156 research outputs found

    The Role of Snow-Related Environmental Variables in Plant Conservation Plans in the Mediterranean Mountains

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    This study aims to analyze the effects that snow cover may have on the survival of one-year-old seedlings from 15 different taxa in the Mediterranean high mountains (Sierra Nevada National Park, SE Spain) in order to have clearer criteria for the planning and management of restoration efforts in these environments. Additionally, the influence of variables that have been scarcely explored up to now is also revised. We use the survival rates of the seedlings observed from the ecological restoration trial as reference values. The survival data analyzed are based on six variables to evaluate their effects. The results confirm that the permanence of snow is a favorable factor for seedlings, independent of the plant community. Contrastingly, a specific type of foundation (stones and rocks) stands out for being clearly unfavorable, regardless of other variables. For both altitude and solar radiation, a worsening of the survival ratio has been observed as they increase. The species’ geographic ranges are all shown to be unfavorable for taxa of a boreo-alpine distribution. Finally, the plant community does not have a significant influence on the survival of seedlings. These results provide novel indications to improve the results of the first stages of restoration work in the Mediterranean high mountains. They are also valuable for the management and cataloging of threatened flora, as well as having direct applications in recovery plans and protection lists.EAFRD (exp. 701/2010/M/00) fundsERDF (exp. 980/2007/M/00) fund

    ISO 9000/1994, ISO 9001/2000 and TQM: The performance debate revisited

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    The debate about the impact of ISO 9000/1994 on performance has been waging since its inception. While there is a general agreement regarding the positive impact of TQM on performance, there has been less agreement among the academics about the impact of ISO 9000/1994. Perhaps in response to such debate, the new ISO 9001/2000 has appeared purporting to be more in line with the TQM philosophy. As of now, how this 2000 version actually affects performance is yet to be explored. In this study, we compare the implementation of ISO 9000/1994 and ISO 9001/2000 as representing two different efforts to implement quality management practices. We evaluate its impact on company performance with a sample of 713 Spanish industrial companies. We also examine if the 2000 version of ISO is taking us closer to the implementation of TQM. Further, we depart from the past studies methodologically by considering performance as a formative construct rather than a reflective construct. Based on the mean and covariance structural (MACS) analyses, we conclude that ISO 9001/2000 certified companies do not perform noticeably better than ISO 9000/1994 or non-certified companies. However, we find that ISO 9001/2000 certified companies apply TQM at a higher level than ISO 9000/1994 certified companies, but whether they actually perform better is less clear.We would like to thank the Fundacio ́nSe ́neca andFundacio ́n Cajamurcia for financial support. We alsoacknowledge two anonymous referees and the associateeditor for valuable comments and insight

    Construcción y validación de una herramienta de análisis observacional en futsal (AOFS-I)

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    El gol y cómo se consigue cada vez es objeto de mayor estudio por ser el indicador más importante de rendimiento en el deporte colectivo. Este estudio de tipo puntual, nomotético y multidimensional, de intervención no participativa y grado de perceptividad completa donde han participado 5 expertos, tiene el objetivo de crear y validar un instrumento observacional ad hoc para analizar las acciones ofensivas que acaban en gol en partidos de fútbol sala. La muestra ha sido 4716 acciones realizadas por 41 equipos (16 españoles, 11 italianos y 14 rusos) en 622 partidos de las tres grandes ligas europeas (240 de Liga Española, 109 de Liga Italiana y 273 de Liga Rusa), durante la temporada 2014-2015. El instrumento de observación Análisis Observacional de Fútbol Sala (AOFS I) ha superado todas las pruebas para su fiabilidad y validez, obteniendo valores medidos con Kappa de Cohen superiores a 0.85, quedando compuesto por 26 criterios y 324 categorías. The goal and how it is achieved each time is the object of further study because it is the most important indicator of performance in collective sport. This punctual, nomothetic and multidimensional study of non-participatory intervention and degree of complete perception where 5 experts have participated, has the objective of creating and validating an ad hoc observational instrument to analyze the offensive actions that end up in goal in soccer matches living room. The sample has been 4716 actions carried out by 41 teams (16 Spaniards, 11 Italians and 14 Russians) in 622 games of the three major European leagues (240 of the Spanish League, 109 of the Italian League and 273 of the Russian League), during the 2014 season-2015. The observational instrument Observatory Analysis of Futsal (AOFS I) has passed all the tests for its reliability and validity, obtaining values measured with Cohen Kappa higher than 0.85, being composed of 26 criteria and 324 categories

    ADDISC lumbar disc prosthesis : Analytical and FEA testing of novel implants

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    The intact intervertebral disc is a six-freedom degree elastic deformation structure with shock absorption. 'Ball-and-socket' TDR do not reproduce these properties inducing zygapophyseal joint overload. Elastomeric TDRs reproduce better normal disc kinematics, but repeated core deformation causes its degeneration. We aimed to create a new TDR (ADDISC) reproducing healthy disc features. We designed TDR, analyzed (Finite Element Analysis), and measured every 500,000 cycles for 10 million cycles of the flexion-extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation cyclic compression bench-testing. In the inlay case, we weighted it and measured its deformation. ADDISC has two semi-spherical articular surfaces, one rotation centre for flexion, another for extension, the third for lateral bending, and a polycarbonate urethane inlay providing shock absorption. The first contact is between PCU and metal surfaces. There is no metal-metal contact up to 2000 N, and CoCr28Mo6 absorbs the load. After 10 million cycles at 1.2-2.0 kN loads, wear 140.96 mg (35.50 mm3), but no implant failures. Our TDR has a physiological motion range due to its articular surfaces' shape and the PCU inlay bumpers, minimizing the facet joint overload. ADDISC mimics healthy disc biomechanics and Instantaneous Rotation Center, absorbs shock, reduces wear, and has excellent long-term endurance

    Hepatocellular carcinoma risk-stratification based on ASGR1 in circulating epithelial cells for cancer interception

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    Purpose: Lack of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in hepatocellular carcinoma impedes stratifying patients based on their risk of developing cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity of circulating epithelial cells (CECs) based on asialoglycoprotein receptor 1 (ASGR1) and miR-122-5p expression as potential diagnostic and prognostic tools in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and liver cirrhosis (LC). Methods: Peripheral blood samples were extracted from LC and HCC patients at different disease stages. CECs were isolated using positive immunomagnetic selection. Genetic and phenotypic characterization was validated by double immunocytochemistry for cytokeratin (CK) and ASGR1 or by in situ hybridization with miR-122-5p and CECs were visualized by confocal microscopy. Results: The presence of CECs increased HCC risk by 2.58-fold, however, this was only significant for patients with previous LC (p = 0.028) and not for those without prior LC (p = 0.23). Furthermore, the number of CECs lacking ASGR1 expression correlated significantly with HCC incidence and absence of miR-122-5p expression (p = 0.014; r = 0.23). Finally, overall survival was significantly greater for patients at earlier cancer stages (p = 0.018), but this difference was only maintained in the group with the presence of CECs (p = 0.021) whereas progression-free survival was influenced by the absence of ASGR1 expression. Conclusion: Identification and characterization of CECs by ASGR1 and/or miR- 122-5p expression may be used as a risk-stratification tool in LC patients, as it was shown to be an independent prognostic and risk-stratification marker in LC and early disease stage HCC patients

    Application of Multi-core and GPU Architectures on Signal Processing: Case Studies

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    In this article part of the techniques and developments we are carrying out within the INCO2 group are reported. Results follow the interdisciplinary approach with which we tackle signal processing applications. Chosen case studies show different stages of development: We present algorithms already completed which are being used in practical applications as well as new ideas that may represent a starting point, and which are expected to deliver good results in a short and medium term

    On the performance of multi-GPU-based expert systems for acoustic localization involving massive microphone array

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    Sound source localization is an important topic in expert systems involving microphone arrays, such as automatic camera steering systems, human-machine interaction, video gaming or audio surveillance. The Steered Response Power with Phase Transform (SRP-PHAT) algorithm is a well-known approach for sound source localization due to its robust performance in noisy and reverberant environments. This algorithm analyzes the sound power captured by an acoustic beamformer on a defined spatial grid, estimating the source location as the point that maximizes the output power. Since localization accuracy can be improved by using high-resolution spatial grids and a high number of microphones, accurate acoustic localization systems require high computational power. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are highly parallel programmable co-processors that provide massive computation when the needed operations are properly parallelized. Emerging GPUs offer multiple parallelism levels; however, properly managing their computational resources becomes a very challenging task. In fact, management issues become even more difficult when multiple GPUs are involved, adding one more level of parallelism. In this paper, the performance of an acoustic source localization system using distributed microphones is analyzed over a massive multichannel processing framework in a multi-GPU system. The paper evaluates and points out the influence that the number of microphones and the available computational resources have in the overall system performance. Several acoustic environments are considered to show the impact that noise and reverberation have in the localization accuracy and how the use of massive microphone systems combined with parallelized GPU algorithms can help to mitigate substantially adverse acoustic effects. In this context, the proposed implementation is able to work in real time with high-resolution spatial grids and using up to 48 microphones. These results confirm the advantages of suitable GPU architectures in the development of real-time massive acoustic signal processing systems.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (TEC2009-13741, TEC2012-38142-C04-01, and TEC2012-37945-C02-02), Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEO 2009/2013, and Universitat Politecnica de Valencia through Programa de Apoyo a la Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID-05-11 and PAID-05-12).Belloch Rodríguez, JA.; Gonzalez, A.; Vidal Maciá, AM.; Cobos Serrano, M. (2015). On the performance of multi-GPU-based expert systems for acoustic localization involving massive microphone array. Expert Systems with Applications. 42(13):5607-5620. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2015.02.056S56075620421

    Maternal, fetal and perinatal alterations associated with obesity, overweight and gestational diabetes: an observational cohort study (PREOBE)

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    Abstract Background: Maternal overweight, obesity, and gestational diabetes (GD) have been negatively associated with offspring development. Further knowledge regarding metabolic and nutritional alterations in these mother and their offspring are warranted. Methods: In an observational cohort study we included 331 pregnant women from Granada, Spain. The mothers were categorized into four groups according to BMI and their GD status; overweight (n:56), obese (n:64), GD (n:79), and healthy normal weight controls (n:132). We assessed maternal growth and nutritional biomarkers at 24 weeks (n = 269), 34 weeks (n = 310) and at delivery (n = 310) and the perinatal characteristics including cord blood biomarkers. Results: Obese and GD mothers had significantly lower weight gain during pregnancy and infant birth weight, waist circumference, and placental weight were higher in the obese group, including a significantly increased prevalence of macrosomia. Except for differences in markers of glucose metabolism (glucose, HbA1c, insulin and uric acid) we found at some measures that overweight and/or obese mothers had lower levels of transferrin saturation, hemoglobin, Vitamin B12 and folate and higher levels of C-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ferritin, and cortisol. GD mothers had similar differences in hemoglobin and C-reactive protein but higher levels of folate. The latter was seen also in cord blood. Conclusions: We identified several metabolic alterations in overweight, obese and GD mothers compared to controls. Together with the observed differences in infant anthropometrics, these may be important biomarkers in future research regarding the programming of health and disease in children. Trial registration: The trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov, identifier (NCT01634464). Keywords: Pregnancy, Maternal overweight, Maternal obesity, Gestational diabetes, Offspring, Fetal nutrition, Early programming, Vitamin B12, Folate, Iron status, Glucose metabolis

    The New Antitumor Drug ABTL0812 Inhibits the Akt/mTORC1 Axis by Upregulating Tribbles-3 Pseudokinase

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    Purpose: ABTL0812 is a novel first-in-class, small molecule which showed antiproliferative effect on tumor cells in phenotypic assays. Here we describe the mechanism of action of this antitumor drug, which is currently in clinical development. Experimental design: We investigated the effect of ABTL0812 on cancer cell death, proliferation, and modulation of intracellular signaling pathways, using human lung (A549) and pancreatic (MiaPaCa-2) cancer cells and tumor xenografts. To identify cellular targets, we performed in silico high-throughput screening comparing ABTL0812 chemical structure against ChEMBL15 database. Results: ABTL0812 inhibited Akt/mTORC1 axis, resulting in impaired cancer cell proliferation and autophagy-mediated cell death. In silico screening led us to identify PPARs, PPARα and PPARγ as the cellular targets of ABTL0812. We showed that ABTL0812 activates both PPAR receptors, resulting in upregulation of Tribbles-3 pseudokinase (TRIB3) gene expression. Upregulated TRIB3 binds cellular Akt, preventing its activation by upstream kinases, resulting in Akt inhibition and suppression of the Akt/mTORC1 axis. Pharmacologic inhibition of PPARα/γ or TRIB3 silencing prevented ABTL0812-induced cell death. ABTL0812 treatment induced Akt inhibition in cancer cells, tumor xenografts, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients enrolled in phase I/Ib first-in-human clinical trial. Conclusions: ABTL0812 has a unique and novel mechanism of action, that defines a new and drugable cellular route that links PPARs to Akt/mTORC1 axis, where TRIB3 pseudokinase plays a central role. Activation of this route (PPARα/γ-TRIB3-Akt-mTORC1) leads to autophagy-mediated cancer cell death. Given the low toxicity and high tolerability of ABTL0812, our results support further development of ABTL0812 as a promising anticancer therapy

    Circulating tumor cells criteria (CyCAR) versus standard RECIST criteria for treatment response assessment in metastatic colorectal cancer patients

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    The use of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) as indicators of treatment response in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) needs to be clarified. The objective of this study is to compare the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) with the Cytologic Criteria Assessing Response (CyCAR), based on the presence and phenotypic characterization of CTCs, as indicators of FOLFOX–bevacizumab treatment response. We observed a decrease of CTCs (42.8 vs. 18.2%) and VEGFR positivity (69.7% vs. 41.7%) after treatment. According to RECIST, 6.45% of the patients did not show any clinical benefit, whereas 93.55% patients showed a favorable response at 12 weeks. According to CyCAR, 29% had a non-favorable response and 71% patients did not. No significant differences were found between the response assessment by RECIST and CyCAR at 12 or 24 weeks. However, in the multivariate analysis, RECIST at 12 weeks and CyCAR at 24 weeks were independent prognostic factors for OS (HR: 0.1, 95% CI 0.02–0.58 and HR: 0.35, 95% CI 0.12–0.99 respectively). CyCAR results were comparable to RECIST in evaluating the response in mCRC and can be used as an alternative when the limitation of RECIST requires additional response analysis techniques.This work was supported by Roche Spain and a Ph.D. grant from the University of Granada