457 research outputs found

    Selective Generation of Gut Tropic T Cells in Gut-associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT): Requirement for GALT Dendritic Cells and Adjuvant

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    In the current study, we address the underlying mechanism for the selective generation of gut-homing T cells in the gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT). We demonstrate that DCs in the GALT are unique in their capacity to establish T cell gut tropism but in vivo only confer this property to T cells in the presence of DC maturational stimuli, including toll-like receptor-dependent and -independent adjuvants. Thus, DCs from mesenteric LNs (MLNs), but not from spleen, supported expression of the chemokine receptor CCR9 and integrin α4ÎČ7 by activated CD8+ T cells. While DCs were also required for an efficient down-regulation of CD62L, this function was not restricted to MLN DCs. In an adoptive CD8+ T cell transfer model, antigen-specific T cells entering the small intestinal epithelium were homogeneously CCR9+α4ÎČ7+CD62Llow, and this phenotype was only generated in GALT and in the presence of adjuvant. Consistent with the CCR9+ phenotype of the gut-homing T cells, CCR9 was found to play a critical role in the localization of T cells to the small intestinal epithelium. Together, these results demonstrate that GALT DCs and T cell expression of CCR9 play critical and integrated roles during T cell homing to the gut

    Functional specialization of gut CD103+ dendritic cells in the regulation of tissue-selective T cell homing

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    Gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) dendritic cells (DCs) display a unique ability to generate CCR9+α4ÎČ7+ gut-tropic CD8+ effector T cells. We demonstrate efficient induction of CCR9 and α4ÎČ7 on CD8+ T cells in mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs) after oral but not intraperitoneal (i.p.) antigen administration indicating differential targeting of DCs via the oral route. In vitro, lamina propria (LP)–derived DCs were more potent than MLN or Peyer's patch DCs in their ability to generate CCR9+α4ÎČ7+ CD8+ T cells. The integrin α chain CD103 (αE) was expressed on almost all LP DCs, a subset of MLN DCs, but on few splenic DCs. CD103+ MLN DCs were reduced in number in CCR7−/− mice and, although CD8+ T cells proliferated in the MLNs of CCR7−/− mice after i.p. but not oral antigen administration, they failed to express CCR9 and had reduced levels of α4ÎČ7. Strikingly, although CD103+ and CD103− MLN DCs were equally potent at inducing CD8+ T cell proliferation and IFN-Îł production, only CD103+ DCs were capable of generating gut-tropic CD8+ effector T cells in vitro. Collectively, these results demonstrate a unique function for LP-derived CD103+ MLN DCs in the generation of gut-tropic effector T cells

    Insertion of an immunodominant T helper cell epitope within the Group A Streptococcus M protein promotes an IFN-Îł-dependent shift from a non-protective to a protective immune response

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    The common pathogen Group A Streptococcus (GAS, Streptococcus pyogenes) is an extracellular bacterium that is associated with a multitude of infectious syndromes spanning a wide range of severity. The surface-exposed M protein is a major GAS virulence factor that is also target for protective antibody responses. In this study, we use a murine immunization model to investigate aspects of the cellular and molecular foundation for protective adaptive immune responses generated against GAS. We show that a wild type M1 GAS strain induces a non-protective antibody response, while an isogenic strain carrying the immunodominant 2W T helper cell epitope within the M protein elicits an immune response that is protective against the parental non-recombinant M1 GAS strain. Although the two strains induce total anti-GAS IgG levels of similar magnitude, only the 2W-carrying strain promotes elevated titers of the complement-fixing IgG2c subclass. Protection is dependent on IFN-Îł, and IFN-Îł-deficient mice show a specific reduction in IgG2c levels. Our findings suggest that inclusion of the 2W T cell epitope in the M protein confers essential qualitative alterations in the adaptive immune response against GAS, and that sparsity in IFN-Îł-promoting Th cell epitopes in the M protein may constitute an immune evasion mechanism, evolved to allow the pathogen to avoid attack by complement-fixing antibodies

    Essential role for CD103 in the T cell–mediated regulation of experimental colitis

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    The integrin CD103 is highly expressed at mucosal sites, but its role in mucosal immune regulation remains poorly understood. We have analyzed the functional role of CD103 in intestinal immune regulation using the T cell transfer model of colitis. Our results show no mandatory role for CD103 expression on T cells for either the development or CD4+CD25+ regulatory T (T reg) cell–mediated control of colitis. However, wild-type CD4+CD25+ T cells were unable to prevent colitis in immune-deficient recipients lacking CD103, demonstrating a nonredundant functional role for CD103 on host cells in T reg cell–mediated intestinal immune regulation. Non–T cell expression of CD103 is restricted primarily to CD11chighMHC class IIhigh dendritic cells (DCs). This DC population is present at a high frequency in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue and appears to mediate a distinct functional role. Thus, CD103+ DCs, but not their CD103− counterparts, promoted expression of the gut-homing receptor CCR9 on T cells. Conversely, CD103− DCs promoted the differentiation of IFN-γ–producing T cells. Collectively, these data suggest that CD103+ and CD103− DCs represent functionally distinct subsets and that CD103 expression on DCs influences the balance between effector and regulatory T cell activity in the intestine

    Dendritic cell subsets in the intestinal lamina propria: ontogeny and function

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    The intestinal mucosa is exposed to large amounts of foreign antigen (Ag) derived from commensal bacteria, dietary Ags, and intestinal pathogens. Dendritic cells (DCs) are believed to be involved in the induction of tolerance to harmless Ags and in mounting protective immune responses to pathogens and, as such, to play key roles in regulating intestinal immune homeostasis. The characterization of classical DCs (cDCs) in the intestinal lamina propria has been under intense investigation in recent years but the use of markers (including CD11c, CD11b, MHC class II), which are also expressed by intestinal MΊs, has led to some controversy regarding their definition. Here we review recent studies that help to distinguish cDCs subsets from monocyte-derived cells in the intestinal mucosa. We address the phenotype and ontogeny of these cDC subsets and highlight recent findings indicating that these subsets play distinct roles in the regulation of mucosal immune responses in vivo

    Small intestinal CD103+ dendritic cells display unique functional properties that are conserved between mice and humans

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    A functionally distinct subset of CD103+ dendritic cells (DCs) has recently been identified in murine mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) that induces enhanced FoxP3+ T cell differentiation, retinoic acid receptor signaling, and gut-homing receptor (CCR9 and α4ÎČ7) expression in responding T cells. We show that this function is specific to small intestinal lamina propria (SI-LP) and MLN CD103+ DCs. CD103+ SI-LP DCs appeared to derive from circulating DC precursors that continually seed the SI-LP. BrdU pulse-chase experiments suggested that most CD103+ DCs do not derive from a CD103− SI-LP DC intermediate. The majority of CD103+ MLN DCs appear to represent a tissue-derived migratory population that plays a central role in presenting orally derived soluble antigen to CD8+ and CD4+ T cells. In contrast, most CD103− MLN DCs appear to derive from blood precursors, and these cells could proliferate within the MLN and present systemic soluble antigen. Critically, CD103+ DCs with similar phenotype and functional properties were present in human MLN, and their selective ability to induce CCR9 was maintained by CD103+ MLN DCs isolated from SB Crohn's patients. Thus, small intestinal CD103+ DCs represent a potential novel target for regulating human intestinal inflammatory responses

    Subsets of migrating intestinal dendritic cells

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) in the intestine are heterogeneous. Phenotypically different populations of conventional DCs have been identified in the intestinal lamina propria, Peyer's patches, and in the draining mesenteric lymph nodes, to which these DCs constitutively migrate. Markers used to identify these populations include major histocompatibility complex class II, CD11c, CD8α, CD11b, and CD103. Extensive studies in rats, summarized here, which involved collection of migrating DCs by thoracic duct cannulation after mesenteric lymphadenectomy, have clearly demonstrated that the subsets of migrating intestinal lymph DCs have different functional properties. The subsets might play different roles in the induction of oral tolerance and in driving systemic immune responses after vaccination or intestinal stimulation with Toll-like receptor ligands. The use of these surgical techniques allows investigation of the functions of purified subsets of migrating DCs. However, in the rat, these studies are limited by the range of available reagents and are difficult to compare with data from other species in this fast-moving field. Recent refinements have enabled the collection of migrating intestinal DCs from mice; our initial results are described here. We believe that these studies will generate exciting data and have the potential to resolve important questions about the functions of migrating intestinal DC subsets
