93 research outputs found

    Prevalence of salivary Epstein-Barr virus in potentially malignant oral disorders and oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    Background: To analyze the presence of salivary Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNA in oral squamous cell carcinoma and potentially malignant oral disorders. Material and Methods: Three groups were studied: Group 1 (12 oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC)), Group 2 (12 potentially malignant oral disorders (PMD)) and Group 3 (47 healthy controls). EBV DNA salivary analysis was performed by PCR. Results: The highest percentage of positive salivary EBV DNA corresponded to the OSCC group (58.3%), followed by the PMD group (41.7%) and the controls (40.4%). The differences between groups were not statistically significant, however (p>0.05). Conclusions: Salivary EBV DNA was more prevalent in OSCC than in PMD or the controls

    A Case Study of Geometric Modelling via 3-D Point Interpolation for the Bathymetry of the Rabasa Lakes (Alicante, Spain)

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    The interpolation of points by means of Information Technology programs appears as a technical tool of some relevancy in the hydrogeology in general and in the study of the humid zones in particular. Our approach has been the determination of the 3-D geometry of the humid zones of major depth of the Rabasa Lakes. To estimate the topography of the lake bed, we proceed to acquire information in the field by means of sonar and GPS equipment. A total of 335 points were measured both on the perimeter and in the lake bed. In a second stage, this information was used in a kriging program to obtain the bathymetry of the wetland. This methodology is demonstrated as one of the most reliable and cost-efficient for the 3-D analysis of this type of water masses. The bathymetric study of the zone allows us to characterize the mid- and long-term hydrological evolution of the lakes by means of depth-area-volume curves

    P’urhépecha food culture as a great tourist activity in Michoacan

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    En México existe un gran número comunidades indígenas de origen prehispánico. En el estado de Michoacán, el cual posee una gran riqueza cultural, destaca la cultura p’urhépecha. Por la misma riqueza que posee el estado, gran parte de su economía se basa en el turismo tanto nacional como internacional. Por esta razón se realizó una serie de estudios para aprovechar en una mayor medida esta situación, teniendo como resultado la puesta en acción del evento denominado “Encuentro de cocina tradicional de Michoacán” que se ha venido realizando cada año desde el 2004. En este artículo se muestra la justifi cación de dichos estudios, así como las primeras conclusiones de los mismos y los resultados del evento gastronómico.In Mexico exists a great number of indigenous communities of pre-hispanic origin. In the State of Michoacan, which possesses a great cultural richness, the p’urhépecha culture stands out. Because of the state’s richness, great part of its economy is based on national and international tourism. For this reason, a series of studies were realized in order to take further advantage of this situation. The result was the event called “Meeting of Michoacan’s traditional cooking”, which has taken place every year since 2004. In this article, the justifi cation of the above mentioned studies is shown, as well as its fi rst conclusions and the results of the gastronomic event

    Epstein-Barr virus in oral proliferative verrucous leukoplakia and squamous cell carcinoma : a preliminary study

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    The aim of this study was to analyze proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) for the possible presence of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). We studied three groups: Sub-Group 1 was composed of 10 patients with PVL, (6 of whom had developed OSCC); Sub-Group 2 comprised 5 patients with OSCC but no preceding PVL; and Sub-Group 3 were 5 controls with clinically normal oral mucosa. Oral biopsies from all cases were examined for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) by nested PCR. EBV was detected in 60% of Sub-Group 1 patients (PVL ) and in 40% of Sub-Group 2 (OSCC), but in 0% of SubGroup 3 (controls)

    Nuevos datos sobre la estratigrafía de subsuelo del acuífero de Torrevieja (Alicante): implicaciones en el modelo conceptual de funcionamiento.

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    El análisis estratigráfico de sondeos de investigación realizados en el acuifera de Torrevieja pone de manifiesto la coincidencia de las unidades hidrogeológicas con las estratigráficas y permite una mayor precisión en la definición de las primeras al poder constatar que las variaciones internas dentro de las unidades estratigráficas tienen reflejo en la geometria de los acuiferos y los parámetros hidrogeológicos. Asi mismo, la interpretación genética de los sedimentos y la caracterización de las discontinuidades que los limitan permiten realizar una extrapolación predictiva de las caracteristicas geológicas de subsuelo que pueden ser aplicadas a la modelización de las unidades hidrogeológicas

    Doñana, diversidad y ciencia

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    144 páginasLa biodiversidad es más que la suma de los elementos que componen el mundo vivo; también son biodiversidad las relaciones entre esos elementos, los procesos ecológicos que hacen posible su existencia y los procesos evolutivos que los han originado. […] Los seres humanos necesitamos a la biodiversidad más que ella a nosotros, ya que es la responsable de que la Tierra funcione de una manera satisfactoria. […] El entramado de la vida se ocupa de regular la composición de la atmósfera (y con ella, el clima), de depurar el aire y el agua, de hacer fértil al suelo, de evitar riadas y avalanchas, de polinizar las cosechas, de reducir las plagas, etc. Por todo ello es indispensable conservar la biodiversidad, hoy amenazada.” (Miguel Delibes) Doñana, diversidad y ciencia es un paseo conceptual por el espacio natural más emblemático de Europa. La esencia de un mito a través de decenas de fotografías… Un acercamiento respetuoso a la diversidad de sus conceptos, un paseo por la esencia de su historia y una curiosa aproximación a la ciencia que genera hoy en día. En este recorrido descubriremos el carácter distintivo de algunos de los parajes de la reserva, sus matices más interesantes, las texturas y las formas más sorprendentes de la naturaleza, sus colores y conjuntos, sus transformaciones en las últimas décadas y la influencia de la presencia humana en el privilegiado ecosistema de la Reserva Biológica de Doñana

    Agricultural Homoeopathy: A New Insight into Organics

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    At present, agricultural homoeopathy is being increasingly implemented worldwide to mitigate the negative effects caused by the indiscriminate use of chemical products in conventional agricultural practices. It is a viable alternative to improve organic agriculture, since homoeopathic medicines are innocuous substances with a capability to activate measurable response mechanisms when used in plants, animals and humans. Experimental research results allow us to conclude in this chapter that agricultural homoeopathy is able to stimulate favourable biological and even genetic responses in plants (basil Ocimum basilicum L., bean Phaseolus vulgaris L., cucumber Cucumis sativus L., tomato Solanum lycopersicum L.), which shows a novelty insight for organic agriculture

    Primer consenso en leucemia linfocítica crónica de la agrupación mexicana para el estudio de la hematología: epidemiología, diagnóstico y tratamiento

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    La leucemia linfocítica crónica (LLC) es la leucemia crónica menos frecuente en México. En consideración a los avances recientes, a una mejor clasificación pronóstica y a la introducción de nuevas modalidades terapéuticas, la Agrupación Mexicana para el Estudio de la Hematología organizó el primer consenso mexicano en leucemia linfocítica crónica. Este consenso se llevó a cabo en Cancún, Quintana Roo, México, en Septiembre del 2007. Los objetivos de esta reunión fueron actualizar y compartir los conocimientos de la enfermedad entre los especialistas mexicanos, con el fin de mejorar el diagnóstico y el pronóstico de la LLC en México. En el artículo se discute los aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos de la LLC

    The global contribution of soil mosses to ecosystem services

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    Soil mosses are among the most widely distributed organisms on land. Experiments and observations suggest that they contribute to terrestrial soil biodiversity and function, yet their ecological contribution to soil has never been assessed globally under natural conditions. Here we conducted the most comprehensive global standardized field study to quantify how soil mosses influence 8 ecosystem services associated with 24 soil biodiversity and functional attributes across wide environmental gradients from all continents. We found that soil mosses are associated with greater carbon sequestration, pool sizes for key nutrients and organic matter decomposition rates but a lower proportion of soil-borne plant pathogens than unvegetated soils. Mosses are especially important for supporting multiple ecosystem services where vascular-plant cover is low. Globally, soil mosses potentially support 6.43 Gt more carbon in the soil layer than do bare soils. The amount of soil carbon associated with mosses is up to six times the annual global carbon emissions from any altered land use globally. The largest positive contribution of mosses to soils occurs under a high cover of mat and turf mosses, in less-productive ecosystems and on sandy and salty soils. Our results highlight the contribution of mosses to soil life and functions and the need to conserve these important organisms to support healthy soils.The study work associated with this paper was funded by a Large Research Grant from the British Ecological Society (no. LRB17\1019; MUSGONET). D.J.E. is supported by the Hermon Slade Foundation. M.D.-B. was supported by a Ramón y Cajal grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC2018-025483-I), a project from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the I + D + i (PID2020-115813RA-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033a) and a project PAIDI 2020 from the Junta de Andalucía (P20_00879). E.G. is supported by the European Research Council grant agreement 647038 (BIODESERT). M.B. is supported by a Ramón y Cajal grant from Spanish Ministry of Science (RYC2021-031797-I). A.d.l.R is supported by the AEI project PID2019-105469RB-C22. L.W. and Jianyong Wang are supported by the Program for Introducing Talents to Universities (B16011) and the Ministry of Education Innovation Team Development Plan (2013-373). The contributions of T.G. and T.U.N. were supported by the Research Program in Forest Biology, Ecology and Technology (P4-0107) and the research projects J4-3098 and J4-4547 of the Slovenian Research Agency. The contribution of P.B.R. was supported by the NSF Biological Integration Institutes grant DBI-2021898. J. Durán and A. Rodríguez acknowledge support from the FCT (2020.03670.CEECIND and SFRH/BDP/108913/2015, respectively), as well as from the MCTES, FSE, UE and the CFE (UIDB/04004/2021) research unit financed by FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC)