1,423 research outputs found

    Three Dimensional Quantum Geometry and Deformed Poincare Symmetry

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    We study a three dimensional non-commutative space emerging in the context of three dimensional Euclidean quantum gravity. Our starting point is the assumption that the isometry group is deformed to the Drinfeld double D(SU(2)). We generalize to the deformed case the construction of the flat Euclidean space as the quotient of its isometry group ISU(2) by SU(2). We show that the algebra of functions becomes the non-commutative algebra of SU(2) distributions endowed with the convolution product. This construction gives the action of ISU(2) on the algebra and allows the determination of plane waves and coordinate functions. In particular, we show that: (i) plane waves have bounded momenta; (ii) to a given momentum are associated several SU(2) elements leading to an effective description of an element in the algebra in terms of several physical scalar fields; (iii) their product leads to a deformed addition rule of momenta consistent with the bound on the spectrum. We generalize to the non-commutative setting the local action for a scalar field. Finally, we obtain, using harmonic analysis, another useful description of the algebra as the direct sum of the algebra of matrices. The algebra of matrices inherits the action of ISU(2): rotations leave the order of the matrices invariant whereas translations change the order in a way we explicitly determine.Comment: latex, 37 page

    QFT with Twisted Poincar\'e Invariance and the Moyal Product

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    We study the consequences of twisting the Poincare invariance in a quantum field theory. First, we construct a Fock space compatible with the twisting and the corresponding creation and annihilation operators. Then, we show that a covariant field linear in creation and annihilation operators does not exist. Relaxing the linearity condition, a covariant field can be determined. We show that it is related to the untwisted field by a unitary transformation and the resulting n-point functions coincide with the untwisted ones. We also show that invariance under the twisted symmetry can be realized using the covariant field with the usual product or by a non-covariant field with a Moyal product. The resulting S-matrix elements are shown to coincide with the untwisted ones up to a momenta dependent phase.Comment: 11 pages, references adde

    Gravitational- and self-coupling of partially massless spin 2

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    We show that higher spin systems specific to cosmological spaces are subject to the same problems as models with Poincaré limits. In particular, we analyze partially massless (PM) spin 2 and find that both its gravitational coupling and nonlinear extensions suffer from the usual background- and self-coupling difficulties: Consistent free field propagation does not extend beyond background Einstein geometries. Then (using conformal, Weyl, gravity, which contains relative ghost PM and graviton excitations) we find that avoiding graviton ghosts restricts Weyl-generated PM self-couplings to the usual, leading, safe, Noether current cubic ones

    Gas Accretion is Dominated by Warm Ionized Gas in Milky Way-Mass Galaxies at z ~ 0

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    We perform high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations of a Milky Way-mass galaxy in a fully cosmological setting using the adaptive mesh refinement code, Enzo, and study the kinematics of gas in the simulated galactic halo. We find that the gas inflow occurs mostly along filamentary structures in the halo. The warm-hot (10^5 K 10^6 K) ionized gases are found to dominate the overall mass accretion in the system (with dM/dt = 3-5 M_solar/yr) over a large range of distances, extending from the virial radius to the vicinity of the disk. Most of the inflowing gas (by mass) does not cool, and the small fraction that manages to cool does so primarily close to the galaxy (R <~ 20 kpc), perhaps comprising the neutral gas that may be detectable as, e.g., high-velocity clouds. The neutral clouds are embedded within larger, accreting filamentary flows, and represent only a small fraction of the total mass inflow rate. The inflowing gas has relatively low metallicity (Z/Z_solar < 0.2). The outer layers of the filamentary inflows are heated due to compression as they approach the disk. In addition to the inflow, we find high-velocity, metal-enriched outflows of hot gas driven by supernova feedback. Our results are consistent with observations of halo gas at low z.Comment: 10 pages including 5 figures, submitted to Ap

    Scalar scattering via conformal higher spin exchange

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    ISO LWS Spectra of T Tauri and Herbig AeBe stars

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    We present an analysis of ISO-LWS spectra of eight T Tauri and Herbig AeBe young stellar objects. Some of the objects are in the embedded phase of star-formation, whereas others have cleared their environs but are still surrounded by a circumstellar disk. Fine-structure lines of [OI] and [CII] are most likely excited by far-ultraviolet photons in the circumstellar environment rather than high-velocity outflows, based on comparisons of observed line strengths with predictions of photon-dominated and shock chemistry models. A subset of our stars and their ISO spectra are adequately explained by models constructed by Chiang & Goldreich (1997) and Chiang et al. (2001) of isolated, passively heated, flared circumstellar disks. For these sources, the bulk of the LWS flux at wavelengths longward of 55 µm arises from the disk interior which is heated diffusively by reprocessed radiation from the disk surface. At 45 µm, water ice emission bands appear in spectra of two of the coolest stars, and are thought to arise from icy grains irradiated by central starlight in optically thin disk surface layers

    A Single-Exponential Fixed-Parameter Algorithm for Distance-Hereditary Vertex Deletion

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    Vertex deletion problems ask whether it is possible to delete at most kk vertices from a graph so that the resulting graph belongs to a specified graph class. Over the past years, the parameterized complexity of vertex deletion to a plethora of graph classes has been systematically researched. Here we present the first single-exponential fixed-parameter tractable algorithm for vertex deletion to distance-hereditary graphs, a well-studied graph class which is particularly important in the context of vertex deletion due to its connection to the graph parameter rank-width. We complement our result with matching asymptotic lower bounds based on the exponential time hypothesis. As an application of our algorithm, we show that a vertex deletion set to distance-hereditary graphs can be used as a parameter which allows single-exponential fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for classical NP-hard problems.Comment: 43 pages, 9 figures (revised journal version; an extended abstract appeared in the proceedings of MFCS 2016

    The Origin and Distribution of Cold Gas in the Halo of a Milky Way-Mass Galaxy

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    We analyze an adaptive mesh refinement hydrodynamic cosmological simulation of a Milky Way-sized galaxy to study the cold gas in the halo. HI observations of the Milky Way and other nearby spirals have revealed the presence of such gas in the form of clouds and other extended structures, which indicates on-going accretion. We use a high-resolution simulation (136-272 pc throughout) to study the distribution of cold gas in the halo, compare it with observations, and examine its origin. The amount (10^8 Msun in HI), covering fraction, and spatial distribution of the cold halo gas around the simulated galaxy at z=0 are consistent with existing observations. At z=0 the HI mass accretion rate onto the disk is 0.2 Msun/yr. We track the histories of the 20 satellites that are detected in HI in the redshift interval 0.5>z>0 and find that most of them are losing gas, with a median mass loss rate per satellite of 3.1 x 10^{-3} Msun/yr. This stripped gas is a significant component of the HI gas seen in the simulation. In addition, we see filamentary material coming into the halo from the IGM at all redshifts. Most of this gas does not make it directly to the disk, but part of the gas in these structures is able to cool and form clouds. The metallicity of the gas allows us to distinguish between filamentary flows and satellite gas. We find that the former accounts for at least 25-75% of the cold gas in the halo seen at any redshift analyzed here. Placing constraints on cloud formation mechanisms allows us to better understand how galaxies accrete gas and fuel star formation at z=0.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Dual Pair Correspondence in Physics: Oscillator Realizations and Representations

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    We study general aspects of the reductive dual pair correspondence, also known as Howe duality. We make an explicit and systematic treatment, where we first derive the oscillator realizations of all irreducible dual pairs: (GL(M,R),GL(N,R))(GL(M,\mathbb R), GL(N,\mathbb R)), (GL(M,C),GL(N,C))(GL(M,\mathbb C), GL(N,\mathbb C)), (U∗(2M),U∗(2N))(U^*(2M), U^*(2N)), (U(M+,M−),U(N+,N−))(U(M_+,M_-), U(N_+,N_-)), (O(N+,N−),Sp(2M,R))(O(N_+,N_-),Sp(2M,\mathbb R)), (O(N,C),Sp(2M,C))(O(N,\mathbb C), Sp(2M,\mathbb C)) and (O∗(2N),Sp(M+,M−))(O^*(2N), Sp(M_+,M_-)). Then, we decompose the Fock space into irreducible representations of each group in the dual pairs for the cases where one member of the pair is compact as well as the first non-trivial cases of where it is non-compact. We discuss the relevance of these representations in several physical applications throughout this analysis. In particular, we discuss peculiarities of their branching properties. Finally, closed-form expressions relating all Casimir operators of two groups in a pair are established
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