489 research outputs found

    Plano de Negócios: empresa de empréstimos imobiliários através de Crowdfunding

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    O presente projeto tem como objetivo desenvolver um plano de negócios para uma empresa de investimentos imobiliários através de crowdfunding; trata-se de uma empresa prestadora de serviços, numa área inovadora, com recurso a plataformas digitais. Espera-se no fim deste projeto poder ter uma melhor perceção da rentabilidade do modelo de negócio, dos seus momentos de entrada em atividade e os problemas que se podem encontrar ao desenvolver um projeto totalmente focado no mercado online. Neste trabalho académico são abordados os conceitos de startups, investimentos imobiliários, financiamento bancário, crowdfunding, e uma comparação entre estas fontes de financiamento. No âmbito da elaboração do plano de negócios é feita também uma análise ao mercado de compra de imóveis e apresenta-se um possível layout do website da empresa. Por fim, esquematiza-se uma estrutura possível para o plano de negócios, que se conclui com a apresentação de um cenário de desenvolvimento do negócio, que condiciona a análise de viabilidade do projeto em questão. Diante da análise foi possível observar que o empreendimento apresenta indicadores favoráveis, mas a viabilidade da abertura da empresa está condicionada à participação de um investidor externo no projeto e à angariação de financiamento por crowdfunding.This project aims to develop a business plan for a real estate investment company through crowdfunding; it is a service provider company, in an innovative area, using digital platforms. It is expected at the end of this project to be able to have a better perception of the profitability of the business model, its moments of entry into activity and the problems that can be encountered when developing a project totally focused on the online market. This academic work addresses the concepts of startups, real estate investments, bank financing, crowdfunding, and a comparison between these sources of financing. In the context of the preparation of the business plan is also made an analysis to the market of purchase of real estate and presents a possible layout of the company's website. Finally, a possible structure is designed for the business plan, which concludes with the presentation of three alternative scenarios of business development, corresponding to low, medium, or high expectations in the market, which condition the feasibility analysis of the project in question. In view of the analysis, it was possible to observe that the enterprise presents favorable indicators, but the viability of opening the company is conditioned to the participation of an external investor in the project and the raising of financing through crowdfunding

    A geração da cidade: trajetórias musicais de jovens em várias escalas (Lisboa, 2010/2020)

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    Esta tese de doutoramento centra-se na análise das trajetórias musicais de jovens músicos em transição para a vida adulta que iniciaram a sua aprendizagem na Orquestra Geração (OG). A pesquisa acompanha as múltiplas pertenças sociais destes jovens, quer nas diversas estruturas internas da OG, quer na pluralidade de experiências musicais que surgem do seu desejo de liberdade criativa e autonomia social. Com diferentes origens de classe, géneros e culturas estes jovens músicos que iniciaram as suas aprendizagens em contexto orquestral, abrem-se para as ruas de uma cidade através de performances de vários tipos. Analiso tais performances que, além de contribuírem para a construção das suas trajetórias musicais múltiplas e heterogéneas, vão consolidando os territórios urbanos e periurbanos por onde vão passando e atuando. Um dos principais eixos de questionamento da presente pesquisa é a relação entre a dinâmica das "carreiras musicais", as culturas juvenis e os territórios por onde circulam, alimentando os diversos circuitos musicais que fazem esses espaços. Metodologicamente, é através da visão interdisciplinar dos estudos urbanos e da abordagem etnográfica que ajusto o foco da construção narrativa das biografias musicais destes jovens que se encontram numa importante fase de transição dos seus ciclos de vida. Um dos pontos inovadores avançados nesta abordagem prende-se com uma análise micro das trajetórias musicais de grupos e indivíduos. Assim, descrevo como se delineiam os caminhos para contextos urbanos menos formalizados, nos quais a supervisão de uma "cultura oficial", os mapas hierárquicos institucionais se ausentam das práticas e da sociabilidade.This doctoral thesis focuses on the musical trajectories of young musicians in transition to adult life, who began their apprenticeship in the Orchestra Geração (OG). The research follows the multiple social belongings of these young people, either in the different internal structures of the OG, or in the plurality of musical experiences that arise from their desire for creative freedom and social autonomy. With different origins of class, genres and cultures, these young musicians, who started their learning in an orchestral context, open themselves to the streets of a city through performances of various types. I analyse such performances that, in addition to contributing to the construction of their multiple and heterogeneous musical trajectories, consolidate the urban and peri-urban territories through which they pass and act. One of the main axes of questioning in this research is the relationship between the dynamics of "musical careers", youth cultures and the territories where they circulate, feeding the various musical circuits that make up these spaces. Methodologically, it is through the interdisciplinary vision of urban studies and the ethnographic approach that I adjust the focus of the narrative construction concerning the musical biographies of these youngsters who are in an important transitional phase in their life cycles. One of the innovative points advanced in this approach concerns a micro analysis of the musical trajectories of groups and individuals. Thus, I describe how the paths to less formalized urban contexts are delineated, in which the supervision of an ‘official culture’, institutional hierarchical maps are absent from practices and sociability

    Sociedade de metamorfose: a criação de uma orquestra sinfónica numbairro social da Amadora

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    A Orquestra Geração apresenta-se como um processo de aprendizagem de práticas musicais em contexto orquestral. Este método está focado no ensino de crianças e jovens em condições sociais de adversidade. Deste modo a presente pesquisa realiza uma análise sobre as formas de interação e trajetórias sociais destes protagonistas numa orquestra de um bairro social da Amadora.The orchestra “Geração” presents itself as a process of learning musical practices in orchestral context. This method focuses on teaching children and youth in conditions of social adversity. Therefore this research carries out an analysis of the forms of interaction and social trajectories of these players in an orchestra of a neighborhood in Amadora

    Dimensões do habitar. Uma casa na cidade

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    À luz do contexto portuense, procura-se apreender o processo de se fazer a cidade e de como a partir de princípios orientadores preexistentes, aprofundar outros de intervenção num vazio urbano. Crendo na dimensão do habitar como condição indispensável à revitalização do centro histórico da cidade e na prática comunitária como catalisadora de fluxos vitais de coexistência, defende-se um projeto comum para a cidade que dê sentido ao indivíduo como parte ativa da sociedade e que nesse sentido, assuma um papel preponderante na proximidade com a realidade local e a dos seus habitantes.Taking into account Porto's context, this project seeks to understand the process of making cities and how we can deepen principles of intervention in an urban void, based on preexistent guiding lines. Confident in the dimension of housing as an indispensable condition for the revitalization of the historic center of the city, and in community practice as a catalyst of vital flows of coexistence, it's defended a common project for the city that brings a sense to the individual as an active part of society and takes over a prevailing role in the proximity with the local reality and that of its residents

    Gender Difference in the Perception of Guilt in Consumer Boycott in Brazil

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    The aim of this chapter is to analyze consumer boycott from the perception of men\u27s and women\u27s guilt on a specific case involving Nike company through partners in its supply chain in China. The study was conducted with 281 consumers in the city of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 2012. In the process of validating a scale of consumer boycott in Brazil, the 13 items of the original scale were kept, but were grouped in different factors. The emerged factors were perception of guilt, influence from others, boycott efficiency, and purchase frequency. Testing relationship among demographic variables and these factors, only gender was significant on perception of guilt. In this sense, we seek in psychology, psychoanalysis (also briefly in anthropology and history), features that could explain the reasons why women feel guiltier than men, and thus are more likely to boycott

    New continental record and new species of Austromerope (Mecoptera, Meropeidae) from Brazil

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    A new species of Meropeidae (Mecoptera) from Brazil, Austromerope brasiliensis sp. n., is described, representing only the 3rd extant species described in this family and the 1st record of the family from the Neotropical region. The distribution and biogeography of the family are discussed and we propose that Meropeidae originated before continental drift and then divided into two branches, northern and southern, with the breakup of Pangea. Identification keys for the Neotropical families of Mecoptera and for the species of Meropeidae are provided. © Renato Jose Pires Machado et al

    The Role of Regional Innovation Systems (RIS) in Translating R&D Investments into Economic and Employment Growth

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    The emergence of the so-called “European Paradox” shows that increasing Governmental R&D Investment is far from being a ‘panacea’ for stagnant growth. It is worth noting that Governmental R&D Investment does not have a statistically significant impact on employment, indicating the need to assess the trade-offs of policies that could lead to significant increases in government expenditure. Surprisingly, Governmental R&D Employment does not contribute to ‘mass-market’ employment, despite its quite important role in reducing Youth-Unemployment. Despite the negative side-effects of Governmental R&D Employment on both GVA and GDP, University R&D Employment appears to have a quite important role in reducing Unemployment, especially Youth-Unemployment, while it also does not have a downside in terms of economic growth. Technological Capacity enhancement is the most effective instrument for reducing Unemployment and is a policy without any downside regarding sustainable economic development

    Search for agglutinating antibodies to Leptospira and Leptonema in horses, São Paulo, Brazil

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    Soros de 922 eqüinos aparentemente sadios, mantidos na Fazenda do Instituto Butantan (São Roque, SP) para produção de soros hiperimunes, foram analisados quanto à presença de anticorpos para sorovares de Leptospira interrogans e para Leptonema illini, através da reação de aglutinação microscópica (MA). Entre os 807 (87,5%) animais positivos, 659 (81,7%) reagiram com mais de um sorovar, com títulos entre 1:100 e 1:6.400, havendo predomínio de títulos baixos (≤ 1:400); 84% dos soros positivos reagiram com representantes do sorogrupo Icterohaemorrhagiae e 79,2% com Leptonema illini. Dos 23 sorovares utilizados, apenas o tarassovi não reagiu.Sera from 922 apparently health equines intended for therapeutic sera production in a farm of the Instituto Butantã in São Roque, State of São Paulo. Brazil, were examined for detection of antibodies to serovars of Leptospira interrogans and to Leptonema illini by the microscopic agglutination (MA) test. Significant antibody titres were found in 807 sera (87.5%) and 659 (81.7%) of those sera reacted to more than one serovar at titres ranging from 1: 100 to 1:6,400 with predominance of low titres (≤ 1:400). From the 23 screening serovars, only tarassovi did not react. The most common reactions among positive sera occurred to antigens from the Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup (84%) and to Leptonema illini (79.2%)