61 research outputs found

    Development of a monoclonal anti-ADAMTS-5 antibody that specifically blocks the interaction with LRP1

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    The potent aggrecanase ADAMTS-5 is constitutively secreted by chondrocytes, but it is rapidly endocytosed in normal cartilage via the cell surface endocytic receptor LRP1. Therefore it is difficult to detect the total ADAMTS-5 activity produced. In this study, we isolated a monoclonal anti-ADAMTS-5 antibody 1B7 that blocks LRP1-mediated internalization without affecting the aggrecanolytic activity. Addition of 1B7 to cultured human chondrocytes revealed the full aggrecanolytic activity of ADAMTS-5 generated by the cells. 1B7 is a useful tool to estimate the ADAMTS-5 activity and to identify its potential roles in the tissues

    Inhibition of shedding of low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 reverses cartilage matrix degradation in osteoarthritis

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    OBJECTIVE: The aggrecanase ADAMTS-5 and the collagenase matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP-13) are constitutively secreted by chondrocytes in normal cartilage, but rapidly endocytosed via the cell surface endocytic receptor low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP-1) and subsequently degraded. This endocytic system is impaired in osteoarthritic (OA) cartilage due to increased ectodomain shedding of LRP-1. The aim of this study was to identify the LRP-1 sheddase(s) in human cartilage and to test whether inhibition of LRP-1 shedding prevents cartilage degradation in OA. METHODS: Cell-associated LRP-1 and soluble LRP-1 (sLRP-1) released from human cartilage explants and chondrocytes were measured by Western blot analysis. LRP-1 sheddases were identified by proteinase inhibitor profiling and gene silencing with small interfering RNAs. Specific monoclonal antibodies were used to selectively inhibit the sheddases. Degradation of aggrecan and collagen in human OA cartilage was measured by Western blot analysis using an antibody against an aggrecan neoepitope and a hydroxyproline assay, respectively. RESULTS: Shedding of LRP-1 was increased in OA cartilage compared with normal tissue. Shed sLRP-1 bound to ADAMTS-5 and MMP-13 and prevented their endocytosis without interfering with their proteolytic activities. Two membrane-bound metalloproteinases, ADAM-17 and MMP-14, were identified as the LRP-1 sheddases in cartilage. Inhibition of their activities restored the endocytic capacity of chondrocytes and reduced degradation of aggrecan and collagen in OA cartilage. CONCLUSION: Shedding of LRP-1 is a key link to OA progression. Local inhibition of LRP-1 sheddase activities of ADAM-17 and MMP-14 is a unique way to reverse matrix degradation in OA cartilage and could be effective as a therapeutic approach

    Inducing pluripotency in the domestic cat (Felis Catus)

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    Domestic cats suffer from a range of inherited genetic diseases, many of which display similarities with equivalent human conditions. Developing cellular models for these inherited diseases would enable drug discovery, benefiting feline health and welfare as well as enhancing the potential of cats as relevant animal models for translation to human medicine. Advances in our understanding of these diseases at the cellular level have come from the use of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). iPSCs are capable of differentiating into derivatives of all three germ layers, therefore overcoming the limitations of primary differentiated cells and the ethical concerns of using embryonic stem cells. No studies however report the generation of iPSCs from domestic cats (fiPSCs). Feline adipose derived fibroblasts were infected with amphotropic retrovirus containing the coding sequences for human Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, cMyc and Nanog. Isolated iPSC clones were expanded on mouse inactivated embryonic fibroblasts in the presence of feline leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF). Retroviral delivery of human pluripotent genes gave rise to putative fiPSC colonies within 5-7 days. These iPS-like cells required foetal bovine serum and feline LIF for maintenance. Colonies were domed with refractile edges, similar to mouse iPSCs. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated positive staining for stem cell markers: alkaline phosphatase, Oct4, Sox2, Nanog and SSEA1. Cells were negative for SSEA4. Expression of endogenous feline Nanog was confirmed by qPCR. The cells were able to differentiate in vitro into cells representative of the three germ layers. These results confirm the generation of the first induced pluripotent cells from domestic cats. These cells will provide valuable models to study genetic diseases and explore novel therapeutic strategies

    Large Animal Models in Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering: To Do or Not to Do

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    Rapid developments in Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering has witnessed an increasing drive toward clinical translation of breakthrough technologies. However, the progression of promising preclinical data to achieve successful clinical market authorisation remains a bottleneck. One hurdle for progress to the clinic is the transition from small animal research to advanced preclinical studies in large animals to test safety and efficacy of products. Notwithstanding this, to draw meaningful and reliable conclusions from animal experiments it is critical that the species and disease model of choice is relevant to answer the research question as well as the clinical problem. Selecting the most appropriate animal model requires in-depth knowledge of specific species and breeds to ascertain the adequacy of the model and outcome measures that closely mirror the clinical situation. Traditional reductionist approaches in animal experiments, which often do not sufficiently reflect the studied disease, are still the norm and can result in a disconnect in outcomes observed between animal studies and clinical trials. To address these concerns a reconsideration in approach will be required. This should include a stepwise approach using in vitro and ex vivo experiments as well as in silico modeling to minimize the need for in vivo studies for screening and early development studies, followed by large animal models which more closely resemble human disease. Naturally occurring, or spontaneous diseases in large animals remain a largely untapped resource, and given the similarities in pathophysiology to humans they not only allow for studying new treatment strategies but also disease etiology and prevention. Naturally occurring disease models, particularly for longer lived large animal species, allow for studying disorders at an age when the disease is most prevalent. As these diseases are usually also a concern in the chosen veterinary species they would be beneficiaries of newly developed therapies. Improved awareness of the progress in animal models is mutually beneficial for animals, researchers, human and veterinary patients. In this overview we describe advantages and disadvantages of various animal models including domesticated and companion animals used in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering to provide an informed choice of disease-relevant animal models

    Resolving an inflammatory concept: the importance of inflammation and resolution in tendinopathy

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    Injuries to the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in equine athletes, but the healing response is poorly understood. One important drive for the healing of connective tissues is the inflammatory cascade, but the role of inflammation in tendinopathy has been contentious in the literature. This article reviews the processes involved in the healing of tendon injuries in natural disease and experimental models. The importance of inflammatory processes known to be active in tendon disease is discussed with particular focus on recent findings related specifically to the horse. Whilst inflammation is necessary for debridement after injury, persistent inflammation is thought to drive fibrosis, a perceived adverse consequence of tendon healing. Therefore the ability to resolve inflammation by the resident cell populations in tendons at an appropriate time would be crucial for successful outcome. This review summarises new evidence for the importance of resolution of inflammation after tendon injury. Given that many anti-inflammatory drugs suppress both inflammatory and resolving components of the inflammatory response, prolonged use of these drugs may be contraindicated as a therapeutic approach. We propose that these findings have profound implications not only for current treatment strategies but also for the possibility of developing novel therapeutic approaches involving modulation of the inflammatory process

    Quantitative proteomics at different depths in human articular cartilage reveals unique patterns of protein distribution

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    The articular cartilage of synovial joints ensures friction-free mobility and attenuates mechanical impact on the joint during movement. These functions are mediated by the complex network of extracellular molecules characteristic for articular cartilage. Zonal differences in the extracellular matrix (ECM) are well recognized. However, knowledge about the precise molecular composition in the different zones remains limited. In the present study, we investigated the distribution of ECM molecules along the surface-to-bone axis, using quantitative non-targeted as well as targeted proteomics.\ In a discovery approach, iTRAQ mass spectrometry was used to identify all extractable ECM proteins in the different layers of a human lateral tibial plateau full thickness cartilage sample. A targeted MRM mass spectrometry approach was then applied to verify these findings and to extend the analysis to four medial tibial plateau samples. In the lateral tibial plateau sample, the unique distribution patterns of 70 ECM proteins were identified, revealing groups of proteins with a preferential distribution to the superficial, intermediate or deep regions of articular cartilage. The detailed analysis of selected 29 proteins confirmed these findings and revealed similar distribution patterns in the four medial tibial plateau samples. The results of this study allow, for the first time, an overview of the zonal distribution of a broad range of cartilage ECM proteins and open up further investigations of the functional roles of matrix proteins in the different zones of articular cartilage in health and disease

    MMP-13 is constitutively produced in human chondrocytes and co-endocytosed with ADAMTS-5 and TIMP-3 by the endocytic receptor LRP1

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    Matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP-13) degrades collagenous extracellular matrix and its aberrant activity associates with diseases such as arthritis, cancer, atherosclerosis and fibrosis. The wide range of MMP-13 proteolytic capacity suggests that it is a powerful, potentially destructive proteinase and thus it has been believed that MMP-13 is not produced in most adult human tissues in the steady state. Present study has revealed that human chondrocytes isolated from healthy adults constitutively express and secrete MMP-13, but that it is rapidly endocytosed and degraded by chondrocytes. Both pro- and activated MMP-13 bind to clusters II and III of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1). Domain deletion studies indicated that the hemopexin domain is responsible for this interaction. Binding competition between MMP-13 and ADAMTS-4, -5 or TIMP-3, which also bind to cluster II, further shown that the MMP-13 binding site within cluster II is different from those of ADAMTS-4, -5 or TIMP-3. MMP-13 is therefore co-endocytosed with ADAMTS-5 and TIMP-3 by human chondrocytes. These findings indicate that MMP-13 may play a role on physiological turnover of cartilage extracellular matrix and that LRP1 is a key modulator of extracellular levels of MMP-13 and its internalization is independent of the levels of ADAMTS-4, -5 and TIMP-3

    Identification and Clonal Characterisation of a Progenitor Cell Sub-Population in Normal Human Articular Cartilage

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    Background: Articular cartilage displays a poor repair capacity. The aim of cell-based therapies for cartilage defects is to repair damaged joint surfaces with a functional replacement tissue. Currently, chondrocytes removed from a healthy region of the cartilage are used but they are unable to retain their phenotype in expanded culture. The resulting repair tissue is fibrocartilaginous rather than hyaline, potentially compromising long-term repair. Mesenchymal stem cells, particularly bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC), are of interest for cartilage repair due to their inherent replicative potential. However, chondrocyte differentiated BMSCs display an endochondral phenotype, that is, can terminally differentiate and form a calcified matrix, leading to failure in long-term defect repair. Here, we investigate the isolation and characterisation of a human cartilage progenitor population that is resident within permanent adult articular cartilage. Methods and Findings: Human articular cartilage samples were digested and clonal populations isolated using a differential adhesion assay to fibronectin. Clonal cell lines were expanded in growth media to high population doublings and karyotype analysis performed. We present data to show that this cell population demonstrates a restricted differential potential during chondrogenic induction in a 3D pellet culture system. Furthermore, evidence of high telomerase activity and maintenance of telomere length, characteristic of a mesenchymal stem cell population, were observed in this clonal cell population. Lastly, as proof of principle, we carried out a pilot repair study in a goat in vivo model demonstrating the ability of goat cartilage progenitors to form a cartilage-like repair tissue in a chondral defect. Conclusions: In conclusion, we propose that we have identified and characterised a novel cartilage progenitor population resident in human articular cartilage which will greatly benefit future cell-based cartilage repair therapies due to its ability to maintain chondrogenicity upon extensive expansion unlike full-depth chondrocytes that lose this ability at only seven population doublings
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