21 research outputs found

    Evidence for the linked biogeochemical cycling of zinc, cobalt, and phosphorus in the western North Atlantic Ocean

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22 (2008): GB4012, doi:10.1029/2007GB003119.Many trace metals such as iron, copper, and manganese have lower concentrations in the surface waters of the North Pacific Ocean than in North Atlantic surface waters. However, cobalt and zinc concentrations in North Atlantic surface waters are often as low as those reported in the North Pacific. We studied the relationship between the distribution of cobalt, zinc, and phosphorus in surface waters of the western North Atlantic Ocean. Both metals show strong depletion in the southern Sargasso Sea, a region characterized by exceedingly low dissolved inorganic phosphorus (generally <4 nmol L−1) and measurable alkaline phosphatase activity. Alkaline phosphatase is a metalloenzyme (typically containing zinc) that cleaves phosphate monoesters and is a diagnostic indicator of phosphorus stress in phytoplankton. In contrast to the North Pacific Ocean, cobalt and zinc appear to be drawn down to their lowest values only when inorganic phosphorus is below 10 nmol L−1 in the North Atlantic Ocean. Lower levels of phosphorus in the Atlantic may contribute to these differences, possibly through an increased biological demand for zinc and cobalt associated with dissolved organic phosphorus acquisition. This hypothesis is consistent with results of a culture study where alkaline phosphatase activity decreased in the model coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi upon zinc and cobalt limitation.This research was supported by NSF grant OCE- 0136835 to J.W.M. and S.D. R.W.J. was supported by an EPA STAR Fellowship

    Genotype-Phenotype Correlation in NF1: Evidence for a More Severe Phenotype Associated with Missense Mutations Affecting NF1 Codons 844–848

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    Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), a common genetic disorder with a birth incidence of 1:2,000–3,000, is characterized by a highly variable clinical presentation. To date, only two clinically relevant intragenic genotype-phenotype correlations have been reported for NF1 missense mutations affecting p.Arg1809 and a single amino acid deletion p.Met922del. Both variants predispose to a distinct mild NF1 phenotype with neither externally visible cutaneous/plexiform neurofibromas nor other tumors. Here, we report 162 individuals (129 unrelated probands and 33 affected relatives) heterozygous for a constitutional missense mutation affecting one of five neighboring NF1 codons—Leu844, Cys845, Ala846, Leu847, and Gly848—located in the cysteine-serine-rich domain (CSRD). Collectively, these recurrent missense mutations affect ∼0.8% of unrelated NF1 mutation-positive probands in the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) cohort. Major superficial plexiform neurofibromas and symptomatic spinal neurofibromas were more prevalent in these individuals compared with classic NF1-affected cohorts (both p < 0.0001). Nearly half of the individuals had symptomatic or asymptomatic optic pathway gliomas and/or skeletal abnormalities. Additionally, variants in this region seem to confer a high predisposition to develop malignancies compared with the general NF1-affected population (p = 0.0061). Our results demonstrate that these NF1 missense mutations, although located outside the GAP-related domain, may be an important risk factor for a severe presentation. A genotype-phenotype correlation at the NF1 region 844–848 exists and will be valuable in the management and genetic counseling of a significant number of individuals

    Transcriptome response of high- and low-light-adapted Prochlorococcus strains to changing iron availability

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    Prochlorococcus contributes significantly to ocean primary productivity. The link between primary productivity and iron in specific ocean regions is well established and iron-limitation of Prochlorococcus cell division rates in these regions has been demonstrated. However, the extent of ecotypic variation in iron metabolism among Prochlorococcus and the molecular basis for differences is not understood. Here, we examine the growth and transcriptional response of Prochlorococcus strains, MED4 and MIT9313, to changing iron concentrations. During steady-state, MIT9313 sustains growth at an order-of-magnitude lower iron concentration than MED4. To explore this difference, we measured the whole-genome transcriptional response of each strain to abrupt iron starvation and rescue. Only four of the 1159 orthologs of MED4 and MIT9313 were differentially-expressed in response to iron in both strains. However, in each strain, the expression of over a hundred additional genes changed, many of which are in labile genomic regions, suggesting a role for lateral gene transfer in establishing diversity of iron metabolism among Prochlorococcus. Furthermore, we found that MED4 lacks three genes near the iron-deficiency induced gene (idiA) that are present and induced by iron stress in MIT9313. These genes are interesting targets for studying the adaptation of natural Prochlorococcus assemblages to local iron conditions as they show more diversity than other genomic regions in environmental metagenomic databases.Gordon and Betty Moore FoundationNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Biological Oceanography)United States. Office of Naval Research (ONR Young Investigator Award)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Chemical Oceanography)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Environmental Genomics grants

    Volcanogenic fluxes of iron from the seafloor in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica

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    The Amundsen Sea in the Pacific sector of West Antarctica receives meltwater from the fastest retreating Antarctic glaciers, and its coastal polynyas host the highest primary productivity per unit area observed on the Antarctic continental shelf. Polynya productivity provides the base for a robust, diverse ecosystem and is controlled primarily by light and the availability of the micronutrient iron (Fe). While the sources of Fe in the region are not yet certain, Fe could be transported within modified Circumpolar Deep Water (mCDW) that intrudes onto the retrograde shelf and into ice shelf cavities, where it gains buoyancy through the addition of glacial meltwater and is injected into the upper water column when it exits the cavity. Thus, fluxes of dissolved Fe from the seafloor into in-flowing mCDW may ultimately be a source of Fe to the euphotic zone in the Amundsen Sea. To investigate the surface sediment biogeochemistry and the potential for a significant benthic flux of Fe to the waters on the Amundsen Sea shelf, sediment cores were collected at two sites close to the calving fronts of the Pine Island and Thwaites Glacier ice shelves. Pore water was analyzed for trace element content, and sediment was analyzed for physical and chemical properties including organic carbon and trace elements. Using a novel approach based on hypothesized Fe speciation and colloidal particle radius, theoretical Fe fluxes were calculated from pore water gradients and porosity. The fluxes reveal a spatially variable Fe input to the lower water column that could ultimately fertilize primary productivity. Supported by geochemical and physical evidence, we conclude that submarine weathering of volcanic glass grains observed and quantified in seabed sediments at the Pine Island site drives nonreductive Fe fluxes that are 100-fold higher than at the Thwaites site. This study highlights the need for further investigations of benthic-pelagic coupling in the Amundsen Sea region, which will likely be impacted in coming decades by accelerating glacial melting

    Acerca de los sentidos de la palabra "Mística"

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    An improved knowledge of iron biogeochemistry is needed to better understand key controls on the functioning of high-nitrate low-chlorophyll (HNLC) oceanic regions. Iron budgets for HNLC waters have been constructed using data from disparate sources ranging from laboratory algal cultures to ocean physics. In summer 2003 we conducted FeCycle, a 10-day mesoscale tracer release in HNLC waters SE of New Zealand, and measured concurrently all sources (with the exception of aerosol deposition) to, sinks of iron from, and rates of iron recycling within, the surface mixed layer. A pelagic iron budget (timescale of days) indicated that oceanic supply terms (lateral advection and vertical diffusion) were relatively small compared to the main sink (downward particulate export). Remote sensing and terrestrial monitoring reveal 13 dust or wildfire events in Australia, prior to and during FeCycle, one of which may have deposited iron at the study location. However, iron deposition rates cannot be derived from such observations, illustrating the difficulties in closing iron budgets without quantification of episodic atmospheric supply. Despite the threefold uncertainties reported for rates of aerosol deposition (Duce et al., 1991), published atmospheric iron supply for the New Zealand region is ∼50-fold (i.e., 7-to 150-fold) greater than the oceanic iron supply measured in our budget, and thus was comparable (i.e., a third to threefold) to our estimates of downward export of particulate iron. During FeCycle, the fluxes due to short term (hours) biological iron uptake and regeneration were indicative of rapid recycling and were tenfold greater than for new iron (i.e. estimated atmospheric and measured oceanic supply), giving an fe ratio (uptake of new iron/ uptake of new + regenerated iron) of 0.17 (i.e., a range of 0.06 to 0.51 due to uncertainties on aerosol iron supply), and an Fe ratio (biogenic Fe export/uptake of new + regenerated iron) of 0.09 (i.e., 0.03 to 0.24). Copyright 2005 by the American Geophysical Union