17 research outputs found

    CMS physics technical design report : Addendum on high density QCD with heavy ions

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    Core Refitting and the Accuracy of Aggregate Lithic Analysis Techniques: The Case of 3rd Unnamed Cave, Tennessee

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    Physical refitting of a large number of lithic knapping debris piles from deep within 3rd Unnamed Cave (Tennessee) has provided a detailed picture of the lithic reduction strategies employed by the Terminal Archaic miners who exploited this dark zone chert quarry. This, in turn, provides an empirical baseline for more general consideration of two aggregate analysis methods developed for surrogate assessment of technological process from archaeological lithic samples. This paper examines how mass analysis and flake portion analysis predict what we know to be the technology used at 3rd Unnamed Cave. Both surrogate techniques have problems with accuracy and situational dependency. Based on these results, increased use of refitting along with the application of multiple analytic techniques is recommended where appropriate

    Datation par thermoluminescence de sédiments chauffés provenant d'une aire de combustion moustérienne.

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    A remarkably well preserved combustion area was found out in a Mousterian context at Grotte XVI, Cénac et St-Julien, Dordogne, France. TL-dating of heated sandy sediments which were collected in this structure, was carried out. On the methodological side, our principle concern is the datability of the heated sediment samples in reason of possibilities of unsufficient heating in the past and/or pollution by unburat intrusive minerals. The datability estimation was assessed by using the « plateau test » : 6 samples were sufficiently heated, 2 were rejected. Although the plateau-test is considered as one of the most powerful tools, the suitability of that approach has been checked. According to a comparison of the TL behaviour of burnt sediment with unburnt one, which was collected in the surroundings of the combustion area, it has been shown that the datability conditions was fulfilled for a fraction lower than 10 % of unburnt minerals within samples to be dated. The consequent overestimation in paleodose determination should not exceed 3 %, in the present case. The TL stability of the minerals to be dated (quartz and small amount of potash feldspar) has been studied : artificial TL signals slightly fade during the first days of storage after laboratory irradiation, and become stable afterwards. Six among die eight samples collected at the Mousterian fires have finally been dated ; the fine grain (3 to 12 um in size) technique was used. TL ages range from 58.2 ± 5.2 ka to 69.9 ± 4.9 ka before the present, following a normal distribution which tends to validate, a posteriori, the procedures that have been implemented. In weighted average, the age of this combustion structure is 64.6 ± 3.1 ka (uncertainty is one standard-deviation).Une aire de combustion a été mise au jour dans un niveau moustérien de la Grotte XVI, Cénac et Saint- Julien, Dordogne, France. Des datations par thermoluminescence (TL) ont été entreprises sur des sédiments chauffés, prélevés dans cette structure, en remarquable état de conservation, dans le but de déterminer la de là mise en place des foyers correspondants. Sur le plan méthodologique, la databilité des échantillons fut notre souci principal ici en raison de la possibilité d'un chauffage insuffisant dans le passé et/ou de la pollution par des minéraux non-brûlés. Le test du plateau a permis de statuer de la databilité de 6 échantillons sur 8 prélevés. Bien que ce test soit généralement considéré comme l'un des plus adaptés i ce type d'étude, nous en avons recherché le bien-fondé. Grâce à la comparaison des propriétés de thermoluminescence dé sédiments chauffés et non chauffés prélevés dans l'aire de combustion et à son voisinage, il a été montré que les conditions de databilité restaient valides pour des fractions de minéraux intrusifs non chauffés inférieures à 10 % dans le matériau i dater. L'erreur correspondante sur la dose archéologique est, dans le cas présent, inférieure à 3 %. Enfin, une étude de stabilité de la thermoluminescence a été entreprise sur le matériau à dater constitué de quartz et d'une fraction minoritaire de feldspaths potassiques : un faible déclin de la TL artificielle a été mis en évidence dans les premiers jours après l'irradiation au laboratoire, suivi d'une stabilisation des signaux. Six datations ont finalement été obtenues, selon la technique des petites inclusions (granulométrie comprise entre 3 et 12 um). Les résultats s'échelonnent de 38 200 ± S 200 ans à 69 900 ± 4 900 ans avant le présent. Ils montrent une distribution normale validant a posteriori les procédures mises en oeuvre dans ce travail. La moyenne pondérée des âges-TL est 64 600 ± 3 100 ans (l'incertitude correspond à un écart-type).Guibert P., Bechtel F., Schvoerer Max, Rigaud Jean-Philippe, Simek Jan F. Datation par thermoluminescence de sédiments chauffés provenant d'une aire de combustion moustérienne.. In: Revue d'Archéométrie, n°23, 1999. pp. 163-175

    First Reported Samples from the Radiocarbon Laboratory of the University of Tennessee Center for Archaeometry and Geochronology: Dates from the Mccrosky Island Archaeological Site (40SV43), Sevier County, Tennessee, USA

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    This study presents the results of archaeological samples submitted for dating at the recently constructed University of Tennessee Center for Archaeometry and Geochronology (UTCAG) radiocarbon dating laboratory (Knoxville, Tennessee, USA). The samples selected for this initial study were obtained from excavations at the McCrosky Island site (40SV43) in Sevier County, Tennessee, USA. Three of the samples dated were split between the UTCAG laboratory and another laboratory to assess the UTCAG laboratory protocols. In an effort to further validate the laboratory methods employed, several other samples were submitted without prior knowledge of contextual data. The dates obtained for these samples were then compared to their association with recovered artifacts and/or archaeological context.The Radiocarbon archives are made available by Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform February 202

    Metastases-directed local therapies (MDT) beyond genuine oligometastatic disease (OMD): Indications, endpoints and the role of imaging

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    To further personalise treatment in metastatic cancer, the indications for metastases-directed local therapy (MDT) and the biology of oligometastatic disease (OMD) should be kept conceptually apart. Both need to be vigorously investigated. Tumour growth dynamics – growth rate combined with metastatic seeding efficiency – is the single most important biological feature determining the likelihood of success of MDT in an individual patient, which might even be beneficial in slowly developing polymetastatic disease. This can be reasonably well assessed using appropriate clinical imaging. In the context of considering appropriate indications for MDT, detecting metastases at the edge of image resolution should therefore suggest postponing MDT. While three to five lesions are typically used to define OMD, it could be argued that countability throughout the course of metastatic disease, rather than a specific maximum number of lesions, could serve as a better parameter for guiding MDT. Here we argue that the unit of MDT as a treatment option in metastatic cancer might best be defined not as a single procedure at a single point in time, but as a series of treatments that can be delivered in a single or multiple sessions to different lesions over time. Newly emerging lesions that remain amenable to MDT without triggering the start of a new systemic treatment, a change in systemic therapy, or initiation of best supportive care, would thus not constitute a failure of MDT. This would have implications for defining endpoints in clinical trials and registries: Rather than with any disease progression, failure of MDT would only be declared when there is progression to polymetastatic disease, which then precludes further options for MDT