43 research outputs found

    Dynamically Scaled Model Experiment of a Mooring Cable

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    The dynamic response of mooring cables for marine structures is scale-dependent, and perfect dynamic similitude between full-scale prototypes and small-scale physical model tests is difficult to achieve. The best possible scaling is here sought by means of a specific set of dimensionless parameters, and the model accuracy is also evaluated by two alternative sets of dimensionless parameters. A special feature of the presented experiment is that a chain was scaled to have correct propagation celerity for longitudinal elastic waves, thus providing perfect geometrical and dynamic scaling in vacuum, which is unique. The scaling error due to incorrect Reynolds number seemed to be of minor importance. The 33 m experimental chain could then be considered a scaled 76 mm stud chain with the length 1240 m, i.e., at the length scale of 1:37.6. Due to the correct elastic scale, the physical model was able to reproduce the effect of snatch loads giving rise to tensional shock waves propagating along the cable. The results from the experiment were used to validate the newly developed cable-dynamics code, MooDy, which utilises a discontinuous Galerkin FEM formulation. The validation of MooDy proved to be successful for the presented experiments. The experimental data is made available here for validation of other numerical codes by publishing digitised time series of two of the experiments

    DG-FEM solution for nonlinear wave-structure interaction using Boussinesq-type equations

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    We present a high-order nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method (DG-FEM) solution based on a set of highly accurate Boussinesq-type equations for solving general water-wave problems in complex geometries. A nodal DG-FEM is used for the spatial discretization to solve the Boussinesq equations in complex and curvilinear geometries which amends the application range of previous numerical models that have been based on structured Cartesian grids. The Boussinesq method provides the basis for the accurate description of fully nonlinear and dispersive water waves in both shallow and deep waters within the breaking limit. To demonstrate the current applicability of the model both linear and mildly nonlinear test cases are considered in two horizontal dimensions where the water waves interact with bottom-mounted fully reflecting structures. It is established that, by simple symmetry considerations combined with a mirror principle, it is possible to impose weak slip boundary conditions for both structured and general curvilinear wall boundaries while maintaining the accuracy of the scheme. As is standard for current high-order Boussinesq-type models, arbitrary waves can be generated and absorbed in the interior of the computational domain using a flexible relaxation technique applied on the free surface variables. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Значение пластики лоскутом на временной питающей ножке в замещении раневых дефектов

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    РАНЫ И ТРАВМЫ /ХИРКОЖИ ТРАНСПЛАНТАЦИЯПЕРЕСАДКА КОЖИДЕРМАТОПЛАСТИКАЛОСКУТЫХИРУРГИЧЕСКИЕ ЛОСКУТЫХИРУРГИЧЕСКИЕ ОПЕРАЦИИ ВОССТАНОВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ /МЕТОДЫИТАЛЬЯНСКАЯ ПЛАСТИКАПЛАСТИКА ИТАЛЬЯНСКАЯРАНЕВЫЕ ПОКРЫТИЯЦель. Провести комплексный анализ возможностей, технических особенностей и недостатков методики пластики ран перемещенным из отдаленных областей сложносоставным кожным лоскутом на временной питающей ножке при закрытии раневых дефектов конечностей. Материал и методы. В исследование включено 14 пациентов с раневыми дефектами конечностей различного происхождения, которым на восстановительном этапе лечения применен метод пластики перемещенным из отдаленных областей сложносоставным кожным лоскутом на временной питающей ножке. Раневые дефекты имели различное происхождение (глубокие отморожения, хронический остеомиелит, нейротрофические нарушения), локализацию и площадь. Показанием к данному виду полнослойной пластики служила необходимость закрытия раны в функционально значимой зоне и невозможность применения других, более простых методов кожной пластики. Результаты. Положительный ближайший результат лечения получен во всех 14 случаях перемещения полнослойных кожных лоскутов из отдаленных частей тела. В 3 случаях в раннем послеоперационном периоде отмечено развитие осложнений (критический перегиб ножки лоскута, подлоскутная гематома, краевой некроз лоскута), не повлиявших существенно на ближайший результат операции. Отдаленные результаты лечения оценены у 8 пациентов в сроки от 1 до 22 лет после операции. Ключевым моментом, определяющим отдаленный результат лечения, стала комплаентность пациента в условиях денервации лоскута и закрытия ран в функционально значимых областях. В двух случаях у пациентов, не соблюдающих рекомендации, произошел некроз лоскута в зоне опорной поверхности стопы. В остальных наблюдениях получен стойкий положительный результат. Заключение. Пластика ран перемещенным из отдаленных областей сложносоставным кожным лоскутом является эффективным методом реконструкции в функционально значимых областях в условиях ограниченных пластических резервов окружающей кожи. Денервация таких лоскутов предъявляет дополнительные требования к пациентам в плане соблюдения рекомендаций. Успех операции в отдаленные сроки во многом определяется комплаентностью пациента.Objective. Comprehensive analysis of opportunities, technical features and disadvantages of wound plasty with distant pedicled flap closing wound defects of the limbs was performed. Methods. The study included 14 patients with limb wounds of different origin, who were treated using distant pedicled flaps grafting. Wounds were of different origin (deep frostbites, chronic osteomyelitis, neurotrophic disorders), diverse localization and perimeter. The indication for this type of full-layer plastics was the need to treat the wound in a functionally significant zone and the impossibility of using other, less complex methods of skin grafting. Results. A positive immediate result of treatment was obtained in all 14 cases of distant flaps grafting. The development of complications (critical bend of the pedicle of the flap, sub-flap hematoma, the flap’s edge necrosis) was registered in 3 cases in the early postoperative period, those complications did not significantly affect the immediate outcome of the operation. Long-term outcomes of treatment were evaluated in 8 patients in terms from 1 to 22 years after the operation. The key point determining the long-term treatment outcome was the patient’s compliance in the conditions of denervation of the flap and closure of wounds in functionally important areas. A flap necrosis in the plantar area occurred in two cases in patients, who did not follow the recommendations. In the remaining observations a stable positive result was obtained. Conclusions. The distant pedicled flaps grafting is an effective method of reconstruction in functionally important areas under the conditions of limited plastic reserves of the surrounding skin. Denervation of such flaps exposes additional requirements to patients in terms of compliance with recommendations. The success of the operation in the long term period is largely determined by the patient’s compliance

    Creating cross-border destinations: Interreg projects as tools for destination development in Northern Europe

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    This paper seeks to investigate how tourism marketing projects are used in order to promote cooperation within developing cross-border regions in Northern Europe

    Exkursioner som pedagogisk metod i samhällsvetenskaper

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    Cross-border regions in the Baltic Sea Area. Regionalisation and destination branding in tourism

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    This paper concerns tourism and destination branding. The aim of this study is to contribute to a discussion, within the field of tourism studies, considering the relationship between place-specific qualities of destinations and the development of destination profiles and destination brands. Interreg III A programmes within cross-border regions of the Baltic Sea Area are used as examples to highlight the problems involved in destination development. The names and naming of the studied regions is given special consideration. The research questions asked are: How are the place-specific qualities of the regions enhanced? How are these qualities articulated in the regional profiles? How do the regional profiles and brands reflect the regional identities? The most important concepts are defined and discussed initially, followed by an introduction of cross-border co-operation in the Baltic Sea Area. The theoretical discussion is thereafter contextualised using empirical examples from cross-border regions around the Baltic Sea Area

    Situating overtourism in urban contexts

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    One of the most important trends in contemporary tourism is the increase in urban tourism, both in absolute and in relative terms. In some destinations, e.g. Barcelona, the pressure from tourism on local resources such as housing and urban space has reached a point where we begin to speak about overtourism. The development of overtourism is related to decreasing relative costs of travel, e.g. low-cost aviation, and increasingly accessible forms of cheap accommodation, such as Airbnb.Based on a literature review, this presentation has three aims. Firstly, to conceptualize overtourism, to see what issues it aims to describe, and how it relates to a more general discussion about urban sustainable tourism. Secondly, to situate overtourism by investigating in what geographical contexts it has been used. This will be discussed in terms of geographical scales and territorial levels. Finally, it aims to suggest a framework, by which the concept of overtourism could be put in a context of a more general discussion on urban sustainable tourism. It will be argued that the current debate about overtourism is too much focused on localized spatial conflicts, primarily concerning social sustainability. Thereby, urgent issues related to the global environmental impact of urban tourism, i.e. climate change, is at risk of being put in the background