155 research outputs found

    Genome and Environment Based Prediction Models and Methods of Complex Traits Incorporating Genotype × Environment Interaction

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    Genomic-enabled prediction models are of paramount importance for the successful implementation of genomic selection (GS) based on breeding values. As opposed to animal breeding, plant breeding includes extensive multienvironment and multiyear field trial data. Hence, genomic-enabled prediction models should include genotype × environment (G × E) interaction, which most of the time increases the prediction performance when the response of lines are different from environment to environment. In this chapter, we describe a historical timeline since 2012 related to advances of the GS models that take into account G × E interaction. We describe theoretical and practical aspects of those GS models, including the gains in prediction performance when including G × E structures for both complex continuous and categorical scale traits. Then, we detailed and explained the main G × E genomic prediction models for complex traits measured in continuous and noncontinuous (categorical) scale. Related to G × E interaction models this review also examine the analyses of the information generated with high-throughput phenotype data (phenomic) and the joint analyses of multitrait and multienvironment field trial data that is also employed in the general assessment of multitrait G × E interaction. The inclusion of nongenomic data in increasing the accuracy and biological reliability of the G × E approach is also outlined. We show the recent advances in large-scale envirotyping (enviromics), and how the use of mechanistic computational modeling can derive the crop growth and development aspects useful for predicting phenotypes and explaining G × E


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    Hábitos alimentares de universitários apresentam-se frequentemente inadequados, fato caracterizado pelo baixo consumo de frutas e hortaliças e alta ingestão de alimentos ricos em gorduras e açúcares, representando assim maior risco de desenvolver doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT). O objetivo deste estudo será avaliar os hábitos alimentares de estudantes universitários. Métodos: Serão entrevistados 1000 universitários, dos cursos das áreas de exatas e biológicas, em horários e turnos variados. A participação dos mesmos dar-se-á de forma voluntária. Os hábitos alimentares serão avaliados a partir de um questionário com 32 perguntas relacionadas aos hábitos alimentares, ao estilo de vida, e a aspectos socioeconômicos dos entrevistados. Resultados: Serão estabelecidos, em análise gráfica e estatística, após a aplicação do questionário junto aos acadêmicos. Conclusão: É importante a adoção de estratégias educativas, voltadas especialmente aos estudantes que mudaram negativamente seus hábitos alimentares, que enfatizem a importância da alimentação saudável para prevenção de agravos à saúde futura, segundo estudos previamente realizados


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    Os estuários são corpos de água costeiros que se encontram na zona de confluência do rio com o mar, onde a salinidade se dilui gradualmente mas onde as oscilações ambientais diárias podem variar de forma bastante drástica. São áreas muito produtivas mas onde, por serem de transição entre aqueles ambientes aquáticos, apenas um número restrito de espécies bem adaptadas se consegue apresentar de forma numerosa. São áreas apetecíveis que, pela proteção que proporcionam a quem utiliza o mar como forma de subsistência ou devido às condições únicas de exploração dos produtos de origem marinha, têm levado as populações humanas a aí se fixarem. Como consequência, estas áreas apresentam atualmente dos maiores índices de pressão antropogénica de que há registo, tornando-as vulneráveis e com uma necessidade urgente de intervenção e implementação de medidas de conservação de espécies e do habitat.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ações de fortalecimento de vínculos interpessoais entre os agentes comunitários de saúde de um Centro de Saúde da Família

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    O Agente Comunitário de Saúde integra a equipe de saúde da Atenção Primária à Saúde, favorecendo a criação de vínculos, além de garantir que as ações de saúde adentrem no domicílio das famílias. Logo, são trabalhadores com carga de trabalho intensa, em condições de riscos ocupacionais e sobrecarga que podem causar adoecimento. O estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver ações para fortalecimento de vínculos interpessoais entre os agentes comunitários de saúde de um centro de saúde da família. Trata-se de pesquisa de intervenção, realizada em um Centro de Saúde da Família no interior do estado do Ceará, em setembro de 2021. Os participantes foram oito Agentes Comunitários de Saúde. A intervenção aconteceu em cinco momentos distintos, semanalmente, com duração de 40 minutos. Para registro de cada encontro e coleta de dados, utilizou-se um diário de campo e um instrumento de avaliação com cinco questões subjetivas. Para interpretação e análise das falas registradas, utilizou-se o método de análise de conteúdo de Bardin. A análise dos discursos durante os encontros de intervenção possibilitou a identificação de quatro categorias importantes, sendo elas: Família; Desafios no Ambiente de Trabalho; Valorização Profissional e Saúde no Trabalho. A categoria “Família” foi trazida quase sempre como um fator de manutenção do trabalho. Já na categoria “Desafios no Ambiente de Trabalho”, observou-se a pressão no trabalho, a falta de compreensão e sentimento de raiva/agressividade verbal. Na categoria “Valorização Profissional”, identificou-se o sentimento de desvalorização da categoria. Na categoria “Saúde no Trabalho”, pôde-se avaliar que as participantes se encontravam relativamente bem, mas foi evidente o cansaço e a sobrecarga de trabalho. Os encontros semanais de intervenção propiciaram a expressão de sentimentos e vivências únicas, comunicação e integração em equipe, contribuindo com o fortalecimento das relações interpessoais e qualificação do trabalho na unidade de saúde.

    Prediction of near-term climate change impacts on UK wheat quality and the potential for adaptation through plant breeding

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    Wheat is a major crop worldwide, mainly cultivated for human consumption and animal feed. Grain quality is paramount in determining its value and downstream use. While we know that climate change threatens global crop yields, a better understanding of impacts on wheat end-use quality is also critical. Combining quantitative genetics with climate model outputs, we investigated UK-wide trends in genotypic adaptation for wheat quality traits. In our approach, we augmented genomic prediction models with environmental characterisation of field trials to predict trait values and climate effects in historical field trial data between 2001 and 2020. Addition of environmental covariates, such as temperature and rainfall, successfully enabled prediction of genotype by environment interactions (G × E), and increased prediction accuracy of most traits for new genotypes in new year cross validation. We then extended predictions from these models to much larger numbers of simulated environments using climate scenarios projected under Representative Concentration Pathways 8.5 for 2050–2069. We found geographically varying climate change impacts on wheat quality due to contrasting associations between specific weather covariables and quality traits across the UK. Notably, negative impacts on quality traits were predicted in the East of the UK due to increased summer temperatures while the climate in the North and South-west may become more favourable with increased summer temperatures. Furthermore, by projecting 167,040 simulated future genotype–environment combinations, we found only limited potential for breeding to exploit predictable G × E to mitigate year-to-year environmental variability for most traits except Hagberg falling number. This suggests low adaptability of current UK wheat germplasm across future UK climates. More generally, approaches demonstrated here will be critical to enable adaptation of global crops to near-term climate change

    Direct tissue-sensing reprograms TLR4+ Tfh-like cells inflammatory profile in the joints of rheumatoid arthritis patients

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    Funding Information: We thank Cláudia Andrade for technical support and Juliana Gonçalves for testing samples for SARS-CoV-2 exposure. We are extremely grateful to all the participants of the study and to the whole rheumatology department at Hospital Egas Moniz that made this study possible. This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) PTDC/MEC-REU/29520/2017, by iNOVA4Health UID/Multi/04462 and by Portuguese Society for Rheumatology (SPR) grants to H.S. H.S. is supported by FCT through IF/01722/2013 and CEECIND/01049/2020, DAS and RCT were supported by FCT through PD/BD/137409/2018 and UID/Multi/04462, respectively. Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).CD4+ T cells mediate rheumatoid arthritis (RA) pathogenesis through both antibody-dependent and independent mechanisms. It remains unclear how synovial microenvironment impinges on CD4+ T cells pathogenic functions. Here, we identified a TLR4+ follicular helper T (Tfh) cell-like population present in the blood and expanded in synovial fluid. TLR4+ T cells possess a two-pronged pathogenic activity whereby direct TLR4+ engagement by endogenous ligands in the arthritic joint reprograms them from an IL-21 response, known to sponsor antibody production towards an IL-17 inflammatory program recognized to fuel tissue damage. Ex vivo, synovial fluid TLR4+ T cells produced IL-17, but not IL-21. Blocking TLR4 signaling with a specific inhibitor impaired IL-17 production in response to synovial fluid recognition. Mechanistically, we unveiled that T-cell HLA-DR regulates their TLR4 expression. TLR4+ T cells appear to uniquely reconcile an ability to promote systemic antibody production with a local synovial driven tissue damage program.publishersversionpublishe

    First natural occurrence of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Bals. Criv.) Vuill. on Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar, 1824) (Curculionidae, Coleoptera) in an agroforestry system in the Brazilian Cerrado

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    The natural occurrence of the fungus Beauveria bassiana is an indicator of environmental balance. When the agroforestry system naturally presents this entomopathogenic fungus on the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus, a pest insect in the banana crops, it reinforces the beneficial effects of this agroecosystem. Thus, this work reports the first natural occurrence of B. bassiana on C. sordidus for the agroforestry system and the Cerrado biome. The natural occurrence of this parasitic relationship indicates that the agroforestry system may favor the fungal occurrence and spread

    The Trypanosoma cruzi Virulence Factor Oligopeptidase B (OPBTc) Assembles into an Active and Stable Dimer

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    Oligopeptidase B, a processing enzyme of the prolyl oligopeptidase family, is considered as an important virulence factor in trypanosomiasis. Trypanosoma cruzi oligopeptidase B (OPBTc) is involved in host cell invasion by generating a Ca2+-agonist necessary for recruitment and fusion of host lysosomes at the site of parasite attachment. The underlying mechanism remains unknown and further structural and functional characterization of OPBTc may help clarify its physiological function and lead to the development of new therapeutic molecules to treat Chagas disease. In the present work, size exclusion chromatography and analytical ultracentrifugation experiments demonstrate that OPBTc is a dimer in solution, an association salt and pH-resistant and independent of intermolecular disulfide bonds. The enzyme retains its dimeric structure and is fully active up to 42°C. OPBTc is inactivated and its tertiary, but not secondary, structure is disrupted at higher temperatures, as monitored by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy. It has a highly stable secondary structure over a broad range of pH, undergoes subtle tertiary structure changes at low pH and is less stable under moderate ionic strength conditions. These results bring new insights into the structural properties of OPBTc, contributing to future studies on the rational design of OPBTc inhibitors as a promising strategy for Chagas disease chemotherapy