259 research outputs found


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    There are multiple goals for this project. The first goal of this project is to design, assemble and simulate additional aerodynamic components. Another goal is to create a product that can analyze various angles of attack of Aerodynamic components. The product will be used on, or off the track to determine the lift coefficients of vehicles at varying speeds. I will be using my 1992 Honda Civic for testing and compare my physical results to my simulated tests. The project did come with a list of design and manufacturing challenges along with additional finical cost which has resulted in some setbacks along the way

    Spectral and Stochastic Solutions to Boundary Value Problems on Magnetic Graphs

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    A magnetic graph is a graph G equipped with an orientation structure σ on its edges. The discrete magnetic Laplace operator LσG, a second-order difference operator for complex-valued functions on the vertices of G, has been an interesting and useful tool in discrete analysis for over twenty years. Its role in the study of quantum mechanics has been examined closely since its debut in a classic paper by Lieb and Loss in 1993. In this paper, we pose some boundary value problems associated to this operator, and adapt two classic techniques to the setting of magnetic graphs to solve them. The first technique uses the spectral properties of the operator, and the second technique utilizes random walks adjusted to this particular setting. Throughout, we will prove some useful results including a Green’s identity, mean value characterization of harmonic functions, and extensions of the solution techniques to Kronecker product graphs.Biography:Sawyer Jack Robertson is a Norman native and a sophomore undergraduate student in the Department of Mathematics. He has been participating in undergraduate research for one academic year, and has presented at conferences in four states across the country. He is also a recipient of National Merit, Court, and Rust scholarships and has been recognized nationally for his achievements in academics and research. A passionate mathematics major, he hopes to one day attend graduate school at a top institution and become a research mathematician helping to solve problems arising in research areas across many scientific disciplines.University of Oklahoma Libraries Undergraduate Research Awardsundergraduat

    Kantorovich Duality and Optimal Transport Problems on Magnetic Graphs

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    We consider Lipschitz- and Arens-Eells-type function spaces constructed for magnetic graphs, which are adapted to the magnetic setting from the classical area of optimal transport on discrete spaces. After establishing the duality between this spaces, we prove a characterization of the extreme points of the unit ball in the (magnetic) Lipschitz space as well as a semi-constructive result relating the (magnetic) Arens-Eells norm for functions defined on a magnetic graph to the (classical) Arens-Eells norm for functions defined on the so-called magnetic lift graph.Biography: Sawyer is interested in mathematical analysis who has engaged in research activities out of the OU math department for two years. He is a two-time consecutive recipient of OU Libraries’ Undergraduate Research award. His 2019 paper describes a connection between two spaces which help model transport phenomena, and is currently working to extend this result to more general areas.University Libraries Undergraduate Research Awardundergraduat

    1960: Abilene Christian College Lectures - Full Text

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    Table of Contents: Theme Speeches: Christian Faith in the Modern World Basis of Faith - Leonard Mullens - 9 Authority in Christianity - John T. Smithson, Jr. - 27 Origin and Preservation of the Bible - Neil R. Lightfoot - 44 Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible - David H. Bobo - 62 The Unity of the Bible - Jack Meyer - 91 Faith and Reason - Joe Sanders - 115 The Reasonableness of Supernaturalism - Virgil Trout - 126 The Present Statue of the Doctrine of Organic Evolution - J.D. Thomas - 146 The Nature of Man - Roy F. Osborne, Jr. - 181 Modern Challenges to Christian Morals - Carl Spain - 199 The Christ, Whose Son is He? - Gordon Teel - 232 Special Speeches Teaching the Word of God in Korea - L. Haskell Chessfire - 255 The Influence of Christian Education - Judge Jack Pope - 276 Mission Opportunities in the Far East - Harry Robert Fox - 288 Mission Work in Austria - Robert Skelton - 303 Report from Switzerland - Heinrich Blum - 313 The Work in Nigeria - Rees Byrant - 320 The Training of Evangelists in Foreign Fields - Reiner Kallus - 331 Christian Scholarships - Everett Ferguson - 340 Evangelizing the World - A.R. Holton - 349 Panel Discussions The Significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls The Scrolls and the Text of the Bible - Paul Rotenberry - 357 The Relation between the Religion of the Essenes and that of Early Christians - Jay Smith - 366 Biblical Interpretation Expediency and Pattern Authority - J.W. Roberts - 381 Examples in Pattern Authority - Thomas B. Warren - 392 Mental Health and Sin The Present State of Mental Health Knowledge - Donald R. Sime - 409 The Relationship of Mental Health Problems to Sin - Paul Easley - 421 The Teenager The Problems of Youth - Mack Wayne Craig - 432 Influences for Good - Wyatt Sawyer - 443 The Benefits of Abilene Christian College To the Church - Hulen Jackson - 451 To The Home - Robert S. Bell - 459 \u27To the Community - Louie Welch - 465 Expenses At Abilene Christian College - James C. Kerr - 469 The Graduate School at Abilene Christian College What I Am Getting Now in the ACC Graduate Program - Harold Vanderpool - 475 How the ACC Graduate Program Has Stood Up - Everett Ferguson - 481 What the ACC Graduate Program Ought To Be - Frank Pack - 486 The Importance to the Church of the ACC Graduate Program A.R. Holton - 490 Beware: Large File Size Uploaded by Jackson Hage

    The diverse structures and functions of surfactant proteins

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    Surface tension at liquid–air interfaces is a major barrier that needs to be surmounted by a wide range of organisms; surfactant and interfacially active proteins have evolved for this purpose. Although these proteins are essential for a variety of biological processes, our understanding of how they elicit their function has been limited. However, with the recent determination of high-resolution 3D structures of several examples, we have gained insight into the distinct shapes and mechanisms that have evolved to confer interfacial activity. It is now a matter of harnessing this information, and these systems, for biotechnological purposes

    Cross-sectional interactions between quality of the physical and social environment and self-reported physical activity in adults living in income-deprived communities

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    Background: Understanding the environmental determinants of physical activity in populations at high risk of inactivity could contribute to the development of effective interventions. Socioecological models of activity propose that environmental factors have independent and interactive effects of physical activity but there is a lack of research into interactive effects. Objectives: This study aimed to explore independent and interactive effects of social and physical environmental factors on self-reported physical activity in income-deprived communities. Methods: Participants were 5,923 adults in Glasgow, United Kingdom. Features of the social environment were self-reported. Quality of the physical environment was objectively-measured. Neighbourhood walking and participation in moderate physical activity [MPA] on ≥5 days/week was self-reported. Multilevel multivariate logistic regression models tested independent and interactive effects of environmental factors on activity. Results: ‘Social support’ (walking: OR:1.22,95%CI=1.06-1.41,p<0.01; MPA: OR:0.79,95%CI=0.67-0.94,p<0.01), ‘social interaction’ (walking: OR:1.25,95%CI=1.10-1.42,p<0.01; MPA: OR:6.16,95%CI=5.14-7.37,p<0.001) and ‘cohesion and safety’ (walking: OR:1.78,95%CI=1.56-2.03,p<0.001; MPA: OR:1.93,95%CI=1.65-2.27,p<0.001), but not ‘trust and empowerment’, had independent effects on physical activity. ‘Aesthetics of built form’ (OR:1.47,95%CI=1.22-1.77,p<0.001) and ‘aesthetics and maintenance of open space’ (OR:1.32, 95%CI=1.13-1.54,p<0.01) were related to walking. ‘Physical disorder’ (OR:1.63,95%CI=1.31-2.03,p<0.001) had an independent effect on MPA. Interactive effects of social and physical factors on walking and MPA were revealed. Conclusions: Findings suggest that intervening to create activity-supportive environments in deprived communities may be most effective when simultaneously targeting the social and physical neighbourhood environment
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