593 research outputs found

    Bloque de poder dominante, Estado de derecho y conflicto en Colombia

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    Bloque de poder dominante, Estado de derecho y Conflicto en Colombia señala cómo la ley, como concreción del Estado de Derecho ha sido sistemáticamente desconocida y violada por quienes han detentado el poder desde antes de la república como a lo largo de los 200 años en los que el país adquirió el estatus de ser un territorio soberano e independiente en el que todos los ciudadanos y poderes estarían sometidos al imperio de la ley. Comienza su narración tocando someramente los antecedentes de la independencia de la corona española, luego examinando los elementos esenciales que motivaron las nueve guerras civiles nacionales y los 70 golpes de cuartel y guerras regionales; posterioremente se adentra en el siglo XX, enfatizando en la mutuación que vivió el conflicto colombiano, al aparecer enfrentados dos actores que movilizaron todos los recursos a su alcance en pos de derrotar a su adversario, ello en el marco de la Guerra Fría. El Terrorismo de Estado como principal estrategia de las élites dominantes y la pobreza cultural de la insurgencia que se manifestó en sus contradicciones y en su propia influencia social, determinó que los alternativos fueran derrotados en buena parte. El balance, a la fecha, es un país poseído por el neoliberalismo y la más obscena corrupción, no obstante, la ciudadanía resiste y la ilegitimidad desmorona el cada vez más frágil consenso social

    Coordinating heterogeneous IoT devices by means of the centralized vision of the SDN controller

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    The IoT (Internet of Things) has become a reality during recent years. The desire of having everything connected to the Internet results in clearly identified benefits that will impact on socio economic development. However, the exponential growth in the number of IoT devices and their heterogeneity open new challenges that must be carefully studied. Coordination among devices to adapt them to their users' context usually requires high volumes of data to be exchanged with the cloud. In order to reduce unnecessary communications and network overhead, this paper proposes a novel network architecture based on the Software-Defined Networking paradigm that allows IoT devices coordinate and adapt them within the scope of a particular context.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Renta Básica

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    Con este trabajo analizamos la idoneidad o no de implantar una renta básica para toda la población. Definimos el concepto de Renta básica, analizamos los argumentos a favor y en contra de dicha medida, exponemos dos formas para su financiación y analizamos los ejemplos que hemos encontrado a nivel internacional. Finalmente llegamos a las conclusiones

    Técnica quirúrgica para fístula ruminal en bovinos.

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    La fístula ruminal es una importante ayuda para la evaluación nutritiva de los alimentos, en la determinación de la eficiencia de la fermentación ruminal en los requerimientos post-ruminales del animal húesped y manejar la fisiología del mismo rumen. Existen técnicas para la fistulación y colocación de las cánulas, pero la investigación descrita en el presente trabajo muestra el comportamiento post-operatorio de los animales. La técnica está dividida en 2 fases: aséptica y séptica. El proceso aséptico es manejado cuando las posibilidades de contaminación de la cavidad abdominal son mínimas. Esta técnica ofrece un mayor soporte a la cánula, mediante un borde de cicatrización grueso. La fístula es util y funcional por las facilidades en la toma de muestras requeridas para análisis, la pronta recuperación del animal y por la utilización rápida de los bovinos en las diferentes investigaciones. Dentro de los materiales y métodos empleados se describe el ayuno, la posición, depilación del área, tranquilizantes y anestesia (dependiendo si es decúbito lateral derecho, de pie), asepsia, instrumental, material de sutura, técnica quirúrgica (secuencia de la cirugía), y postoperatorio.Ganadería bovin

    Adenocarcinoma de la tercera porción duodenal moderadamente diferenciado

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    ResumenAntecedentesEl adenocarcinoma de duodeno es un tumor poco frecuente; representa el 33-45% de todos los tumores de intestino delgado. Los síntomas no son específicos, y el diagnóstico con frecuencia es accidental.Caso clínicoVarón de 35 años, que consulta por dolor abdominal posprandial. La endoscopia diagnosticó un tumor de la tercera porción duodenal (adenoma tubular con alto grado de displasia mediante la biopsia endoscópica). La tomografía computada, la resonancia magnética nuclear y la ecoendoscopia, mostraron un tumor de la tercera porción duodenal, sin metástasis linfáticas o peritoneales. Se realizó resección parcial del duodeno y el diagnóstico definitivo fue de adenocarcinoma de la tercera porción duodenal sobre adenoma tubular pT2N0M0.ConclusionesLas neoplasias de duodeno son muy raras. La duodenopancreatectomía cefálica se recomienda para los tumores de localización proximal, mientras que las resecciones segmentarias son apropiadas para localizaciones distales, con la misma supervivencia.AbstractBackgroundDuodenal carcinoma is very rare. It represents 33-45% of the all tumours of the small bowel. The symptoms are non-specific, and the diagnosis is often accidental.Clinical caseA 35-year old man was admitted to our hospital with post-prandial abdominal pain. Upper gastrointestinal examination revealed a tumour of the third duodenal portion, which was diagnosed, using endoscopic biopsy, as a tubular adenoma with high grade dysplasia. The computed axial tomography scan, the magnetic resonance imaging, and the endoscopic ultrasound showed the neoplasia of the third duodenal portion with no lymph node or peritoneal metastases. Partial resection of the duodenum was performed. The definitive histopathological diagnosis was primary adenocarcinoma of the third duodenal portion. pT2 N0M0, originated in a tubular adenoma.ConclusionsPrimitive neoplasia of the duodenum is very rare. Duodeno-cephalo-pancreatectomy is recommended in proximally located tumours, while segmental resection of the duodenum is appropriated for distal locations, with the same survival

    Precision and practical usefulness of intraoral scanners in implant dentistry : a systematic literature review

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    This systematic review aimed to evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of digital impression techniques for implant-supported restorations, and to assess their economic feasibility. Two independent electronic database searches were conducted in the Pubmed/MedLine, Cochrane Library, and Lilacs databases complimented by a manual search, selecting relevant clinical and in vitro studies published between 1st January 2009 and 28st February 2019. All type of studies (in vivo and in vitro) were included in this systematic review. Twenty-seven studies (8 in vivo and 19 in vitro studies) fulfilled the inclusion criteria. No meta-analysis was performed due to a large heterogeneity of the study protocols. The passive fit of superstructures on dental implants presented similar results between digital and conventional impression techniques. The studies considered that several factors influence the accuracy of implant impression taking: distance and angulation between implants, depth of placement, type of scanner, scanning strategy, characteristics of scanbody, and operator experience. Regarding the economic viability of intraoral scanning systems, only one study reported any benefit in comparison with conventional techniques. Digital impressions of dental implants can be considered a viable alternative in cases of one or two contiguous dental implants. However, more studies are needed to evaluate the accuracy of digital techniques in full-arch implant-supported restorations

    Tratamiento quirúrgico del Tumor de Koënen: expresión podológica de la Esclerosis Tuberosa

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    The Koenen tumors are cutaneous manifestations of tuberous sclerosis, which is of systemic involvement and sometimes with location in the foot. The knowledge of this type of dermatological is very important for proper treatment and for this reason an interdisciplinary approach is essential for the accurate and early diagnosis. In the clinical history is important to make an assessment of family history, perform a scan of the skin and a neurological study. We report a case with symptoms consistent with the presence of tumor Koenen. The differential diagnosis is essential for planning treatment and get a good outcome and speedy recovery.Conclusions. Surgical treatment is proposed as a technique of choice despite the high rate of recurrence presents such treatment. Surgical resection of the lesion allows the pathological diagnosis.Los Tumores de Koënen son manifestaciones cutáneas de la Esclerosis Tuberosa, que es de afectación sistémica y en ocasiones con localización en el pie. El conocimiento de este tipo de afecciones dermatológicas es muy importante para un tratamiento correcto y por este motivo un enfoque interdisciplinario es esencial para que el diagnóstico sea preciso y precoz. En la Historia Clínica es importante realizar una valoración de los antecedentes familiares, realizar una exploración de la piel y un estudio neurológico. Se presenta un caso con clínica compatible con la presencia de Tumor de Koënen. El diagnostico diferencial es esencial para plantear el tratamiento y conseguir un buen pronóstico y pronta curación. Conclusiones. Se plantea el tratamiento quirúrgico como técnica de elección pese a la elevada tasa de recidivas que presenta dicho tratamiento. La resección quirúrgica de la lesión permite el diagnóstico anatomopatologico

    Improving Delivery Probability in Mobile Opportunistic Networks with Social-Based Routing

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    There are contexts where TCP/IP is not suitable for performing data transmission due to long delays, timeouts, network partitioning, and interruptions. In these scenarios, mobile opportunistic networks (MONs) are a valid option, providing asynchronous transmissions in dynamic topologies. These architectures exploit physical encounters and persistent storage to communicate nodes that lack a continuous end-to-end path. In recent years, many routing algorithms have been based on social interactions. Smartphones and wearables are in vogue, applying social information to optimize paths between nodes. This work proposes Refine Social Broadcast (RSB), a social routing algorithm. RSB uses social behavior and node interests to refine the message broadcast in the network, improving the delivery probability while reducing redundant data duplication. The proposal combines the identification of the most influential nodes to carry the information toward the destination with interest-based routing. To evaluate the performance, RSB is applied to a simulated case of use based on a realistic loneliness detection methodology in elderly adults. The obtained delivery probability, latency, overhead, and hops are compared with the most popular social-based routers, namely, EpSoc, SimBet, and BubbleRap. RSB manifests a successful delivery probability, exceeding the second-best result (SimBet) by 17% and reducing the highest overhead (EpSoc) by 97%.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Endogenous CO2 Overpressure Effect on Higher Alcohols Metabolism during Sparkling Wine Production

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    Higher alcohols produced by yeast during the fermentation of sparkling wine must have the greatest impact on the smell and taste of wine. At present, the metabolic response to methanol and higher alcohols formation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under endogenous CO2 overpressure has not been fully elucidated. In this work, a proteomics and metabolomics approach using a OFFGEL fractionator and the LTQ Orbitrap for the protein identification, followed by a metabolomic study for the detection and quantification of both higher alcohols (GC-FID and SBSE-TD-GC-MS) and amino acids (HPLC), was carried out to investigate the proteomic and metabolomic changes of S. cerevisiae in relation to higher alcohols formation under a CO2 overpressure condition in a closed bottle. The control condition was without CO2 overpressure in an open bottle. Methanol and six higher alcohols were detected in both conditions, and we have been able to relate to a total of 22 proteins: 15 proteins in the CO2 overpressure condition and 22 proteins in the control condition. As for the precursors of higher alcohols, 18 amino acids were identified in both conditions. The metabolic and proteomic profiles obtained in both conditions were different, so CO2 overpressure could be affecting the metabolism of higher alcohols. Furthermore, it was not possible to establish direct correlations in the condition under CO2 overpressure; however, in the condition without pressure it was possible to establish relationships. The data presented here can be considered as a platform that serves as a basis for the S. cerevisiae metabolome–proteome with the aim of understanding the behavior of yeast under conditions of second fermentation in the production of sparkling wines.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Differential Response of the Proteins Involved in Amino Acid Metabolism in Two Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains during the Second Fermentation in a Sealed Bottle

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    The traditional method for sparkling wine making consists of a second fermentation of a base wine followed by ageing in the same bottle that reaches the consumers. Nitrogen metabolism is the second most important process after carbon and takes place during wine fermentation by yeast. Amino acids are the most numerous nitrogen compounds released by this process. They contribute to the organoleptic properties of the wines and, therefore, to their sensory quality. The main objective of this study is to compare the differential proteomic response of amino acid metabolism, specifically their proteins and their interactions in the G1 strain (unconventional yeast) during sparkling wine production versus the conventional P29 strain. One of the new trends in winemaking is the improvement of the organoleptic diversity of wine. We propose the use of unconventional yeast that shows desirable characteristics for the industry. For this purpose, these two yeasts were grown at sealed bottle conditions for the second fermentation (Champenoise method). No differences were obtained in the middle of fermentation between the yeast strains. The number of proteins identified, and the relationships established, were similar, highlighting lysine metabolism. At the end of the second fermentation, the difference between each strain was remarkable. Hardly any proteins were identified in unconventional versus conventional yeast. However, in both strains, the metabolism of sulfur amino acids, methionine, and cysteine obtained a greater number of proteins involved in these processes. The release of these amino acids to the medium would allow the yeast to balance the internal redox potential by reoxidation of NADPH. This study is focused on the search for a more complete knowledge of yeast metabolism, specifically the metabolism of amino acids, which are key compounds during the second fermentation