271 research outputs found

    Texture perception determined by doy protein isolate and inulin addition in potato puree: links with mechanical and microstructural features

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    This study evaluated the effect of adding soy protein isolate (SPI) and long-chain perception, trained and untrained panel inulin (INL) blends with 10 different SPI : INL ratios on the textural, rheological and 17 microstructural properties of freshly made and frozen/thawed potato puree. All the potato puree samples were subjected to a sensory texture pro?le analysis and a 21 trained panel rated the intensity of six descriptors, while an untrained panel did the same on six selected frozen/thawed products. The main SPI : INL ratio effect remained signi?cant for all the descriptors evaluated, when the analysis of variance was applied considering the untrained assessors as random effects. However, only trained panel scores for creaminess corresponded well with untrained assessor. Rheological ?ow index values were linked with variations in perceived consistency, and geometric and surface textural attributes were explained by structural features such as the presence of INL crystallites and SPI coarse strands

    Manejo ultra temprano del aneurisma cerebral roto. Reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura

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    Introducción: Los aneurismas intracraneales representan el 85% de casos de hemorragias subaracnoideas, dentro de las cuales las no traumáticas tienen una alta tasa de mortalidad (40-60%). En el manejo endovascular y microquirúrgico de esta enfermedad, el debate ha sido siempre intenso respecto a si el tratamiento temprano produce un beneficioso resultado funcional y reduce la morbi-mortalidad del paciente. Caso Clínico: Paciente mujer de 54 años, admitida con cefalea súbita y cuadro neurológico que cursó con rápido deterioro. La tomografía mostró hemorragia subaracnoidea por ruptura aneurísmica del complejo comunicante anterior; fue sometida a  microcirugía dentro de las primeras 24 horas y transferida luego a UCI, sin complicaciones. Discusión: El tiempo de resolución, sea mediante clipaje microquirúrgico o tratamiento endovascular es tema de intensos debates. Las guías actuales señalan la necesidad del manejo más temprano posible de la patología. Conclusión: En nuestro caso, se obtuvo un buen resultado funcional debido a varios factores uno de ellos el ingreso precoz a cirugía. La actualización de las guías y nuevos estudios ayudarán a mejorar el conocimiento de la enfermedad y protocolos hospitalarios adecuados a la realidad clínica ayudarán a reducir su tiempo de resolución

    Waveguide manufacturing technologies for next-generation millimeter-wave antennas

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    Some recent waveguide-based antennas are presented in this paper, designed for the next generation of communication systems operating at the millimeter-wave band. The presented prototypes have been conceived to be manufactured using different state-of-the-art techniques, involving subtractive and additive approaches. All the designs have used the latest developments in the field of manufacturing to guarantee the required accuracy for operation at millimeter-wave frequencies, where tolerances are extremely tight. Different designs will be presented, including a monopulse antenna combining a comparator network, a mode converter, and a spline profile horn; a tunable phase shifter that is integrated into an array to implement reconfigurability of the main lobe direction; and a conformal array antenna. These prototypes were manufactured by diverse approaches taking into account the waveguide configuration, combining parts with high-precision milling, electrical discharge machining, direct metal laser sintering, or stereolithography with spray metallization, showing very competitive performances at the millimeter-wave band till 40 GHzThis work was supported by the Spanish Government under Grant TEC2016-76070- C3-1/2-R (ADDMATE); in part under Grant PID2020-116968RB-C32/33 (DEWICOM), Agencia Estatal de Investigación MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional: AEI/FEDER, UE. This work was also partially supported under Grant S2013/ICE3000 (SPADERADARCM), Madrid Regional Governmen

    Understanding why women don’t choose engineering degrees

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    Despite the continuous efforts of governments and universities to avoid the underrepresentation of women entering engineering degrees, the trend has not reverted, and this is a general fact all over the world. This fact goes against the tendency of a growing ratio of women in tertiary education, so causes must be investigated. This research examines two main questions: Is it possible to break the invisible barriers that prevent girls from entering in engineering degrees by means of an engineering project or activity? And are there important misconceptions about the role of women in engineering professions and about engineering itself among high school girls? An extensive survey has been carried out between three groups of students: students of the last years of high school (834), students of the first year of engineering degrees (319), and students of the first year of sciences degrees (209). A set of visits to the high schools was developed and a contest of engineering projects was carried out too. The results show that there are important misconceptions in the knowledge that high school students have about engineering degrees and engineering. The visits and the project contest had a good impact that encouraged girls to take engineering activities in their curricula. The main finding is that even though girls see engineering professions as very well valued, they are convinced that engineering is not a profession for women, which suggests that there are educational barriers acquired during earlier stages of their lives

    Hacia el uso de sistemas de recomendación en sistemas de alta variabilidad

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    National audienceResumen Los sistemas de alta variabilidad son sistemas de software que describen una gran cantidad de configuraciones. Existen sistemas de alta variabilidad que representan miles de productos. Manejar la varia-bilidad presente en estos sistemas es costoso y en muchos casos suele ser complicado. En la actualidad hemos visto en en la industria un notable crecimiento de los sistemas de recomendación en muchos ambitos, como el comercio electrónico , publicidad online, entre otros. Un sistema de re-comendación es un agente de software que permite hacer predicciones de una serie de productos para que se adapten mejor a las necesidades o gustos de un usuario. En este artículo de prospección proponemos la fusión de estos dos campos de la ingeniería para mejorar distintas facetas dentro de la gestión de los sistemas de alta variabilidad. 1. Introducción Los sistemas de alta variabilidad son sistemas de software cuyo comporta-miento puede ser personalizado de acuerdo con las necesidades específicas de un contexto particular [1]. Un sistema de alta variabilidad puede ser represen-tado por un modelo de características que define el número de combinaciones posibles para las configuraciones derivadas del mismo. Esta complejidad hace que el análisis y mejora de dichos sistemas de una forma manual sea una acti-vidad costosa y propensa a errores. Para aliviar este problema se han propuesto múltiples técnicas que permiten un análisis automático de los sistemas de alta variabilidad [2]. De hecho, en la industria podemos encontrar varios ejemplos de dichos modelos que representan la variabilidad de estos sistemas en entornos reales, como el ecosistema de dispositivos móviles [6] o los sistemas de gestión de precios en la nube (cloud-price management system)[7] que describen cientos de configuraciones diferentes. Por otra parte, en la industria encontramos los sistemas de recomendación. Un sistema de recomendación tiene como objetivo recomendar a los usuarios los productos más adecuados de acuerdo a su perfil de gustos. Normalmente son usados para sugerir los productos que mejor se adaptan a un usuario o a un tip

    Evaluation of the efficacy of essential oils of Lavandula angustifolia and Eucalyptus globulus for the control of Varroa destructor in Apis mellifera: A randomised field study

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    Varroa destructor is the most harmful and widespread parasite that spreads disease in bees. Eucalyptus spp essential oils (EOs), has been shown to be effective against V. destructor. Additionally, Lavender spp EOs treatment, resulted in mite mortality rates of 95% to 97% of V. destructor. During the treatments, 20 mL of each oil or the placebo was distributed on two sheets of papier-mâché located on the frames of the brood chamber inside each hive. The miticidal effects of Lavandula angustifolia and Eucalyptus globulus EOs were analysed. Parasitic load and mite fall were evaluated under field conditions. The mean infestation rate obtained from each of three treatment groups at the beginning of the study was less than 3.6%. Then, the infestation rate increased gradually in each group until day 36. The infestation rates in the groups treated with L. angustifolia and E. globulus EOs were lower than those in the control by more than two percentage points and never exceeded 10%; the differences between the control group and the L. angustifolia group were statistically significant (p <0.05). Both EO treatments were applied in four doses, which produced a prolonged effect that lowered the rates of parasite birth and reinfestation. The L. angustifolia EO was effective; in that treatment, parasitic loads were maintained at levels lower than those in the control group starting at the second treatment dose due to the reproductive cycles of both species

    Modeling the longitudinal latent effect of pregabalin on self-reported changes in sleep disturbances in outpatients with generalized anxiety disorder managed in routine clinical practice

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    Anxiety disorders are among the most common psychiatric illnesses, with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) being one of the most common. Sleep disturbances are highly prevalent in GAD patients. While treatment with pregabalin has been found to be associated with significant improvement in GAD-related sleep disturbance across many controlled clinical trials, mediational analysis has suggested that a substantial portion of this effect could be the result of a direct effect of pregabalin. Thus, the objective of this study was to model the longitudinal latent effect of pregabalin or usual care (UC) therapies on changes in sleep in outpatients with GAD under routine clinical practice. Male and female GAD outpatients, aged 18 years or above, from a 6-month prospective noninterventional trial were analyzed. Direct and indirect effects of either pregabalin or UC changes in anxiety symptoms (assessed with Hamilton Anxiety Scale) and sleep disturbances (assessed with Medical Outcomes Study-Sleep Scale [MOS-S]) were estimated by a conditional latent curve model applying structural equation modeling. A total of 1,546 pregabalin-naïve patients were analyzed, 984 receiving pregabalin and 562 UC. Both symptoms of anxiety and sleep disturbances were significantly improved in both groups, with higher mean (95% confidence interval) score reductions in subjects receiving pregabalin: −15.9 (−15.2; −16.6) vs −14.5 (−13.5; −15.5), P =0.027, in Hamilton Anxiety Scale; and −29.7 (−28.1; −31.3) vs −24.0 (−21.6; −26.4), P <0.001, in MOS-S. The conditional latent curve model showed that the pregabalin effect on sleep disturbances was significant (γ =−3.99, P <0.001), after discounting the effect on reduction in anxiety symptoms. A mediation model showed that 70% of the direct effect of pregabalin on sleep remained after discounting the mediated effect of anxiety improvement. A substantial proportion of the incremental improvements in anxiety-related sleep disturbances with pregabalin vs UC were explained by its direct effect, not mediated by improvements in anxiety symptom

    Effects of xylanase supplementation on feed intake, digestibility and ruminal fermentation in Rambouillet sheep

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    8 páginas, 3 tablas.The present study aimed to investigate the effects of adding xylanase enzyme (XY) to a basal diet containing 300 g maize stover and 700 g concentrate/kg dry matter (DM) on feed intake, ruminal fermentation, total tract and ruminal digestibility, as well as some blood parameters. Four male Rambouillet sheep (39 ± 1·8 kg body weight), with permanent rumen and duodenum cannulae were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design. Sheep were fed a basal diet without xylanase addition (control, XY0), or with the addition of xylanase at 1 (XY1), 3 (XY3) or 6 (XY6) ¿l/g of diet DM for 84 days, with four 21-day experimental periods. Feed intake, digestibility and rumen fermentation parameters were determined on days 16¿21 in each experimental period, and the apparent ruminal neutral detergent fibre (NDF) digestibility was determined on days 16 and 17. Treatments XY1 and XY3 increased feed intake, whereas digestibility was increased with XY6. Ruminal NDF digestibility increased when sheep were fed diets treated with xylanase. Ruminal pH, ammonia-N and acetic acid increased with xylanase treated diets. Propionic acid concentration increased with diet XY1 at 3 h post-feeding, but after 9 h post-feeding its concentration decreased in the rumen of sheep fed xylanase treated diets. Xylanase had no effect on blood urea, phosphorus and triglycerides. Addition of xylanase at 6 µl/g DM in a diet containing 300 g maize stover and 700 g concentrate/kg DM and fed to Rambouillet sheep improved feed digestibility and ruminal fermentation without affecting blood parameters.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the IAEA (Vienna, Austria) Research Contract number MEX16307 within the D3·10·27 Coordinated Research Project.Peer Reviewe

    The impaired quorum sensing response of MexAB?OprM efflux pump overexpressing mutants is not due to non?physiological efflux of 3?oxo?C12?HSL

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    Multidrug (MDR) efflux pumps are ancient and conserved molecular machineries with relevant roles in different aspects of the bacterial physiology, besides antibiotic resistance. In the case of the environmental opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, it has been shown that overexpression of different efflux pumps is linked to the impairment of the quorum sensing (QS) response. Nevertheless, the causes of such impairment are different for each analyzed efflux pump. Herein, we performed an in‐depth analysis of the QS‐mediated response of a P. aeruginosa antibiotic resistant mutant that overexpresses MexAB‐OprM. Although previous work claimed that this efflux pump extrudes the QS signal 3‐oxo‐C12‐HSL, we show otherwise. Our results evidence that the observed attenuation in the QS response when overexpressing this pump is related to an impaired production of alkyl quinolone QS signals, likely prompted by the reduced availability of one of their precursors, the octanoate. Together with previous studies, this indicates that, although the consequences of overexpressing efflux pumps are similar (impaired QS response), the underlying mechanisms are different. This ‘apparent redundancy' of MDR efflux systems can be understood as a P. aeruginosa strategy to keep the robustness of the QS regulatory network and modulate its output in response to different signals