2,191 research outputs found

    Mexico: between a dangerous democracy and a democracy in danger

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    Jose Angel Garcia V. is an Associate Tutor at the Politics Department of the University of Sheffield and the Director of the New Politics Institute. He has a special research interest in public security policy and democratisation processes

    The same and the contrary. Construction of a paradox in the Visitors Center of the Swiss National Park by Valerio Olgiati

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    [EN] Making a riddle is to establish an estrangement to solve. Its time tends to be a closed time, finished, complete. Anyway, if the riddle eludes the solution, its value will stay in the permanency of the paradox. Its time will be an open time, in a continuous course. The Visitors Center of Zemez is a perpetual estrangement: the outside and the inside are the same and the contrary at the same time. The contrary because the symmetrical and stable exterior don’t make us predict the labyrinthine inside. The same because there is continuity and a simple and complete unity between the inside and the outside achieved by the use of a single monolithic and unifying constructive system: walls and frameworks of white reinforced concrete. This article will describe how, with the use of this material, the construction of a radical and authentic estrangement is expected.[ES] Construir un acertijo es establecer un extrañamiento a resolver. Su tiempo tiende a ser un tiempo cerrado, acabado, completo. Ahora bien, si el acertijo elude la solución, su valor residirá en la permanencia de la paradoja. Su tiempo será un tiempo abierto, en continua circulación. El Centro de Visitantes de Zernez es un extrañamiento perpetuo: el exterior y el interior son a la vez lo mismo y lo contrario. Lo contrario porque el exterior simétrico y estable no nos hace predecir su laberíntico interior. Lo mismo porque existe una continuidad y una unidad simple y total entre el dentro y el fuera conseguida por la utilización de un único sistema constructivo monolítico e integrador: muros y forjados de hormigón armado blanco. El presente escrito describe cómo con la utilización de este material se pretende la construcción de un extrañamiento radical y auténtico.Nieto García, JÁ. (2014). Lo mismo y lo contrario Construcción de una paradoja en el Centro de Visitantes del Parque Nacional Suizo de Valerio Olgiati. EN BLANCO. Revista de Arquitectura. 6(16):87-93. doi:10.4995/eb.2014.5813SWORD8793616CORTÁZAR, Julio. "Después del almuerzo" en: Final de juego, Buenos Aires, Editorial Sudamericana, 1964, 194 p

    Dynamic Range Extension of a SPAD Imager Using Non-Uniformity Correction Techniques

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    The extraordinary sensitivity of single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) makes these devices the ideal option for vision systems aimed at low-light applications. Nevertheless, there exist large dark count rate and photon detection probability non-uniformities, which reduce the dynamic range of the detector. As a result, the capability to create image contrast is severely damaged or even lost. This paper presents the implementation of a correction algorithm to compensate for the mentioned non-uniformities and thus extend the contrast of the generated images. To demonstrate its efficiency, the proposed technique is applied to real images obtained with a fabricated SPAD image sensor. An increase of more than 3 b of contrast is obtained.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Testicular fusocellular rhabdomyosarcoma as a metastasis of elbow sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma: A clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical and molecular study of one case

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    Sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma (SRMS) is an infrequent variant of rhabdomyosarcoma characterized by extensive intercellular hyaline fibrosis. We report the case of a 37 year-old male with a 9 × 6 cm SRMS on the right elbow. Histologically, the tumor showed an abundant extracellular hyaline matrix with extratumoral vascular emboli and microscopic foci of fusocellular embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (FRMS) separated by a fibrotic band from the sclerosing areas. One year later the patient presented with a right intratesticular tumor of 1.2 × 0.8 cm, which was reported as pure FRMS. Immunohistochemically, SRMS was positive only for MyoD1 and Vimentin and negative for Myogenin and Desmin. Both the elbow emboli with the extratumoral foci of FRMS and the intratesticular tumor were positive for Myogenin, MyoD1, Vimentin and Desmin. Using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), the SRMS and the FRMS tumor cells of the elbow and the FRMS tumor cells of the testis were found to be negative for FOXO1A translocation in chromosome 13. PCR chimeric transcriptional products PAX3-FKHR and PAX7-FKHR were not found. Six months following testicular resection, the patient died of multiple metastases in the mediastinum, lung and right thigh


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    Importancia de las micotoxinas en la industria pecuariaLa palabra micotoxina del origen etimológico griego mikes y toxina, que significan hongo y veneno respectivamente, se definen como metabolitos secundarios producidos por los hongos que no son esenciales para su crecimiento, a su vez el Codex Alimentarius incluye a las toxinas naturales (micotoxinas) dentro de su definición de contaminante; cuando se habla de micotoxinas por ende se tiene que hacer referencia a los hongos, clasificados dentro del reino fungí. Los hongos pueden ser unicelulares o pluricelulares; los primeros llamados levaduras, los segundos constituidos son conocidos como mohos o hongos filamentosos. Dentro de la industria pecuaria los principales géneros fúngicos productores micotoxinas son: Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium y Alternaria. En los animales existen factores que pueden influenciar ya sea aumentando, disminuyendo la toxicidad de las micotoxinas, como lo son edad, sexo, especie y raza de los animales etc., entre algunas afecciones que provocan en los animales encontramos, inmunodepresión, nefrotoxicidad, así como disminución de la ganancia de peso, rechazo del alimento entre otras. Hoy en día la OMS en conjunto con la FAO, son los organismos encargados de la regularización y legislación de las micotoxinas, no obstante, cada país mediante organismos oficiales dictamina la legislación de las micotoxinas, abarcando desde transporte y niveles permitidos en los alimentos. Para su análisis se requiere primero de llevar acabo ciertos pasos como lo son el muestreo, la extracción y purificación, así como la confirmación de la muestra, para poder obtener un resultado eficaz y de esta manera tomar medidas de control para evitar la contaminación tanto del grano como de los animales

    The power of civil society: An empirical analysis of its political achievements in a dangerous public sphere.

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    Strengthening civil society and increasing citizens’ participation in policy-making are widely discussed matters within political science, international relations and sociology. There is abundant scholarship advocating thoroughgoing collaboration between government and citizens, but the literature focusing on Mexico has become much stronger in theorising than testing. Equally, the co–production of policy has been politically debated or attempted, but too infrequently realised across the different levels of government in Mexico’s current dangerous democracy. This has given rise to various assumptions on the functioning of the normative wheels of democracy. In the middle of Mexico’s rising insecurity, this PhD thesis empirically explores the challenges for civil society’s development and citizens’ role in policy-making. By focusing on two contrasting cases of government–society collaboration in the sphere of public security, this research contributes to the understanding of policy co–production in young democracies. The core finding is that, although an elite continues to dominate the main channels of public expression and key political negotiations, an engaged citizenry is gnawing at small cracks in Mexico’s semi–clientelist system and achieving tangible influence on policy-making. The analyses that underpin this finding shed new light on the complex relationships and inter–dependencies that define the development of civil society, public sphere and governance in Mexico. Furthermore, they close down the gap between ‘politics as practice’ and ‘politics as theory’ in the study of participative practices in political agenda setting

    A data generator for covid-19 patients’ care requirements inside hospitals

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    [EN] A Spanish version of the article is provided (see section before references). This paper presents the generation of a plausible data set related to the needs of COVID-19 patients with severe or critical symptoms. Possible illness’ stages were proposed within the context of medical knowledge as of January 2021. The parameters chosen in this data set were customized to fit the population data of the Valencia region (Spain) with approximately 2.5 million inhabitants. They were based on the evolution of the pandemic between September 2020 and March 2021, a period that included two complete waves of the pandemic. Contrary to expectation and despite the European and national transparency laws (BOE-A2013-12887, 2013; European Parliament and Council of the European Union, 2019), the actual COVID-19 pandemic-related data, at least in Spain, took considerable time to be updated and made available (usually a week or more). Moreover, some relevant data necessary to develop and validate hospital bed management models were not publicly accessible. This was either because these data were not collected, because public agencies failed to make them public (despite having them indexed in their databases), the data were processed within indicators and not shown as raw data, or they simply published the data in a format that was difficult to process (e.g., PDF image documents versus CSV tables). Despite the potential of hospital information systems, there were still data that were not adequately captured within these systems. Moreover, the data collected in a hospital depends on the strategies and practices specific to that hospital or health system. This limits the generalization of "real" data, and it encourages working with "realistic" or plausible data that are clean of interactions with local variables or decisions (Gunal, 2012; Marin-Garcia et al., 2020). Besides, one can parameterize the model and define the data structure that would be necessary to run the model without delaying till the real data become available. Conversely, plausible data sets can be generated from publicly available information and, later, when real data become available, the accuracy of the model can be evaluated (Garcia-Sabater and Maheut, 2021). This work opens lines of future research, both theoretical and practical. From a theoretical point of view, it would be interesting to develop machine learning tools that, by analyzing specific data samples in real hospitals, can identify the parameters necessary for the automatic prototyping of generators adapted to each hospital. Regarding the lines of research applied, it is evident that the formalism proposed for the generation of sound patients is not limited to patients affected by SARS-CoV-2 infection. The generation of heterogeneous patients can represent the needs of a specific population and serve as a basis for studying complex health service delivery systems.[ES] En este trabajo se presenta cómo se ha generado un conjunto de datos verosímiles relacionados con las necesidades de pacientes covid-19 con síntomas severe or critical. Se considerarán las etapas posibles con los conocimientos médicos a fecha de enero de 2021. Los parámetros elegidos en este data set están personalizados para adecuarse a los valores poblacionales de la región de Valencia (Spain), unos 2.5 Millones de habitantes y la evolución de la pandemia entre los meses de septiembre 2020 y marzo 2021, un periodo de tiempo que contemple dos olas completas de pandemia.En contra de lo que cabría esperar, a pesar de la ley de transparencia europea y nacional (BOE-A-2013-12887, 2013; Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de la Unión Europea, 2019), los datos reales relacionados con la pandemia covid-19, al menos en España, tardan mucho en actualizarse y estar disponibles (normalmente una semana o más días). Además, algunos datos relevantes para trabajar los modelos de gestión de camas de hospital no están accesibles públicamente. Bien porque no se hayan recogido esos datos, o porque los organismos públicos no los ofrecen (a pesar de tenerlos indexados en sus bases de datos), o los ofrecen camuflados en indicadores procesados y no muestran los datos en bruto, o simplemente los publican en un formato de difícil reutilización (por ejemplo, en documentos PDF en lugar de en tablas CSV). A pesar de que los sistemas de información de los hospitales son bastante potentes, siguen existiendo datos que ni siquiera están recogidos adecuadamente en el sistema de información de salud.Por otra parte, los datos recogidos en un hospital dependen de las estrategias y practicas propias de ese hospital o sistema de salud. Este efecto limita la generalización de los datos “reales” y es necesario trabajar con datos “realistas” o verosímiles que están limpios de interacciones con variables o decisiones locales (Gunal, 2012; Marin-Garcia et al., 2020). Por un lado, se puede parametrizar el modelo y definir la estructura de datos que sería necesaria para ejecutar el modelo con datos reales. Por otro lado, se pueden generar conjuntos de datos verosímiles a partir de la información pública disponible y, posteriormente, cuando se disponga de los datos reales evaluar la bondad del modelo (Garcia-Sabater & Maheut, 2021).Marin-Garcia, JA.; Ruiz, A.; Julien, M.; Garcia-Sabater, JP. (2021). A data generator for covid-19 patients’ care requirements inside hospitals. WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management. 12(1):76-115. https://doi.org/10.4995/wpom.1533276115121Alexander, G. L. (2007). The nurse-patient trajectory framework. Medinfo. MEDINFO, 12(Pt 2), 910- 914.Belciug, S., Bejinariu, S. I., & Costin, H. (2020). An artificial immune system approach for a multicompartment queuing model for improving medical resources and inpatient bed occupancy in pandemics. 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    The effects of weather on milk production in dairy sheep vary by month of lambing and lactation phase

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    A total number of 609 bulk-tank milk controls on a dairy sheep farm in Spain were used to determine how weather affects milk production in sheep, related to lambing period and lactation phase. Data from individuals were assigned to one of five lactation periods based on the timing of lambing: FEB (n=124); APR (n=141); JUL (n=114); SEP (n=102), and NOV (n=128). Milk yield per ewe per day was calculated as total milk volume/number of ewes milked. Lactation was divided into three phases: Early-lactation (from lambing to month 2), Mid-lactation (from month 3 to 7), and Late-lactation (month 8). Milk yield per ewe was higher (P<0.01) in SEP than in FEB, APR, or NOV; production peaked in JUL and was lowest in FEB. In lactations initiated in JUL and SEP, milk yield per ewe per day was higher (P<0.05) in early lactation than it was in the other lambing periods; however, in APR and SEP, per ewe production was highest (P<0.01) in mid-lactation. Milk yield in each of the five lambing periods was significantly (P=0.001) associated with several meteorological variables, and the strongest (R2=0.732) was with solar radiation and minimum temperature in the APR lactation period. In all lactation periods, the relationship between milk yield and weather differed among the three phases of lactation. In conclusion, the effects of meteorological conditions on milk yield in sheep cannot be understood without assessing production among milking periods in the same year and the phases of lactation, especially if milking periods are long

    Understanding the impact of line-of-sight in the ergodic spectral efficiency of cellular networks

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    In this paper we investigate the impact of lineof-sight (LoS) condition in the ergodic spectral efficiency of cellular networks. To achieve this goal, we have considered the kappa-mu shadowed model, which is a general model that provides an excellent fit to a wide set of propagation conditions. To overcome the mathematical complexity of the analysis, we have split the analysis between large and small-scale effects. Building on the proposed framework, we study a number of scenarios that range from heavily-fluctuating LoS to deterministic-LoS. Finally, we shed light on the interplay between fading severity and spectral efficiency by means of the amount of fading.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech