108 research outputs found


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    The online support of IBM SPSS proposes that users alter the syntax when performing post-hoc analyses for interaction effects of ANOVA tests. Other authors also suggest altering the syntax when performing GEE analyses. This being done, the number of possible comparisons (k value) is also altered, therefore influencing the results from statistical tests that k is a component of the formula, such as repeated measures-ANOVA and Bonferroni post-hoc of ANOVA and GEE. This alteration also exacerbates type I error, producing erroneous results and conferring potential misinterpretations of data. Reasoning from this, the purpose of this paper is to report the misuse and improper handling of syntax for ANOVAs and GEE post-hoc analyses in SPSS and to illustrate its consequences on statistical results and data interpretation.O suporte on-line do IBM SPSS propõe que os usuários alterem a sintaxe ao executar análises post-hoc para efeitos de interação de testes ANOVA. Outros autores também sugerem alterar a sintaxe ao realizar análises GEE. Assim sendo, o número de possíveis comparações (valor de k) também é alterado, influenciando, portanto, os resultados dos testes estatísticos de que k é um componente da fórmula, como na ANOVA de medidas repetidas e nos post-hoc de ANOVA e GEE. Essa alteração também agrava o erro do tipo I, produzindo resultados errôneos e conferindo possíveis interpretações errôneas dos dados. Com base nisso, o objetivo deste artigo é relatar o uso indevido e o manuseio inadequado da sintaxe nas análises post-hoc de ANOVAs e GEE no SPSS e ilustrar suas consequências nos resultados estatísticos e na interpretação dos dados

    Human motion analysis and simulation tools: a survey

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    Computational systems to identify objects represented in image sequences and tracking their motion in a fully automatic manner, enabling a detailed analysis of the involved motion and its simulation are extremely relevant in several fields of our society. In particular, the analysis and simulation of the human motion has a wide spectrum of relevant applications with a manifest social and economic impact. In fact, usage of human motion data is fundamental in a broad number of domains (e.g.: sports, rehabilitation, robotics, surveillance, gesture-based user interfaces, etc.). Consequently, many relevant engineering software applications have been developed with the purpose of analyzing and/or simulating the human motion. This chapter presents a detailed, broad and up to date survey on motion simulation and/or analysis software packages that have been developed either by the scientific community or commercial entities. Moreover, a main contribution of this chapter is an effective framework to classify and compare motion simulation and analysis tools

    Cryptic Prophages Contribution for Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli Introgression

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Bacteriophage Genomics.Campylobacter coli and C. jejuni, the causing agents of campylobacteriosis, are described to be undergoing introgression events, i.e., the transference of genetic material between different species, with some isolates sharing almost a quarter of its genome. The participation of phages in introgression events and consequent impact on host ecology and evolution remain elusive. Three distinct prophages, named C. jejuni integrated elements 1, 2, and 4 (CJIE1, CJIE2, and CJIE4), are described in C. jejuni. Here, we identified two unreported prophages, Campylobacter coli integrated elements 1 and 2 (CCIE1 and CCIE2 prophages), which are C. coli homologues of CJIE1 and CJIE2, respectively. No induction was achieved for both prophages. Conversely, induction assays on CJIE1 and CJIE2 point towards the inducibility of these prophages. CCIE2-, CJIE1-, and CJIE4-like prophages were identified in a Campylobacter spp. population of 840 genomes, and phylogenetic analysis revealed clustering in three major groups: CJIE1-CCIE1, CJIE2-CCIE2, and CJIE4, clearly segregating prophages from C. jejuni and C. coli, but not from human- and nonhuman-derived isolates, corroborating the flowing between animals and humans in the agricultural context. Punctual bacteriophage host-jumps were observed in the context of C. jejuni and C. coli, and although random chance cannot be fully discarded, these observations seem to implicate prophages in evolutionary introgression events that are modulating the hybridization of C. jejuni and C. coli species.F.F.V. is funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through an Assis tant Researcher grant CEECIND/03023/2017, and a project grant (PTDC/BTM-SAL/28978/2017) that supported this work. The work is partially supported by Na-tional funds from FCT, projects UIDB/04138/2020 and UIDP/04138/2020. Campylobacter strains were sequenced under the GenomePT project (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022184), supported by COMPETE 2020—Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI), Lisboa Portugal Regional Operational Programme (Lisboa2020), Algarve Portugal Regional Oper-ational Programme (CRESC Algarve2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and by FCT. This work was also supported by Fundos FEDER through the Programa Op eracional Factores de Competitivida-de—COMPETE and by Fundos Nacionais through the FCT within the scope of the project UID/BIM/00009/2019 (Centre for Toxicogenomics and Human Health-ToxOmics).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Structure of 4-(Dimethylamino)benzonitrile Using Gas Electron Diffraction : A New Lease of Life for the Only Gas Electron Diffractometer in the UK

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    The continued demand for gas-phase molecular structures has led to the recommissioning of a gas electron diffractometer, formerly housed at the University of Reading. The gas electron diffractometer, now the only one of its kind in the U.K., is currently housed at the University of York, where it is now used routinely to determine directly structures of isolated molecules in the gas phase. The instrument has been fitted with an air-heated nozzle assembly to increase the range of molecules accessible to study in the gas phase; the efficacy of this assembly is demonstrated in this article via the determination of the gas-phase structure of 4-(dimethylamino)benzonitrile (DMABN) at high temperature. A series of complementary theoretical calculations using the B2PLYP DFT functional of Grimme et al. with correlation-consistent basis sets of double, triple, and quadruple-ζ quality are also presented. The agreement between the experimental and theoretical structural parameters attests to the accuracy of the applied theoretical calculations and of our gas-phase structural solution

    Leucine Supplementation Does Not Improve Muscle Recovery from Resistance Exercise in Young Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Crossover Study

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 14(2): 486-497, 2021. This study aimed to investigate the effects of free leucine supplementation on muscle recovery from resistance exercise (RE) in young adults. Fourteen untrained subjects (23.9 ± 3.6 years old) underwent RE sessions (leg press and hack squat: three sets of 8-12 reps at 70% 1RM) supplemented with leucine (LEU: two daily doses of 3g) or a placebo (PLA), separated by a seven-day washout period. Following each occasion, participants were evaluated in three subsequent days (24h, 48h, and 72h) for muscle recovery via a repetition-to-failure test. The following markers were assessed: repetition performance, perceived exertion, lactate, creatine kinase, muscle soreness (DOMS), testosterone, and cortisol. No significant difference was observed between LEU and PLA conditions (p \u3e 0.05). Number of repetitions performed in the repetition-to-failure tests, perceived exertion, cortisol, and testosterone:cortisol ratio did not change over time (p \u3e 0.05). Creatine kinase increased immediately after exercise, at 24h, and 48h, and was attenuated at 72h post-exercise, while testosterone, lactate, and DOMS increased at 24h post-exercise (p \u3c 0.05) and remained elevated up to 72h. All outcomes were similar between LEU and PLA. Results indicate that a 6g daily dose of free leucine supplementation does not improve muscle recovery following lower-limb RE in untrained young adults

    Microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity: an emergent technology for green extraction of non-volatile compounds

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    Microwave technologies are more and more present in food applications due to their performance in shortening the time of treatments such as drying, pasteurization, defrosting, or postharvesting. While solvent-free microwave extraction has been extensively used as a green procedure for essential oil and volatile compounds from aromatic herbs [1], its applications have been extended to enhance extraction of phytocompounds simultaneously with drying. In this work, microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity was performed in a laboratory microwave oven (NEOS-GR, Milestone, Italy), in order to evaluate its efficiency in the extraction of nonvolatile compounds such as: free sugars, f1bers, colour, and phenolic compounds. Five different matrices were tested: broccoli by-products (90% moisture), apple pomace (80% moisture), spent coffee grounds (65% moisture), Pterospartum tridentatum inflorescences, and brown algae, the latter two in dried state. The flow behaviour was very dependent on matrix (Figure 1): for broccoli, the time to obtain 50 ml aliquots increased along time while for apple pomace it was always the same after the initial and final heating periods, and for the spent coffee grounds it was always decreasing. Good recoveries were observed when using high water content matrices, such as apple pomace and broccoli. However, when using hydrated matrices, such as brown algae and Pterospartum tridentatum inflorescences, it was observed that the amount of material extracted is very low. In the case of spent coffee qrounds (a material where water is added to the ground coffee when preparing espresso coffee), the initial low recoveries can be overcome by the eo-addition of ethanol, allowing to obtain fractions rich in phenolic compounds, as well as brown compounds (with antioxidant activity) and caffeine. NEOS-GR, using microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity is a green extraction technology obtain hydrophilic compounds from wet matrices using its own water, allowing the extraction of valuable non-volatile compounds.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O Parque Natural Hidrogeológico de Moura : contributos para a sua definição

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    O aquífero carbonatado cársico de Moura-Ficalho é uma das mais importantes reservas de água na região do Alentejo. A área caracteriza-se por condições climatéricas, geográficas, geológicas, e um potencial hídrico que a tornam ideal para o estudo de metodologias aplicadas à gestão de sistemas cársicos em regiões secas, mas com importante procura de água. Por sua vez os aquíferos cársicos são sistemas complexos e extremamente vulneráveis à contaminação e a alterações originadas pelas acções do homem nos ecossistemas locais, sendo por este motivo crucial a análise entre outros das fontes de contaminação, das áreas preferenciais de recarga e das direcções locais e regionais de fluxo. Estas razões justificaram a criação da figura de Parque Natural Hidrogeológico, o qual à semelhança de outros parques para outros recursos naturais, permitirá a protecção de um recurso natural sensível. Nesse contexto reveste-se de grande importância o estudo dos fenómenos e a evolução natural, sem restrições à priori quanto ao uso do solo. Tudo se passa como se o Parque Natural Hidrogeológico funcionasse como um Laboratório natural, à escala real, onde as interacções entre as componentes do ciclo hidrológico, as actividades humanas e os ecossistemas são estudados como um todo. Esta abordagem requer a análise do ciclo hidrológico em corte vertical entre a baixa atmosfera e a base dos aquíferos. É portanto uma abordagem mais rica que as abordagens clássicas nas quais o ciclo hidrológico é interrompido no topo dos aquíferos. De forma a preservar a perspectiva global do ciclo é necessário conhecer os fenómenos nas zonas de transição: atmosfera - água (fundamentalmente entre a zona vadosa e a zona saturada); água superficial - água subterrânea. Nestas zonas de transição as alterações das condições físicoquímicas são acompanhadas por alterações bióticas importantes. Dadas as relações entre a componente biótica e abiótica, uma não deve ser estudada sem o conhecimento da outra. Os ecossistemas nas zonas de transição são designados de ecotopos. Uma vez que os ecotopos são ecossistemas contínuos, isto é, não há variações abruptas no número e diversidade de indivíduos, então também as variações físico-químicas devem ser contínuas. O estudo dos ecotopos ajuda a perceber as transições contínuas nas zonas de interface, sem que haja a necessidade de impor fronteiras discretas - é portanto uma abordagem mais perfeita para o carácter contínuo dos processos naturais. As metodologias usadas para o estudo do Parque permitirão desenvolver ferramentas integradas de gestão, tecnicamente mais evoluídas uma vez que consideram o ciclo hidrológico como contínuo. Estas ferramentas poderão então ser utilizadas como auxiliares de decisão. O cruzamento de informação entre os regimes de protecção especial já implementados ou a implementar e as novas áreas de protecção dos recursos hídricos será facilitada pela presença de variáveis repetidas em ambos. Deve referir-se que a metodologia proposta utiliza a caracterização dos ecossistemas como um meio e não como um fim. A caracterização hidrológica do sistema terá um carácter multidisciplinar pelo uso integrado de diversas técnicas e métodos: geofísica, detecção remota, análise de imagem, geoestatística, morfologia matemática, análise multivariada de dados, modelação matemática

    99mTc-MAA for Lung Perfusion Scintigraphy: Impact of Counting Method on the Effective Number of Particles Administered and Particle Aggregation Over Time

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    Introduction: 99mTc-MAA (macroaggregates of albumin) is the selected radiopharmaceutical for the Lung Perfusion Scintigraphy. It is retained in lung capillaries by mechanical blockage resulting in local microembolization. Care should be taken concerning not only particle size butalso the number of particles administered to patients, particularly those who present with special conditions (pulmonary hypertension, shunt or lung transplant). European Pharmacopoeia only requires the assessment of particle size. This work aims to characterize particle size and particle aggregation of two commercial brands of MAA kits and to compare particle counting methods