17 research outputs found

    The origin(s) and geodynamic significance of Archaean ultramafic-mafic bodies in the mainland Lewisian Gneiss Complex, North Atlantic Craton

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    The geodynamic regime(s) that predominated during the Archaean remains controversial, with the plethora of competing models largely informed by felsic lithologies. Ultramafic-mafic rocks displaying distinctive geochemical signatures are formed in a range of Phanerozoic geotectonic environments. These rocks have high melting points, making them potentially useful tools for investigating Archaean geodynamic processes in highly metamorphosed regions. We present field mapping, petrography, traditional bulk-rock geochemistry, and platinum-group element geochemistry for 12 ultramafic-mafic bodies in the Lewisian Gneiss Complex (LGC), which is a highly metamorphosed fragment of the North Atlantic Craton in northwest Scotland. Our data indicate that most of these occurrences are layered intrusions emplaced into the tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG)-dominated crust prior to polyphase metamorphism, representing a significant re-evaluation of the LGC's magmatic evolution. Of the others, two remain ambiguous, but one (Loch an Daimh Mor) has some geochemical affinity with abyssal/orogenic peridotites and may represent a fragment of Archaean mantle, although further investigation is required. The ultramafic-mafic bodies in the LGC thus represent more than one type of event/process. Compared with the TTG host rocks, these lithologies may preserve evidence of protolith origin(s), with potential to illuminate tectonic setting(s) and geodynamic regimes of the early Earth

    Deformation-induced and reaction-enhanced permeability in metabasic gneisses, Iona, Scotland: controls and scales of retrograde fluid movement

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    The spatial distribution of greenschist-facies retrograde reaction products in metabasic gneisses from Iona, western Scotland, has been investigated. The retrograde products may be broadly accounted for by a single reaction, but their different spatial and temporal development indicates that a series of reactions occur with significantly different scales of metasomatic transfer. After initial fluid influx linked to deformation-induced high permeability, reaction-enhanced permeability, coupled to cycling of fluid pressure during faulting, strongly controls the pervasive retrogression. Ca-plagioclase and pyroxene in the gneisses are replaced by albite and chlorite in pseudomorphic textures, and this is followed by localized epidotization of the albite. Two main generations of epidote are formed in the gneisses. Epidosite formation is associated with prominent zones of cataclasite indicating a strong link between faulting and fluid influx. In contrast, complete alteration of albite to epidote in the host metabasic gneisses is spatially complex, and areas of pervasive alteration may be constrained by both epidote-rich veins and cataclasites. In other instances, reaction fronts are unrelated to structural features. Volume changes associated with individual stages of the reaction history strongly control the localized distribution of epidote and the earlier more widespread development of chlorite and albite. Such behaviour contrasts with adjacent granitic gneisses where epidotization is restricted to local structural conduits. Many small-scale mineralized fractures with evidence of having previously contained fluids do not enhance the pervasive retrogression of the metabasic gneisses and represent conduits of fluid removal. Retrogression of these basement gneisses is dominated by a complex combination of reaction-enhanced and reaction-restricted permeability, kinetic controls on the nucleation of reaction products, changes in fluid composition buffered by the reactions, and periodic local migration of fluids associated with fault movements. This combination generates spatially complex patterns of epidotization that are limited by cation supply rather than fluid availability and alternations between focused and pervasive types of retrogression

    Trace-element abundances in the shallow lithospheric mantle of the North Atlantic Craton margin: implications for melting and metasomatism beneath Northern Scotland

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    Bulk rock geochemistry and major- and trace-element compositions of clinopyroxene have been determined for three suites of peridotitic mantle xenoliths from the North Atlantic Craton (NAC) in northern Scotland, to establish the magmatic and metasomatic history of subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) below this region. Spinel lherzolites from the southernmost locality (Streap Com'laidh) have non-NAC mantle compositions, while the two northern xenolith suites (Loch Roag and Rinibar) are derived from the thinned NAC marginal keel. Clinopyroxene compositions have characteristic trace-element signatures which show both 'primary' and 'metasomatic' origins. We use Zr and Hf abundances to identify ancient cryptic refertilization in 'primary' clinopyroxenes. We suggest that Loch Roag and Rinibar peridotite xenoliths represent an ancient Archaean-Palaeoproterozoic SCLM with original depleted cratonic signatures which were overprinted by metasomatism around the time of intrusion of the Scourie Dyke Swarm (∼2.4 Ga). This SCLM keel was preserved during Caledonian orogenesis, although some addition of material and/or metasomatism probably also occurred, as recorded by Rinibar xenoliths. Rinibar and Streap xenoliths were entrained in Permo-Carboniferous magmas and thus were isolated from the SCLM ∼200 Ma before Loch Roag xenoliths (in an Eocene dyke). Crucially, despite their geographical location, lithospheric mantle peridotite samples from Loch Roag show no evidence of recent melting or refertilization during the Palaeogene opening of the Atlantic

    Re-evaluating ambiguous age relationships in Archean cratons: Implications for the origin of ultramafic-mafic complexes in the Lewisian Gneiss Complex

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    Archean ultramafic-mafic complexes have been the focus of important and often contentious geological and geodynamic interpretations. However, their age relative to the other components of Archean cratons are often poorly-constrained, introducing significant ambiguity when interpreting their origin and geodynamic significance. The Lewisian Gneiss Complex (LGC) of the northwest Scottish mainland – a high-grade, tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) terrane that forms part of the North Atlantic Craton (NAC) – contains a number of ultramafic-mafic complexes whose origin and geodynamic significance have remained enigmatic since they were first described. Previous studies have interpreted these complexes as representing a wide-range of geological environments, from oceanic crust, to the sagducted remnants of Archean greenstone belts. These interpretations, which are often critically dependent upon the ages of the complexes relative to the surrounding rocks, have disparate implications for Archean geodynamic regimes (in the NAC and globally). Most previous authors have inferred that the ultramafic-mafic complexes of the LGC pre-date the TTG magmas. This fundamental age relationship is re-evaluated in this investigation through re-mapping of the Geodh’ nan Sgadan Complex (where tonalitic gneiss reportedly cross-cuts mafic rocks) and new mapping of the 7 km2 Ben Strome Complex (the largest ultramafic-mafic complex in the LGC), alongside detailed petrography and spinel mineral chemistry. This new study reveals that, despite their close proximity in the LGC (12 km), the Ben Strome and Geodh’ nan Sgadan Complexes are petrogenetically unrelated, indicating that the LGC (and thus NAC) records multiple temporally and/or petrogenetically distinct phases of ultramafic-mafic Archean magmatism that has been masked by subsequent high-grade metamorphism. Moreover, field observations and spinel mineral chemistry demonstrate that the Ben Strome Complex represents a layered intrusion that was emplaced into a TTG-dominated crust. Further to representing a significant re-evaluation of the LGC’s magmatic evolution, these findings have important implications for the methodologies utilised in deciphering the origin of Archean ultramafic-mafic complexes globally, where material suitable for dating is often unavailable and field relationships are commonly ambiguous

    Paradoxical co-existing base metal sulphides in the mantle: The multi-event record preserved in Loch Roag peridotite xenoliths, North Atlantic Craton

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    The role of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle as a source of precious metals for mafic magmas is contentious and, given the chalcophile (and siderophile) character of metals such as the platinum-group elements (PGE), Se, Te, Re, Cu and Au, the mobility of these metals is intimately linked with that of sulphur. Hence the nature of the host phase(s), and their age and stability in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle may be of critical importance. We investigate the sulphide mineralogy and sulphide in situ trace element compositions in base metal sulphides (BMS) in a suite of spinel lherzolite mantle xenoliths from northwest Scotland (Loch Roag, Isle of Lewis). This area is situated on the margin of the North Atlantic Craton which has been overprinted by a Palaeoproterozoic orogenic belt, and occurs in a region which has undergone magmatic events from the Palaeoproterozoic to the Eocene. We identify two populations of co-existing BMS within a single spinel lherzolite xenolith (LR80) and which can also be recognised in the peridotite xenolith suite as a whole. Both populations consist of a mixture of Fe-Ni-Cu sulphide minerals, and we distinguished between these according to BMS texture, petrographic setting (i.e., location within the xenolith in terms of ‘interstitial’ or within feldspar-spinel symplectites, as demonstrated by X-ray Computed Microtomography) and in situ trace element composition. Group A BMS are coarse, metasomatic, have low concentrations of total PGE (< 40 ppm) and high (Re/Os)N (ranging 1 to 400). Group B BMS strictly occur within symplectites of spinel and feldspar, are finer-grained rounded droplets, with micron-scale PtS (cooperite), high overall total PGE concentrations (15–800 ppm) and low (Re/Os)N ranging 0.04 to 2. Group B BMS sometimes coexist with apatite, and both the Group B BMS and apatite can preserve rounded micron-scale Ca-carbonate inclusions indicative of sulphide-carbonate-phosphate immiscibility. This carbonate-phosphate metasomatic association appears to be important in forming PGE-rich sulphide liquids, although the precise mechanism for this remains obscure. As a consequence of their position within the symplectites, Group B BMS are particularly vulnerable to being incorporated in ascending mantle-derived magmas (either by melting or physical entrainment). Based on the cross-cutting relationships of the symplectites, it is possible to infer the relative ages of each metasomatic BMS population. We tally these with major tectono-magmatic events for the North Atlantic region by making comparisons to carbonatite events recorded in crustal and mantle rocks, and we suggest that the Pt-enrichment was associated with a pre-Carboniferous carbonatite episode. This method of mantle xenolith base metal sulphide documentation may ultimately permit the temporal and spatial mapping of the chalcophile metallogenic budget of the lithospheric mantle, providing a blueprint for assessing regional metallogenic potential. Abbreviations: NAC, North Atlantic Craton; GGF, Great Glen Fault; NAIP, North Atlantic Igneous Province; BPIP, British Palaeogene Igneous Province; SCLM, subcontinental lithospheric mantle; PGE, platinum-group elements; HSE, highly siderophile elements; BMS, base metal sulphid

    High methylmercury in Arctic and subarctic ponds is related to nutrient levels in the warming eastern Canadian Arctic

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    Permafrost thaw ponds are ubiquitous in the eastern Canadian Arctic, yet little information exists on their potential as sources of methylmercury (MeHg) to freshwaters. They are microbially active and conducive to methylation of inorganic mercury, and are also affected by Arctic warming. This multiyear study investigated thaw ponds in a discontinuous permafrost region in the Subarctic taiga (Kuujjuarapik-Whapmagoostui, QC) and a continuous permafrost region in the Arctic tundra (Bylot Island, NU). MeHg concentrations in thaw ponds were well above levels measured in most freshwater ecosystems in the Canadian Arctic (>0.1 ng L−1). On Bylot, ice-wedge trough ponds showed significantly higher MeHg (0.3−2.2 ng L−1) than polygonal ponds (0.1−0.3 ng L−1) or lakes (<0.1 ng L−1). High MeHg was measured in the bottom waters of Subarctic thaw ponds near Kuujjuarapik (0.1−3.1 ng L−1). High water MeHg concentrations in thaw ponds were strongly correlated with variables associated with high inputs of organic matter (DOC, a320, Fe), nutrients (TP, TN), and microbial activity (dissolved CO2 and CH4). Thawing permafrost due to Arctic warming will continue to release nutrients and organic carbon into these systems and increase ponding in some regions, likely stimulating higher water concentrations of MeHg. Greater hydrological connectivity from permafrost thawing may potentially increase transport of MeHg from thaw ponds to neighboring aquatic ecosystems

    Cobalt and precious metals in sulphides of peridotite xenoliths and inferences concerning their distribution according to geodynamic environment: A case study from the Scottish lithospheric mantle

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    Abundances of precious metals and cobalt in the lithospheric mantle are typically obtained by bulk geochemical analyses of mantle xenoliths. These elements are strongly chalcophile and the mineralogy, texture and trace element composition of sulphide phases in such samples must be considered. In this study we assess the mineralogy, textures and trace element compositions of sulphides in spinel lherzolites from four Scottish lithospheric terranes, which provide an ideal testing ground to examine the variability of sulphides and their precious metal endowments according to terrane age and geodynamic environment. Specifically we test differences in sulphide composition from Archaean-Palaeoproterozoic cratonic sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) in northern terranes vs. Palaeozoic lithospheric mantle in southern terranes, as divided by the Great Glen Fault (GGF). Cobalt is consistently elevated in sulphides from Palaeozoic terranes (south of the GGF) with Co concentrations > 2.9 wt.% and Co/Ni ratios > 0.048 (chondrite). In contrast, sulphides from Archaean cratonic terranes (north of the GGF) have low abundances of Co (< 3600 ppm) and low Co/Ni ratios (< 0.030). The causes for Co enrichment remain unclear, but we highlight that globally significant Co mineralisation is associated with ophiolites (e.g., Bou Azzer, Morocco and Outokumpu, Finland) or in oceanic peridotite-floored settings at slow-spreading ridges. Thus we suggest an oceanic affinity for the Co enrichment in the southern terranes of Scotland, likely directly related to the subduction of Co-enriched oceanic crust during the Caledonian Orogeny. Further, we identify a distinction between Pt/Pd ratio across the GGF, such that sulphides in the cratonic SCLM have Pt/Pd ≥ chondrite whilst Palaeozoic sulphides have Pt/Pd < chondrite. We observe that Pt-rich sulphides with discrete Pt-minerals (e.g., PtS) are associated with carbonate and phosphates in two xenolith suites north of the GGF. This three-way immiscibility (carbonate-sulphide-phosphate) indicates carbonatitic metasomatism is responsible for Pt-enrichment in this (marginal) cratonic setting. These Co and Pt-enrichments may fundamentally reflect the geodynamic setting of cratonic vs. non-cratonic lithospheric terranes and offer potential tools to facilitate geochemical mapping of the lithospheric mantle

    The Lower Eastern Layered Series of Rhum

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    Metasomatism and the crystallization of zircon megacrysts in Archaean peridotites from the Lewisian complex, NW Scotland

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    Zircon megacrysts are locally abundant in 1–40 cm-thick orthopyroxenite veins within peridotite host rocks in the Archaean Lewisian gneiss complex from NW Scotland. The veins formed by metasomatic interaction between the ultramafic host and Si-rich melts are derived from partial melting of the adjacent granulite-facies orthogneisses. The interaction produced abundant orthopyroxene and, within the thicker veins, phlogopite, pargasite and feldspathic bearing assemblages. Two generations of zircon are present with up to 1 cm megacrystic zircon and a later smaller equant population located around the megacryst margins. Patterns of zoning, rare earth element abundance and oxygen isotopic compositions indicate that the megacrysts crystallized from crustal melts, whereas the equant zircon represents new neocryst growth and partial replacement of the megacryst zircon within the ultramafic host. Both zircon types have U–Pb ages of ca. 2464 Ma, broadly contemporaneous with granulite-facies events in the adjacent gneisses. Zircon megacrysts locally form &gt; 10% of the assemblage and may be associated to zones of localized nucleation or physically concentrated during movement of the siliceous melts. Their unusual size is linked to the suppression of zircon nucleation and increased Zr solubility in the Si-undersaturated melts. The metasomatism between crustal melts and peridotite may represent an analog for processes in the mantle wedge above subducting slabs. As such, the crystallization of abundant zircon in ultramafic host rocks has implications for geochemistry of melts generated in the mantle and the widely reported depletion of high field strength elements in arc magmas

    Space history of the High Possil and Strathmore meteorites from Ne and Ar isotopes

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    The High Possil and Strathmore L6 chondrites fell in Scotland in 1804 and 1917 respectively. Unravelling their cosmic-ray exposure (CRE) ages provides crucial information about when they were ejected from the parent body, how they were delivered to Earth and is ultimately important for understanding the dynamics of small bodies in the solar system. Here we use new measurements of the Ne and Ar isotopic composition to determine CRE ages of both meteorites. Duplicated cosmogenic 21Ne and 38Ar concentrations yield CRE ages of 44.6 ± 4.6 Ma for High Possil and 15.4 ± 1.3 Ma for Strathmore. These coincide with well-established peaks in the ejection record for the L6 chondrites. They yield 40Ar gas retention ages in excess of 3.15 Ga, which is consistent with both meteorites originating at depth within the parent body at the time of asteroidal break-up.Thematic collection: This article is part of the Early Career Research collection available at: https://www.lyellcollection.org/cc/SJG-early-career-researc