214 research outputs found


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    Lobak (Raphanus sativus L.) merupakan tanaman semusim berupa perdu berakar tunggang. Umbi lobak dapat dikomsumsi sebagai sayuran, dapat juga dimanfaatkan sebagai obat-obatan, dan digunakan sebagai bahan kosmetik. Pemanfaatan tanah Podsolik Merah Kuning sebagai media tumbuh memiliki kendala seperti struktur tanah jelek, pH rendah, ketersediaan unsur hara sedikit dan kandungan bahan organik rendah. Upaya untuk mengatasi sifat tanah Podsolik Merah Kuning dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian bahan pembenah tanah seperti penggunaan bokasi limbah jamur tiram dan NPK. Penggunaan bokasi limbah jamur tiram sangat dibutuhkan untuk memperbaiki sifat fisik tanah Podsolik Merah Kuning. NPK sangat dibutuhkan untuk memperbaiki sifat kimia tanah Podsolik Merah Kuning. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari interaksi bokasi limbah jamur tiram dan NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman lobak pada tanah Podsolik Merah Kuning. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Bansir Laut, Kecamatan Pontianak Tenggara, Kota Pontianak dari tanggal 22 Mei - 6 September 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan perlakuan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktorial yang terdiri dari 2 faktor. Faktor pertama bokasi limbah jamur tiram (B) sebanyak 3 taraf perlakuan yaitu b1 = 20 ton/ha, b2 = 30 ton/ha, b3 = 40 ton/ha dan faktor kedua NPK (N) sebanyak 4 taraf perlakuan yaitu n1 = 200 kg/ha, n2 = 150 kg/ha, n3 = 100 kg/ha, n4 = 50 kg/ha. Variabel yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah jumlah daun, berat segar tanaman, berat segar umbi, diameter umbi, panjang umbi, dan berat kering tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor tunggal pemberian dosis bokasi limbah jamur tiram 40 ton/ha merupakan dosis yang efektif dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman lobak pada tanah Podsolik Merah Kuning. Faktor  tunggal pemberian NPK 150 kg/ha merupakan dosis yang efektif dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman lobak pada tanah Podsolik Merah Kunin


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan desain didaktis materi pecahan di SMP. Desain didaktis dikembangkan dengan terlebih dahulu mengidentifikasi hambatan belajar (learning obstacles) yang dihadapi siswa. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan mengikuti tiga tahap pada penelitian desain didaktis (Didactical Design Research). Subyek penelitian adalah 60 siswa kelas VII dan VIII tahun pelajaran 2014/2015 dan 35 siswa kelas VII tahun pelajaran 2015/2016, pada salah satu SMP Negeri di Kabupaten Halmahera Utara. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh informasi : (1) hambatan belajar siswa yang teridentifikasi, seperti melakukan generalisasi konsep bilangan cacah dan bilangan bulat pada konsep pecahan, dan pengetahuan tentang operasi hitung pecahan yang terbatas pada pemahaman instrumental; (2) desain didaktis empirik terkait materi pecahan di SMP. Kata kunci : Desain didaktis, Learning obstacles, pecahan This research aims to develop the didactical design of material fractions in Junior High School. Didactical design is developed by first identifying the learning obstacles faced by students. The study used a qualitative approach, by following the three stages in the Didactical Design Research (DDR). Subjects were 60 students of seventh grade and eighth grade of the school year 2014/2015 and 35 seventh grade students in the school year 2015/2016, on one of the Junior High School in North Halmahera. The results obtained are: (1) The student identified Learning obstacles, such as to generalize the concept of natural numbers and integers on the concept of fractions, and knowledge of the fractional arithmetic operations are limited to instrumental understanding; (2) Empirical didactical design of material fractions in Junior High School. Keywords: Design didactic, Learning obstacles, fractions

    Evaluación del manejo de los residuos y desechos sólidos del casco urbano del municipio de San Lorenzo Suchitepéquez

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    The objective of the research was to evaluate the management of waste and solid waste generated in the urban area of the municipality of San Lorenzo Suchitepéquez. The current system of waste and solid waste management was identified through three phases: generation, management and final disposal. Currently the municipality has two collection systems: the private cleaning train, in charge of household waste and solid waste. And the second system is made up of the municipal cleaning train, in charge of solid waste from street sweeping, collecting all the garbage that is found there. Based on the above, the urban area of the municipality has two sources of generation: homes and street sweeping. In the generation of household solid waste and waste, a sample of 222 homes was carried out; the generation of residues and solid waste from street sweeping was quantified through all the streets of the urban area. A characterization of solid waste is carried out determining the average per total week of 2,686.03 kilograms of waste and solid waste with a production of 0.315 kilograms per inhabitant per day (kgs / inhab / day). The largest generation is organic with 37.85%, 36.62% are non-recoverable inorganic, 22.10% are recoverable inorganic, 2.53% are inert and 0.90 are bioinfectious

    Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en el cuidado domiciliario de pacientes con Sars Cov2, cantón Francisco de Orellana 2021

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    Determinar conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en el cuidado domiciliario de pacientes con SARS Cov2, en el cantón Francisco de Orellana, 2021.Con la llegada del Covid 19, cambió forma de vida de la población, entonces se implementó el cuidado domiciliario y es clave para la recuperación de pacientes que atraviesan por la enfermedad, frenando la propagación en la población sana. Se plantea como objetivo del estudio Identificar los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en el cuidado domiciliario de pacientes con SARS Cov2, en el cantón Francisco de Orellana, 2021. Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, no experimental. De tipo descriptivo, observacional y de cohorte transversal. Para determinar la muestra se aplicó un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, misma que estuvo conformada por 174 personas que fueron diagnosticadas con SARS COV-2 o que fueron cuidadores de personas contagiadas. Arrojando como resultado; una población media de 31 años, el 54% de sexo masculino, el 32% trabajan como empleados privados, tienen un nivel de conocimientos inadecuados el 20,8% en conocimientos generales, en signos y síntomas el 28%, en medidas preventivas el 19%, en aislamiento domiciliario el 51,2%, el 14,85% de la población se siente indefenso, confundido, preocupado; mientras que el 17,65% ha perdido el interés, siente que nada tiene sentido, y que nunca va superar la pandemia. El 61% fue tratada por la familia en el hogar, el 39% uso medicina ancestral en la fase temprana de la enfermedad, 34% de la población presento fiebre como síntoma más común. En conclusión, es importante obtener esta información de la población del oriente, para determinar cuáles son los conocimientos actitudes y las practicas que tienen durante el aislamiento domiciliario.Licenciatur

    Educación ambiental y su efecto en las actitudes ambientales de los estudiantes en la I.E. Modelo “San Antonio” - Moquegua, 2021

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    El objetivo fue determinar si la Propuesta de educación ambiental posibilita la mejora de las actitudes ambientales de los estudiantes de la I.E. Modelo “San Antonio” de Moquegua, 2021. La metodología es investigación aplicada, con enfoque cuantitativo, de diseño experimental, y de tipo preexperimental. Asimismo, se clasifica en diseño de pre – post prueba con una sola medición. La población fue de 135 estudiantes, Sin embargo, para la muestra se consideró a 100 estudiantes con la fórmula de tamaño de muestra, como técnica de recolección se usó la encuesta, dando como resultado que frente a un nivel de actitud ambiental alto un 34.5 % de los estudiantes presentan un nivel alto en capacidades ambientales. Por otro lado, se observa que frente a un nivel de actitud ambiental alto un 34.5% de los estudiantes presentan un nivel alto en concientización ambiental. Por lo tanto, en la tercera dimensión se observa que frente a un nivel de actitud ambiental alto un 25.5% de los estudiantes presentan un nivel alto en participación. Finalmente, en la investigación se obtuvo que la propuesta de educación ambiental posibilita la mejora de las actitudes ambientales. Por ello, se recomendó que el director considere el calendario ambiental

    Prediction and interpretation of the performance of a deep excavation in Berlin sand

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    This paper describes the application of a generalized effective stress soil model, MIT‐S1, within a commercial finite element program, for simulating the performance of the support system for the 20m deep excavation of the M1 pit adjacent to the main station “Hauptbahnhof” in Berlin. The M1 pit was excavated underwater and supported by a perimeter diaphragm wall with a single row of prestressed anchors. Parameters for the soil model were based on an extensive program of laboratory tests on the local Berlin Sands. This calibration process highlights the practical difficulties in both measurements of critical state soil properties and in model parameter selection. The predictions of excavation performance are strongly affected by vertical profiles of two key state parameters, the initial earth pressure ratio, K0, and the in‐situ void ratio, e0. These are estimated from field dynamic penetration test data and geological history. The results show good agreement between computed and measured wall deflections and tie‐back forces for three instrumented sections. Much larger wall deflections were measured at a fourth section and may be due to spatial variability in sand properties that has not been considered in the current analyses. The results of this study highlight the importance of basic state parameter information for successful application of advanced soil models.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Wester Europe program grant INT-0089508)German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD

    Effect of specimen preparation method on the stress-strain behavior of sand in plane-strain compression tests

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    Experimental results are presented in this paper to study the effect of specimen preparation method on the stress-strain behavior of sand in plane-strain compression tests. The data obtained from K0 consolidation, drained, undrained and strain path tests conducted on medium loose specimens prepared by the moist-tamping (MT) and the water sedimentation (WS) methods are compared. The test data show that the plane-strain compression behavior of medium loose sand under K0, drained and strain-path controlled (including undrained) conditions is affected by the speci- men preparation method. Under K0 conditions, the K0 values obtained from the MT specimens are generally lower than those obtained from the WS specimens. Under drained conditions, more contractive behavior was observed for the MT sand. However, the failure stress ratio (or the failure friction angle) was not affected by the specimen preparation method. The data presented in this paper also illustrate that the compression behavior of medium loose sand in strain-path testing can be affected by the specimen preparation method. However, the differences in the stress-strain behavior will also depend on the strain increment ratio (d v/d 1) imposed on the specimens. In general, different behaviors of the moist-tamped and water- deposited specimens reflect the influence of soil fabrics on the stress-strain behavior of sand

    An elastoplastic framework for granular materials becoming cohesive through mechanical densification. Part I - small strain formulation

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    Mechanical densification of granular bodies is a process in which a loose material becomes increasingly cohesive as the applied pressure increases. A constitutive description of this process faces the formidable problem that granular and dense materials have completely different mechanical behaviours (nonlinear elastic properties, yield limit, plastic flow and hardening laws), which must both be, in a sense, included in the formulation. A treatment of this problem is provided here, so that a new phenomenological, elastoplastic constitutive model is formulated, calibrated by experimental data, implemented and tested, that is capable of describing the transition between granular and fully dense states of a given material. The formulation involves a novel use of elastoplastic coupling to describe the dependence of cohesion and elastic properties on the plastic strain. The treatment falls within small strain theory, which is thought to be appropriate in several situations; however, a generalization of the model to large strain is provided in Part II of this paper.Comment: 42 pages, 27 figure