113 research outputs found

    Study of Blacklisted Malicious Domains from a Microsoft Windows End-user Perspective: Is It Safe Behind the Wall?

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    The Internet is a dangerous place, filled with dierent cyber threats, including malware. To withstand this, blacklists have been utilized for a long time to block known infection and delivery sources. However, through blacklisting the domain names we are leaving a landscape of threats to be unknown and forgotten. In this paper, first, we investigate the current state-of-the-art in cyber threats available on such blacklists. Then, we study the corresponding malicious actors and reveal that those persistently appear since 2006. By shedding light on this part of the cyber threat landscape we target increased information security perception of the landscape from the perspective of the average end-user. Moreover, it is clear that the blacklisting the domains should not be one-way function and need to be regularly re-evaluated. Moreover, blacklisting might not be enforced by client applications in addition to outdated system software leaving real danger. For practical evaluation, we created a multi-focused experimental setup employing different MS Windows OS and browser versions. This allowed us to perform a thorough analysis of blacklisted domains from the perspective of the published information, content retrieved and possible malware distribution campaigns. We believe that this paper serves as a stepping stone in a re-evaluation of the once found and then blacklisted domains from the perspective of minimal security protection of a general user, who might not be equipped with a blacklisting mechanism


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    Hovedvekten i rapporten er lagt på å undersøke hvordan behandlingen for rusmiddelmisbrukere er organisert og finansiert etter at de regionale helseforetakene (RHF) overtok det tidligere fylkeskommunale ansvaret for rusbehandlingsfeltet 01.01.04. Rapporten er ikke en evaluering av rusreformen, men vil kunne gi viktige grunnlagsdata til slikt bruk. Gjennomgang av innsamlede data viser enkelte regionale forskjeller i organiseringen av de 32 offentlige og 42 private rusbehandlingstiltak som er omfattet av reformen. Helse Midt-Norge RHF er det eneste av de regionale foretakene som har opprettet et eget helseforetak (HF) for rusbehandling (Rusbehandling Midt-Norge HF). Hos de øvrige er tiltakene stort sett organisert under de helseforetak de geografisk tilhører. Relevante dokument i saken viser at de samme argument som er brukt av enkelte RHF mot opprettelse av eget rusforetak er brukt av Helse Midt-Norge for en slik opprettelse. Fylkeskommunene hadde to hovedtyper avtaler med private tiltak; avtale om oppkjøp av et gitt antall plasser og avtale om driftstilskudd. Etter overtakelsen har RHF'ene trådt inn i fylkeskommunenes del av avtalene, men de har opptrådt ulikt i forhold til forlengelse/fornyelse av disse. Helse Øst RHF har eksempelvis sagt opp alle løpende avtaler med de private, for så å legge ut et tilsvarende behandlingsomfang for offentlig anbud. Dette har vakt diskusjon fordi næringsministeren midlertidig unntok feltet fra anskaffelsesregelverket som gjelder i det offentlige. Samlet sett har RHF'ene fått overført 1,423 milliarder kroner til rusbehandling i 2004. Fordelingen mellom de fem regionene medfører at Helse Øst får 417 per capita mens eksempelvis Helse Midt-Norge får 182 kroner per capita. Dersom Hagen-utvalgets innstilling hadde blitt lagt til grunn for fordelingen, viser våre beregninger at dette ville medført vesentlige forskyvninger mellom regionene. Helse Øst og Helse Sør måtte da ha gitt fra seg midler til de øvrige regionene. Midlene som ble overført til de regionale helseforetakene som følge av rusreformen var ikke øremerkede, men med enkelte unntak ser det ut til at RHF'ene har overført tilsvarende beløp til behandlingstiltakene. Helse Vest har imidlertid unntatt disse overføringene fra offentligheten. Det er verdt å merke seg at regnskapsrutinene og uklarheten i hva de enkelte helseforetakene skal rapportere, trolig vil medføre at det vil bli vanskelig å undersøke om pengene brukes til rusbehandling. Føringen av utgifter til rus i HF'ene for 2002 og 2003 er mangelfull. Henvisningsrutinene til behandling for rusmiddelproblemer ble også endret i rusreformen. Nå kan også helsetjenesten, og ikke bare sosialtjenesten som tidligere, henvise til slik behandling. Det var forventet at antall henvisninger ville øke som følge av endringen. Vi har vært i kontakt med enkelte offentlige og private tiltak, samt private tiltak uten avtale. Erfaringen fra disse var noe blandet, men med en hovedtendens i retning av økt antall henvendelser for de to første kategoriene og et redusert antall henvendelser for sistnevnte kategori. Landets syv kompetansesentre fikk endret vertstilknytning som følge av reformen. De står nå i en mellomfase der deres videre organisasjonsmessige tilknytning og finansiering er under vurdering. Det er ventet at situasjonen vil bli avklart i løpet av 2005.This report gives an account of a study of the restructured organization and funding of alcohol and drug abuse treatment after responsibility for their provision was transferred from the county authorities to five Regional Health Authorities (RHF), on January 1, 2004. The report does not evaluate the reform, but it does present key data that subsequent evaluations may find useful. A review of the assembled data show certain regional differences in approach to the organization of the 32 public and 42 private treatment centres covered by the reform. Only Helse Midt-Norge RHF (the Central Norway Regional Health Authority) has set up a dedicated Health Authority (HF) for alcohol and drug abuse treatment. The other four incorporate the services under the local Health Authorities covering somatic and psychiatric specialised health services. Relevant documents show that certain Regional Health Authorities that opposed to set up a dedicated Health Authority for alcohol and drug abuse treatment used the same arguments that the Central Norway Regional Health Authority used in favour of it. The county authorities had basically two types of contracts with privatetreatment centres: 1) a purchase agreement for a specified number of places, and 2) an operating grant agreement. The reform means that the Regional Health Authorities have taken over the role of the county authorities regarding these contracts, though they are not necessarily consistent regarding contract extensions and/ or renewals. For instance, Helse Øst RHF (Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority) has terminated all current contracts with private treatment centres, and invited tenders for the same standard and volume of services. This has been debated because the Minister of Trade and Industry had temporarily given an exception to this area from procurement regulations for public entities. A total of NOK 1.423 billion was allocated to the Regional Health Authorities for alcohol and drug treatment in 2004. The allocation formula gave NOK 417 per capita for Helse Øst RHF and NOK 182 for Helse Midt-Norge. Our estimates show that had the formula recommended by the Hagen Commission been adopted, allocations would have looked quite different, with Helse Øst and Helse Sør (Southern Norway Regional Health Authority) conceding funds to the other regions. The money alcohol and drug treatment reform is not ring-fenced, though apart from minor exceptions, the Regional Health Authorities have redeployed corresponding sums to the treatment centres. Helse Vest (Western Norway Regional Health Authority) however, has not made the use of these transfers publicly available. It is worth noting that accounting procedures and uncertainty about the precise nature of the documentation Health Authorities need to submit will probably make it difficult to determine whether the money is spent on alcohol and drug treatment. The manner in which expenses for 2002 and 2003 were recorded by the Regional Health Authorities is insufficient. Referral procedures for treatment were also affected by the reform. In addition to the social services, the health services now have referral powers. It was anticipated that the reform would result in a rise in referrals. We have been in contact with a number of treatment centres included in the alcohol and drug treatment reform, as well as private treatment centres without a contract with the Regional Health Authorities. Although they offer slightly disparate accounts, there appears to have been a general rise in referrals to the first category, and a drop to the latter. The reform also affected the incorporation of Norway’s seven resource centres in the field of alcohol and drug problems. They are at a transitional stage, their organizational affiliation and funding are expected to be clarified in 2005.publishedVersio

    Welfare effects of environmental hypercapnia quantified by indicators based on morphology and allostatic load in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    Water supply is a limited resource in most salmon hatcheries, which is compensated by reduced water flow and oxygenation. However, reduced water exchange can lead to accumulation of CO2, resulting in environmental hypercapnia, which may have negative impacts on fish welfare. Thus, environmental hypercapnia can be a common welfare problem for salmon in hatcheries, and particularly in recirculating systems (RAS). In this experiment, Atlantic salmon were exposed to chronic environmental hypercapnia during the last 68 days of the freshwater phase, whereupon effects on physiological stress coping mechanisms and morphological welfare indicators were investigated. Effects on stress coping mechanisms were quantified by measuring changes in brain serotonergic chemistry and plasma cortisol at basal levels and in response to a standardized acute stress test. The results show that exposure to elevated CO2 saturation in the water compromised stress responsiveness of brainstem serotonergic activity, altered osmotic homeostasis, and suppressed growth indicating that fish experience allostatic overload. However, no effects on morphological welfare indicators were observed. This accentuates the need for physiological measures, including physiological responses to controlled challenges to activate the stress axis, when investigating the welfare status of fish reared in systems with potential high CO2.publishedVersio

    Phenotypic and genetic characterization of Piscirickettsia salmonis from Chilean and Canadian salmonids

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    Background. The study presents the phenotypic and genetic characterization of selected P. salmonis isolates from Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout suffering from SRS (salmonid rickettsial septicemia) in Chile and in Canada. The phenotypic characterization of the P. salmonis isolates were based on growth on different agar media (including a newly developed medium), different growth temperatures, antibiotics susceptibility and biochemical tests. Results. This is the first study differentiating Chilean P. salmonis isolates into two separate genetic groups. Genotyping, based on 16S rRNA-ITS and concatenated housekeeping genes grouped the selected isolates into two clades, constituted by the Chilean strains, while the Canadian isolates form a branch in the phylogenetic tree. The latter consisted of two isolates that were different in both genetic and phenotypic characteristics. The phylogenies and the MLST do not reflect the origin of the isolates with respect to host species. The isolates included were heterogeneous in phenotypic tests. Conclusions. The genotyping methods developed in this study provided a tool for separation of P. salmonis isolates into distinct clades. The SRS outbreaks in Chile are caused by minimum two different genetic groups of P. salmonis. This heterogeneity should be considered in future development of vaccines against this bacterium in Chile. Two different strains of P. salmonis, in regards to genetic and phenotypic characteristics, can occur in the same contemporary outbreak of SRS.publishedVersio

    Laboratory Experiments on Internal Solitary Waves in Ice-Covered Waters

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    Internal solitary waves (ISWs) propagating in a stably-stratified two-layer fluid in which the upper boundary condition changes from open water to ice are studied for cases of grease, level and nilas ice. The ISW-induced current at the surface is capable of trans-porting the ice in the horizontal direction. In the level ice case, the transport speed of, relatively long ice floes, non-dimensionalised by the wave speed is linearly dependent on the length of the ice floe non-dimensionalised by the wave length. Measures of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation under the ice are comparable to those at the wave density interface. Moreover, in cases where the ice floe protrudes into the pycnocline, interaction with the ice edge can cause the ISW to break or even be destroyed by the process. The results suggest that interaction between ISWs and sea ice may be an important mechanism for dissipation of ISW energy in the Arctic Ocean

    Proteomic Profiling of Saliva and Tears in Radiated Head and Neck Cancer Patients as Compared to Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Patients

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    Patients with head and neck cancer (HNC) and patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) may exhibit similar symptoms of dry mouth and dry eyes, as a result of radiotherapy (RT) or a consequence of disease progression. To identify the proteins that may serve as promising disease biomarkers, we analysed saliva and tears from 29 radiated HNC patients and 21 healthy controls, and saliva from 14 pSS patients by mass spectrometry-based proteomics. The study revealed several upregulated, and in some instances overlapping, proteins in the two patient groups. Histone H1.4 and neutrophil collagenase were upregulated in whole saliva of both patient groups, while caspase-14, histone H4, and protein S100-A9 were upregulated in HNC saliva only. In HCN tear fluid, the most highly upregulated protein was mucin-like protein 1. These overexpressed proteins in saliva and tears play central roles in inflammation, host cell injury, activation of reactive oxygen species, and tissue repair. In conclusion, the similarities and differences in overexpressed proteins detected in saliva from HNC and pSS patients may contribute to the overall understanding of the different pathophysiological mechanisms inducing dry mouth. Thus, the recurring proteins identified could possibly serve as future promising biomarkerspublishedVersio

    Fiskeriaktiviteten i området Lofoten - Barentshavet. Delrapport til konsekvensutredning for fiskeri, havbruk og skipstrafikk

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    Rapporten om fiskeriaktiviteten i området Lofoten – Barentshavet gir en grov beskrivelse av de ulike fiskeriene som foregår i dette området. Fiskeriaktiviteten i området er beskrevet i forhold til fiskeslag, redskapstyper og fangstområder

    En mulighetsstudie for økt vekst innen innlandsoppdrett

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    Source at http://hdl.handle.net/11250/2482490SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk har sammen med Bioforsk Nord og Nofuna Marked gjennomført en vurdering av mulighetene for økt vekst innen innlandsoppdrett i Norge. Følgende arter er vurdert: Røye, ørret, sik, regnbueørret, gjørs, abbor og lake. Studien gir en oversikt over innlandsoppdrett i Norge og i andre nordiske land. Mulighetene for utvikling av en innlandsoppdrettsnæring i Norge er ellers vurdert ut fra status og potensial innen produkt og marked, biologiske forhold, ressursbruk og miljøeffekter, teknologi samt forretningsmessige forhold. FoU-behovet er beskrevet og prioritert på grunnlag av vurderingene av status og potensia