94 research outputs found

    Cartílago articular de la rodilla humana

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    Class mutation operators for C++ object-oriented systems

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    Mutation testing is a fault injection testing technique around which a great variety of studies and tools for different programming languages have been developed. Nevertheless, the mutation testing research with respect to C++ is pending. This paper proposes a set of class mutation operators related to this language and its particular object-oriented (OO) features. In addition, an implementation technique to apply mutation testing based on the traversal of the abstract syntax tree (AST) is presented. Finally, an experiment is conducted to study the operator behaviour with different C++ programs, suggesting their usefulness in the creation of complete test suites. The analysis includes a Web service (WS) library, one of the domains where this technique can prove useful, considering its challenging testing phase and that C++ is still a reference language for critical distributed systems WS

    Class mutation operators for C++ object-oriented systems

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    Mutation testing is a fault injection testing technique around which a great variety of studies and tools for different programming languages have been developed. Nevertheless, the mutation testing research with respect to C++ is pending. This paper proposes a set of class mutation operators related to this language and its particular object-oriented (OO) features. In addition, an implementation technique to apply mutation testing based on the traversal of the abstract syntax tree (AST) is presented. Finally, an experiment is conducted to study the operator behaviour with different C++ programs, suggesting their usefulness in the creation of complete test suites. The analysis includes a Web service (WS) library, one of the domains where this technique can prove useful, considering its challenging testing phase and that C++ is still a reference language for critical distributed systems WS

    Correlations between dietary salt intake and 24-h urine sodium excretion in a sample of the urban population of Cáceres

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    Objetivo: La ingesta excesiva de sal se asocia a mayores cifras de tensión arterial y prevalencia de enfermedades cardiovasculares. La OMS recomienda consumir menos de 5 g/día de sal (equivalente a 2 g de Na+/día). Identificar alimentos y comportamientos con mayor contribución al exceso de aporte facilitaría el consejo dietético preventivo. Diseno: ˜ Estudio observacional. Sitio: Centro de Salud Urbano en Cáceres. Medidas principales: Estimamos el consumo de sal mediante dos cuestionarios de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos (CFA), uno genérico y otro con alimentos con elevado contenido en Na+, y encuesta recordatoria de 24 h. Empleamos el programa Evalfinut para la valoración nutricional de la dieta. Analizamos correlaciones entre ingesta estimada de sal y eliminación de sodio en orina de 24 h (gold standard). Resultados: El 92% de la muestra presenta consumos superiores a las recomendaciones con ingestas equivalentes a 9,5 g/día de sal (3,7 g/día de Na+). Cuando la ingesta de sodio se determina por el cociente Na+/K+, el 79,54% tiene ingestas elevadas. La eliminación de sodio sigue una tendencia ligeramente creciente con el IMC. La percepción de consumo de sal es baja, el 56,3% lo considera «adecuado»; el 32,4% anade ˜ sal a los alimentos una vez servidos. Los CFA infraestiman la ingesta de Na+ y encuestas dirigidas aportan valores más elevados. La correlación entre CFA y eliminación urinaria de Na+ es débil. Conclusión: Debemos reducir la ingesta de sal aumentando la percepción del consumo, mejorando el conocimiento sobre el contenido de sal en alimentos e identificando a pacientes diana del consejo sanitario.Objective: Excessive salt intake is associated with higher levels of AHT and prevalence of cardiovascular diseases. WHO recommends consuming less than 5 g/day of salt (equivalent to 2 g Na+/day). Identifying foods and behaviours with greater contribution to excess intake would facilitate preventive dietary advice. Design: Observational study. Site: Urban Health Center in Cáceres. Main measurements: We estimated salt consumption using two food consumption frequency (FFQ) questionnaires, one generic and one with high Na+ content, and a 24 h follow-up survey. We use the Evalfinut program for nutritional evaluation of the diet. We analyzed correlations between estimated salt intake and 24-h urine sodium elimination (gold standard). Results: 92% of the population had consumption higher than the recommendations with intakes equivalent to 9.5 g/day of salt (3.7 g/d of Na+). When sodium intake is determined by the Na+/K+ ratio, 79.54% have high intakes. Sodium elimination follows a slightly increasing trend with BMI. The perception of salt consumption is low, 56.3% consider it “adequate”. 32.4% add salt to food once served. FFQ underestimate Na+ intake and targeted surveys provide higher values. The correlation between FFQ and Na+ urinary elimination is weak. Conclusion: We must reduce salt intake by increasing the perception of consumption, improving knowledge about the salt content in food and identifying target patients of the health council.9 página

    Effects of physical exercise on physical function in older adults in residential care: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

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    Background: Physical exercise is effective at attenuating ageing-related physical decline in general, but evidence of its benefits for older adults in residential care, who often have functional dependency, multimorbidity, and polypharmacy, is inconclusive. We aimed to establish the effects of exercise interventions on the physical function of this population. Methods: For this systematic review and network meta-analysis, we searched PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source, and SPORTDiscus to identify randomised controlled trials assessing the effects of exercise interventions (vs usual care) on physical function (ie, functional independence, physical performance, and other related measures, such as muscle strength, balance, or flexibility) in adults aged 60 years or older living in residential care. Relevant studies published in English or Spanish up to Jan 12, 2023, were included in the systematic review. The quality of studies was assessed using the Tool for the Assessment of Study Quality and Reporting in Exercise (TESTEX) score. A network meta-analysis was performed for physical function-related outcomes reported in at least ten studies, with subanalyses for specific intervention (ie, exercise type, training volume, and study duration) and participant (eg, having cognitive impairment or dementia, pre-frail or frail status, and being functionally dependent) characteristics. The study protocol was registered on PROSPERO (CRD42021247809). Findings: 147 studies (11 609 participants, with mean ages ranging from 67 years [SD 9] to 92 years [2]) were included in the systematic review, and were rated as having overall good quality (median TESTEX score 9 [range 3–14]). In the meta-analysis (including 105 studies, n=7759 participants), exercise interventions were associated with significantly improved overall physical function, with a standardised mean difference [SMD] of 0·13 (95% credible interval [CrI] 0·04–0·21), which was confirmed in all analysed subpopulations. The strongest association was observed with 110–225 min per week of exercise, and the greatest improvements were observed with 170 min per week (SMD 0·36 [95% CrI 0·20–0·52]). No significant differences were found between exercise types. Subanalyses showed significant improvements for almost all analysed physical function-related outcomes (Barthel index, five-times sit-to-stand test, 30-s sit-to-stand test, knee extension, hand grip strength, bicep curl strength, Short Physical Performance Battery, 6-min walking test, walking speed, Berg balance scale, and sit-and-reach test). Large heterogeneity was found between and within studies in terms of population and intervention characteristics. Interpretation: Exercise interventions are associated with improved physical function in older adults in residential care, and should, therefore, be routinely promoted in long-term care facilities. Funding: None. Translation: For the Spanish translation of the abstract see Supplementary Materials section.10 página

    Factors related with the university degree selection in Spanish public university system. An structural equation model analysis

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11135-014-0008-9Students take into account different factors in their choice of university studies and college. Some are global, as the quality of the degree (ratio available places/firstchoice places in, cut-off grade, etc.), and others are subjective factors (e.g.: my friends are also taking this degree). In this work we present a partial multivariate model that takes into account the weight of the different variables shown by different works linked to this decision. We have studied three samples (n = 372 from the Universidad Pablo de Olavide; n = 2,244 from the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, and n = 543 from the Universitat de Barcelona) from several degrees in the 2010 2011 and 2011 2012 academic years, all of them new students, coming from high school, and who had choosen these universities as first choice. The global effect shows that the structural model fits reasonably well in the three universities studied. Similarly, university and specialty models show different intensity effects, and we found that, in the case of Universitat Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) and Universitat de Barcelona (UB), they show higher intensity than in Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO). This makes us think that in most urban universities with a clear and regular offer of degrees (engineering in the case of UPV, and Health and Social Sciences in the case of UB), personal and social factors are more important than in the case of universities, as is the case of UPO, with an offer and dimension not yet completely defined.Guàrdia Olmos, J.; Peró Cebollero, M.; Hervás Jorge, A.; Capilla Lladró, R.; Soriano Jiménez, PP.; Porras Yañez, M. (2014). Factors related with the university degree selection in Spanish public university system. An structural equation model analysis. Quality and Quantity. March(2014):1-19. doi:10.1007/s11135-014-0008-9S119March2014Baker, S., Brown, B.: Images of excellence: constructions of institutional prestige and reflections in the university choice process. Br. J. Sociol. Educ. 28(3), 377–391 (2007)Browne, M.W., Cudeck, R.: Alternative ways of assessing model fit. Sociol. Methods Res. 21, 230–258 (1992)Capilla, R.: Análisis estratégico de los estudios TIC en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Tesis Doctoral no Publicada. Valencia: Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia. (2009). http://riunet.upv.es/handle/10251/5767 . Retrieved 11 Mar 2014Ford, D.Y.: The underrepresentation of minority students in gifted education: problems and promises in recruitment and retention. J. Spec. Educ. 31(1), 4–14 (2008)Guàrdia, J., Peró, M., Hervás, A., Capilla, R., Soriano, P.P., Porras, M.: Factores asociados con la decisión de cursar estudios universitarios de Psicología. Una aproximación mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. 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    Assessment of Class Mutation Operators for C++ with the MuCPP Mutation System

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    Context: Mutation testing has been mainly analyzed regarding traditional mutation operators involving structured programming constructs common in mainstream languages, but mutations at the class level have not been assessed to the same extent. This fact is noteworthy in the case of C++ despite being one of the most relevant languages including object-oriented features. Objective: This paper provides a complete evaluation of class operators for the C++ programming language. MuCPP, a new system devoted to the application of mutation testing to this language, was developed to this end. This mutation system implements class mutation operators in a robust way, dealing with the inherent complexity of the language. Method: MuCPP generates the mutants by traversing the abstract syntax tree of each translation unit with the Clang API, and stores mutants as branches in the Git version control system. The tool is able to detect duplicate mutants, avoid system headers, and drive the compilation process. Then, MuCPP is used to conduct experiments with several open-source C programs. Results: The improvement rules listed in this paper to reduce unproductive class mutants have a significant impact in the computational cost of the technique. We also calculate the quantity and distribution of mutants generated with class operators, which generate far fewer mutants than their traditional counterparts. Conclusions: We show that the tests accompanying these programs cannot detect faults related to particular object-oriented features of C++. In order to increase the mutation score, we create new test scenarios to kill the surviving class mutants for all the applications. The results confirm that, while traditional mutation operators are still needed, class operators can complement them and help testers further improve the test suite

    Material particulado en España: niveles, composición y contribución de fuentes

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    El estudio llevado a cabo en un elevado número de emplazamientos de medida de material particulado (PM) en España ha permitido determinar las importantes variaciones que se producen en los niveles medios de concentración de PM10 y PM2,5 y en su composición química, entre sus distintas regiones geográficas. En diferentes entornos industriales y de tráfico considerados “hotspots”, los niveles medios de PM10 registrados llegan a superar normalmente los valores límite de concentración recomendados. La variabilidad existente entre los distintos emplazamientos de medida en lo que se refiere a niveles de concentración de PM y a la superación de los valores límite de concentración está relacionada con la existencia de distintos patrones, tanto de emisión de las fuentes de material particulado naturales y antropogénicas, como patrones climáticos y de reactividad/ estabilidad de algunas especies presentes en la composición del PM.Este estudio ha sido financiado mediante convenios de colaboración de la Dirección General de Calidad y Evaluación Ambiental del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y del Plan Nacional de I+D del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (CGL2004-05984_C07-02/CLI, REN2001-0659-C03-03), y contratos de investigación respaldados por Comunidades Autónomas de Andalucía, Cataluña, Madrid, y Valencia