383 research outputs found

    The Anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background At Degree Angular Scales

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    We detect anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) at degree angular scales and confirm a previous detection reported by Wollack et al. (1993). The root-mean-squared amplitude of the fluctuations is 44−7+13μ44^{+13}_{-7} \muK. This may be expressed as the square root of the angular power spectrum in a band of multipoles between leff=69−22+29l_{eff}=69^{+29}_{-22}. We find δTl=l(2l+1)/4π=42−7+12μ\delta T_l = \sqrt{l(2l+1)/4\pi} = 42^{+12}_{-7} \muK. The measured spectral index of the fluctuations is consistent with zero, the value expected for the CMB. The spectral index corresponding to Galactic free-free emission, the most likely foreground contaminant, is rejected at approximately 3σ3\sigma. The analysis is based on three independent data sets. The first, taken in 1993, spans the 26 - 36 GHz frequency range with three frequency bands; the second was taken with the same radiometer as the first but during an independent observing campaign in 1994; and the third, also take in 1994, spans the 36-46 GHz range in three bands. For each telescope position and radiometer channel, the drifts in the instrument offset are ≤4 μ\le 4~\muK/day over a period of one month. The dependence of the inferred anisotropy on the calibration and data editing is addressed.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. Saskatoon 1993/1994 combined analysi

    Systematic Distortion in Cosmic Microwave Background Maps

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    To minimize instrumentally induced systematic errors, cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy experiments measure temperature differences across the sky using paires of horn antennas, temperature map is recovered from temperature differences obtained in sky survey through a map-making procedure. To inspect and calibrate residual systematic errors in recovered temperature maps is important as most previous studies of cosmology are based on these maps. By analyzing pixel-ring couping and latitude dependence of CMB temperatures, we find notable systematic deviation from CMB Gaussianity in released Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) maps. The detected deviation is hard to explain by any process in the early universe and can not be ignored for a precision cosmology study.Comment: accepted for publication in Sci China G-Phy Mech Astro

    Dark Before Light: Testing the Cosmic Expansion History through the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    The cosmic expansion history proceeds in broad terms from a radiation dominated epoch to matter domination to an accelerated, dark energy dominated epoch. We investigate whether intermittent periods of acceleration are possible in the early universe -- between Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and recombination and beyond. We establish that the standard picture is remarkably robust: observations of anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background exclude any extra period of accelerated expansion between 1 \leq z \lesssim 10^5 (corresponding to 5\times10^{-4}\ {\rm eV} \leq T \lesssim 25\ {\rm eV}).Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Seven-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Sky Maps, Systematic Errors, and Basic Results

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    (Abridged) New full sky temperature and polarization maps based on seven years of data from WMAP are presented. The new results are consistent with previous results, but have improved due to reduced noise from the additional integration time, improved knowledge of the instrument performance, and improved data analysis procedures. The improvements are described in detail. The seven year data set is well fit by a minimal six-parameter flat Lambda-CDM model. The parameters for this model, using the WMAP data in conjunction with baryon acoustic oscillation data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and priors on H_0 from Hubble Space Telescope observations, are: Omega_bh^2 = 0.02260 +-0.00053, Omega_ch^2 = 0.1123 +-0.0035, Omega_Lambda = 0.728 +0.015 -0.016, n_s = 0.963 +-0.012, tau = 0.087 +-0.014 and sigma_8 = 0.809 +-0.024 (68 % CL uncertainties). The temperature power spectrum signal-to-noise ratio per multipole is greater that unity for multipoles < 919, allowing a robust measurement of the third acoustic peak. This measurement results in improved constraints on the matter density, Omega_mh^2 = 0.1334 +0.0056 -0.0055, and the epoch of matter- radiation equality, z_eq = 3196 +134 -133, using WMAP data alone. The new WMAP data, when combined with smaller angular scale microwave background anisotropy data, results in a 3 sigma detection of the abundance of primordial Helium, Y_He = 0.326 +-0.075.The power-law index of the primordial power spectrum is now determined to be n_s = 0.963 +-0.012, excluding the Harrison-Zel'dovich-Peebles spectrum by >3 sigma. These new WMAP measurements provide important tests of Big Bang cosmology.Comment: 42 pages, 9 figures, Submitted to Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Relic Abundance of Asymmetric Dark Matter

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    We investigate the relic abundance of asymmetric Dark Matter particles that were in thermal equilibrium in the early universe. The standard analytic calculation of the symmetric Dark Matter is generalized to the asymmetric case. We calculate the asymmetry required to explain the observed Dark Matter relic abundance as a function of the annihilation cross section. We show that introducing an asymmetry always reduces the indirect detection signal from WIMP annihilation, although it has a larger annihilation cross section than symmetric Dark Matter. This opens new possibilities for the construction of realistic models of MeV Dark Matter.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, Accepted by JCA

    Seven-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Are There Cosmic Microwave Background Anomalies?

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    (Abridged) A simple six-parameter LCDM model provides a successful fit to WMAP data, both when the data are analyzed alone and in combination with other cosmological data. Even so, it is appropriate to search for any hints of deviations from the now standard model of cosmology, which includes inflation, dark energy, dark matter, baryons, and neutrinos. The cosmological community has subjected the WMAP data to extensive and varied analyses. While there is widespread agreement as to the overall success of the six-parameter LCDM model, various "anomalies" have been reported relative to that model. In this paper we examine potential anomalies and present analyses and assessments of their significance. In most cases we find that claimed anomalies depend on posterior selection of some aspect or subset of the data. Compared with sky simulations based on the best fit model, one can select for low probability features of the WMAP data. Low probability features are expected, but it is not usually straightforward to determine whether any particular low probability feature is the result of the a posteriori selection or of non-standard cosmology. We examine in detail the properties of the power spectrum with respect to the LCDM model. We examine several potential or previously claimed anomalies in the sky maps and power spectra, including cold spots, low quadrupole power, quadropole-octupole alignment, hemispherical or dipole power asymmetry, and quadrupole power asymmetry. We conclude that there is no compelling evidence for deviations from the LCDM model, which is generally an acceptable statistical fit to WMAP and other cosmological data.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, also available with higher-res figures on http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov; accepted by ApJS; (v2) text as accepte

    Seven-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Planets and Celestial Calibration Sources

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    (Abridged) We present WMAP seven-year observations of bright sources which are often used as calibrators at microwave frequencies. Ten objects are studied in five frequency bands (23 - 94 GHz): the outer planets (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) and five fixed celestial sources (Cas A, Tau A, Cyg A, 3C274 and 3C58). The seven-year analysis of Jupiter provides temperatures which are within 1-sigma of the previously published WMAP five-year values, with slightly tighter constraints on variability with orbital phase, and limits (but no detections) on linear polarization. Scaling factors are provided which, when multiplied by the Wright Mars thermal model predictions at 350 micron, reproduce WMAP seasonally averaged observations of Mars within ~2%. An empirical model is described which fits brightness variations of Saturn due to geometrical effects and can be used to predict the WMAP observations to within 3%. Seven-year mean temperatures for Uranus and Neptune are also tabulated. Uncertainties in Uranus temperatures are 3%-4% in the 41, 61 and 94 GHz bands; the smallest uncertainty for Neptune is ~8% for the 94 GHz band. Intriguingly, the spectrum of Uranus appears to show a dip at ~30 GHz of unidentified origin, although the feature is not of high statistical significance. Flux densities for the five selected fixed celestial sources are derived from the seven-year WMAP sky maps, and are tabulated for Stokes I, Q and U, along with polarization fraction and position angle. Fractional uncertainties for the Stokes I fluxes are typically 1% to 3%. Source variability over the seven-year baseline is also estimated. Significant secular decrease is seen for Cas A and Tau A: our results are consistent with a frequency independent decrease of about 0.53% per year for Cas A and 0.22% per year for Tau A.Comment: 72 pages, 21 figures; accepted to ApJS; (v2) corrected Mars model scaling factors, added figure 21, added text to Mars, Saturn and celestial sources section

    Five-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Data Processing, Sky Maps, and Basic Results

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    We present new full-sky temperature and polarization maps in five frequency bands from 23 to 94 GHz, based on data from the first five years of the WMAP sky survey. The five-year maps incorporate several improvements in data processing made possible by the additional years of data and by a more complete analysis of the instrument calibration and in-flight beam response. We present several new tests for systematic errors in the polarization data and conclude that Ka band data (33 GHz) is suitable for use in cosmological analysis, after foreground cleaning. This significantly reduces the overall polarization uncertainty. With the 5 year WMAP data, we detect no convincing deviations from the minimal 6-parameter LCDM model: a flat universe dominated by a cosmological constant, with adiabatic and nearly scale-invariant Gaussian fluctuations. Using WMAP data combined with measurements of Type Ia supernovae and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations, we find (68% CL uncertainties): Omega_bh^2 = 0.02267 \pm 0.00059, Omega_ch^2 = 0.1131 \pm 0.0034, Omega_Lambda = 0.726 \pm 0.015, n_s = 0.960 \pm 0.013, tau = 0.084 \pm 0.016, and Delta_R^2 = (2.445 \pm 0.096) x 10^-9. From these we derive: sigma_8 = 0.812 \pm 0.026, H_0 = 70.5 \pm 1.3 km/s/Mpc, z_{reion} = 10.9 \pm 1.4, and t_0 = 13.72 \pm 0.12 Gyr. The new limit on the tensor-to-scalar ratio is r < 0.22 (95% CL). We obtain tight, simultaneous limits on the (constant) dark energy equation of state and spatial curvature: -0.14 < 1+w < 0.12 and -0.0179 < Omega_k < 0.0081 (both 95% CL). The number of relativistic degrees of freedom (e.g. neutrinos) is found to be N_{eff} = 4.4 \pm 1.5, consistent with the standard value of 3.04. Models with N_{eff} = 0 are disfavored at >99.5% confidence.Comment: 46 pages, 13 figures, and 7 tables. Version accepted for publication, ApJS, Feb-2009. Includes 5-year dipole results and additional references. Also available at http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/map/dr3/map_bibliography.cf

    First Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Implications for Inflation

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    We confront predictions of inflationary scenarios with the WMAP data, in combination with complementary small-scale CMB measurements and large-scale structure data. The WMAP detection of a large-angle anti-correlation in the temperature--polarization cross-power spectrum is the signature of adiabatic superhorizon fluctuations at the time of decoupling. The WMAP data are described by pure adiabatic fluctuations: we place an upper limit on a correlated CDM isocurvature component. Using WMAP constraints on the shape of the scalar power spectrum and the amplitude of gravity waves, we explore the parameter space of inflationary models that is consistent with the data. We place limits on inflationary models; for example, a minimally-coupled lambda phi^4 is disfavored at more than 3-sigma using WMAP data in combination with smaller scale CMB and large scale structure survey data. The limits on the primordial parameters using WMAP data alone are: n_s(k_0=0.002 Mpc^{-1})=1.20_{-0.11}^{+0.12}, dn/dlnk=-0.077^{+0.050}_{- 0.052}, A(k_0=0.002 Mpc}^{-1})=0.71^{+0.10}_{-0.11} (68% CL), and r(k_0=0.002 Mpc^{-1})<1.28 (95% CL).Comment: Accepted by ApJ; 49 pages, 9 figures. V2: Gives constraints from WMAP data alone. Corrected approximation which made the constraints in Table 1 to shift slightly. Corrected the Inflation Flow following the revision to Kinney, astro-ph/0206032. No conclusions have been changed. For a detailed list of changes see http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~hiranya/README.ERRATA.tx

    Degree of randomness: numerical experiments for astrophysical signals

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    Astrophysical and cosmological signals such as the cosmic microwave background radiation, as observed, typically contain contributions of different components, and their statistical properties can be used to distinguish one from the other. A method developed originally by Kolmogorov is involved for the study of astrophysical signals of randomness of various degrees. Numerical performed experiments based on the universality of Kolmogorov distribution and using a single scaling of the ratio of stochastic to regular components, reveal basic features in the behavior of generated signals also in terms of a critical value for that ratio, thus enable the application of this technique for various observational datasetsComment: 6 pages, 9 figures; Europhys.Letters; to match the published versio
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