10 research outputs found

    Ru2(CO)4{OOC(CH2) n CH3}2L2 sawhorse-type complexes containing μ2-η2-carboxylato ligands derived from saturated fatty acids

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    The thermal reaction of Ru3(CO)12 with the saturated fatty acids (heptanoic, nonanoic, decanoic, tridecanoic, tetradecanoic, heptadecanoic, octadecanoic) in refluxing tetrahydrofuran, followed by addition of triphenylphosphine (PPh3) or pyridine (C5H5N), gives the dinuclear complexes Ru2(CO)4{OOC(CH2)nCH3}2L2 (1: n = 5, 2: n = 7, 3: n = 8, 4: n = 11, 5: n = 12, 6: n = 15, 7: n = 16; a: L = NC5H5, b: L = PPh3). The single crystal structure analysis of 1b, 2a, 3a, 4a and 5a reveals a dinuclear Ru2(CO)4 sawhorse structure, the diruthenium backbone being bridged by the carboxylato ligands, while the two L ligands occupy the axial positions at the ruthenium atoms. In 2a, π-π stacking interactions between adjacent pyridyl units of symmetry related molecules prevail, while in the longer alkyl chain derivatives 3a, 4a and 5a, additional van der Waals and electrostatic interactions between the alkyl chains take place as well in the packing arrangement of the molecules, thus giving rise to layers of parallel alkyl chains in the crysta

    Organoiridium complexes : anticancer agents and catalysts

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    Iridium is a relatively rare precious heavy metal, only slightly less dense than osmium. Researchers have long recognized the catalytic properties of square-planar Ir(I) complexes, such as Crabtree's hydrogenation catalyst, an organometallic complex with cyclooctadiene, phosphane, and pyridine ligands. More recently, chemists have developed half-sandwich pseudo-octahedral pentamethylcyclopentadienyl Ir(III) complexes containing diamine ligands that efficiently catalyze transfer hydrogenation reactions of ketones and aldehydes in water using H2 or formate as the hydrogen source. Although sometimes assumed to be chemically inert, the reactivity of low-spin 5d(6) Ir(III) centers is highly dependent on the set of ligands. Cp* complexes with strong σ-donor C^C-chelating ligands can even stabilize Ir(IV) and catalyze the oxidation of water. In comparison with well developed Ir catalysts, Ir-based pharmaceuticals are still in their infancy. In this Account, we review recent developments in organoiridium complexes as both catalysts and anticancer agents. Initial studies of anticancer activity with organoiridium complexes focused on square-planar Ir(I) complexes because of their structural and electronic similarity to Pt(II) anticancer complexes such as cisplatin. Recently, researchers have studied half-sandwich Ir(III) anticancer complexes. These complexes with the formula [(Cp(x))Ir(L^L')Z](0/n+) (with Cp* or extended Cp* and L^L' = chelated C^N or N^N ligands) have a much greater potency (nanomolar) toward a range of cancer cells (especially leukemia, colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and melanoma) than cisplatin. Their mechanism of action may involve both an attack on DNA and a perturbation of the redox status of cells. Some of these complexes can form Ir(III)-hydride complexes using coenzyme NAD(P)H as a source of hydride to catalyze the generation of H2 or the reduction of quinones to semiquinones. Intriguingly, relatively unreactive organoiridium complexes containing an imine as a monodentate ligand have prooxidant activity, which appears to involve catalytic hydride transfer to oxygen and the generation of hydrogen peroxide in cells. In addition, researchers have designed inert Ir(III) complexes as potent kinase inhibitors. Octahedral cyclometalated Ir(III) complexes not only serve as cell imaging agents, but can also inhibit tumor necrosis factor α, promote DNA oxidation, generate singlet oxygen when photoactivated, and exhibit good anticancer activity. Although relatively unexplored, organoiridium chemistry offers unique features that researchers can exploit to generate novel diagnostic agents and drugs with new mechanisms of action

    Immobilization of proteins on carboxylic acid functionalized nanopatterns

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    The immobilization of proteins on nanopatterned surfaces was investigated using in situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) and ex situ infrared reflectance-absorption spectroscopy (IRAS). The AFM-based lithography technique of nanografting provided control of the size, geometry, and spatial placement of nanopatterns within self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). Square nanopatterns of carboxylate-terminated SAMs were inscribed within methyl-terminated octadecanethiolate SAMs and activated using carbodiimide/succinimide coupling chemistry. Staphylococcal protein A was immobilized on the activated nanopatterns before exposure to rabbit immunoglobulin G. In situ AFM was used to monitor changes in the topography and friction of the nanopatterns in solution upon protein immobilization. Complementary studies with ex situ IRAS confirmed the surface chemistry that occurred during the steps of SAM activation and subsequent protein immobilization on unpatterned samples. Since carbodiimide/succinimide coupling chemistry can be used for surface attachment of different biomolecules, this protocol shows promise for development of other aqueous-based studies for nanopatterned protein immobilization. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (outside the USA)