673 research outputs found

    Study of Video Annotations In External Practices Of University Learning

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    The digital video as code and learning technology has extensive scientific literature (Bartolome, 1997; Aguaded and Sánchez, 2008). However, the increase of digital video services on the Internet has facilitated and increased the use of video for education. With a recent important increase of videos as contained in the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). This context has also created the expansion of educational practices based on models for collaborative learning and mediated by technology (Computer Supported Learning collaborative -CSCL-). The study of these practices is proving to be effective for teachers in service and initial training practices if it is analyzed collectively (Hosack, Br tools, 2010;. Picci, Calvani, & Bonaiuti, 2012; Etscheidt & Curran, 2012; Ingram , 2014). There is interest in literature reviews on the reflective capabilities with the use of video for initial teacher training (Orland-Barak & Rachamim, 2009; Rich and Hannafin 2009; Rich & Trip, 2011) to which we expand in (Wallet, Cebrian & Desenne, 2015). This work is part of a research project in progress [1] which aims to implement a federated portfolio model of multimedia evidences. This model uses a digital portfolio (from now on we will call ePortfolios) with three different federated tools (1. Digital rubric or eRubric, 2. Webquest and 3. Open Video Annotations -Ova-) created by our research and development group Gtea [2 ]. The OVA tool was created within the MOOC of edX in collaboration with Harvard University in 2013 [3]. So it, we need to create another standalone tool to design their own interface to use this tool in this project. This design was evaluated through user usability and satisfaction (Monedero, Cebrian & Desenne, 2015). This study focuses on the ease and functionality of the OVA tool so that students to collect evidence on their digital multimedia portfolios. Especially, analyzes the competences that students show when annotate video in order to explain their learning experiences and respond to the skills that are required in the eRubrics in different teaching contexts (external and laboratory practices).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. R+D+i project: Study of the Impact of federated eRubrics on the evaluation of external practices competences Plan Nacional de I + D + i de Excelencia (2014-2017) Ministerio de Economía y competitividad, nº EDU2013-41974-P web: http://goo.gl/CN6ID

    Analysis of Global Research on Malaria and Plasmodium vivax

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    Background: Malaria is one of the infectious diseases of greatest interest to the scientific community and of greatest concern to international health authorities. Traditionally, the focus has been on Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite that causes the most severe form of the disease in Africa. However, in the last twenty years, the Plasmodium vivax parasite, responsible for a large number of cases in Latin America, the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia, the Horn of Africa, and Oceania, has also generated enormous interest due, among other things, to the published evidence that it can cause severe malaria. Methods: In this paper, the international scientific publication on malaria and P. vivax has been analyzed using the Scopus database to try to define global trends in this field of study. Results: It has been shown that events such as the emergence of resistance to certain drugs can break a trend. The important role of non-malaria-endemic countries such as the USA or Switzerland in malaria research is also evident. Conclusions: International cooperation will be essential for the eradication of the disease. Moreover, in this sense, the general vision given by the bibliometric analysis of malaria caused by P. vivax is fundamental to paint the picture regarding the current situation and encourage international cooperation and control efforts

    Diagnóstico de reflujo gastro-esofágico mediante impregnación por ácido de férula oclusal

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    El teflujo gastro-esofágico (RGE) es un trastorno digestivo muy frecuente que se caracteriza por el paso de cantidades patológicas de ácido del estómago hacia el esófago. Esto es debido a una incompetencia de los mecanismos que regulan la retención del contenido gástrico en el estómago por causas primarias o secundarias. Las consecuencias clínicas de este reflujo afectan al tracto aerodigestivo superior, incluyendo la boca. Lo más frecuente es la esofagitis, seguido por la afectación de faringe y laringe y finalmente por alteraciones patológicas en la boca. A éste nivel lo más frecuente es la erosión del esmalte y las lesiones erosivas de la mucosa oral. Presentamos el caso de un paciente en el que el RGE fue diagnosticado de forma indirecta por la impregnación y coloración de una férula oclusal utilizada para el tratamiento de un síndrome miofascial. Partiendo de este caso se discuten las consecuencias del RGE en la cavidad oral y su asociación con el dolor muscular masticatorio.The gastroesophageal reflux (GER) disease is a very frequent digestive disorder, mainly characterised by the reflux of the gastric acidic content to the esophage in abnormal quantities. There are different situations that favour this situation but almost in all of them rely an incompetence of the esophagic sphincter. The clinical consequences are many, including oral manifestations. Among all of them the most frequent is the esophagitis followed by symptoms at the pharynx or larynx and finally, the oral cavity. At this level fundamentally we will find enamel and oral mucosa erosions. We report the case of a patient who was indirectly diagnosed of her esophague disease by the observation of the alterations in the occlusal splint induced by the gastric reflux. We review the literature concerning the above topic and its possible association with the miofascial syndrome

    Oral squamous cell carcinoma of tongue: Histological risk assessment. A pilot study

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    Background: More than 90% of malignant tumors diagnosed in the oral cavity are Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas (OSCC) whose preferred location is the tongue. Classically, this disease has affected men preferentially, although recent studies suggest that trends are changing and the proportion of women with OSCC is increasing. In addition, the prevalence of oral cancer is also determined by some risk factors as alcohol consumption and tobacco. Currently, the Tumor, Node, Metastasis (TNM) classification is employed to defined tumor stage and based on this guide specific treatments are established. However, 5-year-survival does not exceed 50% of cases. The objective of this study is to determine whether a histological risk pattern indicative of higher recurrence might be present in T1-T2 tumors located in the anterior two thirds of the tongue. Material and Methods: Samples from 26 patients with OSCC were analyzed and histological risk pattern of recurrent and non-recurrent tumors were compared. We have analyzed histological variables described in Anneroth and Brandwein-Gensler classifications. Additionally, we have also examined both clinical variables such as age, sex or comorbidities, as well as habits such as tobacco or alcohol consumption. Results: We found that sex (male) and keratinization degree (high or moderate) are directly related with OSCC recurrence. In fact, free illness time is lower in men and higher in those cases with minimal or no keratinization. Conclusions: Based on the variables analyzed, it has not been possible to establish a histological risk pattern that, complementary to the TNM classification, could have a predictive role in these early-stage tongue carcinoma

    Gastroesophageal reflux diagnosed by occlusal splint tintion

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    The gastroesophageal reflux (GER) disease is a very frequent digestive disorder, mainly characterised by the reflux of the gastric acidic content to the esophage in abnormal quantities. There are different situations that favour this situation but almost in all of them rely an incompetence of the esophagic sphincter. The clinical consequences are many, including oral manifestations. Among all of them the most frequent is the esophagitis followed by symptoms at the pharynx or larynx and finally, the oral cavity. At this level fundamentally we will find enamel and oral mucosa erosions. We report the case of a patient who was indirectly diagnosed of her esophague disease by the observation of the alterations in the occlusal splint induced by the gastric reflux. We review the literature concerning the above topic and its possible association with the miofascial syndrome

    Despoblamiento y envejecimiento en Castilla y León durante el siglo XX : análisis a través de la emigración femenina y la pérdida de nacimientos

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el proceso de despoblamiento y envejecimiento deCastilla y León a lo largo del siglo XX dentro del contexto de su dinámica económica. La novedad del Trabajo está en la perspectiva metodológica utilizada: analizamos el despoblamiento y envejecimiento a partir de la emigración femenina en edades reproductivas y de la "pérdida" de nacimientos. Presentamos series inéditas de migración femenina desde 1908 para cada provincia, así como para las capitales de provincia y el resto de poblaciones rurales. Los resultados muestran para el conjunto de Castilla y León un acentuado proceso de despoblamiento y envejecimiento resultado tanto del impacto directo de la emigración como del efecto indirecto generado por esta emigración sobre los nacimientos. Dentro de la región se diferencian tendencias opuestas entre las zonas urbanas y las zonas rurales.The article analyzes depopulation and ageing in the Spanish region of Castile-Leon during the twentieth century. We offer a novel methodological approach based on focusing on migrating women in reproductive age and the subsequent "loss" of births. We present new series of female migration for every province (differentiating province capitals from rural areas) from 1908 onwards. Our results show an intense regional process of depopulation and ageing that was the result of both the direct impact of migration and the indirect impact of migration on births. We also find opposing trends between urban and rural aeas

    Control de calidad de datos obtenidos de cuestionarios en escalas Likert

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    Serrano Angulo, J., Cebrián Robles, D. & Serrano Puerto, J. (2015). Control de calidad de datos obte- nidos de cuestionarios en escalas Likert. En AIDIPE (Ed.), Investigar con y para la sociedad (Vol. 1, pp. 167-175). Cádiz, España: Bubok.En la actualidad se utilizan cuestionarios con preguntas en escala Likert para distintos pro- blemas y objetivos. Los datos obtenidos con estos instrumentos no tienen valores fuera de rango, por lo que el número de errores en los datos es nulo, pero esto no implica que todos los datos sean de calidad. A veces quien contesta el cuestionario lo hace sin leer los ítems y para completarlo simplemente marca el mismo valor en todas las casillas, o marca al azar. En esta comunicación se propone como detectar estas repuestas y en su caso, poderlas descar- ␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣ analizan los datos de un cuestionario que contiene un bloque de ítems en escala Likert de 1 a 5 y 677 respuestas. Los resultados muestran el sesgo que se puede producir en los cálculos de los distintos estadísticos de cada ítems, si no se eliminan estas respuestas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Ontología hermenéutica para la creación de alternativas de diseño

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    Ponencia presentada en el XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos celebrado en Badajoz , 8-10 de julio de 2009In the field of creativity, different techniques have been used for the problem resolution. It has to be emphasized brainstorming, mind maps, TRIZ (Theory of Resolution of Inventive Problems), and so on. For that, it could be considered a field in constant evolution due to the bigger interaction on new technologies as Semantic Web. In this paper a new methodology of solution creation based on the semantic analysis available in a design is presented. From the information available of the hermeneutic definitions of a design, a group of alternatives organized in an ontology is generated. This allows the acquisition of new solutions considering aspects as emotional design. One of the main advantages of this methodology is its simplicity of use, multidisciplinary approach, freedom in its application and the consideration of the syntactic analysis as creativity source. In this paper it is applied to the practical case of luminaries.En el ámbito de la creatividad, se han ido utilizando distintas técnicas para la resolución de problemas. Cabe mencionar entre ellos a destacar la lluvia de ideas, mapas mentales, TRIZ (Teoría de Resolución de Problemas Inventivos), entre otras. Se puede considerar por tanto que es un campo en constante evolución con la interacción cada vez mayor de nuevas tecnologías como la Web Semántica. En este artículo se presenta una nueva metodología de creación de soluciones basada en el análisis semántico disponible de un diseño. A partir de la información proveniente de las definiciones hermenéuticas de un diseño, se generan una serie de alternativas que se organizan en una ontología. Esto permite la obtención de soluciones nuevas teniendo en cuenta aspectos como el diseño emocional. Una de las principales ventajas de esta metodología es la facilidad de uso, planteamiento multidisciplinar, libertad en su aplicación y la consideración del análisis sintáctico como fuente de creatividad. En este artículo se aplica al caso práctico de una luminaria

    Gabriel Sánchez Espinosa, La biblioteca de José Nicolás de Azara. Calcografía Nacional-Real Academia de San Fernando, Madrid, 1997; 294 pp., 1 grabado.

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    Se reseñó el libro:  La biblioteca de José Nicolás de Azara