17 research outputs found

    Eurooppalaisen innovaatiopolitiikan uusi vaihde vihreässä siirtymässä jatkaa monitasoisen hallinnon tiellä

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    Uuden vihreän innovaatiopolitiikan alustaksi muodostuvat alueelliset yhteistyöverkostot älykkään erikoistumisen strategioiden toteuttamisessa. Euroopan komission ja Alueiden komitean aloitteella Partnerships for Regional Innovation Pohjanmaalla haetaan seuraavan vaiheen vihreän siirtymän innovaatiopolitiikkaa

    Differential activity in Heschl's gyrus between deaf and hearing individuals is due to auditory deprivation rather than language modality

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    Sensory cortices undergo crossmodal reorganisation as a consequence of sensory deprivation. Congenital deafness in humans represents a particular case with respect to other types of sensory deprivation, because cortical reorganisation is not only a consequence of auditory deprivation, but also of language-driven mechanisms. Visual crossmodal plasticity has been found in secondary auditory cortices of deaf individuals, but it is still unclear if reorganisation also takes place in primary auditory areas, and how this relates to language modality and auditory deprivation.  Here, we dissociated the effects of language modality and auditory deprivation on crossmodal plasticity in Heschl's gyrus as a whole, and in cytoarchitectonic region Te1.0 (likely to contain the core auditory cortex). Using fMRI, we measured the BOLD response to viewing sign language in congenitally or early deaf individuals with and without sign language knowledge, and in hearing controls.  Results show that differences between hearing and deaf individuals are due to a reduction in activation caused by visual stimulation in the hearing group, which is more significant in Te1.0 than in Heschl's gyrus as a whole. Furthermore, differences between deaf and hearing groups are due to auditory deprivation, and there is no evidence that the modality of language used by deaf individuals contributes to crossmodal plasticity in Heschl's gyrus

    Smart specialization driving globalization of small and middle-sized companies in the Finnish region of Ostrobothnia

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    The article highlights five challenges in learning Smart Specialization: First, regional governance means to make difficult decisions in a number of fields which are at the core of economic development, welfare and human well-being. Allocation of resources has to be done in a transparent way, which creates legitimacy. At the same time, Smart Specialisation calls for regions to prioritize and be pro-active in promoting explorative and experimental strategies of growth. Secondly, experimentation means to work for co-evolution between analysis, partnering and integration of stakeholders into work plans and pilot actions. Third, experimentalist approaches can benefit from transnational learning from other regions. Fourth, it means to dive into complexity and dynamics surrounding the entrepreneurial discovery process and the innovation ecosystems, as well as fifth, to manage multi-level governance and interactions with national policies. This learning has led to a new understanding of the challenges of the regional innovation ecosystem, and a smart strategy. In this strategy small and medium sized businesses are seen as core actors in diversifying the regional export base. Furthermore, establishing policy instruments fostering regional connectivity and building new export-oriented value chains, where SMEs are enabled to collaborate with focal large enterprises constitute key outcomes of the strategy.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Addressing the European green deal with smart specialization strategies in the Baltic Sea Region

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    Despite the extent and importance of the Smart Specialization strategies, achieved in a short cohesion policy period from 2014 to 2020, the evidence on the assessment of their actual effect on the economic development and the mobilization via the Smart Specialization implementation of the regions is still pending. In light of green transformation, accelerated by the European Green Deal, the heart of Smart Specialization strategies of EU regions is to avoid fragmentation and to reach a complementary in reaching the joint EU ambition of climate neutrality by 2050. This article aims to demonstrate how to identify the region-specific (place-based and bottom–up) pathways for green transformation and align them with the European Green Deal-focused Smart Specialization strategies in regions, using moderated co-creation in DPSIR analysis and policy modeling. The findings of this article are based on the moderated experimental experience from the two interconnected projects in the area, i.e., "LARS" and "GRETA", implemented in the Baltic Sea Region (October 2017 to September 2021). The research proposes how moderated learning and knowledge transfer between matured innovators and young innovators embodies the identification of place-based pathways and help develop political course recommendations for green transformation, thus solving the homogeneity issues of the Smart Specialization strategies. Keywords: sustainability; European Green Deal; smart specialization; green transformation; DPSIR analysis; policy recommendations; Baltic Sea region

    Developement of the Isolation System and Higher Sensitivive Diagnosis Method for Koi Herpesvirus

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    錦鯉疱疹病毒 (koi herpesvirus, KHV),目前被分類為Alloherpesviridae下的鯉科疱疹病毒第三型 (Cyprinid herpesvieus 3, CyHV3),是一種會感染錦鯉 (Cyprinus carpio koi) 及鯉魚 (Cyprinus carpio carpio) 並造成高達80 % - 100 % 死亡率的高傳染性疾病。KHV於1998年最初發生於以色列,我國則於2002年12月出現首例。由於目前台灣地區尚無開發合適之細胞可供KHV病毒分離使用,使得本地KHV病毒之研究停滯不前。在許多研究報告中指出,由於環境溫度的改變及魚體免疫狀況的差異,推論KHV有潛伏感染的可能性,但目前仍缺少敏感性高且價廉之診斷技術可供鑑別健康魚隻及潛伏感染魚隻。實驗利用病魚乳劑接種待測細胞株,觀察細胞病變(Cytopathic effect, CPE) 並利用聚合酶鏈鎖反應 (Polymerase chain reaction, PCR)偵測病毒核酸。目前唯有本實驗室建立之錦鯉鰭細胞 (TKF1 cell) 可成功分離出台灣地區KHV。其他的錦鯉來源細胞株、金魚來源細胞株、肥頭鰷魚來源細胞株、非鯉科的石斑魚、鰻魚及吳郭魚來源細胞株及爬蟲類的甲魚來源細胞株,對KHV均不具有感受性。此外,我們利用間接免疫螢光染色技術發現細胞在感染KHV 12小時以上時,就能夠觀察到ORF 81蛋白質的陽性訊號。實驗並成功的建立了一套巢式聚合酶鏈鎖反應 (Nested polymerase chain reaction, nested PCR),其特異性良好且在樣品中僅需含有17個病毒顆粒即可被偵測出來。目前已嚐試應用於一疑似潛伏感染場,配合該場病歷及nested PCR結果,認為此套高敏感性診斷方法具有應用於潛伏感染偵測之潛力。Koi herpesvirus (KHV) was categorized as a member of the Alloherpesviridae under the species name Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV3). It causes a highly contagious disease which leads up to 80 – 100 % mortality in koi (Cyprinus carpio koi) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio carpio). KHV was found firstly in 1998, and the first case in Taiwan has been identified in December 2002. Util now, there has been no suitable cells developed for KHV virus isolation in Taiwan, which becomes an obstacle for the research. Many previous researchers suggest the possibility in latent infection of KHV; however, we lack a diagnosis method providing higher sensitivity to distinguish the healthy and the latent infected fish. n our study, the KHV isolation, we inoculated the tissue homogenates of infected fish to tested cells, observed the cytopathic effect, and then detected the KHV DNA by polymerase chain reaction. Our results revealed that only Taiwan koi fin (TKF1) cell, established by our laboratory, showed the CPE and propagatde KHV successfully. Other cells derived from koi, goldfish, fathead minnow, grouper, eel, tilapia and soft-shell turtle were not susceptible for the KHV. Moreover, we detected the ORF 81 protein of KHV by indirect immunoflourescene assay, the positive signal appeared after 12 hours post infection.or the more sensitive diagnostic method, we developed a nested polymerase chain reaction with good specificity, and it was able to detect as less as 17 virions in the sample. We have been applied the diagnosis method to detect the fish from one koi farm, which was suspected to be the KHV endemic farm. According to the history of this farm and the results of nested PCR, we suggest the high sensitivity diagnosis method has the potential to apply to detect latent infection cases.目錄要 Ibstract II錄 III次 VII次 VIII一章 緒論 1二章 文獻回顧 3一節 魚類細胞培養 (Fish cell cultures) 3.1 魚類細胞培養的發展 3.2 魚類細胞培養技術 4.3 魚類的初代細胞 4.4 魚類細胞培養的應用 5二節 錦鯉疱疹病毒之簡介 9.1. 分類 9.2. 病毒顆粒 (Virion) 10.3. 潛伏感染及再發 12.4. 診斷 12三節 免疫螢光染色 (Immunefluorescence staining) 17.1. 免疫螢光染色之發展 17.2. 免疫螢光染色之要素 17四節 聚合酶鏈鎖反應 (Polymerase chain reaction, PCR) 18.1. 聚合酶鏈鎖反應之發展 18.2. 聚合酶鏈鎖反應之原理 18.3. 聚合酶鏈鎖反應之基本要素 20.4. 巢式聚合酶鏈鎖反應 (Nested polymerase chain reaction) 21三章 材料及方法 22一節 實驗設計及流程 22二節 病材收集 23三節 檢測KHV病毒核酸 23.1. 去氧核糖核酸 (DNA) 之萃取 23.2. 聚合酶鏈鎖反應 (Polymerase chain reaction, PCR) 24.3. 瓊脂醣凝膠電泳 (Agarose gel electrophoresis) 25.4. 核酸定序及序列比對 26四節 病毒分離及定量 27.1. 實驗材料 27.2. 實驗方法 29五節 穿透式電子顯微鏡 31.1. 穿透式電子顯微鏡樣本前處理 31.2. 穿透式電子顯微鏡切片及觀察記錄 33六節 間接免疫螢光法 (Indirect immunofluorescene assay, IFA) 34.1. 實驗材料 34.2. 實驗方法 35七節 巢式聚合酶鏈鎖反應 (Nested polymerase chain reaction, Nested-PCR) 37.1. 陽性對照之製備 37.2. 巢式引子 (Nested primer) 設計 39.3. 巢式聚合酶鏈鎖反應 (Nested polymerase chain reaction, Nested PCR) 40.4. 特異性及敏感性檢測 41.5. 瓊脂醣凝膠電泳 (Agarose gel electrophoresis) 41.6. 核酸定序及序列比對 42四章 實驗結果 43一節 病材收集 43二節 檢測KHV病毒核酸 43三節 病毒分離及定量 44.1. 病毒分離 44.2. 病毒增殖 44.3. 病毒定量 45四節 穿透式電子顯微鏡 45五節 間接免疫螢光法(indirect immunofluorescene assay, IFA) 46六節 巢式聚合酶鏈鎖反應 47.1. 陽性對照之製備 47.2. Nested PCR之特異性及敏感性 47.3. Nested PCR應用 48五章 討論 68一節 病毒分離 68二節 細胞感受性的差異 69三節 穿透式電子顯微鏡 72四節 免疫螢光染色 74五節 潛伏感染魚隻的偵測 76六章 參考文獻 78amp;#8195