901 research outputs found

    Isotope ratio - Mass spectrometry

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/32166This article summarizes the configurations involving isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) technology available at the CCiTUB and the wide range of possible applications. Some examples of these applications are shown

    Variació morfofonològica :: variants morfològiques

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    This paper presents phonetic-phonological variation in articulatory and perceptual terms, both at segmental and suprasegmental levels. It also presents the determining factors of linguistic diversity and change, that is, the factors responsible for the external, geographical (intra-dialectal and inter-dialectal), chronolectal, social and functional variation of a language. Several examples of a few relevant phenomena of the Northwestern phonetics in Lleida are included, especially the phenomenon of vocalism as seen from the relation between internal and external variation of a language

    Philosophy, Science and Social Science

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    Philosophy, Science and Social Scienc

    Development and update of aerospace applications in partitioned architectures

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    Tese de mestrado em Engenharia Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2011Para enfrentar os desafios e requisitos impostos por missões espaciais futuras, a indústria aeroespacial tem vindo a seguir uma tendência para adoptar arquitecturas computacionais inovadoras e avançadas, cumprindo requisitos estritos de tamanho, peso e consumo energético (SWaP) e assim diminuir o custo total da missão assegurando a segurança na operação e a pontualidade do sistema. A arquitectura AIR (ARINC 653 in Space Real-Time Operating System), desenvolvida para responder ao interesse da indústria aeroespacial, particularmente da Agência Espacial Europeia (ESA), fornece um ambiente compartimentado para o desenvolvimento e execução de aplicações aeroespaciais, seguindo a noção de compartimentação temporal e espacial, preservando os requisitos temporais das aplicações e a segurança na operação. Durante uma missão espacial, a ocorrência de eventos inesperados ou alterações aos planos da missão introduz novas restrições. Assim, é de grande importância ter a possibilidade de alojar novas aplicações na plataforma computacional de veículos espaciais ou modificar aplicações já existentes em tempo de execução e, deste modo, cumprir os novos requisitos ou melhorar as funções do veículo espacial. O presente trabalho introduz na arquitectura AIR o suporte à inclusão e actualização de novas funcionalidades ao plano de missão durante o funcionamento do sistema. Estas funcionalidades podem ser formadas por componentes de software modificados ou pelos requisitos temporais correspondentes. O melhoramento da arquitectura AIR com a possibilidade de realizar actualizações de software requer um ambiente e ferramentas de desenvolvimento adequados. Neste sentido, a metodologia para o desenvolvimento de software em sistemas baseados na arquitectura AIR é revisitada.To face the challenges and requirements imposed by future space missions, the aerospace industry has been following the trend of adopting innovative and advanced computing system architectures fulfilling strict requisites of size, weight and power consumption (SWaP) thus decreasing the mission overall cost and ensuring the safety and timeliness of the system. The AIR (ARINC 653 in Space Real-Time Operating System) architecture has been defined dependent on the interest of the aerospace industry, especially the European Space Agency (ESA). AIR provides a partitioned environment for the development and execution of aerospace applications, based on the idea of time and space partitioning (TSP), aiming the preservation of the application requirements, timing and safety. During a space mission, the occurrence of unexpected events or the change of the mission plans introduces new constraints to the mission. Therefore, it is paramount to have the possibility to host new applications in spacecraft onboard computer platform, or modify the existing ones in execution time, thus fulfilling new requirements or enhancing spacecraft functions. The work described on this thesis introduces in the AIR architecture the support for the inclusion of new features to the mission plan during the system operation. These new features may be composed of modified software components or the corresponding timing requirements. The improvement of the AIR architecture with the ability to perform software updates requires a suitable development environment and tools. Therefore, the methodology for software development in AIR-based systems, regarding the build and integration process, is reexamined

    Technology and democracy: the who and how in decision-making. The cases of Estonia and Catalonia

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    This paper focusses on the use of technology to improve democracy, comparing the cases of Estonia and Catalonia. Both examples are closely related in their use of technology to further democratize the decision-making processes, but have opposite starting points. Estonia’s internet voting system is an offshoot of the comprehensive e-governance system developed by the Estonian government. It is meant to make it more convenient for people to vote and, thus, easier for them to take part in elections. In Catalonia, the online participation system Decidim, initially set up in the city of Barcelona, represents a bottom-up project that emerged from the 15 May protests and aims to make the representa-tive democratic system more direct and participatory. In our comparison we approach both paradigmatic cases from a theoretical reflection on the ideal types of democracy in relation to how decisions are made and by whom. Both projects have evolved and integrated new features that draw them together. First, internet voting is able to reach wider portions of society and digitally transform the Public Administration. Second, online participation platforms increase the potential for collecting citizens’ proposals and enriching discussions. These features make them more like a mixed model which, in the current model of representative democracy, creates spaces for a more direct and deliberative democracy

    Optimal sensor placement for classifier-based leak localization in drinking water networks

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a sensor placement method for classifier-based leak localization in Water Distribution Networks. The proposed approach consists in applying a Genetic Algorithm to decide the sensors to be used by a classifier (based on the k-Nearest Neighbor approach). The sensors are placed in an optimal way maximizing the accuracy of the leak localization. The results are illustrated by means of the application to the Hanoi District Metered Area and they are compared to the ones obtained by the Exhaustive Search Algorithm. A comparison with the results of a previous optimal sensor placement method is provided as well.Postprint (author's final draft

    Environmental risk assessment of accidental releases in chemical plants through fuzzy logic

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    Environmental risk assessment is an essential element in any decision making process in order to minimize the effects of human activities on the environment. Unfortunately, in many occasions, environmental data tend to be vague and imprecise and as a consequence uncertainty is associated to any study related to it. Uncertainty in risk assessment may have essentially two origins: randomness and incompleteness. In this paper, fuzzy logic is used to manage this uncertainty in environmental data concerning accidental releases in chemical plants. The methodology developed allows assessing the environmental risk of such releases using a set of parameters treated with fuzzy logic. This method can be used as a powerful tool by both public authorities and plant managers to take decisions in situations where chemical releases can occur.Postprint (author’s final draft