298 research outputs found
Rehabilitation of gait after stroke: a review towards a top-down approach
This document provides a review of the techniques and therapies used in gait rehabilitation after stroke. It also examines the possible benefits of including assistive robotic devices and brain-computer interfaces in this field, according to a top-down approach, in which rehabilitation is driven by neural plasticity
Nanopartículas de CuO e sua propriedade antimicrobiana frente a cepas intrahospitalares
Empleando un prototipo de reactor, se sintetizaron nanopartículas (NPs) de CuO a través del método de precipitación a partir de CuSO2·5H2O y de Cu(CH3COO)2·H2O. Las NPs obtenidas fueron caracterizadas mediante XRD, FT-IR, TEM y SEM. La actividad antimicrobiana de las NPs se determinó mediante el método de difusión en placa, colocando 20 mg de NPs de CuO sobre cuatro cepas intrahospitalarias o nosocomiales aisladas de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos de un hospital nacional de Lima norte (Staphylococcus epidermidis, Aerococcus viridans, Ochrobactrum anthropi y Micrococcus lylae). La caracterización de las NPs de CuO demostró que las sintetizadas a partir de acetato (CuO–Acet) presentaron una fase pura de CuO, mientras que las sintetizadas a partir de sulfato (CuO–Sulf) presentaron dos fases, donde la de CuO representó más del 84%. Los dominios cristalinos del CuO–Acet y CuO–Sulf fueron 15 y 19 nm, respectivamente. Los halos de inhibición de las cepas estudiadas fueron mayores para las NPs de CuO–Sulf que para las NPs de CuO–Acet; solo para la cepa Ochrobactrum anthropi se presentaron halos similares para ambos tipos de NPsUsing a prototype reactor, CuO nanoparticles (NPs) were synthetized through the precipitation method, starting from CuSO2 .5H2O and Cu(CH3COO)2 .H2O. The obtained NPs were characterized by XDR, FT-IR, SEM, and TEM. The antimicrobial activity of the NPs was determined by the plate diffusion method, placmg 20 mg of NPs onto four nosocomial strains obtained from north Lima national hospital Intensive-Care Unit (Staphylococcus epideiwidis, Aerococcus viridans, Ochrobactrwn anthropic, and Micrococcus lylae). NPs characterization revealed that those synthetized from acetate (CuO-Acet) shown pure CuO phase, while those synthetized from sulphate CuO-Sulf shown two phases where CuO was the predominant one, having more than 84%. The crystal domains for CuO-Acet and CuO-Sulf were 15 and 19 nm, respectively. The inhibition halos for the studied strains were larger for CuO-Sulf NPs than CuO-Acet NPs, only Ochrobactrum anthropi displayed similar inhibition halos for both types of NPs.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasFacultad de Ingenierí
Nanopartículas de CuO e sua propriedade antimicrobiana frente a cepas intrahospitalares
Empleando un prototipo de reactor, se sintetizaron nanopartículas (NPs) de CuO a través del método de precipitación a partir de CuSO2·5H2O y de Cu(CH3COO)2·H2O. Las NPs obtenidas fueron caracterizadas mediante XRD, FT-IR, TEM y SEM. La actividad antimicrobiana de las NPs se determinó mediante el método de difusión en placa, colocando 20 mg de NPs de CuO sobre cuatro cepas intrahospitalarias o nosocomiales aisladas de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos de un hospital nacional de Lima norte (Staphylococcus epidermidis, Aerococcus viridans, Ochrobactrum anthropi y Micrococcus lylae). La caracterización de las NPs de CuO demostró que las sintetizadas a partir de acetato (CuO–Acet) presentaron una fase pura de CuO, mientras que las sintetizadas a partir de sulfato (CuO–Sulf) presentaron dos fases, donde la de CuO representó más del 84%. Los dominios cristalinos del CuO–Acet y CuO–Sulf fueron 15 y 19 nm, respectivamente. Los halos de inhibición de las cepas estudiadas fueron mayores para las NPs de CuO–Sulf que para las NPs de CuO–Acet; solo para la cepa Ochrobactrum anthropi se presentaron halos similares para ambos tipos de NPsUsing a prototype reactor, CuO nanoparticles (NPs) were synthetized through the precipitation method, starting from CuSO2 .5H2O and Cu(CH3COO)2 .H2O. The obtained NPs were characterized by XDR, FT-IR, SEM, and TEM. The antimicrobial activity of the NPs was determined by the plate diffusion method, placmg 20 mg of NPs onto four nosocomial strains obtained from north Lima national hospital Intensive-Care Unit (Staphylococcus epideiwidis, Aerococcus viridans, Ochrobactrwn anthropic, and Micrococcus lylae). NPs characterization revealed that those synthetized from acetate (CuO-Acet) shown pure CuO phase, while those synthetized from sulphate CuO-Sulf shown two phases where CuO was the predominant one, having more than 84%. The crystal domains for CuO-Acet and CuO-Sulf were 15 and 19 nm, respectively. The inhibition halos for the studied strains were larger for CuO-Sulf NPs than CuO-Acet NPs, only Ochrobactrum anthropi displayed similar inhibition halos for both types of NPs.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasFacultad de Ingenierí
Nanopartículas de CuO e sua propriedade antimicrobiana frente a cepas intrahospitalares
Empleando un prototipo de reactor, se sintetizaron nanopartículas (NPs) de CuO a través del método de precipitación a partir de CuSO2·5H2O y de Cu(CH3COO)2·H2O. Las NPs obtenidas fueron caracterizadas mediante XRD, FT-IR, TEM y SEM. La actividad antimicrobiana de las NPs se determinó mediante el método de difusión en placa, colocando 20 mg de NPs de CuO sobre cuatro cepas intrahospitalarias o nosocomiales aisladas de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos de un hospital nacional de Lima norte (Staphylococcus epidermidis, Aerococcus viridans, Ochrobactrum anthropi y Micrococcus lylae). La caracterización de las NPs de CuO demostró que las sintetizadas a partir de acetato (CuO–Acet) presentaron una fase pura de CuO, mientras que las sintetizadas a partir de sulfato (CuO–Sulf) presentaron dos fases, donde la de CuO representó más del 84%. Los dominios cristalinos del CuO–Acet y CuO–Sulf fueron 15 y 19 nm, respectivamente. Los halos de inhibición de las cepas estudiadas fueron mayores para las NPs de CuO–Sulf que para las NPs de CuO–Acet; solo para la cepa Ochrobactrum anthropi se presentaron halos similares para ambos tipos de NPsUsing a prototype reactor, CuO nanoparticles (NPs) were synthetized through the precipitation method, starting from CuSO2 .5H2O and Cu(CH3COO)2 .H2O. The obtained NPs were characterized by XDR, FT-IR, SEM, and TEM. The antimicrobial activity of the NPs was determined by the plate diffusion method, placmg 20 mg of NPs onto four nosocomial strains obtained from north Lima national hospital Intensive-Care Unit (Staphylococcus epideiwidis, Aerococcus viridans, Ochrobactrwn anthropic, and Micrococcus lylae). NPs characterization revealed that those synthetized from acetate (CuO-Acet) shown pure CuO phase, while those synthetized from sulphate CuO-Sulf shown two phases where CuO was the predominant one, having more than 84%. The crystal domains for CuO-Acet and CuO-Sulf were 15 and 19 nm, respectively. The inhibition halos for the studied strains were larger for CuO-Sulf NPs than CuO-Acet NPs, only Ochrobactrum anthropi displayed similar inhibition halos for both types of NPs.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasFacultad de Ingenierí
Caracterización de filtros comerciales para agua a base de carbón activado para el tratamiento de agua del río Tumbes - Perú
Se caracterizaron y se evaluaron carbones activados comerciales (A, B, C y D) utilizados en filtros para el tratamiento de agua en la descontaminación de metales pesados presentes en agua de río y en la eliminacion de microorganismos coliformes; los carbones comerciales resultaron tener estructuras microporosas y mesoporosas. Se determinaron areas superficiales entre 705 y 906 m2/g. Los carbones fueron amorfos y se detectó la presencia de agentes antibacterianos, tales como Ag, Cl, Cu y Si. Se determinó que para el As y Pb, cuyas concentraciones iniciales en el agua contaminada (agua del Río Tumbes-Perú) fueron 56,7 y 224,0 μg/L, respectivamente, el porcentaje de adsorción fue cercano al 100%. También se encontró que la relación entre el pH de carga cero de los carbones y pH del agua del río durante los experimentos juega un rol determinante en la adsorción de los elementos analizados. Por otro lado, la capacidad antibacteriana fue evaluada satisfactoriamente frente a las siguientes cepas de bacterias gram negativas fecales: Escherichia coli (ATCC® 25922™), Salmonella typhimurium (ATCC® 14028™) y Shigella flexneri (ATCC® 12022™). Esta capacidad se basa en la presencia superficial en los carbones de los agentes antibacterianos mencionados.Comercial activated carbon samples (A, B, C, and D) used in filters for the treatment of water were characterized and evaluated in the decontamination of heavy metals present in river water and in the elimination of coliform microorganisms. The carbon samples had microporous and mesoporous structures. Surface areas of between 705 and 906 m2/g were found. The carbons samples were amorphous and the presence of antibacterial agents such as Ag, Cl, Cu, and Si was detected. It was determined that for As and Pb, whose initial concentrations in contaminated water (water of the Tumbes river-Peru) were 56.7 and 224.0 μg/L, respectively, the percentage of adsorption was close to 100%. The relationship between point of zero charge pH of the activated carbons and pH of the river water during the experiments plays a determinant role in the adsorption of the analyzed elements. The antibacterial capacity was evaluated satisfactorily against the following strains of fecal gram negative bacteria: Escherichia coli (ATCC® 25922™), Salmonella typhimurium (ATCC® 14028™), and Shigella flexneri (ATCC® 12022™). This ability is based on the surface presence in the carbons of the mentioned antibacterial agents
Distribución de estadios de OLGA y OLGIM según edad y estado del Helicobacter pylori en un hospital público nivel III en Lima, Perú
Introducción. El sistema operativo de evaluación de gastritis (OLGA) y el enlace operativo sobre la evaluación de metaplasia intestinal gástrica (OLGIM) proporcionan una evaluación del riesgo de desarrollar cáncer gástrico. Objetivo. Evaluar la distribución de estadios del OLGA y OLGIM por edad y presencia del Helicobacter pylori. Material y métodos. Se estudiaron 197 sujetos sometidos a una endoscopía digestiva alta electiva. La presencia del H. pylori y los cambios histológicos se evaluaron utilizando el sistema actualizado de Sídney. Los estadios III y IV del OLGA/OLGIM se consideraron estadios de alto riesgo. Resultados. La tasa del H. pylori fue del 56,85% (112/197). Los casos de OLGA/OLGIM de alto riesgo fueron poco frecuentes: 7/112 (6,5%) casos del OLGA en el grupo del H. pylori positivo y 6/85 (7%) en el del H. pylori negativo; 5 (4,4%) casos del OLGIM en el H. pylori positivo y 6 (7%) en el H. pylori negativo. La proporción de estadios avanzados del OLGA y OLGIM aumentó con la edad (p < 0,001). No se encontró el OLGA de alto riesgo antes de los 40 años independientemente de la presencia del H. pylori, pero aumentó a 16,2%, 10,3%, 17,3% y 40,8% en sujetos en la cuarta, quinta, sexta y séptima década de vida respectivamente. El OLGIM de alto riesgo mostró una tendencia similar: 0% antes de los 40 años y hasta 22,6% en personas de 70 años. Conclusiones. Los casos del OLGA/OLGIM de alto riesgo son infrecuentes antes de los 40 años y aumentan significativamente con la edad. No se evidenció relación con la presencia del H. pylori.
Según estos protocolos solamente la quinta parte de los pacientes requeriría estrictamente un control endoscópico.Campus Lima Centr
Comparison between Spanish young and elderly people evaluated using Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test
The first objective of this work was to compare scores obtained in the daily memory function between young and elderly people, and to check whether there are differences between the groups for each of the profile scores obtained in the memory test. A second aim of this paper is to study the relationship between everyday memory and age, while controlling for gender and educational level. The total and profile scores obtained in the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test were compared in a sample of 60 young and 120 elderly people from Valencia (Spain). Results showed significant differences between the two groups: those between 18 and 30 years obtained a higher average than those over 65. Once the group comparison was controlled for gender and educational level, the statistical effect of age group disappeared. The non-significant effect of group can not be explained by the introduction of gender, because both its main effect and the interaction were not statistically significant. However, educational level had a statistically significant effect which may explain the non-significant effect of group in this new analysis. The main conclusion is the need to carefully control for educational level in all studies related with everyday memory and ageing, as the differences found could be due to generational differences more than to biological deterioratio
The oncolytic virus Delta-24-RGD elicits an antitumor effect in pediatric glioma and DIPG mouse models
Pediatric high-grade glioma (pHGG) and diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas (DIPGs) are aggressive pediatric brain tumors in desperate need of a curative treatment. Oncolytic virotherapy is emerging as a solid therapeutic approach. Delta-24-RGD is a replication competent adenovirus engineered to replicate in tumor cells with an aberrant RB pathway. This virus has proven to be safe and effective in adult gliomas. Here we report that the administration of Delta-24-RGD is safe in mice and results in a significant increase in survival in immunodeficient and immunocompetent models of pHGG and DIPGs. Our results show that the Delta-24-RGD antiglioma effect is mediated by the oncolytic effect and the immune response elicited against the tumor. Altogether, our data highlight the potential of this virus as treatment for patients with these tumors. Of clinical significance, these data have led to the start of a phase I/II clinical trial at our institution for newly diagnosed DIPG (NCT03178032)
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