50 research outputs found

    A curiosidade denegada: quando a infância negligenciada favorece o risco ao abuso sexual

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    For this work, we adopted the analysis methodology based on a bibliography on child sexual abuse, a theme that contains within itself the ambivalence of being taboo and urgent. Taboo, for being prohibited and surrounded by secrets, discrimination, prejudice and urgent, since it is necessary to provide adequate spaces, ethical and scientifically supported, given the growing and accentuated occurrence of this mode of rape and violence against children. We aim to analyze the importance of Child Sexual Education, so that its work in school education is combined with a legitimate and socially responsible device as a contribution to the fight against child sexual abuse.Para el presente trabajo adoptamos la metodología de análisis basada en una bibliografía sobre abuso sexual infantil, tema que contiene en sí mismo la ambivalencia de ser tabú y urgente. Tabú, por estar prohibido y rodeado de secretos, discriminación, prejuicio y urgencia, ya que es necesario brindar espacios adecuados, éticos y sustentados científicamente, dada la creciente y acentuada ocurrencia de esta modalidad de violación y violencia contra los niños. Nuestro objetivo es analizar la importancia de la Educación Sexual Infantil y que su labor en la educación escolar se alíe como un dispositivo legítimo y socialmente responsable como un aporte a la lucha contra el abuso sexual infantil.Para o presente trabalho adotamos a metodologia de análise a partir de bibliografia sobre o abuso sexual infantil, tema que encerra em si mesmo a ambivalência de ser tabu e urgente. Tabu, por ser proibido e cercado de segredos, discriminação, preconceito e urgente, pois se faz necessária a disponibilização de espaços adequados, éticos e cientificamente respaldados, dada a crescente e acentuada ocorrência deste modo de violação e violência contra a infância. Temos por objetivo analisar a importância de uma Educação Sexual infantil e que, seu trabalho na educação escolar se alie como dispositivo legitimado e socialmente responsável como contribuição ao enfrentamento do abuso sexual infantil

    An assessment of the level of knowledge of secondary school students from the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, regarding Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and prophylactic vaccinations/ Uma avaliação do nível de conhecimento de estudantes do ensino médio do estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, sobre o Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) e as vacinas profiláticas

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    The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge of high school students about HPV and their awareness that a vaccine is available as prophylactic treatment. Nine hundred and eighty-six students were surveyed—the gender distribution being 61.5% female and 38.5% male. Of those surveyed, 67.1% said they had heard of HPV, but only 53.3% of those familiar with the virus knew a prophylactic treatment was available. Female students knew more about HPV than did their male counterparts (71.6% v. 60%), consequently fewer males knew of the vaccine (58.3% v. 50.7%). The students’ acceptance of the HPV vaccine as prophylactic treatment was correlated with both prior knowledge of the virus and the vaccine. Therefore, the study concluded that it is necessary to increase public awareness about HPV and with the availability of a the vaccine as preventative treatment. That is important due to a great level of resistance to vaccination in several states of Brazil. This study highlights the need for new public health policies.

    Caracterização do perfil histopatológico das lesões intra-epiteliais escamosas ou invasivas em mulheres atendidas no Hospital São Marcos em Teresina-Piauí / Characterization of the histopathological profile of squamous or invasive intra-epithelial lesions in women attended at Hospital São Marcos in Teresina-Piauí

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    A neoplasia do colo uterino desponta como uma das principais causas de câncer e óbitos em mulheres em todo o mundo. Sendo o quarto tipo de câncer mais comum entre as mulheres, e o segundo em número de mortes, segundo as estimativas mundiais. O exame histopatológico consiste no diagnóstico definitivo para as lesões cervicais, sendo considerado padrão ouro. A lesão inicial é biopsiada, dirigida pela colposcopia, que muitas vezes também serve como terapêutica. Dada à importância do histopatológico no diagnóstico precoce de lesões intra-epiteliais escamosas como forma de combater a alta incidência de câncer de colo de útero, este estudo objetivou avaliar o perfil destas lesões em mulheres residentes no estado do Piauí, a partir do arquivo de laudos histopatológicos do sistema de informações do câncer do colo do útero (SISCOLO), fornecidas pelo Hospital São Marcos – Teresina – Piauí. Na parte retrospectiva, os 96 blocos analisados eram: NIC I 8 casos (8,51%), NIC II 11 casos (11,70%), NIC III 34 casos (36,17%), Carcinoma invasor/Adenocarcinoma 33 casos (35,11%) e Carcinoma Microinvasor 8 casos (8,51%). A média de idade das pacientes pertencentes a este estudo foi de 49 anos. Sendo estes, 57 (60,64%) vindas do interior do estado e 37 (39,33%) da capital Teresina. Na parte prospectiva com 49 amostras, na qual a média de idade entre elas foi de 40 anos. Sendo estas, 37 (77,1%) oriundas do interior do estado e 11 (22,9%) da capital. Onde foram feitas associações dos laudos histopatológicos com idade, origem, etilismo, coitarca, número de parceiros, onde as estatísticas não foram significativas. O câncer do colo uterino é uma das neoplasias com maior chance de cura quando diagnosticado precocemente. Sendo extremamente importante que o rastreamento ocorra com ampla cobertura e de forma regular para a sua efetividade

    Immunological characteristics of the tumor microenvironment of breast cancer and their utilization as prognostic factor and treatment: a review / Características imunológicas do microambiente tumoral do câncer de mama e sua utilização como fator prognóstico e tratamento: uma revisão

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    Globally, breast cancer is the most diagnosed neoplasm in women. In some countries, it’s consolidated as the type of neoplasm that causes the most deaths, being responsible for premature deaths. The molecular classification of cancer allows specific treatment for each patient; however, some types have resistance that results in an unfavorable prognosis. For this reason, researches are being developed in order to use the complexity of the immune system as a tool to combat the heterogeneity of breast cancer. Lately, studies have evaluated the leukocyte infiltrates present in the tumor microenvironment have become a promising field in therapeutic innovation, which is based on the cellular composition of the neoplastic environment of cancers with poor prognosis, whose immunotherapeutic action is specific to each molecular subtype. The expression of immune cells in the tumor microenvironment has potential for oncological parameters that can help in the treatment and also to define the prognosis.

    Fibroadenoma versus Tumor Phyllodes: como diferenciá-los? / Fibroadenoma versus Tumor Phylodes: how to differentiate them?

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    Objetivo: Avaliar evidências científicas que explanem sobre os critérios diagnósticos que podem ser utilizados para diferenciação entre Tumor Phyllodes e Fibroadenoma. Métodos: A revisão consistiu da busca de artigos disponíveis nas principais bases de dados e foram adotadas as seguintes palavras-chaves: “Fibroadenoma” e “Tumor Phyllodes”. Foram utilizados os seguintes critérios para a seleção: estudos realizados no período de 2008 a 2018, que explanassem sobre as características para um diagnóstico de diferenciação desses Tumores. Foram selecionados 15 artigos que contemplaram os critérios. Resultados: Observou-se que vários estudos utilizaram a deposição de colágeno como um possível marcador de diferenciação, bem como expressão de marcadores moleculares que auxiliam na distinção e servem para observação da progressão da neoplasia. Os exames de imagens podem ser utilizados, mas sofrem variáveis. Enquanto em nível citopatológico e histológico há muita problemática diagnóstica porque os dois tumores têm características semelhantes. Conclusão: As evidências analisadas para uma melhor diferenciação do Tumor Phyllodes e Fibroadenoma, se mostram promissoras, principalmente a nível molecular. Por outro lado, a dificuldade de diferenciação cito e histopatológica, muitas vezes nos exames de imagens, ainda continua presente nos diagnósticos

    Repeated-Doses Toxicity Study of the Essential Oil of Hyptis martiusii

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    Hyptis martiusii Benth. (Lamiaceae) is found in abundance in Northeastern Brazil where it is used in traditional medicine to treat gastric disorders. Since there are no studies reporting the toxicity and safety profile of this species, we investigated repeated-doses toxicity of the essential oil of Hyptis martiusii (EOHM). Swiss mice of both sexes were orally treated with EOHM (100 and 500 mg/kg) for 30 days, and biochemical, hematological, and morphological parameters were determined. No toxicity signs or deaths were recorded during the treatment with EOHM. The body weight gain was not affected, but there was an occasional variation in water and food consumption among mice of both sexes treated with both doses. The hematological and biochemical profiles did not show significant differences except for a decrease in the MCV and an increase in albumin, but these variations are within the limits described for the species. The microscopic analysis showed changes in liver, kidneys, lungs, and spleen; however, these changes do not have clinical relevance since they varied among the groups, including the control group. The results indicate that the treatment of repeated-doses with the essential oil of Hyptis martiusii showed low toxicity in mice

    Recent advances in lanthanide spectroscopy in Brazil

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    This review discusses recent advances in lanthanide spectroscopy involving luminescence applications Q2 carried out in Brazil. The revised topics include glasses, sol–gel, light-emitting diodes, nanoparticles, metal–organic frameworks, coordination polymers, thin films, energy transfer processes, upconversion and development of new theoretical tools. The important role played by Prof. Oscar L. Malta on this subject is evidenced by his many contributions to the broad range of investigations reported here and this review is dedicated to him, on the occasion of his 60th birthday

    Gastroprotective Mechanisms of the Monoterpene 1,8-Cineole (Eucalyptol).

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    Recently, our research group identified and reported 1,8-cineole (CIN), a monoterpene that naturally occur in many aromatic plants, as one of the major constituent of the essential oil from leaves of Hyptis martiusii (EOHM), as well as characterized the gastroprotective action of this oil. The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanisms of action involved in the antiulcer and healing activity of CIN, in order to confirm its correlation with the gastroprotective effect of EOHM. Wistar rats were exposed to different protocols (acute ulceration, gastrointestinal motility and antisecretory activity). In addition, were determinated the involvement of nitric oxide and sulphydryl groups; the levels of gastric mucus, lipid peroxidation, sulphydryl groups and myeloperoxidase activity. The healing ability was evaluated by acetic acid-induced chronic ulcer and histological and immunohistochemical analysis (PCNA, Ki-67 and BrdU). The treatment with CIN inhibited ethanol-, ethanol/HCl- and indomethacin-induced gastric lesions. The highest doses of CIN inhibited gastric emptying, but did not affect intestinal transit. CIN (100 mg/kg) reduced the volume of basal but not stimulated acid secretion. CIN increased levels of mucus (89.3%), prevented depletion of -SH groups (62.6%) and reduced the level of lipid peroxidation (55.3%) and myeloperoxidase activity (59.4%) in the gastric mucosa. In chronic ulcer model, CIN reduced in 43.1% the gastric area lesion, promoted significant regeneration and restoration of the levels of mucus in glandular cells as confirmed by histological analysis; and promoted increase in cell proliferation as evidenced by reactivity for PCNA, Ki-67 and BrdU. This findings demonstrate the role of 1,8-cineole as an important ulcer healing agent and indicate the involvement of antioxidant and cytoprotective mechanisms in the gastroprotective effect of compound. This study also provides evidence that 1,8-cineole is related to the gastroprotective effect of the essential oil of Hyptis martiusii

    Gastroprotective and ulcer healing effects of essential oil of Hyptis martiusii Benth. (Lamiaceae).

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    Hyptis martiusii Benth. is an aromatic plant found in abundance in northeastern Brazil that is used in ethnomedicine to treat gastric disorders. The aim of this study was to elucidate the mechanisms of action involved in the gastroprotection of the essential oil of Hyptis martiusii (EOHM) and to evaluate its healing capacity. Wistar rats were exposed to different protocols and subsequently were treated with 1% Tween-80 aqueous solution (negative control), pantoprazole, carbenoxolone, N-acetylcysteine (depending on the specificity of each model) or EOHM. The antisecretory activity (basal or stimulated) was determined using the pyloric ligature method. The gastroprotective action of nitric oxide and sulphydryl groups (-SH groups), as well as the quantification of adherent mucus and the levels of malondialdehyde and -SH groups in gastric mucosa, were evaluated using ethanol-induced gastric ulcer model. The healing ability was evaluated using the acetic acid-induced gastric ulcer model and histological and immunohistochemical analysis (HE, PAS and PCNA). EOHM (400 mg/kg) reduced the volume and acidity of gastric secretion stimulated by histamine and pentagastrin. The gastroprotective effect of EOHM involves the participation of endogenous sulfhydryl groups. EOHM increased mucus production (54.8%), reduced levels of MDA (72.5%) and prevented the depletion of -SH groups (73.8%) in the gastric mucosa. The treatment with EOHM reduced in 70.3% the gastric lesion area, promoting significant regeneration of the gastric mucosa, as confirmed by histological analysis and analysis of proliferating cell nuclear antigen. The results show that gastroprotective effect of EOHM is mediated by cytoprotective and antioxidant mechanisms and by their antisecretory activity, and suggest that the essential oil of Hyptis martiusii is a promising candidate for the treatment of gastric ulcers