41 research outputs found

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    Synthesis and biology of oligoethylene glycol linked naphthoxylosides.

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    Proteoglycans (PGs) are important macromolecules in mammalian cells, consisting of a core protein substituted with carbohydrate chains, known as glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Simple xylosides carrying hydrophobic aglycons can enter cells and act as primers for GAG chain synthesis, independent of the core protein. Previously it has been shown that aromatic aglycons can be separated from the sugar residue by short linkers without affecting the GAG priming ability. To further investigate the effects of the xylose-aglycon distance on the GAG priming ability, we have synthesized xyloside derivatives with 2-naphthyl and 2-(6-hydroxynaphthyl) moieties connected to xylose, directly, via a methylene bridge, or with oligoethylene glycol linkers of three different lengths. The GAG priming ability and the antiproliferative activity of the xylosides, as well as the composition of the xyloside-primed GAG chains were investigated in a matched pair of human breast fibroblasts and human breast carcinoma cells. An increase of the xylose-aglycon distance from 0.24 to 0.37nm resulted in an increased GAG priming ability in both cell lines. Further increase of the xylose-aglycon distance did not result in any pronounced effects. We speculate that by increasing the xylose-aglycon distance, and thereby the surface area of the xyloside, to a certain level would make it more accessible for enzymes involved in the GAG synthesis. The compositions of the primed GAG chains varied with different xylosides, independent of the xylose-aglycon distance, probably due to various affinities for enzymes and/or different cellular uptake. Furthermore, no correlations between the antiproliferative activities, the xylose-aglycon distances, and the amounts or compositions of the GAG chains were detected suggesting involvement of other factors such as fine structure of the GAG chains, effects on endogenous PG synthesis, or other unknown factors for the antiproliferative activity

    The Usefulness of an Actor’s Perspective in LCA

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    This paper is an argumentation for adding an actor’s perspective to lifecycle assessment (LCA). The need for this perspective stems from a criticism about the usefulness of LCA interpretation methods comparing the relative contribution of life-cycle phases of a product. Our argumentation is based on four previously published studies providing practical examples of how value chain actors’ influence may be considered in an LCA and the benefit of doing so. Manufacturing sector examples show how one company's influence can be illustrated in results and how it may relate all relevant emissions to its own processes. The food sector study shows how to assess several value chain actors’ individual improvement potential. The final example, taken from building sector, explore how to consider the fact that actors in one part of the value chain can influence other actors to improve

    Clinical predictive modelling of post-surgical recovery in individuals with cervical radiculopathy: a machine learning approach

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    Prognostic models play an important role in the clinical management of cervical radiculopathy (CR). No study has compared the performance of modern machine learning techniques, against more traditional stepwise regression techniques, when developing prognostic models in individuals with CR. We analysed a prospective cohort dataset of 201 individuals with CR. Four modelling techniques (stepwise regression, least absolute shrinkage and selection operator [LASSO], boosting, and multivariate adaptive regression splines [MuARS]) were each used to form a prognostic model for each of four outcomes obtained at a 12 month follow-up (disability—neck disability index [NDI]), quality of life (EQ5D), present neck pain intensity, and present arm pain intensity). For all four outcomes, the differences in mean performance between all four models were small (difference of NDI < 1 point; EQ5D < 0.1 point; neck and arm pain < 2 points). Given that the predictive accuracy of all four modelling methods were clinically similar, the optimal modelling method may be selected based on the parsimony of predictors. Some of the most parsimonious models were achieved using MuARS, a non-linear technique. Modern machine learning methods may be used to probe relationships along different regions of the predictor space

    Perceived changes in sexual interest and distress about discrepant sexual interest during the first phase of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multi-Country Assessment in Cohabiting Partnered Individuals

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    Due to COVID-19 pandemic, different restrictive measures in terms of physical distancing and lockdowns have been introduced in most European countries, affecting all facets of social life. Currently, little is known about how partnered individuals perceive changes in their sexual life during this complex emergency. This study explored retrospectively assessed changes in sexual interest for one’s partner and levels of distress related to perceived sexual interest discrepancy during the first phase of the pandemic in a large-scale online sample of partnered individuals (n = 4813; Mage = 38.5 years, SD = 10.74) recruited between May and July 2020 in seven European Union countries and Turkey. We also examined the possible role of approach/avoidance motives for sex in reported changes in sexual interest and associated distress. Most participants (53%) reported no change in their sexual interest during the pandemic, followed by those who reported an increase (28.5%). The pattern was similar across the eight countries. Distress about discrepant sexual interest, which was only weakly related to changes in sexual interest, was significantly associated with relationship quality and emotional closeness with a partner, coping with and worrying about the pandemic, and specific motivation for sex. In contrast to avoidant and relationship-focused approach motivation, ego-focused approach motivation was related to stable sexual interest during the pandemic. The current study contributes to the understanding of the link between sexual interest and complex emergencies. Considering that the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the reported experiences and perceptions are prone to change.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Probing the mechanisms underpinning recovery in post‐surgical patients with cervical radiculopathy using Bayesian networks

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    Background Rehabilitation approaches should be based on an understanding of the mechanisms underpinning functional recovery. Yet, the mediators that drive an improvement in post‐surgical pain‐related disability in individuals with cervical radiculopathy (CR) are unknown. The aim of the present study is to use Bayesian networks (BN) to learn the probabilistic relationships between physical and psychological factors, and pain-related disability in CR. Methods We analysed a prospective cohort dataset of 201 post‐surgical individuals with CR. In all, 15 variables were used to build a BN model: age, sex, neck muscle endurance, neck range of motion, neck proprioception, hand grip strength, self-efficacy, catastrophizing, depression, somatic perception, arm pain intensity, neck pain intensity and disability. Results A one point increase in a change of self‐efficacy at 6 months was associated with a 0.09 point decrease in a change in disability at 12 months (t = −64.09, p < .001). Two pathways led to a change in disability: a direct path leading from a change in self-efficacy at 6 months to disability, and an indirect path which was mediated by neck and arm pain intensity changes at 6 and 12 months. Conclusions This is the first study to apply BN modelling to understand the mechanisms of recovery in post‐surgical individuals with CR. Improvements in pain‐related disability was directly and indirectly driven by changes in self‐efficacy levels. The present study provides potentially modifiable mediators that could be the target of future intervention trials. BN models could increase the precision of treatment and outcome assessment of individuals with CR. Significance Using Bayesian Network modelling, we found that changes in self-efficacy levels at 6-month post-surgery directly and indirectly influenced the change in disability in individuals with CR. A mechanistic understanding of recovery provides potentially modifiable mediators that could be the target of future intervention trials

    Characteristics and severity of odontogenic infection in patients referred to hospital care

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    Objectives Odontogenic infections are potentially life threatening especially in immunocompromised patients. The study aimed to investigate predisposing factors for the severity of odontogenic infections, particularly hospital admission and inflammatory parameters. Materials and Methods A prospective clinical study and a questionnaire survey were designed and implemented. The outcome variable was hospitalization, and secondary outcome variables were inflammatory parameters C-reactive protein (CRP) value, white blood cell (WBC) count and body temperature. The primary predictor variables were treatment delay, preceding visits to health services before referral to hospital, focus of infection identified before referral, site of infection focus, postoperative infection because of elective tooth extraction, and previous treatment of infection. Explanatory variables were age, gender, current smoking, heavy alcohol use, disease history and education. Results A total of 88 patients were included to the analysis. Patients’ disease history in general was not significant for hospitalization or infection parameters. Lower education level associated with hospitalization (p=0.033) and leucocytosis was significantly higher in basic level educated patients (p=0.036). In addition, leucocytosis correlated significantly with mandibular infections (p=0.008), previously unidentified infection focus (p=0.010), and with infection due to an elective tooth extraction (p=0.026). Elderly patients were not more prone to more severe infections. Neither gender, current smoking nor heavy alcohol use proved significant for infection severity. Conclusions and clinical relevance Lower education elevates the risk for hospitalization and severe odontogenic infections. Lack of regular dental care or economic challenges can explain this finding.Odontogena infektioner är potentiellt livshotande speciellt hos immunosupprimerade patienter. Studiens syfte var att undersöka predisponerande faktorer för allvarliga odontogena infektioner, utmärkt av behov av sjukhusvård och inflammationsvärden. En prospektiv klinisk studie och enkätundersökning utfördes. Utfallsvariabeln var behov av inläggning på sjukhus. Sekundära utfallsvariabler var inflammationsvärdena C-reaktivt protein (CRP), leukocytantal och kroppstemperatur. De primära prediktorvariablerna var fördröjning av behandling, tidigare besök till hälsovård före remiss till sjukhus, identifiering av infektionsfokus före remiss, infektionsfokusets läge, postoperativa infektioner på grund av elektiv tandextraktion och tidigare behandling av infektionen. Förklarande variabler var ålder, kön, rökning, överkonsumtion av alkohol, sjukdomshistoria och utbildning. Totalt 88 patienter inkluderades i analysen. Patienternas sjukdomshistoria var generellt inte betydande för behov av sjukhusvård och inflammationsvärden. Lägre utbildningsnivå hade samband med behovet av sjukhusvård (p=0.033) och leukocytosen var signifikant mycket högre i grundskoleutbildade patienter (p=0.036). Dessutom korrellerade leukocytos signifikant med mandibulära infektioner (p=0.008), tidigare oidentifierat infektionsfokus (p=0.010) och med postoperativ infektion på grund av elektiv tandextraktion (p=0.026). Äldre patienter var inte mer benägna att få allvarligare infektioner. Varken kön, rökning eller överkonsumtion av alkohol hade samband med allvarliga infektioner. Lägre utbildningsnivå ökar risken för sjukhusvistelse och allvarliga odontogena infektioner. Brist på regelbunden tandvård och ekonomiska utmaningar kan förklara dessa fynd. 199 ord Odontogena infektioner, vårdsökning, sjukhusvård, socioekonomiska faktorer, CR

    Mot jämställdhet? En analys av den politiska debatten gällande ett förbud mot könsdiskriminerande reklam

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    The overarching aim of this essay is to understand why gender equality policy proposals sometimes fail to be adopted even in very favorable circumstances. The paper searches to do so by examining the political debate and the process that lead to the Swedish Social Democratic Party’s decision in 2014 to not adopt a law against gender discrimination in commercial in Sweden, despite their longstanding arguments to impose such a ban. The case is considered being a “failed case”, that is, a situation where gender policy adoption failed. Drawing on feminist political theory and frame analysis the study examines the arguments made by proponents and opponents in the debate. The study finds that the Liberal People’s Party possibly might have managed to pursue the Social Democratic Party to switch position by reframing the issue regarding gender discrimination in commercial. The study also observes that freedom of speech can be seen as a competing and higher valued interest to gender equality. Furthermore, the paper demonstrate that Sweden generally have been reluctant to reach gender equality through harder measures, which additionally can be seen as an explanation to the failure of the proposal.

    Mjukvara som hanterar kommunikation mot mjukvara i en dataloggningsenhet

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    I detta projekt har mjukvara till en dator utvecklats, denna mjukvara är en prototyp för hur funktionaliteten i en framtida handhållen enhet för kommunikation mot LoggerReadOut-programmet bör se ut, samt eftersträvas vid vidareutveckling. Under projektets gång har dels utveckling av en Android applikation i programmeringsspråket Java och utvecklingsmiljön Eclipse genomförts. Programmeringen av applikationen för Android har kommit att revideras till utveckling av mjukvara i programmeringsspråket Python. Den mjukvara som utvecklas i Python utvecklas för att verka som en prototyp på funktionalitet bör se ut i en applikation för Android som detta projekt kan stå som bas för. Det program som skapats, smartDustHandheldUnit, hanterar kommunikationen med LoggerReadOut-programmet och mellan dessa två program kan auktoriserad anslutning etableras, data och information kan hämtas samt så kan anslutningen som skapats stängas ned. Utöver detta hanterar programmet upp- samt nedladdning till och från två .php-sidor anpassade för ändamålet. Dessutom finns funktionalitet för att kontrollera vilket operativsystem enheten använder.   DEW