360 research outputs found

    Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete for Decision Support in Maintenance Management Systems

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    The goal of this study is to collect and validate relevant information on the degradation of reinforced concrete exposed to aggressive environments, such as chlorides or sulfates, for later incorporation in maintenance management systems compatible with the BIM methodology (Building Information Modeling). To achieve this, two simultaneous monitoring systems were used, one that allows measuring the ionic resistivity of the concrete and another that measures the corrosion potential and polarization resistance of the reinforcement. With the first monitoring system, it is intended to monitor the changes occurring in the concrete at the level of its ionic conductivity during the contamination process. The second system allows, at a later stage of the concrete degradation process, to detect signs of corrosion of the reinforcement inserted therein. Both systems provide readings at 10mm and 30 mm depth measured from the face exposed to the action of the degradation agents. The results obtained for chloride contamination show that the ionic resistivity of the concrete tends to decrease with the progression of the chlorides in depth, leading at a later stage to the corrosion of the reinforcement, which can be detected by the reduction of corrosion potential. Also, the polarization resistance of the reinforcement has been reduced when corrosion phenomena begin to develop in the reinforcement. The results related to the sulfate attack suggest a mechanism that leads to the formation of a barrier that prevents the progression of the attack in depth. The consequence of this phenomenon is a reduction of the ionic mobility of the concrete, leading to the increase of resistivity. This mechanism associated with the absence of mechanical actions that force the progression of sulfates in depth inhibits the development of corrosion processes of the reinforcement

    O SIIOP e a informação criminal

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    Num mundo atual em que a globalização imprime os seus efeitos sobre as dinâmicas sociais, como é o caso dos fenómenos criminais, a segurança dos cidadãos é quotidianamente posta em causa, cabendo às Forças de Segurança a árdua tarefa de manter a ordem e tranquilidade pública. Neste quadro situacional, estas dependem cada vez mais de Sistemas de Informação eficazes, para apoiar a atividade operacional, especialmente no contexto da ação de comando, que se traduz fundamentalmente na tomada de decisão. Esta investigação tem como objetivo geral avaliar o Sistema Integrado de Informações Operacionais Policiais, como ferramenta de apoio à decisão do Comandante, no âmbito da informação criminal. Para a sua consecução foi formulada a pergunta de partida “Que possibilidades o SIIOP oferece ao Comandante como ferramenta de apoio à decisão?” e algumas questões derivadas desta, com as respetivas hipóteses, utilizando o método hipotético-dedutivo para a sua confirmação/infirmação. A metodologia empregue comportou três fases, a fase conceptual, a fase metodológica e a fase empírica. Estruturalmente, este trabalho divide-se em duas partes: a parte teórica e a parte prática. Na parte teórica aclarou-se o quadro conceptual pertinente para a compreensão do fulcro desta investigação. Na parte prática procedeu-se à apresentação, análise e discussão dos dados recolhidos através dos seguintes instrumentos: inquéritos por questionário; a uma população composta por trezentos e seis militares da vertente territorial e de Investigação Criminal da Guarda Nacional Republicana e entrevistas; a militares da mesma Força de Segurança, escolhidos de acordo com as funções específicas que desempenham, bem como do reconhecido conhecimento e experiência na área. A análise dos resultados permitiu verificar que o Sistema Integrado de Informações Operacionais Policiais tem elevadas potencialidades no apoio à decisão do Comandante, mas também constrangimentos e imperfeições que urge retificar, para que possa atingir o seu máximo potencial. Concluímos com este trabalho, que o Sistema Integrado de Informações Operacionais Policiais, como repositório centralizado de informação criminal, facilita o seu acesso e análise, permitindo ao Comandante tomar decisões de forma mais sustentada, melhorando a sua ação de Comando e possibilitando um melhor balanceamento de meios no combate à criminalidade, aumentando assim a eficácia da ação policial.Abstract In a world such as ours today, where globalization impresses its effects on social dynamics, such as criminal phenomena, the citizen’s safety is challenged on a daily basis, leaving the Security Forces to the arduous task of maintaining order and public tranquility. In this situational framework, they increasingly rely on effective Information Systems to support operational activity, particularly in the context of command, which is reflected mainly in decision-making. This field research main objective is to evaluate the Police Operational Intelligence Integrated System as a tool for Commander’s decision support, in the context of criminal intelligence. Therefore, the initial question for this study is “What possibilities do SIIOP provide to the Commander as a decision support tool?” Other questions and hypothesis arose, leading to the use of the hypothetical-deductive method for its confirmation / refutation. Methodologically, the study comprises three phases: the conceptual, methodological and empirical phase. Structurally, this field research is divided in two parts: the theoretical part and the practical part. In the theoretical part, the conceptual framework was clarified, for better comprehension of this research’s fulcrum. In the practical part we proceeded to the presentation, analysis and discussion of the collected data, using the following instruments: questionnaire survey, to a population composed of three hundred and six National Republican Guard military, from territorial and Criminal Investigation areas, and interviews, to military of the same Security Force, selected in accordance with the functions they perform and the knowledge and expertise in the area. The analysis of the results asserted that the Police Operational Intelligence Integrated System has high potentialities in Commander’s decisions support, but also has some constraints and imperfections that need to be urgently rectified, so it can achieve its full potential. With this field research, we concluded that the Police Operational Intelligence Integrated System, as a criminal information centralized repository, facilitates this information access and analysis, allowing the Commander to make decisions in a more sustained way, improving his command action and allowing better balancing of crime fighting resources, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of the police action

    Calculadoras no ensino: estudos sobre as concepções, as práticas e a formação do professor de matemática

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    Esta comunicação descreve dois estudos de um programa de investigação sobre o professor de Matemática e a tecnologia. Visam saber de que modo a calculadora comum (no ensino básico) e a calculadora gráfica (no secundário) está a ser integrada nas práticas profissionais e procuram também saber qual pode ser o papel da formação inicial e contínua. Os resultados de estudos de caso qualitativos indicam que há professores que usam a calculadora na sala de aula sem que isso signifique uma mudança nos objectivos, tarefas e práticas de ensino. Indicam, igualmente, que a cultura de escola e a formação podem ter uma influência importante sobre as concepções e as práticas dos professores

    Stretching the capacity of Hardware Transactional Memory in IBM POWER architectures

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    The hardware transactional memory (HTM) implementations in commercially available processors are significantly hindered by their tight capacity constraints. In practice, this renders current HTMs unsuitable to many real-world workloads of in-memory databases. This paper proposes SI-HTM, which stretches the capacity bounds of the underlying HTM, thus opening HTM to a much broader class of applications. SI-HTM leverages the HTM implementation of the IBM POWER architecture with a software layer to offer a single-version implementation of Snapshot Isolation. When compared to HTM- and software-based concurrency control alternatives, SI-HTM exhibits improved scalability, achieving speedups of up to 300% relatively to HTM on in-memory database benchmarks

    Monitoramento da condição operacional de válvulas servoproporcionais em tempo real

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia de Controle e Automação.Este trabalho trata das atividades desenvolvidas em um projeto de pesquisa realizado junto ao departamento de pesquisa e desenvolvimento da empresa Reivax S/A Automação e Controle. O projeto trata do desenvolvimento de uma funcionalidade para monitoramento da condição operacional visando à detecção precoce de falhas em válvulas proporcionais eletricamente moduladas, componentes do sistema eletro-hidráulico de posição de reguladores de velocidade produzidos pela empresa. O trabalho apresenta as técnicas que vinham sendo utilizadas para desenvolver o sistema de monitoramento juntamente com a demonstração de um método para detecção de falhas alternativo, elaborado e adicionado ao sistema com o propósito de aumentar sua robustez. Tal método é capaz de monitorar a atual condição da válvula, indicando falhas nos sinais de posição do carretel, por meio da detecção de mudanças estatísticas nas propriedades desses sinais. Para elaboração e validação deste projeto, ensaios foram realizados junto à bancada do Laboratório de Hidráulica do LASHIP, avaliando-se a sensibilidade do sistema como um todo frente a falhas por contaminação e travamento do carretel. Os resultados obtidos com as técnicas utilizadas são apresentados, comparados e a eficácia do sistema de monitoramento implementado discutida, juntamente com as perspectivas de implantação da funcionalidade e sua extensão para outros componentes.This work aims at contributing to a research project that has been carried out at the Research and Development department of Reivax S/A Control and Automation. The project regards the development of a condition monitoring functionality for the early detection of faults on electrically modulated proportional valves located inside the electro-hydraulic positional system of speed regulators produced by the company. The document presents techniques that were already being used to build a monitoring system, based on valve‟s spool position signals, and the development of an alternative method to be added to the system, capable to detect abrupt changes on statistical properties of these signals. To characterize and evaluate this design, experiments on a test bench from the Laboratory of Hydraulics in LASHIP were performed to analyze the system sensitivity under spool contamination and spool sticking. The results obtained from both methods are presented and compared and the condition monitoring system usefulness is discussed, as well with its prospects of implementation and extension to other component

    Strategy map for protection of the biosphere reserve of the Iberian Meseta

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    UNESCO considered the cross-border region of the Iberian Plateau in 2015. In 2017, the project entitled "Iberian Landscape - Network of Rural Landscapes on the Border of the Douro: A Strategic Map of the Iberian Plateau" was approved by the POCTEP program of INTERREG. One of the project's actions is to develop a strategic map for this region. This paper presents the strategic map developed based on a set of challenges and a strategic vision for the region. This map was formalized in 4 strategic objectives, each one with its lines of action and a set of specific actions that support them.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Sparsity-Based Method for Blind Compensation of a Memoryless Nonlinear Distortion: Application to Ion-Selective Electrodes

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    International audience— In this paper, we propose a method for blind compensation of a memoryless nonlinear distortion. We assume as prior information that the desired signal admits a sparse representation in a transformed domain that should be known in advance. Then, given that a nonlinear distortion tends to generate signals that are less sparse than the desired one, our proposal is to build a compensating function model that gives rise to a maximally sparse signal. The implementation of this proposal has, as central elements, a criterion built upon an approximation of the 0-norm, the use of polynomial functions as compensating structures, and an optimization strategy based on sequential quadratic programming. We provide a theoretic analysis for an 0-norm criterion and results considering synthetic data. We also employ the method in an actual application related to chemical analysis via ion-selective electrode arrays

    Multicriteria decision support employing adaptive prediction in a tensor-based feature representation

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    Multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) is a widely used tool to support decisions in which a set of alternatives should be ranked or classified based on multiple criteria. Recent studies in MCDA have shown the relevance of considering not only current evaluations of each criterion but also past data. Past-data-based approaches carry new challenges, especially in time-varying environments. This study deals with this challenge via essential tools of signal processing, such as tensorial representations and adaptive prediction. More specifically, we structure the criteria' past data as a tensor and, by applying adaptive prediction, we compose signals with these prediction values of the criteria. Besides, we transform the prediction in the time domain into a most favorable decision making domain, called the feature domain. We present a novel extension of the MCDA method PROMETHEE II, aimed at addressing the tensor in the feature domain to obtain a ranking of alternatives. Numerical experiments were performed using real-world time series, and our approach is compared with other existing strategies. The results highlight the relevance and efficiency of our proposal, especially for nonstationary time series