158 research outputs found

    Diseño de redes de telecomunicación para el despliegue universal de servicios avanzados de telecomunicación

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    La revolución digital promete grandes avances y progresos. Sin embargo, la Sociedad de la Información está fuertemente vinculada al desarrollo de las redes de telecomunicación. El elevado coste de estas infraestructuras está obligando a las compañías a centrar sus esfuerzos inversores en aquellos sectores en que se presumen mayores beneficios. En este sentido la puesta en marcha de mecanismos que permitan cruzar la brecha digital se está convirtiendo en una acción necesaria. Presentamos aquí el estudio de un caso correspondiente al diseño de una red de alta velocidad construida mediante un sistema de ayuda a la toma decisiones a partir de una serie de modelos que hacen uso de un motor de optimización basado en algoritmos genéticos. Para ello se hace uso de datos reales procedentes de la Industria de las Telecomunicaciones y se presenta una familia de soluciones separada por niveles de cobertura.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2003-04784-C02-0

    Secondary Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic in Fatigue, Self-Compassion, Physical and Mental Health of People with Multiple Sclerosis and Caregivers: The Teruel Study

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    COVID-19; Fatiga; AutocompasiónCOVID-19; Fatigue; Self-compassionCOVID-19; Fatiga; AutocompassióThe secondary impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are distress triggers and risk factors for mental health. Conversely, self-compassion skills and compassionate thoughts/behaviors towards suffering may contribute to their alleviation. Both psychological constructs are interrelated in life-threatening diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS). The Teruel Study retrospectively evaluated the impact of strict confinement on the 44 people with MS of this Spanish province and 24 caregivers, specifically assessing (1) fears and perceptions; (2) self-compassion (people with MS) and compassion (caregivers); (3) physical and mental health, and fatigue. Despite better housing conditions, people with MS considered confinement very difficult to handle, more than their caregivers, but they were less afraid of COVID-19 and worsening of MS. Still, they recognized worse health than before confinement. Reclusion and lack of walks were the worst of confinement. Caregivers also referred to lack of leisure and uncertainty–fear. All agreed the best was staying with the family, but some found ‘nothing’ positive. Self-compassion remained moderate–high and strongly correlated with their moderate levels of social function, vitality, physical role, and global health. Physical and cognitive fatigue scores were high, and self-compassion negatively correlated with them, explaining a 19% variance in global health. The high compassion of the caregivers did not correlate with any variable.This work received financial support from Memorial Mercedes Llort Sender 2021/80/24091941 to allow this research to be available in open access

    Desempeño estadístico en modelos de preferencias y relación con el diseño de experimentos no lineal

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    En este trabajo se abordan los modelos de preferencias de tipo no lineal, entendiendo por ellos los que forman la familia de modelos de elección discreta, los cuales se emplean para cuantificar factores que definan las preferencias observadas de un grupo de individuos. En este trabajo se exponen resultados relacionados con el diseño de encuestas para recoger las preferencias de los individuos y aplicar modelos no lineales (diseños no lineales de experimentos). Se hace especial hincapié en los tres siguientes aspectos: la diferente naturaleza con respecto al caso lineal, explicar las interacciones de este diseño con el resto de fases más conocidas de un estudio de preferencias y en presentar el origen de la componente estadística de los modelos. De esta explicación se deriva la formulación del problema más general de diseño no lineal y una aplicación numérica que matiza resultados existentes en la literatura sobre la eficiencia de una metodología concreta de diseño

    Simulation of freight traffic in the Seville inland port

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    The Port of Seville is an inland port located in the Guadalquivir River in the south of Spain and it is the unique Spanish inland port. Our research is focused on the simulation of the freight transport process beginning with the movement through the whole estuary of the river and finishing with the vessels arriving to the port dependencies, where the logistic operators’ load and unload processes take place. The simulation presented in the paper is carried out with Arena software and considers all the types of cargo existing in the Seville Port: containers, cereals, cements, scrap, iron and steel and fertilizers. We have simulated the navigation through the Guadalquivir estuary, the lock, the basins and the docks of the port, as well as the logistic activities in the berths. After testing several scenarios, we can state that the facilities of the Port of Seville allow to deal with the incoming logistic flows, except for momentary difficulties in the container traffic. So the improvement measures for the logistic activity must come from other alternative key actions

    Los menores extranjeros no acompañados (MENA) frente a las dos crisis: 2008-2014 y 2019-2021. Un estudio comparativo

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    Este trabajo pretende contribuir al conocimiento que disponemos sobre la llegada de menores extranjeros no acompañados (MENA) a España, y más concretamente a la comunidad autónoma de Aragón, durante los años 2008 y 2010, periodo de tiempo en el que se inició la crisis económica y financiera. Y a partir del año 2019, al final del cual comenzó la crisis pandémica de la COVID-19 que todavía se mantiene. Se busca establecer un estudio comparativo entre ambos lapsos de tiempo, incidiendo en los contextos socioeconómicos, en las razones por las cuales los MENA inician sus migraciones hacia España y en los motivos que les empujan a buscar mejores formas de vida en solitario, lejos de sus familias y amigos, dejando atrás sus países de origen. Metodológicamente optamos por una aproximación mixta a través de una búsqueda bibliográfica que, a través de artículos científicos, nos permita obtener datos cuantitativos e información cualitativa.<br /


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    La aceptación generalizada del interculturalismo como el modelo más apropiado para afrontar la diversidad cultural ha dado paso a la discusión sobre los medios más adecuados para llevarlo a la práctica. Esta responsabilidad recae en gran medida en la pedagogía, quien debe realizar una propuesta educativa que vaya más allá de la simple búsqueda de la eficacia en la transmisión de los elementos culturales mayoritarios, y se plantee primeramente el descubrimiento de los valores que, por ser compartidos por todos, puedan ser considerados como transculturales, y que por ello convenga cultivarlos de modo especial para fomentar la cohesión social. En este artículo, abordamos esta cuestión acudiendo al análisis de los elementos de la competencia social, tal como la define la Unión Europea, y para ello hemos realizado un estudio con más de 1600 alumnos de educación secundaria obligatoria en la ciudad de Madrid.Al no encontrar diferencias significativas en el desarrollo de los diversos elementos de la competencia social entre inmigrantes y españoles, y descubrir distintas percepciones de estos elementos entre ambos grupos de estudiantes, podemos concluir su transculturalidad y la importancia de su cultivo.ABSTRACT Nowadays interculturalism has been widely accepted as the most appropriate model to address cultural diversity, and it has generated various discussions on the ways in which it can be applied for. The responsibility of applying this approach falls considerably on pedagogy. Educators should provide a proposal that goes beyond the mere assimilation of the cultural majority and reveals certain values that could be shared by all, and may be characterized as cross-cultural. In this article we will focus on this issue which is under discussion. After having conducted a research where more than 1600 secondary students took part in , the findings revealed that there were no significant differences in the development of the different components of social competence defined by European Union, between migrants and Spanish pupils. However, there have been found differences in the perception of these fundamental elements between the two groups of students, therefore we can conclude that social competence is transcultural and an important element in intercultural education

    A cross-specific multiplicative binomial recursive model for the analysis of perinatal mortality in a diallel cross among three varieties of Iberian pig

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    [EN] Perinatal piglet mortality is an important factor in pig production from economic and animal welfare perspectives; however, the statistical analysis of mortality is difficult because of its categorical nature. Recent studies have suggested that a binomial model for the survival of each specific piglet with a logit approach is appropriate and that recursive relationships between traits are useful for taking into account non-genetic relationships with other traits. In this study, the recursive binomial model is expanded in two directions: (1) the recursive phenotypic dependence among traits is allowed to vary among groups of individuals or crosses, and (2) the binomial distribution is replaced by the multiplicative binomial distribution to account for over or underdispersion. In this study, five recursive multiplicative binomial models were used to obtain estimates of the Dickerson crossbreeding parameters in a diallel cross among three varieties of Iberian pigs [Entrepelado (EE), Torbiscal (TT), and Retinto (RR)]. Records (10,255) from 2110 sows were distributed as follows: EE (433 records, 100 sows), ER (2336, 527), ET (942, 177), RE (806, 196), RR (870, 175), RT (2450, 488), TE (193, 36), TR (1993, 359), and TT (232, 68). Average litter size [Total Number Born (TNB)] and number of stillborns (SB) were 8.46 +/- 2.27 and 0.25 +/- 0.72, respectively. The overdispersion was evident with all models. The model with the best fit included a linear recursive relationship between TNB and the logit of phi of the multiplicative binomial distribution, and it implies that piglet mortality increases with litter size. Estimates of direct effects showed small differences among populations. The analysis of maternal effects indicated that the dams whose mothers were EE had a larger SB, while dams with RR mothers reduced the probability of born dead. The posterior estimates of heterosis suggested a reduction in SB when the sow is crosbred. The multiplicative binomial distribution provides a useful alternative to the binomial distribution when there is overdispersion in the data. Recursive models can be used for modeling non-genetic relationships between traits, even if the phenotypic dependency between traits varies among environments or groups of individuals. Piglet perinatal mortality increased with TNB and is reduced by maternal heterosis.The work was partially funded by the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) via grant IDI-20170304 and by grant CGL-2016-80155 from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO), Spain.Varona, L.; Noguera, JL.; Casellas, J.; Martín De Hijas, M.; Rosas, JP.; Ibáñez-Escriche, N. (2020). A cross-specific multiplicative binomial recursive model for the analysis of perinatal mortality in a diallel cross among three varieties of Iberian pig. Scientific Reports. 10(1):1-10. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-78346-7S110101Edwards, S. A. & Baxter, E. M. Piglet mortality: causes and prevention. In The Gestating and Lactanting Sow (ed. Farmer, C.) 253–328 (Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, 2015).Varona, L. & Sorensen, D. A genetic analysis of mortality in pigs. Genetics 184, 277–284 (2010).Roehe, R. & Kalm, E. Estimation of genetic and environmental risk factors associated with pre-weaning mortality in piglets using generalized linear mixed models. Anim. Sci. 70, 227–240 (2000).Lund, M. S., Puonti, M., Rydhmer, L. & Jensen, J. Relationship between litter size and perinatal and pre-weaning survival in pigs. Anim. Sci. 74, 217–222 (2002).Ibáñez-Escriche, N., Varona, L., Casellas, J., Quintanilla, R. & Noguera, J. L. 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    A protocol for data exchange with free samples using smart contracts

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    Distrust between data providers and data consumers is one of the main obstacles hampering digitaldata commerce to take off. Data providers want to get paid for what they offer, while data consumers want to know exactly what are they paying for before actually paying for it. In this paper, we summarize a protocol that overcomes this obstacle by building trust based on two main ideas. First, a probabilistic verification protocol, where some random samples of the real dataset are shown to buyers in order to allow them to make an assessment before committing any payment; and second a guaranteed, protected payment process, enforced with smart contracts on a public blockchain, that guarantees the payment of the data if and only if the data provided meets the agreed terms, and that refunds honest players otherwise.This research has been funded by i3Market (H2020- ICT-2019-2 grant number 871754). This work is also supported by the TCO-RISEBLOCK (PID2019-110224RBI00), ARPASAT (TEC2015-70197-R), Project RTI2018- 102112-B-I00 (AEI/FEDER,UE) and by the Generalitat de Catalunya grant 2014-SGR-1504Postprint (author's final draft

    Bacterial density rather than diversity correlates with hatching success across different avian species

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    We thank Rosario Millán for technical assistance; Liesbeth de Neve, María Roldán, Juan Rodríguez-Ruiz, Deseada Parejo, Magdalena Ruiz-Rodríguez and Carlos Navarro for sampling nests of some species. We also thank the efforts and comments of two anonymous reviewers that have greatly improved the manuscript. Bird and egg manipulations were performed under the authorization of Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Medio Ambiente (permit No. SGYB-AFR-CMM, February 19th 2007).Bacterial communities within avian nests are considered an important determinant of egg viability, potentially selecting for traits that confer embryos with protection against trans-shell infection. A high bacterial density on the eggshell increases hatching failure, whether this effect could be due to changes in bacterial community or just a general increase in bacterial density. We explored this idea using intra- and interspecific comparisons of the relationship between hatching success and eggshell bacteria characterized by culture and molecular techniques (fingerprinting and high-throughput sequencing). We collected information for 152 nests belonging to 17 bird species. Hatching failures occurred more frequently in nests with higher density of aerobic mesophilic bacteria on their eggshells. Bacterial community was also related to hatching success, but only when minority bacterial operational taxonomic units were considered. These findings support the hypothesis that bacterial density is a selective agent of embryo viability, and hence a proxy of hatching failure only within species. Although different avian species hold different bacterial densities or assemblages on their eggs, the association between bacteria and hatching success was similar for different species. This result suggests that interspecific differences in antibacterial defenses are responsible for keeping the hatching success at similar levels in different species.Funding was provided by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia and European founds (FEDER) [CGL2007-61251, CGL2010-19233-C03- 01, CGL2010-19233-C03-03]. JMPS was funded by Ministerio de Educación and Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa under International Excellence Campus Program, University of Granada (CEI Granada 2009). RK was supported in part by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The Earth Microbiome Project was supported in part by the John Templeton Foundation and the W.M. Keck Foundation

    Physical Education through a joint curriculum in secondary schools

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónLa Educación Física ha de adoptar un papel principal en la sociedad del bienestar, del tiempo libre y del ocio. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados de diversos estudios a nivel europeo y norteamericano, en relación a la Educación Física recibida por parte de los escolares, se plantea un proyecto con el objetivo principal de diseñar un currículum común del área de Educación Física entre los distintos centros de la zona de Almería, teniendo en cuenta la variedad y novedad de los contenidos a plantear en clase, intentando alejarse de los que tradicionalmente han predominado en las sesiones de Educación Física. Se espera que un mayor y amplio número de experiencias, que parten de los intereses del alumnado, tenga unos efectos positivos en la actitud y motivación de los mismos, tanto en las clases como en un impacto positivo en la adhesión a la actividad física a lo largo de toda su vida.AndalucíaES