133 research outputs found

    Melhoria da Atenção a Saúde do Idoso na ESF I Posto de Saúde do Distrito Engenheiro Luiz Englert Sertão/RS

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    O envelhecimento do corpo é acompanhado por uma série de fatores incapacitantes e/ou limitantes de atividades que até então eram realizadas com facilidade. A atenção à saúde do idoso tem como objetivo promover a autonomia, autoconfiança, independência, buscando contribuir para que as pessoas idosas possam viver com qualidade, redescobrindo possibilidades. Para atingir o objetivo é necessário que seja avaliado também seu contexto familiar e social, reconhecendo suas possibilidades e limitações. A intervenção foi realizada na Unidade de Saúde do Englert do município de Sertão/RS, com uma duração de doze semanas, com o objetivo geral de Melhorar a atenção à saúde do idoso na Unidade Básica de Saúde do Engenheiro Luiz Englert, promoveu uma nova dinâmica com o mapeamento e cadastramento dos idosos referentes à área adstrita, realizado acompanhamento com a avaliação global multidimensional rápida e de saúde bucal, incluindo avaliações no nível familiar e social. Foram cadastrados e acompanhados 96 idosos. Podemos afirmar que o trabalho de intervenção propiciou melhoria na qualidade de atenção ao paciente idoso, melhorando a nossa capacidade profissional e também valorizando o idoso em seu contexto, incentivando seu auto cuidado e consequentemente aumentando sua autoestima, passando de uma pessoa isolada, dependente, a uma pessoa integrada a comunidade. O projeto foi implantado como rotina na unidade de saúde com planos de implantação na Unidade de Saúde do Centro

    The EuroSTARRS-2001 aircraft campaign of the European Space Agency in support of the SMOS Mission

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    Ponencia presentada en: III Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología “El agua y el clima”, celebrado en Palma de Mallorca del 16 al 19 de junio de 2002.This work was carried out in the framework of the ESA-ESTEC contract no: 15949/02/NL/SF, and the Spanish National Space Research Programme Project no: PNE-009/2001-C-03

    Diferencias de Género en enfermería peruana: Un análisis bibliométrico en Scopus y Web of Science

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    This paper aims to perform a bibliometric and gender perspective analysis of scientific publications in Scopus and Web of Science in the area of Peruvian nursing. A bibliometric analysis design was used. The analysis comprised 130 articles in Scopus and 104 articles in Web of Science. The main indicators included the annual production of articles, the most cited authors and articles, and a thematic analysis of the keywords. In terms of authorship in Scopus, there are seven women among the first 10 authors, but in Web of Science, there are only 3. For citations, female nurses and authors at Scopus receive a higher proportion of citations than males. However, in Web of Science, male nurses receive proportionately more citations. Regarding the first 10 journals we found on the Web of Science, Emerging Source Citation Index journals have more indexed articles than Journal Citation Reports journals. The statistical correlation coefficient between the articles published in Scopus and Web of Science is 0.92. The scientific production in Peru in the nursing field shows no female bias in Scopus, but that is not the case for Web of Science. In addition, the total number of articles published in Peru respecting other fields is low, as is the level of international collaboration between the authors. Keywords: Bibliometrics; Gender Perspective; Gender Studies; Nursing Research; nurses; Gender differences; Scopus; Web of Science; Peru.El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis bibliométrico y con perspectiva de género de las publicaciones científicas en Scopus y Web of Science en el área de la enfermería peruana. Se utilizó un análisis bibliométrico. El análisis comprendió 130 artículos en Scopus y 104 artículos en Web of Science. Los principales indicadores fueron la producción anual de artículos, los autores y artículos más citados y un análisis temático de las palabras clave. En cuanto a la autoría, en Scopus hay siete mujeres entre los 10 primeros autores, pero en Web of Science sólo hay 3. En cuanto a las citas, las mujeres enfermeras y los autores en Scopus reciben una mayor proporción de citas que los hombres. Sin embargo, en Web of Science, los enfermeros varones reciben proporcionalmente más citas. Con respecto a las 10 primeras revistas, encontramos que en Web of Science, las revistas Emerging Source Citation Index tienen más artículos indexados que las revistas del Journal Citation Reports. El coeficiente de correlación estadística entre los artículos publicados en Scopus y Web of Science es de 0,92. La producción científica en Perú en el campo de la enfermería no muestra un sesgo femenino en Scopus, pero no es el caso de Web of Science. Además, el número total de artículos publicados en Perú con respecto a otros campos es bajo, así como el nivel de colaboración internacional entre los autores. Palabras clave: Bibliometría; perspectiva de género; estudios de género; investigación en enfermería; enfermeras; diferencias de género; Scopus; Web of Science; Peru

    Gender differences in Peruvian nursing: a bibliometric analysis in Scopus and Web of Science

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    This paper aims to perform a bibliometric and gender perspective analysis of scientific publications in Scopus and Web of Science in the area of Peruvian nursing. A bibliometric analysis design was used. The analysis comprised 130 articles in Scopus and 104 articles in Web of Science. The main indicators included the annual production of articles, the most cited authors and articles, and a thematic analysis of the keywords. In terms of authorship in Scopus, there are seven women among the first 10 authors, but in Web of Science, there are only 3. For citations, female nurses and authors at Scopus receive a higher proportion of citations than males. However, in Web of Science, male nurses receive proportionately more citations. Regarding the first 10 journals we found on the Web of Science, Emerging Source Citation Index journals have more indexed articles than Journal Citation Reports journals. The statistical correlation coefficient between the articles published in Scopus and Web of Science is 0.92. The scientific production in Peru in the nursing field shows no female bias in Scopus, but that is not the case for Web of Science. In addition, the total number of articles published in Peru respecting other fields is low, as is the level of international collaboration between the authors

    Inactivation of the peroxisomal ABCD2 transporter in the mouse leads to late-onset ataxia involving mitochondria, Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum damage

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    ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters facilitate unidirectional translocation of chemically diverse substances, ranging from peptides to lipids, across cell or organelle membranes. In peroxisomes, a subfamily of four ABC transporters (ABCD1 to ABCD4) has been related to fatty acid transport, because patients with mutations in ABCD1 (ALD gene) suffer from X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD), a disease characterized by an accumulation of very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs). Inactivation in the mouse of the abcd1 gene leads to a late-onset neurodegenerative condition, comparable to the late-onset form of X-ALD [Pujol, A., Hindelang, C., Callizot, N., Bartsch, U., Schachner, M. and Mandel, J.L. (2002) Late onset neurological phenotype of the X-ALD gene inactivation in mice: a mouse model for adrenomyeloneuropathy. Hum. Mol. Genet., 11, 499-505.]. In the present work, we have generated and characterized a mouse deficient for abcd2, the closest paralog to abcd1. The main pathological feature in abcd2−/− mice is a late-onset cerebellar and sensory ataxia, with loss of cerebellar Purkinje cells and dorsal root ganglia cell degeneration, correlating with accumulation of VLCFAs in the latter cellular population. Axonal degeneration was present in dorsal and ventral columns in spinal cord. We have identified mitochondrial, Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum damage as the underlying pathological mechanism, thus providing evidence of a disturbed organelle cross-talk, which may be at the origin of the pathological cascad

    The Implementation of Nursing Care Systematization in the Mobile Emergency Care Service / Implementação da Sistematização da Assistencia de Enfermagem (SAE) no Serviço de Atendimento Movel de Urgência (SAMU)

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    O enfermeiro, enquanto profissional da enfermagem, está comprometido com a promoção,prevenção, recuperação e reabilitação da saúde, e atua em consonância com os preceitos da Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem (SAE), de acordo com a Resolução Cofen 358/2009. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi descrever as limitações na implementação da Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem no Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência em Recife. Estudo descritivo, quantitativo, transversal, observacional. O estudo foi realizado no município de Recife-PE, a coleta de dados ocorreu no SAMU. O estudo foi aprovado sob o parecer nº 1.547.265. Evidenciou-se a força de trabalho feminina na população estudada, alto índice de profissionais experientes, porém pouco mais da metade dos enfermeiros conheciam a Resolução COFEN 358 de 2009. Entendem que é importante para a profissão, mas, 42% afirma que não se aplica ao serviço. Ficou evidenciado que em algum momento da sistematização alguma das etapas da SAE não é realizadas. A realização da SAE no SAMU ainda precisa ser mais discutida e exercitada, pelo próprio Núcleo de Educação Permanente do SAMU, e mais ainda pelas entidades reguladoras da profissão

    Evaluating the 'return on patient engagement initiatives' in medicines research and development: A literature review

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    Search strategy and inclusion criteria. We undertook a scoping literature review using a systematic search, including academic and grey literature with a focus on evaluation approaches or outcomes associated with patient engagement. No date limits were applied other than a cut-off of publications after July 2018. Data extraction and synthesis. Data were extracted from 91 publications, coded and thematically analysed. Main results. A total of 18 benefits and 5 costs of patient engagement were identified, mapped with 28 possible indicators for their evaluation. Several quantitative and qualitative methods were found for evaluation of benefits and costs of patient engagement. Discussion and conclusions. Currently available indicators and methods are of some use in measuring impact but are not sufficient to understand the pathway to impact, nor whether interaction between researchers and patients leads to change. We suggest that the impacts of patient engagement can best be determined not by applying single indicators, but a coherent set of measures

    Eficácia do exercício físico na fadiga dos pacientes com câncer durante o tratamento ativo: revisão sistemática e meta-análise

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    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la efectividad del ejercicio físico en la fatiga de pacientes con cáncer durante el tratamiento activo. Las bases de datos de PubMed Central, EMBASE y OVID fueron consultadas hasta abril de 2014 para identificar ensayos clínicos aleatorizados, que evaluaran el efecto del ejercicio en la fatiga de pacientes con cáncer sometidos a tratamiento activo. Once estudios (n = 1.407) fueron incluidos. La quimioterapia fue el tratamiento más común (n = 1.028). Los estudios tuvieron bajo riesgo de sesgo y alta calidad metodológica. Las estimaciones de efecto mostraron que el ejercicio físico mejoró significativamente la fatiga (SMD = -3,0; IC95%: -5,21; -0,80), p < 0,0001. Se encontraron efectos similares para el entrenamiento de resistencia (SMD = -4,5; IC95%: -7,24; -1,82), p = 0,001. Se encontraron mejoras significativas en pacientes con cáncer de mama y de próstata (p < 0,05). El ejercicio es una intervención segura y eficaz en el control de la fatiga en pacientes sometidos a tratamiento activoThis study aimed to determine the effectiveness of physical exercise in decreasing fatigue in cancer patients during active treatment. The PubMed Central, EMBASE, and OVID databases were consulted up to April 2014 to identify randomized clinical trials that evaluated the effect of exercise on fatigue in cancer patients undergoing active treatment. Eleven studies (n = 1,407) were included. Chemotherapy was the most common form of treatment (n = 1,028). The studies showed a low risk of bias and high methodological quality. Effect estimates showed that physical exercise significantly improved fatigue (SMD = -3.0; 95%CI: -5.21; -0.80), p < 0.0001. Similar effects were found for resistance training (SMD = -4.5; 95%CI: -7.24; -1.82), p = 0.001. Significant improvements were found in breast and prostate cancer patients (p < 0.05). Exercise is a safe and effective intervention in the management fatigue in cancer patients undergoing active treatmentO objetivo foi determinar a efetividade do exercício físico sobre a fadiga em pacientes com câncer durante o tratamento ativo. As bases de dados PubMed Central, EMBASE e OVID foram consultadas até abril de 2014 para identificar ensaios clínicos randomizados que avaliaram o efeito do exercício sobre a fadiga em pacientes com câncer em tratamento ativo. Onze estudos (n = 1.407) foram incluídos. A quimioterapia foi o tratamento mais comum (n = 1.028). Os estudos tiveram baixo risco de viés e alta qualidade metodológica. As estimativas de efeito mostraram que o exercício melhorou significativamente a fadiga (DMP = -3,0; IC95%: -5,21; -0,80), p < 0,0001. Efeitos semelhantes sobre o treinamento de resistência (DMP = -4,5; IC95%: -7,24; -1,82), p = 0,001 foram encontrados. O exercício físico é uma intervenção segura e eficaz contra a fadiga em pacientes submetidos ao tratamento ativoEl presente trabajo forma parte del Proyecto Práctica del autoexamen de seno y los conocimientos, factores de riesgo y estilos de vida relacionados con el cáncer de mama en mujeres jóvenes de la Universidad Santo Tomás de Bogotá: un análisis transversal (9ª Convocatoria FODEIN- Código del proyecto 4110060001 - 008)

    Translocation of a Bak C-Terminus Mutant from Cytosol to Mitochondria to Mediate Cytochrome c Release: Implications for Bak and Bax Apoptotic Function

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    One of two proapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins, Bak or Bax, is required to permeabilize the mitochondrial outer membrane during apoptosis. While Bax is mostly cytosolic and translocates to mitochondria following an apoptotic stimulus, Bak is constitutively integrated within the outer membrane. Membrane anchorage occurs via a C-terminal transmembrane domain that has been studied in Bax but not in Bak, therefore what governs their distinct subcellular distribution is uncertain. In addition, whether the distinct subcellular distributions of Bak and Bax contributes to their differential regulation during apoptosis remains unclear.To gain insight into Bak and Bax targeting to mitochondria, elements of the Bak C-terminus were mutated, or swapped with those of Bax. Truncation of the C-terminal six residues (C-segment) or substitution of three basic residues within the C-segment destabilized Bak. Replacing the Bak C-segment with that from Bax rescued stability and function, but unexpectedly resulted in a semi-cytosolic protein, termed Bak/BaxCS. When in the cytosol, both Bax and Bak/BaxCS sequestered their hydrophobic transmembrane domains in their hydrophobic surface groove. Upon apoptotic signalling, Bak/BaxCS translocated to the mitochondrial outer membrane, inserted its transmembrane domain, oligomerized, and released cytochrome c. Despite this Bax-like subcellular distribution, Bak/BaxCS retained Bak-like regulation following targeting of Mcl-1.Residues in the C-segment of Bak and of Bax contribute to their distinct subcellular localizations. That a semi-cytosolic form of Bak, Bak/BaxCS, could translocate to mitochondria and release cytochrome c indicates that Bak and Bax share a conserved mode of activation. In addition, the differential regulation of Bak and Bax by Mcl-1 is predominantly independent of the initial subcellular localizations of Bak and Bax

    The Space Infrared Interferometric Telescope (SPIRIT): High-resolution imaging and spectroscopy in the far-infrared

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    We report results of a recently-completed pre-Formulation Phase study of SPIRIT, a candidate NASA Origins Probe mission. SPIRIT is a spatial and spectral interferometer with an operating wavelength range 25 - 400 microns. SPIRIT will provide sub-arcsecond resolution images and spectra with resolution R = 3000 in a 1 arcmin field of view to accomplish three primary scientific objectives: (1) Learn how planetary systems form from protostellar disks, and how they acquire their inhomogeneous composition; (2) characterize the family of extrasolar planetary systems by imaging the structure in debris disks to understand how and where planets of different types form; and (3) learn how high-redshift galaxies formed and merged to form the present-day population of galaxies. Observations with SPIRIT will be complementary to those of the James Webb Space Telescope and the ground-based Atacama Large Millimeter Array. All three observatories could be operational contemporaneously.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in J. Adv. Space Res. on 26 May 200