ello, se estudia la manera en la que repercuten ciertos factores personales como el nivel de estudios y tipo de contrato del vendedor, al igual que determinadas variables situacionales como el tamaño del equipo de ventas. Los resultados muestran como la forma en la que los vendedores perciben a sus superiores influye en sus actuaciones éticas frente al cliente. Además, se halla que los vendedores con formación universitaria y contrato indefinido presentan mayores niveles éticos que sus compañeros. Asimismo, los resultados sugieren que los equipos compuestos por más de diez vendedores son los que peor conducta ética presentan

    Adaptação do questionário de personalidade resistente na população mexicana

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    Introduction: The concept of hardy personality as proposed by Kobasa is defined by three dimensions, namely: commitment, control and challenge. Moreno-Jiménez et al. (2014) designed and validated the Hardy Personality Questionnaire (CPR) in Spanish workers and this instrument has been adapted and validated in different Latin American countries; however, in Mexico it has not been psychometrically validated.Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the adaptation of the CPR in Mexican adults.Methodology: A non-random sample of 357 adults who reported being healthy was used. The CPR was adapted to the way of facing daily life.Results: Three models were estimated in the confirmatory factor analysis. Among them, the one that showed better adjustment indexes was the trifactorial (control, involvement and challenge) with a second order factor (resistant personality), the internal consistency of the CPR was acceptable and the construct validity indicated positive correlations of the CPR dimensions with the positive variables and negative correlations with anxiety and social dysfunction variables.Conclusions: The results found indicate that CPR has satisfactory psychometric characteristics and can be used to measure hardy personality (challenge, control and involvement) in Mexican adults.Introducción: El concepto de personalidad resistente tal como lo propone Kobasa queda definido por tres dimensiones, a saber: compromiso, control y reto. Moreno-Jiménez y cols., (2014) diseñaron y validaron el Cuestionario de Personalidad Resistente (CPR) en trabajadores españoles y este instrumento se ha adaptado y validado en diferentes países latinoamericanos; sin embargo, en México no se validado psicométricamente. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la adaptación del CPR en adultos mexicanos. Metodología: Se contó con una muestra no aleatoria de 357 adultos que reportaron estar sanos. Se adaptó el CPR a la forma de enfrentar la vida cotidiana. Resultados: En el análisis factorial confirmatorio se estimaron tres modelos, de ellos el que mostró mejores índices de ajuste fue el trifactorial (control, implicación y reto) con un factor de segundo orden (personalidad resistente), la consistencia interna del CPR fue aceptable y la validez de constructo indicó correlaciones positivas de las dimensiones del CPR con las variables positivas y correlaciones negativas con variables de ansiedad y disfunción social. Conclusiones: Los resultados encontrados indican que el CPR tiene características psicométricas satisfactorias y que puede utilizarse para medir personalidad resistente (reto, control e implicación) en adultos mexicanos.O conceito de personalidade resiliente proposto por Kobasa é definido por três dimensões, nomeadamente: compromisso, controlo e desafio. Moreno-Jiménez et al. (2014) conceberam e validaram o Questionário de Personalidade Resiliente (RQQ) em trabalhadores espanhóis e este instrumento foi adaptado e validado em diferentes países da América Latina; contudo, no México não foi psicometricamente validado.Objectivo: O objectivo deste estudo era analisar as propriedades psicométricas da adaptação da RCP em adultos mexicanos.Metodologia: Foi utilizada uma amostra não aleatória de 357 adultos que declararam ser saudáveis. A RCP foi adaptada à forma de enfrentar a vida quotidiana.Resultados: Três modelos foram estimados na análise dos factores de confirmação. Entre eles, o que mostrou melhores índices de ajustamento foi o trifactorial (controlo, envolvimento e desafio) com um factor de segunda ordem (personalidade resistente), a consistência interna da RCP foi aceitável e a validade da construção indicou correlações positivas das dimensões da RCP com as variáveis positivas e correlações negativas com as variáveis de ansiedade e disfunção social.Conclusões: Os resultados encontrados indicam que a RCP tem características psicométricas satisfatórias e pode ser utilizada para medir a personalidade resistente (desafio, controlo e envolvimento) em adultos mexicanos. &nbsp

    Mucocele apendicular, reporte de un caso

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    Appendicular mucocele is the dilation of the appendix with accumulation of mucinous material secondary to an obstruction constituting a group of appendix-dependent neoplasms with variable evolution and prognosis. They are found in 0.3% of all appendectomies, more common in females with a 4:1 ratio and in non-reproductive age. In many cases, the neoplasm is benign, asymptomatic, so it goes unnoticed as a differential diagnosis, which makes early diagnosis infrequent and is detected by means of imaging or surgical methods.El mucocele apendicular es la dilatación del apéndice con acumulación de material mucinoso secundario a una obstrucción o, constituyendo un grupo de neoplasias dependientes del apéndice con evolución y pronóstico variables. Se encuentran en el 0.3% de todas las apendicectomías, más comunes en género femenino con relación 4:1 y en edad no reproductiva. En muchos casos la neoplasia es benigna, asintomática por lo que pasa desapercibida como diagnóstico diferencial, lo que hace que el diagnóstico temprano sea infrecuente y se detecte por medio de métodos de imagen o quirúrgicos

    Mucocele apendicular, reporte de un caso

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    Appendicular mucocele is the dilation of the appendix with accumulation of mucinous material secondary to an obstruction constituting a group of appendix-dependent neoplasms with variable evolution and prognosis. They are found in 0.3% of all appendectomies, more common in females with a 4:1 ratio and in non-reproductive age. In many cases, the neoplasm is benign, asymptomatic, so it goes unnoticed as a differential diagnosis, which makes early diagnosis infrequent and is detected by means of imaging or surgical methods.El mucocele apendicular es la dilatación del apéndice con acumulación de material mucinoso secundario a una obstrucción o, constituyendo un grupo de neoplasias dependientes del apéndice con evolución y pronóstico variables. Se encuentran en el 0.3% de todas las apendicectomías, más comunes en género femenino con relación 4:1 y en edad no reproductiva. En muchos casos la neoplasia es benigna, asintomática por lo que pasa desapercibida como diagnóstico diferencial, lo que hace que el diagnóstico temprano sea infrecuente y se detecte por medio de métodos de imagen o quirúrgicos

    Nomophobia in university students during COVID-19 outbreak: a cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Currently, access to the Internet through smartphones has led to their functions going beyond purely communicative ones, allowing the management of massive, instantaneous, and easily accessible information. This research analyzed the differences in smartphone use and the prevalence of nomophobia, mainly according to gender and university degree of Health Sciences students at the University of Zaragoza during the COVID-19 confinement in Spain. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on a sample of 318 first and second-grade students, who completed an online questionnaire sent to their institutional email, which included sociodemographic questions, other questions about smartphone use, and the Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q) scale. Results: Compared to men (n = 58), women (n = 260) were more likely to use their smartphones more intensively daily, as were occupational therapy students compared to the other degree programs studied. The prevalence of nomophobia was moderate, being around the risk of suffering from it. No significant differences in scores for nomophobia among students were found according to gender, university degree, or population nucleus for the nomophobia scores of the students. Discussion: The present study extends the existing literature on nomophobia by providing results of interest in terms of gender and the exceptional healthcare context of COVID-19. The results suggest that despite intense daily smartphone use young people did not reach severe nomophobia figures. This fact underlines the need for appropriate and healthy technology education. Understanding the characteristics of the populations that use the smartphone the most may help to analyze nomophobia rates and the massive use of the device