741 research outputs found

    Validation of an interview for study the process of formation of elite judokas

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    Con el objetivo de analizar el proceso de formación deportiva de los judokas españoles de élite, se diseñó una entrevista semiestructurada de 52 preguntas agrupadas en 6 dimensiones (entorno social, entorno deportivo, psicológica, técnico-táctica, condición física y otros aspectos). Se llevó a cabo un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo mediante la valoración de 10 expertos. Se analizó la validez de contenido a través del coeficiente V de Aiken, estableciendo un intervalo de confianza del 99 %, y el coeficiente de variación. Para conocer la fiabilidad se pasó la entrevista a judokas de alto nivel en dos momentos distintos y se analizó la consistencia interna por el método del Alfa de Cronbach (0,915) y la fiabilidad test-retest utilizando el coeficiente de correlación intraclase resultando 0,843 (p<0,01). La entrevista reúne suficientes propiedades como para ser considerada una herramienta válida y fiable para estudiar y analizar el proceso de formación de los judokas de éliteIn order to analyze the process of sports training of the Spanish elite judokas , a semistructured interview of 52 questions grouped into 6 domains ( social, sporting environment , psychological , technical and tactical, physical condition and other aspects ) was designed. It was conducted a qualitative and quantitative analysis with 10 experts´ valuation. The validity of content was analysed through the coefficient V Aiken , establishing a 99 % confidence interval, and so the coefficient of variation was analyzed. To know reliability the interview was given to senior judokas in two different moments , and internal consistency was analysed by the Cronbach's alpha method ( 0.915 ) and so test-retest reliability by using the intraclass correlation coefficient resulting 0.843 (p < 0.01 ) . The interview brings enough properties to be considered a valid and reliable tool to study and analyze the formation of elite judoka

    Factors that influence the process of formation of the olympic judokas

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    Con el objetivo de analizar los factores que influyen en el proceso de formación deportiva de los judokas españoles olímpicos, se aplicó una entrevista semiestructurada de 52 preguntas agrupadas en 6 dimensiones (Contexto Deportivo, Contexto Social, Proceso de Formación, Psicológica, Técnico-táctica, Condición Física). Los resultados muestran que los judokas olímpicos se iniciaron en la práctica del Judo a los 6,90 ± 3,02 años, concretamente las mujeres a los 6,80 ± 2,88 años y los hombres algo más tarde, a los 7 ± 3,42 años, el 95% (n=19) influenciados, fundamentalmente, por un familiar. Además, destaca que ninguno de los entrevistados consiguió medalla en categorías inferiores. Para el 75% (n=15) de los judokas olímpicos es muy importante llevar una sincronización del entrenamiento técnico-táctico, de la condición física y de los aspectos psicológicos de forma integradaWith the aim of analizing the factors that have an influence on the sports training process of the olympic Spanish judokas, a semistructured interview of 52 questions grouped in 6 aspects was carried out: Sports Context, Social Context, Training Process, Psychological Condition, Technical-Tactical Condition and Physical Conditon). The results show that olympic judokas began practising judo at the age of 6.90 ± 3.02 years. Specifically, women started at the age of 6.80 ± 2.88, and men slightly later, at the age of 7 ± 3.42 years. 95% (n=19) of them were mainly influenced by a relative. Moreover, it is to be highlighted that none of the interviewees won a medal in low categories. For 75% (n=15) of the olympic judokas, it is very important that technical-tactical training, physical condition training and psychological aspects be synchronised in an integrated wa

    e-WASTE: Everything an ICT Scientist and Developer Should Know

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    [EN] Every dazzling announcement of a new smart phone or trendy digital device is the prelude to more tons of electronic waste (e-waste) being produced. This e-waste, or electronic scrap, is often improperly added to common garbage, rather than being separated into suitable containers that facilitate the recovery of toxic materials and valuable metals. We are beginning to become aware of the problems that e-waste can generate to our health and the environment. However, most of us are still not motivated enough to take an active part in reversing the situation. The aim of this article is to contribute to increase this motivation by pointing out the significant problem that e-waste represents and its social and environmental implications. We have chosen this forum in which multidisciplinary researchers in ICT from all countries access on regularly to explain the serious problems we are exposed to when we do not make a responsible and correct use of technology. In this paper, we also survey the composition of contemporary electronic devices and the possibilities and difficulties of recycling the elements they contain. As researchers, our contributions in science enable us to find solutions to current problems and to design more and more powerful intelligent devices. But responsible researchers must be aware of the negative effects that this industry causes us and, consequently, assume their commitment with more sustainable designs and developments. Therefore, the knowledge of e-waste issues is crucial also in the scientific world. Researchers should consider this problem and contribute to minimize it or find new solutions to manage it. These must be the additional challenges in our projects.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grant TIN2013-43913-R.Pont Sanjuan, A.; Robles Martínez, A.; Gil, JA. (2019). e-WASTE: Everything an ICT Scientist and Developer Should Know. IEEE Access. 7:169614-169635. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2955008S169614169635

    Belnap-Dunn semantics for natural implicative expansions of Kleene's strong three-valued matrix with two designated values

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    27 p.A conditional is natural if it fulfils the three following conditions. (1) It coincides with the classical conditional when restricted to the classical values T and F; (2) it satisfies the Modus Ponens; and (3) it is assigned a designated value whenever the value assigned to its antecedent is less than or equal to the value assigned to its consequent. The aim of this paper is to provide a ‘bivalent’ Belnap-Dunn semantics for all natural implicative expansions of Kleene's strong 3-valued matrix with two designated elements. (We understand the notion ‘natural conditional’ according to N. Tomova, ‘A lattice of implicative extensions of regular Kleene's logics’, Reports on Mathematical Logic, 47, 173–182, 2012.)S

    How COVID-19 is Revamping Journalism: Newsroom Practices and Innovations in a Crisis Context

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    Worldwide audiences became interested in COVID-19-related news, as the health emergency generated a sharp increase in information consumption. Drawing on the literature of crisis innovation, this study aims to understand the transformations that have taken place in the Spanish journalistic industry and the innovations implemented during the pandemic. The research questions are: How has COVID-19 fostered innovation in work organisation in the Spanish newsrooms? What other innovations were launched by the Spanish media during the pandemic? The methodology is based on semi-structured interviews conducted with a purposive sample of 20 media practitioners and 20 experts on journalism innovation (academics and journalists) in Spain. Results show that newsroom practices have evolved through telework, collaboration and other factors, and that digital transformation was accelerated in legacy media. In many outlets, the science section was increasingly relevant, working in a coordinated way with the areas of data visualisation and design to produce relevant content. Also, fact-checkers played an important role in fighting misinformation. The pandemic has speeded up some ongoing innovations in news production, newsroom organisation, distribution, and commercialisation in a significant way. Thus, COVID-19 understood as a crisis situation has had an impact on news products and it has affected journalistic culture

    Uso de nuevos medios de apoyo a las exposiciones en el aula

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    Este trabajo tiene como finalidad poner de manifiesto la experiencia en la aplicación de nuevas herramientas de desarrollo de presentaciones como soporte y las explicaciones de aula. El ámbito temático de la estructura de computadores constituye, por sus singularidades, un terreno propicio para introducir estas nuevas herramientas. Mediante dos ejemplos se trata de ilustrar su empleo como soporte a las exposiciones teóricas, así como a la resolución de problemas

    Fatores protetores da depressão em uma mostra de adultos maiores em Porto Rico: auto eficácia, escolaridade e outras variáveis sócio demográficas

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    The aim of this descriptive-correlational study was to assess the relationship between self-efficacy, educational level and depressive symptoms in order to identify protective factors for depression in a sample of elderly people in Puerto Rico. Other socio-demographic variables such as marital status, living arrangements, and sex were examined in relation to self-efficacy and depressive symptoms. The selected sample consisted of 45 participants ranging in age from 60 to 86 years old (M=69; SD=7.37). Measures employed included the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (1965) and the Baessler and Schwarcer's General Self-Efficacy Scale (1996). The hypothesis stated that the level of depressive symptoms would be lower when there is higher self-efficacy and higher educational level in a sample of Puerto Rican elderly people. Statistical analysis included t tests, the Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Multiple Regression Coefficient. Statistically significant differences for selfefficacy and educational level were found between those who did not show depressive symptoms and those with moderate to severe depression. In addition, higher levels of depression and lower levels of self-efficacy were found in those who had widowed. Results suggest that high levels of education and self-efficacy are protective factors for depression in elderly people, while widowhood is a risk factor for depression.O objetivo desta pesquisa descritiva-correlacional foi avaliar a relação entre auto eficácia, escolaridade e síntomas depressivos para identificar fatores protetores da depressão em uma mostra de pessoas de idade avançada da população de Porto Rico. Além disso, foram examinadas outras variáveis sócio demográficas como o estado civil, com quem residem e o sexo, com relação à auto eficácia e os sintomas depressivos. Selecionaram-se por disponibilidade 45 participantes com idades entre 60 e 86 anos (M=69; DE=7.37). Os instrumentos utilizados foram a Escala Auto-avaliativa da Depressão de Zung (1965) e a Escala de Auto eficácia Geral de Baessler e Schwarcer (1996). A hipótese propôs que, a maior auto eficácia e escolaridade, menor seria o nível dos sintomas depressivos em uma mostra de adultos maiores de Porto Rico. As análises estatísticas incluíram testes t e os Coeficientes de Correlação de Pearson e de Regressão Múltipla. Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas para a auto eficácia e a escolaridade entre os que não apresentavam depressão e os que apresentavam depressão moderada ou severa. Além disso encontraram-se maiores níveis de depressão e menores níveis de auto eficácia nos que haviam enviuvado. Os resultados sugerem que altos níveis de escolaridade e auto eficácia são fatores protetores da depressão nos adultos maiores, enquanto que a viuvez é um fator de risco para depressão.El objetivo de esta investigación descriptiva-correlacional fue evaluar la relación entre autoeficacia, escolaridad y síntomas depresivos para identificar factores protectores de la depresión en una muestra de personas de edad avanzada de la población de Puerto Rico. Además, se examinaron otras variables sociodemográficas como el estado civil, con quién residen y el sexo, en relación con la autoeficacia y los síntomas depresivos. Se seleccionaron por disponibilidad 45 participantes con edades entre 60 y 86 años (M=69; DE=7.37). Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la Escala Autoevaluativa de la Depresión de Zung (1965) y la Escala de Autoeficacia General de Baessler y Schwarcer (1996). La hipótesis planteó que, a mayor autoeficacia y escolaridad, menor sería el nivel de los síntomas depresivos en una muestra de adultos mayores de Puerto Rico. Los análisis estadísticos incluyeron pruebas t y los Coeficientes de Correlación de Pearson y de Regresión Múltiple. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas para la autoeficacia y la escolaridad entre quienes no presentaban depresión y los que presentaban depresión moderada o severa. Además, se encontraron mayores niveles de depresión y menores niveles de autoeficacia en quienes habían enviudado. Los resultados sugieren que altos niveles de escolaridad y autoeficacia son factores protectores de la depresión en los adultos mayores, mientras que la viudez es un factor de riesgo para la depresión

    Germinación De Semillas De Asclepias Subulata En Condiciones De Casa Sombra Utilizando Ácido Giberélico

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of gibberellic acid (GA3) in the seed germination of Asclepias subulata Decne., plant of the wild flora of the Sonoran Desert of interest for reforestation, industry and medicinal use. Since there is no information about their domestication, it is of fundamental importance to carry out germination tests to ensure their propagation, given the low germination percentage that this species presents. Seeds of A. subulata were collected in the Sonoran Desert, within the area known as Cerro del Bachoco. Six concentrations of gibberellic acid (GA3) (0, 125, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 ppm) were tested at two soak times (24 and 48 hours) and one control without any treatment. Germination power, germination time at 25, 50 and 75%, and the germination rate index were evaluated. Germination was considered when the seed emits the hypocotyl outside the substrate used. Chemical scarification with GA3 has a positive influence on seed germination of A. subulata. The highest percentage of germination was obtained with GA3 in concentrations of 250 to 2000 ppm, at 24 and 48 hours of soaking. Germination time was affected by the concentration of GA3, being favored at a concentration of 1000 and 2000 ppm at 24 and 48 hours of soaking; while in other treatments 75% of germination was not reached. Chemical scarification with GA3 favored the germination rate index